
LAAT in Entitylist

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What your suggestion is:
Add the LAAT into the Entitylist of every CMDR

Scriptfodder/workshop link:

Any additional information:
I mean as CMDR you get FT'd to fly a LAAT but for some reason you cant spawn it in the F4 Menu and you have to call an admin all the time instead so I don't see a reason why this shouldn't be added then.



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Such a small thing and can be useful for Commanders when asked to fly in the absence of CE. Commander is a trustworthy rank so I doubt abuse will occur

As for the staff side I do not see this effecting the claims 

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When I was commander I had personally requested this to Mambo/Sniffles/Jack and he said that Harland had said that although commanders are LAAT flight trained it does not mean they need to use it regurlarly as there is CE for transport and you need to be granted to use your ship, and besides some late night events all commanders use them for is PFTs or some creative trainings. 

I had always wanted them in the f4 but I do see the reasoning as to why it is not. Either way calling staff for spawning an LAAT is usually very quick. And if staff spawn them in they can no-collide them, unlike the commanders, to avoid accidents. 

Another reason was that commanders could abuse it. However this point is invalid if you take into account that any CE that reaches the rank of NCO can spawn it in through f4 menu anyway, and at commander you would most likely find more responsible people than any random NCO. That being said not all commanders are always are exaclty responsible, from experience.

There are fair arguments for and against and it no longer actually affect me. But I will lean to the +1 side because it is something I always wanted as CMDR.


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9 hours ago, Kids said:

I had always wanted them in the f4 but I do see the reasoning as to why it is not. Either way calling staff for spawning an LAAT is usually very quick. And if staff spawn them in they can no-collide them, unlike the commanders, to avoid accidents. 

I mean (idk how it is for other CMDR) I mainly use it for PFTs in the evening and there would be no reason to nocolide it then, aswell if CE needs their LAATs nocolided they have to call an admin anyway but at least the LAAT is already setup.

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+1 I agree it would be very useful and commanders are responsible enough

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Even though it could come in handy, and i love for Commanders to be able to spawn it in. I would personally not like to fly a LAAT that is not no-collided. So there needs to be a admin involved then anyway.

Edited by Zab

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16 hours ago, Nathan said:


Such a small thing and can be useful for Commanders when asked to fly in the absence of CE. Commander is a trustworthy rank so I doubt abuse will occur

As for the staff side I do not see this effecting the claims 

I agree with Nathan here, and as Blaster said there is no harm in adding this feature. 501st EXO can spawn in a Dropship without calling an admin and the rank is no where near as trusted as the commander's role, nor does it have the same amount of responsibility. I get that Commander's LAATs are used as a substitute to CE when they are absent and 501st use the dropships regularly in events but again they deserve the ability to spawn their own LAATs lmao

Edited by Dave
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The thing is, the only moment commanders are to fly is:
A) Under map switches
B) For transport

The first instance is completely negligible, since LAATs are set up by the EP. The second requires CE being and staff to be absent and usually staff are quite quick at slapping down and noclipping a LAAT.

That being said, it's a bother having to call staff to spawn in a LAAT, but being FT doesn't mean you get to deploy one whenever and the case of them needing noclip requires a staff member either way.

It goes both ways.


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