John Killvel I Sammy

MTF Tau-5 "Samsara"

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--Information from SCP WIKI--

MTF Tau-5 ("Samsara")


Task Force Mission:Cyborg clones created from the flesh of a dead god, Tau-5 utilizes esoteric and experimental Foundation weaponry to investigate and contain thaumaturgic, magical, and psionic threats.

Assisting In Containment of Objects:


Action Reports:


Tau-5 is a MTF unit especially designed for XK-Class end of the world scenarios or CK-Class restructuring events, during these times the MTF unit is permitted to leave the site and under any circumstance they are not to be stopped and they will be the last hope for humanity.


When it is a standard day Tau-5 is to stay on site and assist with any raids being performed on the foundation or assist in any recontaiment of KETER class SCPs, they are not allowed to lay hands on any SAFE class SCPs unless formally told by at least 3 members of site administration or one of the O5 council members.


Tau-5 are not technically human so they do not feel remorse or any gilt but when they are presented with the threat of being killed they will try anything they can to stay alive and keep the members of the MTF unit alive, this may even cause their own lives to be lost in the process but they are constantly instilled with “the mission comes first” phrase and members of the MTF unit will never really care for their comprads being MIA/KIA.


As the MTF unit never really cares about themselves they are not to be rescued under any circumstance when captured.


--Tau-5 Loadout--





Extrema Ratio MK21

Frag Grenade


Hacking Keycard

Police Cuffs, Tactical, Elastic and Face Scanner


Containment Expert




Extrema Ratio MK21

Frag Grenade


Hacking Keycard

Police Cuffs, Tactical,Elastic and Containment Cuffs


Enlisted Soldier




Extrema Ratio MK21

Frag Grenade


Hacking Keycard

Police Cuffs, Tactical,Elastic Restrainment


Each unit has 15% more HP than the average MTF team along with only having 40% armor, the average speed of an enlisted unit will be increased by 10% for the rare times that they will need to go out onto the surface.


--Tau-5 salary--

Commander: 4500$

 Containment Expert:3000$

Enlisted Soldier:2500$




--Tau-5 Job space--

2 Commander Maximal On Site

4 Containment Expert Maximal On Site

4 enlisted Maximal On Site





In-game Name:


Steam ID:


Playtime(5 days minimum):

In-game Warns and reason (Must provide a screenshot):


In your own words describe what Tau-5 is(50 words minimum):


What can you bring to Tau-5?(120 Words minimum):


Do you know how to recontain any Keter class scp?:


Any Battle experience from other units?(like Nu7 or E11):


You get captured by CI and he wants you to open Gate A. What do you do and why?:

A Tau-5 member gets captured by CI what do you do and why?:


Have you read the rules of SCP-RP and understand them (One word is not an answer):


Job Types

Commander is given once trusted by a member of Group management

Enlisted and Containment is given once you have applied for the group on the forums


Tau-5 Unit Management team

John Killvel - Owner

Jake Patrick - Head Group Manager


Additional info


The SCP wiki does say that Tau-5 members are immortal but due to this nature we have removed that part and are having it as mortal creatures that are not technically human to not break roleplay on the server.


The Tau-5 is the only MTF squad that is permitted to go out on surface during an XK-Class end of the world scenario or CK-Class restructuring event.


We Wanted to revive the Tau-5 squad and this time it will be stricter than you might think, for any further questions please feel free to ask at any point.

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Change the 5 to a 4 and god damn I'm in.

Tau 5 is an interesting MTF but is currently unneeded on the server as we have by far enough MTFs at the moment so unless one is removed there is no need to ask a whole task force.

I do not really know you or your co manager and I think you should both try getting experience first managing a group before jumping into managing a whole group of your own.

I haven't really been active whenever Tau5 is on the server so I wont comment on how it was received in the past.

I am here to launder money

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1 minute ago, Kvisten said:


Everytime I saw T-5 back then has just been aids and the job itself is just shit.


I understand the issue here and if I see anything that hits to rule breaking the person in question will be punnished and if they failrp or break fear rp they will most likely be kicked from the group and black listed so they can not rejoin at any point but however thank you for your feedback

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3 minutes ago, Nathan Kennedy said:


Change the 5 to a 4 and god damn I'm in.

Tau 5 is an interesting MTF but is currently unneeded on the server as we have by far enough MTFs at the moment so unless one is removed there is no need to ask a whole task force.

I do not really know you or your co manager and I think you should both try getting experience first managing a group before jumping into managing a whole group of your own.

I haven't really been active whenever Tau5 is on the server so I wont comment on how it was received in the past.

Yes Tau-5 is interesting and that's why I am attempting to do so, in my next try if this gets denied I will take all the feedback into consideration and yes we do need more experience managing groups, this seemed like a good opportunity to start, I personally have a good amount of experience with being staff and running groups outside of roleplay

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Actually i will give it try for a reboot maybe this Tau-5 willbe better and not totally retarded the last Tau-5 gave this unit a bad name but it will be cool to see it again ingame and as sammy said you can report everybody to him when he break rules so i think he can handle this hes a good man 

I try my best that somebody like me

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4 minutes ago, Windows XP said:


Unneeded/doesn't ever seem to work out


2 minutes ago, Matthew Wickers said:

-1 Was cool I really enjoyed playing it but nah atm there is too much kids and will abuse it a lot. No thx

I am starting to see that yes it is a bad time as people are saying that there are 2 many MTF units on the server at the moment

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4 hours ago, Kvisten said:


Everytime I saw T-5 back then it has just been aids and simply retarded while the job itself is just shit.


