
ubban request

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My In-Game name: james

STEAMID: (http://steamidfinder.com) unkown

Steam Name: W.G.TTV.memeking

What is the reason for your ban: rdm x4 

How long were you banned for: 2 weeks

Name of the staff member who banned you: unkown

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: i do not mean too cause trouble and i dont expect a straight unban even a lowering of the time would be fine i enjoy werwolf and if i didnt i wouldnt have donated it takes a lot of respect from me too give them my money and i love werwolf

Evidence: none

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Current Ranks [CWRP]
Admiral | Reserve Medic
CWRP Super Administrator | Lead Mentor
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CE Marshal Commander | 74th ST MD | CT TRP "4625" - CT PVT | CT DCPL
Jedi Sage | Jedi Warlock | Jedi Sentinel | Jedi Shadow Jedi Peacekeeper
 Event Planner Staff Mentor
[WW2 1943RP]
 Panzer-Abteilung "Großdeutschland" Gefreiter - Unteroffizere (13/02/21 - 25/03/21)
ST TRP "4625" | JT Corporal | IE BFT PFC501st PFC
 Rebel Alpha Group Major

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Ok first of all you are missing your Steam ID in your request, which you need to have in it (there is a link in the template that will allow you to find your own Steam ID).

Now this is not the only thing you have done over the time you were playing on the server. There was a lot more than this, mainly your kick from CE for flying a ship without FT and nearly killing multiple clones. Last night you were really just annoying people and doing stuff that only pissed off staff like this:


Saying that you wouldn't have donated to the server, if you didn't like it is cool and all, but that doesn't give you any special priviliges to break the rules.

Just wait out those 2 weeks and think about what you want to do, before you come back again.

Edited by Klavigar

Current ranks

HLRP Trial mod



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2 hours ago, Klavigar said:


Ok first of all you are missing your Steam ID in your request, which you need to have in it (there is a link in the template that will allow you to find your own Steam ID).

Now this is not the only thing you have done over the time you were playing on the server. There was a lot more than this, mainly your kick from CE for flying a ship without FT and nearly killing multiple clones. Last night you were really just annoying people and doing stuff that only pissed off staff like this:


Saying that you wouldn't have donated to the server, if you didn't like it is cool and all, but that doesn't give you any special priviliges to break the rules.

Just wait out those 2 weeks and think about what you want to do, before you come back again.

and lastly let me add you paying plat vip on SCP RP doesnt mean anything you minged on SCP rp and you are currently minging here.Platinum VIP is there for a reason and that is for *ahem* DONATIONS if you enjoy the server that is a way you can support it and in turn you are getting services so paying for Plat vip doesnt give you any privileges and you are 9 years old so I suggest you grow up and come back since you are pretty childish and people are here to make fun of you.You have BLed and kicked from multiple regiments and also everybody thinks you are cringe and doesnt want to be near your me being the primary example if I was CG you would have been arrested multiple times by me for valid reasons and your AR's tells me that you are just here to minge at the Nu-7 Discord you also minged I dont know how but still me and the boys were playing HOI4 and you just barged in and played loud/earrape noises that pissed us off since we were planning for invasions etc. so I suggest for you to read the rules mature yourself up and come back after what you have done -1

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im not fucking 9



2 minutes ago, ✪Kanser CS.MONEY said:

and lastly let me add you paying plat vip on SCP RP doesnt mean anything you minged on SCP rp and you are currently minging here.Platinum VIP is there for a reason and that is for *ahem* DONATIONS if you enjoy the server that is a way you can support it and in turn you are getting services so paying for Plat vip doesnt give you any privileges and you are 9 years old so I suggest you grow up and come back since you are pretty childish and people are here to make fun of you.You have BLed and kicked from multiple regiments and also everybody thinks you are cringe and doesnt want to be near your me being the primary example if I was CG you would have been arrested multiple times by me for valid reasons and your AR's tells me that you are just here to minge at the Nu-7 Discord you also minged I dont know how but still me and the boys were playing HOI4 and you just barged in and played loud/earrape noises that pissed us off since we were planning for invasions etc. so I suggest for you to read the rules mature yourself up and come back after what you have done -1


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To fill in some things on the template You were banned by Zab for Multiple failRP warns, RDMx4 and a PME. Your steam id is STEAM_0:0:196645105

You have been using RRM to minge since you were demoted as a CT killing clones for no reason, creating PME's as an excuse and getting multiple Fail RP warns, if you read the server rules then you would know how not to break these rules but even after breaking them and being told not to do them you go back to doing it again. The RRM job should be used to play as a republic mercenary which means you get access to a sniper rifle a speeder and a grapple hook, just because you have this equipment doesn't mean you are exempt from the server rules and just because you have access to RRM doesn't mean you can start creating PME's saying that you are a mandolorian clan leader.  As other people have said donating or buying items from the store does not give you special privileges, you just are whitelisted to more jobs so you have more options to roleplay.

In my opinion you should stick with the 2 week ban take some time to read the server rules and if you do want to come back don't start minging on the other jobs and breaking the rules otherwise you'll just end up stuck in the same situation.


Current Ranks

Gambling Addict
McDonald's Employee

Past Ranks

Conscientious objector

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You can't accidentally do RDM x4, as Clopter said you have been minging on the VIP Jobs and I have seen this while in game, the reason for this because you couldn't be bothered to get re-trained to being a CT. You have picked up a good few warns and by my experiences the ban was justified. You had said to me that because you paid for VIP means you can do whatever you want on the job. This is false you are not exempt from the rules because you are on a VIP job, all rules still apply to you.

Wait out the ban duration, come back get re-trained and have a read of the server rules.



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Current Ranks:
Battalion Warrant Officer Event Planner


Past Ranks:
Battalion 2nd LT | GM SOF LCOL | Event Planner | GM LT CMDR | 212th SGTM


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Ban is valid. Take the time to read our server rules and avoid repeating the same mistake. The ban length is due to the accumolation of the rule breakings, which include RDM, PME, FailRP and possibly more which I am unaware of.


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