
Staff Application.

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What country are you from?: America | PST. 

How well do you speak and understand English?: Good. (Aswell, I can speak Russian.) 

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:145447595

In-Game name(s): Gordon Black, Commander Talker, Detective Wyoming.

Age: Over 13.

Play Time. Must be At-least 3 days. No exceptions(SCP-RP): 9w and something days.

Are you a VIP/GoldVIP?: Plat. 

Do you have a microphone?: Yes. 

Do you have TeamSpeak (Required)?: Yes. 

Why should we pick you? (250 word minimum): 

Been in the community for around two years, pretty reliable, have experience, know the rules well, mentored multiple staff, know basically everything about the server and lore, and I suppose I can be trusted; I’d call myself just level headed and more sympathetic. I’ll be there for the peak hours and low and assisting players on discord. I’m active on the forums, discord, and always up to date with IC and OOC situations. Not interested in drama, and I’m not joining for power, just find SOD to be fun. 

How long will you be able to play per day?: 

Around 2-3 Hours. I will be on summer break, so it's manageable. 

Any past experience as staff?: 

Yes. On this server only, two different times. 

(V6) Mod -> Event Planner -> Snr Mod (Demoted for inactivity)

(V5-V6) Snr Admin (Resigned)

My claim account is around 4000.

Any previous warns/bans? If so why? (maximum of 15 warns, exceptions can be made.): 

I have 8 warns. Don’t want to give excuses, but last I got warned was 2 years ago before I was ever staff. 

Do you know the basic ULX commands Yes/No: Yes, aswell as how to use Blogs. 

Do you know what SCP-RP is about? (not just job descriptions):

Yes. We all know what it is, but if you’re a freshie, basically it’s a Gmod RP server that is based off of the SCP wiki, in which you RP the characters/groups/lore from it. 

Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP(1 word is not an answer): 

Yes, I’ve read the V5 & V6 ruleset thoroughly and the punishment list, aswell as Maurice is pretty good at teaching them.  


Two things,

The app, I know it’s way too short, but unless I fill it up with clutter, explaining all the rules, explaining the entirety of the wiki, and attempt to boost my ego in the “Why should we pick you” section, this is about all of the actually important information that I assume most people will read. 

Second, about my activity; I’ve fallen in and out of the server because of my lack of time, but since my break is coming up, I can say that I’ll have a reliable amount of time to play daily as soon as my finals are over.



Posted (edited)


I mean yeah, your app is underdetailed as you mention it, however, because of your previous experiences as staff i believe that it can be looked over. You were a good staff member before your demotion due to your inactivity. I trust you more with staff than some other people.


Has a human clone in his basement.


Edited by Kvisten



Posted (edited)

Overall? +1

- Past Staff Experience
- Held and is currently holding high-ranking WL's
- Really chill and is extremely professional

- Honest and also is fun to RP and chat with
- Long Playtime & knows ULX but that ties in with Past Staff Experiences

- Writes in a weird font and text size 
- Has a clone child in his basement
- Demoted previously for inactivity (Only serious negative and I won't mention the warns since they are there to help a person learn more and not to be there to hinder their future prospects)

- And no, I do not think that him writing below the 250 word limit is a genuine cause for concern.


Note to self;  I am never writing in this font again 😠



Edited by Nell
1 hour ago, Nell said:

-Has a clone child in his basement


5 hours ago, Kvisten said:

Has a human clone in his basement.

I keep him well fed. 




You mentored me when I first got staff and you were pretty good. 

You are pretty chill person to talk to and I think the staff team and server would benefit you as staff.

Just dont go inactive 😉




I am here to launder money

2 hours ago, Johnwickisblak said:

I could use an elaboration.

Don't worry, Bango's opinion has little to no value on the forums.

