
why was i banned

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My In-Game name: james

STEAMID: (http://steamidfinder.com)

Steam Name: W.G.TTV.memeking

What is the reason for your ban: unkown

How long were you banned for: 12 days

Name of the staff member who banned you: unkown

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: if it was ltarp im sorry my dad said i had too go sleep or if it was ltap but all the same i did as i was told and went too sleep  it was late so i listend too my dad but i am sorry about what i did and i have just donated so this pretty fucking anoying

Evidence: none

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Low effort unban request where you didnt even include your SteamID as well. The ban is also for 6 weeks and not for 2 weeks so you most likely just copied and pasted from your last unban request.

You were unbanned only 2 days ago and in that time you have received 7 warnings from different staff. You have in the past been given verbal warnings over and over again and you have never shown willingness to improve. You still act the same after Staff talking to you about your behaviour and what to do and what not to do. Yesterday morning you decided to insult Fusion in OOC after being arrested for a valid reason and it shows how immature you are. It also shows you have not improved after your 2-week ban. This 6-week ban will be good for you and I know a lot of people want it to be even longer.

You also messed around on VIP jobs only and didnt want to be trained again which shows that youre only here to minge and not there to role-play. You also drove your speeder with no care in the world after getting at least 4 verbal warnings from what I know. It just shows that you´re not here to actually role-play.

Don't expect to come back and be able to act the way you were before. Your last ban was for Many failRP, RDMx4, PME and then come back and continue acting like that. Please improve throughout these 6 weeks and read over the rules. To make sure you can come back to the server and have a good time. While still making sure to follow the rules and make sure everyone else will also have a good time.

It doesnt matter if your dad or not told you to leave after your AOS. You were told you would be banned for it but you didnt care and that means that the ban is still and should be there. 

Edited by Nesta

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It doesn't matter that you're dad told you to go to bed or not. It does not change the fact that you LTARP.
Also you have accumulated a lot of warns recently and been a nuisance to some of the staff members. 
So personally I think you should take your ban as a reflection of your poor behaviour.  



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You just got back from a ban and you get 7 warns in one day, you obviously have no intention to roleplay as of now and the ban should stay and hopefully when you come back you will have some intention of roleplaying and not breaking rules after being warned multiple times. If you are not sure what the rules are do !rules next time you're in game and read them.

LTARP is still LTARP no matter the reason unless it is not you're own fault such as internet problems or game crashes.

If you are so annoyed about donating and getting banned don't break the rules and you won't get banned lad.


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The warns you had picked up in 1 day is extreme, I think it was 7 warns. Keeping in mind you didn't even get trained and just minged on VIP jobs. There were multiple more occasions where you were prop spamming etc and I had to give you a verbal warning on multiple occasions. Furthermore as Clopter said you had just got back from a previous ban, so concludingly if you had learn your lesson you would come back with at least some intent to roleplay which by your actions doesn't seem present to me.


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You clearly haven't learnt anything from your previous bans.
Just because you donated doesn't been you automatically have an un-ban pass/minge pass. Just sit it out

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james i have told you before mature up, and stop fking around

Big minge

No no no

Just read the rules and dont break them its not hard i can even help you Here 

if you keep it up after 6 weeks u will most likely get a perma ban sry, i have tried to help you when you were learning but clearly you dont understand

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7 warns in 1 day is inexcusable. You are 7 warns away from a permanent ban, so I'd take the time off to read the rules carefully and stop messing around. You also failed to provide a steamid, let's hope you won't have to make an unban request again. The fact that you donated to the server does not make you immune from any punishments.


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