Marko Polo

Give CG access to Dropship!

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What your suggestion is:

Give CG access to dropship, probably in a similar way to how 501st gets it. 

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Any additional information:

There is a lot of lore about Shock Troopers/Coruscant Guard having access to it. I know even though things exist in the lore, they aren't necessarily balanced to implement ingame, but in this case it makes sense and there are multiple uses for it as stated below.

Used for searches/patrol craft, eg whenever clones have left MB.

As CG is a regiment that should assist wherever needed (for example when DU is lacking CG places barricades) having a dropship can help them do so if CE is lacking. As CG doesn't fill one specific role in events, there would be time for CG hierarchy to help in those cases when transports are lacking.

When CG for example stays behind in MB (sometimes with DU, but usually DU is needed in the frontlines to put up barricades) and other regiments are pushing, a dropship would be useful to help CG get to the frontlines faster if they are no longer needed in MB, which has happened quite a lot. Also taking with them any troopers that have respawned and don't have CE transport.

Used for prisoner/VIP escorts. CG used to have access to speeders but they weren't too useful since they were limited when it came to escorting people, which was one of their primary goals. With dropships CG could first of all transport more prisoners/VIP(s) since there is more room in a dropship but also have room for more CG if needed (to protect the VIP(s) or make sure that the prisoners aren't escaping). For reference, when CG is transporting a prisoner, there should always be at least one other CG than the one taking the prisoner, sometimes even more depending on the value of the prisoner. A dropship would obviously also make this faster. 


Hierarchy Approved


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CG Has needed a transport for a while. And the dropship would be the best veihcle to imploment.


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I can only see the transport being used in searching and prisoner transport situations which seems like a waste as a regiment getting a dropship is a big deal. I understand that it would make complete sense for CG to have and utilise a LAAT/LE lore-wise but, from an outsider's perspective, i don't see this as being very useful for a largely static, defensive regiment. Imo the reintroduction of an LFS police speeder for catching criminals or transporting VIPs would be more useful.

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21st Commander - Jedi Paladin - 74th AMO - Battalion Captain - GM Colonel


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1 hour ago, Bean said:

i don't see this as being very useful for a largely static, defensive regiment. Imo the reintroduction of an LFS police speeder for catching criminals or transporting VIPs would be more useful.

-1 Pretty much what Bean said

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Will not be used that much to catch suspects as no one really leaves Mb. If they do you can always ask battalion for help. I sometimes give CG transpirt with the laat to help them find the suspect or call CE to transport them however this doesn't hapoen that often


However giving CG speeders is a huge +1 as it can be used for both catching suspects and VIP escort which would give CG something to do and is really epic

Edited by Victor

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Use Speeders. There will be no situation where a dropship will be absolutely necessary for CG. 501st have dropships so they can flank which actually has a tactical advantage. After all, I've seen Hash put his LAAT/i to good use with flanking and he hasn't needed a dropship.

Also you mentioned escort but the dropship will be absolutely inept (though very ambitious) at fighting enemy ships as it's the gunner that has to do all the work with 2 gimble turrets (which should only really be used for self defence). If needs be, Battalion, CE or RC can get into Z-95 Headhunters or ARC-170s/V-19 Torrents and escort ships. Even when transporting prisoners, Cobalt can use his LAAT/i or if he isn't there, RC/Battalion can use their ships. 

On maps such as rp_coruscantbelow, denon, etc. you can't even fly ships and so the dropship will be useless. Speeders will be much more useful in police situations.

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-1 sorry -1 from me the amount it will be used is close to none when it may need use you can get CE or batt to help and its not a combat situation youll need it for so waiting 1 minute to get a LAAT set up wont be the worst

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Not needed, a vehicle that can assist you in pursuing a suspect would be useful but you would not need a drop ship for this.

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While I see why this has been suggested, the current dropship is not a necessity for CG for two reasons:

1. The chance of CG needing to immobilise with an air vehicle is extremely rare. If needed CE, RC, Battalion or any Commander and even some jedi may assist in transport.

2. We are still looking for a speeder which will fit CG's needs as a quick way to catch or transport someone. In the meantime, I am sure the regiments I specified above will be more than happy to help.


In addition, 501st has the dropship to get to the frontlines first and take the hits with their boosted HP and close range weapons. CG is meant to either stay in the backline and defend key areas of the base or in rare cases build barricades, if DU & CE are missing. CG is not meant to be a transport regiment and if were given the dropship, would be asked to use it only in arrest/prisoner transport. I also assure you that the speeders which CG had were of most use to those who could use it.


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