As for the app,


Good staff member when he was on the server, removed however for inactivity (As far as I'm aware). The only thing I can say bad about you is your current activity on the server, however that can be improved if you wish to.



old school veteran


Current Ranks: ICRP Senior Administrator

Previous Ranks: 201st Sergeant, Heavy Weapons Leader, 41st 2nd LT, Senior Assassin, Sith Sub-Path Leader, Battalion Lieutenant Colonel, 501st Vice-Commander/Lieutenant Commander, DarkRP Admin, Deathrun Admin, CG Colonel, SCP RP Super Admin. SCP-096, The Serpants Hand, CI Delta, IJAMEA, O5-3. Site Director, GOC, Echo-14, MC&D Salesman, Anderdon Robotics Robot, Sarkic Karcist/Vice-Manager, SCP-1048 (When WL), Head Researcher, MTF E-11 Commander, Ethics Committee, Church of the broken God Maxwellism/Orthodox, Harrow-23 Manager And NU-7



I have nothing but good words to speak of you. 
Previous experience, nice guy, professional.
Can't ask more of a staff candidate.



+1 has previous experience as staff and chill guy 

Current Ranks
Past Ranks

EX-IRP Ranks -  Sith temple guard - Fleet SNR LT - DT commander - EX-SCP ranksSenior-Moderator - nu-7 SGT with med and support spec - Alpha- 1 agent - MC&D salesmen 💰



Previous encounters with you on the server shows that you are a competent one, and I am also aware that you have had past staff experience. That is also why I cannot say much, indeed as has been stated many times from other users before; yes the application is underdetailed, however I am willing to skip over that part as your experience covers over it I'd say. As for you in-game, you aren't that much of a minge and you're able to differentiate a serious situation from a goofy one. Times I've encountered you as staff in previous times, you've been helpful, other RP situations I've encountered you in, you've done excellently! Due to your past experience as a staff member you know your commands & shit when on duty, which will only boost you further. There's not much more I can say, as if anyone is deserving for another shot as a staff member, I believe that is you.




Current ranks within the Community:

[SCP] Vice-Manager

[SCP]  Lead-Mentor

Previous ranks within the Community:



[SCP] Super-Administrator

[WW2] Super-Administrator 
"Junior-SMT" <- Comm. M. Hendrik Scheppert

[WW2] Lead Group-Manager

[WW2] Lead-Mentor

[WW2] Senior-Event-Planner


[WW2] General der Infanterie
> Chef der Heeresrüstung und Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres
> Höherer Fliegerkommandeur im Luftkreis-II
> Reichskriegsgericht Ministerialdirektor im OKW

[WW2] Oberst und Stabschef des Wehrkreis-Verwaltungs-Amt III

[WW2] Major und Bataillonsführer des "GD" Bat. 'Berlin'

[WW2] Hauptmann d. Panzergrenadier "GD" Kompanie. 'Bruno'
And all ranks below ...

[WW2] Die Rote Kapelle - (Honourary) Officer

[WW2] Eiserne Front
SoPaDe Mitglied (Honourary) |
Constituency "Oslo"
Eiserne Front Soldat

[SCP] O5 Council Member
> O5-4 "Frost" / "Dawn"

 > O5-5 "The Ordinary Man"

 > O5-6 "The American" 



not a fuckwit

previous staff

Nice guy



A bit under detailed but I think the thought is there


Had a bunch of WL but the cool ones are that I currently have.

Marshall, Carter and Dark Salesmen (Current manager)

Alpha-1 Commander

O5-8 "The Gangster"

Director of the Department of External Affairs



- Previous staff member (has experience)

- Sounds like someone who can do their job

- Did not reach the 250 word limit + short app


SCP:RP - Platinum VIP


 (05/06/2021 - RESIGNED) Nu-7 Enlisted Unit - Private

(05/06/2021 - RESIGNED) Head of Manufacturing Department


I really like this app.
I hate that the standard for apps turned into "make it as long as possible, especially when explaining what this damn server is about and how to use commands"
Although i dont know you too much (met you a dozen of times at most), just judging from the feedback you have gotten, your last warns being in 2019 and your app just being really good imo, ill give this a good 
Hope to see you in the team soon!

76561198326381524.png                                        Hello

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