That is just an retarded player not knowing or intentionally violating the rules. I don't think it is the fault of the unit T-5 exactly.  Though I am not really convinced about this aswell.


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A lot of people in this thread are basing their opinion on the old Tau-5 and I don't blame em.

Thing is in your suggestion your Tau-5 isn't immortal / has nlr so I'm more so wondering what's the point.

It has nothing different than a regular MTF , this is closer to TRO than it is to the old Tau-5.

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I mean with Tau-5 just being a "mortal soldier"  now, it's just any other MTF on the server, so it doesn't really add anything new to server that E-11 and Nu-7 and B-7 don't already add.
I agree with Seb on this one.

Scprp is bad, run while you can!!
Good Night GIFDog Morning GIF
seal GIF 

  • SCP-RP Current Ranks: PlatVIPSCP-RP Administrator, Junior Developer, MTF Nu-7 NCO, Head Of Manufacturing Department (Owner), Head of External Affairs, Site Director, The Serpents Hand (Vice-Manager)
  • SCP-RP Past Ranks:   Organization for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts, Sarkic Cultist, Marshall Carter N' Dark Salesman, Ethics Committee Member, Epsilon-11 Commander, Unusual Incidents Unit Special Agent in Charge (Vice-Manager), GRU-P, Head Researcher, Internal Security Department, SCP-096
  • HLRP Past Ranks:  Civil Industrial Union Journeyman, Civil Medical Union Nurse
  • CW-RP  Past Ranks: PlatVIP, Combat Engineer COL, Adv Medic

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3 hours ago, Fayne™ said:

A lot of people in this thread are basing their opinion on the old Tau-5 and I don't blame em.

Thing is in your suggestion your Tau-5 isn't immortal / has nlr so I'm more so wondering what's the point.

It has nothing different than a regular MTF , this is closer to TRO than it is to the old Tau-5.


2 hours ago, Joe Conner said:

I mean with Tau-5 just being a "mortal soldier"  now, it's just any other MTF on the server, so it doesn't really add anything new to server that E-11 and Nu-7 and B-7 don't already add.
I agree with Seb on this one.

I didn't want to add the immortality part into the group as I didn't want to hinder any roleplay that is in the server already and I did not want people to complain about it being overpowered or it breaking any rules.


tbh people have a habit on the server with saying stuff is overpowered

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Alright well I love responding to Job Suggestions and I want to become Fixer, so gimme a second.

12 hours ago, John Killvel I Sammy said:

2 Commander Maximal On Site

4 Containment Expert Maximal On Site

4 enlisted Maximal On Site

This makes raids/SCP breaches completely useless if they have a loadout that isn't just pistols. 2 Commanders is even more than Nu-7 and A-1.


12 hours ago, John Killvel I Sammy said:

this may even cause their own lives to be lost in the process but they are constantly instilled with “the mission comes first” phrase and members of the MTF unit will never really care for their comprads being MIA/KIA.

This sounds like a way to break FearRP/ConsequenceRP but I digress that probably wasn't your intention, just pointing it out.


12 hours ago, John Killvel I Sammy said:

Jake Patrick - Head Group Manager

Who is this? They're not in the Discord and they're apparently not on the forums at all either. There is no mention of them.

12 hours ago, John Killvel I Sammy said:

The SCP wiki does say that Tau-5 members are immortal but due to this nature we have removed that part and are having it as mortal creatures that are not technically human to not break roleplay on the server.


The Tau-5 is the only MTF squad that is permitted to go out on surface during an XK-Class end of the world scenario or CK-Class restructuring event.

This part has just limited other MTF units while also making it so that Tau-5 isn't really Tau-5. 

All in all this is a -1 from me, the MTF just doesn't retain its place on the server especially after all the changes that have happened since the last iteration of it.

Also @Nathan Kennedy suggest Tau-4 I wanna join

Edited by John Synergy
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29 minutes ago, John Synergy said:

Alright well I love responding to Job Suggestions and I want to become Fixer, so gimme a second.

This makes raids/SCP breaches completely useless if they have a loadout that isn't just pistols. 2 Commanders is even more than Nu-7 and A-1.


This sounds like a way to break FearRP/ConsequenceRP but I digress that probably wasn't your intention, just pointing it out.


Who is this? They're not in the Discord and they're apparently not on the forums at all either. There is no mention of them.

This part has just limited other MTF units while also making it so that Tau-5 isn't really Tau-5. 

All in all this is a -1 from me, the MTF just doesn't retain its place on the server especially after all the changes that have happened since the last iteration of it.

Also @Nathan Kennedy suggest Tau-4 I wanna join

I have been trying to get Jake to sign up to the forums and start being apart of the community a bit more (Don't seem to be working) and ye tbh at this point I'm not surprised that I'm getting the down votes, reading through the information again just seems like I messed up big time.

No the breaking FearRP/ConsequenceRP was not my intention, I also stated that they will show fear if displayed with the option of death, idk if this was removed on accident.

I will probably try again in the future, maybe v7 or something like that if I'm still apart of the community, Thank you for your feed back

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On 4/16/2021 at 6:27 PM, Kvisten said:


Everytime I saw T-5 back then it has just been aids and simply retarded while the job itself is just shit.


Im more interested in what the fuck that researcher was doing actually. like 9 dclass were in cuffs that seems more important then anything in this video 

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