
049 Changes

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I havn't been playing on the server for too long, but one thing ive noticed is that basically nobody plays SCP-049, 035, and 913, and when they do play them they arnt tested on (except 049) and when they breach, basically nothing happens except a bunch of MTF running to go shout at them and or blast them out of existence. I think the main problem with this is that they all need to wait at least 40 minutes to breach, and when they do breach basically nothing happens if theres more than 2 competent MTF online. This post is just about 049 for now, and if these idea are well received I'll probably make one for some other SCPs (like 913 and 035)

One other thing I wondered is why 1048 can leave his cell just from the door being opened, but is balanced in the fact that he needs ears to become dangerous and is subject to Fear-rp, but 049 has to wait in breach queue, can simply be killed instead of recontained, and has a fear of harpoons. I think that 049 should also be allowed to leave whenever his door is opened, because of several reasons.
1. He has to walk everywhere
2. He is scared of harpoons (for some reason) and I think does Fear-rp as well (correct me if I'm wrong)
3. He can't zombify MTF E-11 and B-7, meaning they counter him by existing.
4. His main power, instakilling people by turning them into zombies, doesn't really work because d-block is so far away, and as said before he cant zombify MTF units
There are a few other reasons, but I won't list them here, only a few changes I would make to 049 to make them more fun to both RP as and Breach as. 
1. Letting him leave without having to go in the breach queue. Just like 1048 he is easily recontained and needs to "power up" by making zombies before being a threat.
2. Only B-7 is immune to zombification. This one might seem like a bit of a threat but even if no B-7 is online he can still be fear-rp'd or killed by E-11 or even a horde of mentally disabled Security. also E-11 doesn't wear hazmat suits so it doesn't make sense why they are immune to 049 or 008.
These might seem small, but 049 being able to breach whenever is quite a risk, mainly because if he goes unnoticed he can snag a few people on their way to do HCZ tests, which gives him some zombies to defend himself from MTF. Also, it gives B-7 a real purpose besides being 5 extra E-11 containment units who don't get as good gear. 

Tell me what you think about these changes! As said I don't have much playtime so for all I know these ideas are totally stupid but I'd like to see what everyone thinks about them.

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+1 for making e11 not immune to zombification, it's like saying "ok let's make the only people with tools able to contain this SCP also completely invulnerable to the SCP and be able to shoot the SCP with no repercussions"

also nerf harpoons 

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-1 049 doesnt need a buff, there be brainless nu7, security researchers and others not immune in HCZ. And not making the breach alert will be very annoying/unfair, imagine you are just walking through HCZ and behind the next corner is 049, you get turned into a zombie and didint get to report it on comms and I think the reason 1048 doesnt go In the breach queue because he is in lore escaped.

Why would the stronger/better Version of containment units be weaker? If something make B7 not immune but that's dumb too, the purpose of B-7 is to let people test out containment units.

And for 049 to be terminated people need perms from the Highest ranking on site at that time.

And finally, this server isnt breach rp, so buffing scps or changing breach timer would make it breach focused which only the recontainment units and the scps like. 

Edited by Jonathan Lee
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On 1/6/2021 at 6:41 AM, Bleau said:

1. Letting him leave without having to go in the breach queue. Just like 1048 he is easily recontained and needs to "power up" by making zombies before being a threat.

Recontainment for 1048: 2 people required. 1 cuffs him other holds him under fearrp. After being cuffed gets returned to CC
1048 can't open doors and can only steal ears and make another instance of himself after a couple of ears(not sure how much).

Recontainment for 049: You can do it with 2 but 3 is easier. All 3 hold harpoons out and funnel him towards his CC. 

049 can open doors can make zombies instantly.

Now making him a no breach queue SCP would be dumb since he can open door whenever he gets recontained or if the button from inside got removed, anyone can just walk to his cc and open his door and run away(just like 096).


On 1/6/2021 at 6:41 AM, Bleau said:

2. Only B-7 is immune to zombification. This one might seem like a bit of a threat but even if no B-7 is online he can still be fear-rp'd or killed by E-11 or even a horde of mentally disabled Security. also E-11 doesn't wear hazmat suits so it doesn't make sense why they are immune to 049 or 008.

Even if this was implemented, E11 could just hold out harpoons and if 049 converts them into zombies, they can call staff for failrp as 049 is ignoring the harpoon to make the E11 a zombie.

If you played recontainment you would know how aids the harpoons are as 049 can bypass it sometimes and just attack you nonstop.


Edited by Royal
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049 allows for RP to happen

Be it the RP of converting someone to a -2, or simply talk.

035 possess people, therefore those who play him, possess people as the RP.

If research got equipment they could use that avoided them being possessed when conducting an interview with 035, then tests would skyrocket. 

For 913, he eats the test, the Class D Personell,  and the Researcher. 913 literally eats the RP. Hence why so little of it. 

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On 1/6/2021 at 3:58 AM, Royal said:

Recontainment for 1048: 2 people required. 1 cuffs him other holds him under fearrp. After being cuffed gets returned to CC
1048 can't open doors and can only steal ears and make another instance of himself after a couple of ears(not sure how much).

Recontainment for 049: You can do it with 2 but 3 is easier. All 3 hold harpoons out and funnel him towards his CC. 

049 can open doors can make zombies instantly.

Now making him a no breach queue SCP would be dumb since he can open door whenever he gets recontained or if the button from inside got removed, anyone can just walk to his cc and open his door and run away(just like 096).


Even if this was implemented, E11 could just hold out harpoons and if 049 converts them into zombies, they can call staff for failrp as 049 is ignoring the harpoon to make the E11 a zombie.

If you played recontainment you would know how aids the harpoons are as 049 can bypass it sometimes and just attack you nonstop.


Hate to say it but the harpoon forces 049 away without his own movement, so no "ignoring the harpoon" is something that can't happen outside of a few glitched occasions

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19 hours ago, Poe Edgar said:

Hate to say it but the harpoon forces 049 away without his own movement, so no "ignoring the harpoon" is something that can't happen outside of a few glitched occasions

Most 049s try resisting the harpoon and attack me for fun while my harpoon is out. I just refer to that as ignoring the harpoon

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On 1/6/2021 at 6:09 AM, Jonathan Lee said:

-1 049 doesnt need a buff, there be brainless nu7, security researchers and others not immune in HCZ. And not making the breach alert will be very annoying/unfair, imagine you are just walking through HCZ and behind the next corner is 049, you get turned into a zombie and didint get to report it on comms. I think the reason 1048 doesnt go In the breach queue because he is in lore escaped already. Why would the stronger/better Version of containment units be weaker? If something make B7 not immune but that's dumb too, they dont need a purpose they aare suppose to Be a Job that lets them test re containment units. And to be terminated people need perm from the Highest ranking on site at that time. And finally, this server isnt breach rp, so buffing scps or changing breach timer would make it breach focused which only the recontainment units and the scps like. 

litteraly this

049 doesn't need a buff, just leave it as it is smh


i have overdosed 4 times since being banned from scp rp

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I get what you mean but rather than this big combat buff some RP changes could be made, 4:30am so no examples rn but you’ve basically just buffed him to shit ngl, sounds almost as annoying as 457

Edited by WolfyGT


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