
44 Days Later..... Gate unban request

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My In-Game name: Gate

STEAMID:  STEAM_0:0:229206570

Steam Name: Gate

What is the reason for your ban: posting a PICTURE NOT IP ( for those who think picture means ip)

How long were you banned for: perma 

Name of the staff member who banned you: I don’t know 

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: I don’t believe I should be unbanned but I do think that under the circumstances that the staff would have known if they messaged me on discord that I did not know that was counted as doxing I thought that was just getting someone’s ip and leaking it, then my ban might have been shorter by like a month or 2 rather than a perma so I think under the conditions my ban time should be reduced to a more fair length of time, im am sorry for doing this i didnt know what i was doing prior to the event that got my banned. And the only reason i reposted my unban request is because i thought it had been forgotten about due to it being pending for 44 days and i am just trying to get the attention again saying ive been waiting for a while looking at "Pending" and i just wanna get an answer rather than be left in suspense, because yes i know what i did was wrong but i would like to be able to play the server again as it was the main server i played on gmod but then again thats not up to me im just wanting an answer.

Edited by TheReturnOfGate
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43 minutes ago, TheReturnOfGate said:

"I did not know that was counted as doxing I thought that was just getting someone’s ip and leaking it"

Well I mean that was pretty obvious what it is. Grabbing an IP and posting it in Discord. -1



dance yoda.gif

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To my knowledge of the situation, which is vague this is a community ban for doxxing which by definition can be classed as to: "search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet, typically with malicious intent.". Whilst your intent may have not been malicious you were trusted with said information, namely the social media account of who I am assuming was once your friend and without a statement from them explaining their side and having them clarify that it was just a laugh and they are fine with it. Until then I do not believe this case should proceed any further than it already has.

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26 minutes ago, Jendo said:

To my knowledge of the situation, which is vague this is a community ban for doxxing which by definition can be classed as to: "search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet, typically with malicious intent.". Whilst your intent may have not been malicious you were trusted with said information, namely the social media account of who I am assuming was once your friend and without a statement from them explaining their side and having them clarify that it was just a laugh and they are fine with it. Until then I do not believe this case should proceed any further than it already has.

What he said


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4 hours ago, TheReturnOfGate said:

I don’t believe I should be unbanned

Then why are making an unban request.

Pretty much what Jendo said, you should have known better.

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if you neeks look i clearly say if any staff bothered their arse they woulda known it was an accident in which i suggested a time reduction on the ban to like a month or so NOT a unban and before yous all go crying "OmG WhYs DiD YoU MaKe An UnBaN ReQuEsT ThEn" how else am i ment to get the attention for it its not like theres a category for  Reduction of ban time so shush fact is i didnt disagree with the ban itself i disagree with the length of time given, even at that one of yous will quote me saying that going "OmG He DiDnT DiSaGrEe WiTh tHe BaN"  Totally ignoring me saying i made this for a reduction of time not unban but yeno  yourself.


Edited by TheReturnOfGate
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25 minutes ago, TheReturnOfGate said:


This is pretty toxic and Jendo basically summaries it. Until we hear more about what happened from said person it should remain and you should know beware that leaking someone´s social media which they trusted you with is doxxing. There´s a reason doxxing results in a perma ban and thats because its so serious.


20 minutes ago, TheReturnOfGate said:

if you neeks look i clearly say if any staff bothered their arse they woulda known it was an accident in which i suggested a time reduction on the ban to like a month or so NOT a unban and before yous all go crying "OmG WhYs DiD YoU MaKe An UnBaN ReQuEsT ThEn"

You could have clarifed instead of saying "I don´t believe I should be unbanned" with "I only with for the ban to be reduced and not removed immeditely."

Being this toxic to others and not instead offering just an explaination instead of throwing insults as well isnt good for you. I understand that you´ve been banned and you´re frustrated with the time you´ve been banned for but it still isnt necessary. I think the ban is still valid until the said person that got doxxed explain the situation from their side of the story as well. But the ban is fair because you still did dox someone. 


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1 minute ago, Nesta said:

This is pretty toxic and Jendo basically summaries it. Until we hear more about what happened from said person it should remain and you should know beware that leaking someone´s social media which they trusted you with is doxxing. There´s a reason doxxing results in a perma ban and thats because its so serious.


You could have clarifed instead of saying "I don´t believe I should be unbanned" with "I only with for the ban to be reduced and not removed immeditely."

Being this toxic to others and not instead offering just an explaination instead of throwing insults as well isnt good for you. I understand that you´ve been banned and you´re frustrated with the time you´ve been banned for but it still isnt necessary. I think the ban is still valid until the said person that got doxxed explain the situation from their side of the story as well. But the ban is fair because you still did dox someone. 


well you see this "said person" has been banned himself or so im told 

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28 minutes ago, TheReturnOfGate said:

if you neeks look i clearly say if any staff bothered their arse they woulda known it was an accident in which i suggested a time reduction on the ban to like a month or so NOT a unban and before yous all go crying "OmG WhYs DiD YoU MaKe An UnBaN ReQuEsT ThEn" how else am i ment to get the attention for it its not like theres a category for  Reduction of ban time so shush fact is i didnt disagree with the ban itself i disagree with the length of time given, even at that one of yous will quote me saying that going "OmG He DiDnT DiSaGrEe WiTh tHe BaN"  Totally ignoring me saying i made this for a reduction of time not unban but yeno  yourself.


If you are trying to get a reduced ban, replying to people like this just shows your not ready. -1

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Just now, Larry_P said:

If you are trying to get a reduced ban, replying to people like this just shows your not ready. -1

sorry lad but i don't suck up to anyone just to higher my chances in an unban request and if they are that mad i said shush or neek well that speaks for itself. 

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5 hours ago, TheReturnOfGate said:

I don’t believe I should be unbanned


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3 minutes ago, Cameron said:

Every single response you've made has included some sort of remark to the person giving what they think about you. You clearly aren't able to take anyone not wanting you to get unbanned lmao

yeno what lad don't wanna get ur hopes up but i think it might actual be prime time on the server so on ur bike lad


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As someone who has spoken to gate since his ban I know he did not intentially post the image with the intention or knowledge that it was doxxing, However, he still accidentally doxxed someone so i believe he should recieve a ban with an end date rather than an indefinte comm ban. 

Gate seriously though id avoid starting fights on a forum about your unban request as its only gonna make shit look worse on you mate just be friendly


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maybe you did accidently doxxed the person but the toxicity i see from you in the comments just makes me give you -1 for this ban reduction.

Edited by Hazard

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6 hours ago, TheReturnOfGate said:

My In-Game name: Gate

STEAMID:  STEAM_0:0:229206570

Steam Name: Gate

What is the reason for your ban: posting a PICTURE NOT IP ( for those who think picture means ip)

How long were you banned for: perma 

Name of the staff member who banned you: I don’t know 

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: I don’t believe I should be unbanned but I do think that under the circumstances that the staff would have known if they messaged me on discord that I did not know that was counted as doxing I thought that was just getting someone’s ip and leaking it, then my ban might have been shorter by like a month or 2 rather than a perma so I think under the conditions my ban time should be reduced to a more fair length of time, im am sorry for doing this i didnt know what i was doing prior to the event that got my banned. And the only reason i reposted my unban request is because i thought it had been forgotten about due to it being pending for 44 days and i am just trying to get the attention again saying ive been waiting for a while looking at "Pending" and i just wanna get an answer rather than be left in suspense, because yes i know what i did was wrong but i would like to be able to play the server again as it was the main server i played on gmod but then again thats not up to me im just wanting an answer.

-1 -1 -1 actual spastic shouldn't be unbanned you minge actual coke can drinking rat  

big francis.jpg

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Looking at what you've said this definately wont be getting accepted so will just end this

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