Avery Winters

Site Director - Avery Winters

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In-Game Name:

Avery Winters





In-Game Time [Proof Required]:

8 weeks and 3 days.

Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions:

Former roles

Director of Internal Security 

Team Executive Agent | Judas Priest (GOC)

 O5 Council (O5-12 "The Tower")

Head Researcher (Research and Development)

Special Agent in Charge | Obama (UIU)




Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?: 

Access Granted... CL3 User... (Reason: Psychological profiling, Department of Psychology)

Redactions enabled for User.. Interviewer identity obscured..

Interview Transcript. File No. 0AS2258

Current Elasped Time: 28 mins


Interviewer : So explain to me these claims that you don't hold an office on site?

█████ ███████ : I do. But it's just kept outta sight from the others..

Interviewer : Elaborate.

█████ ███████ : It's a morale thing for the staff. Shows the sign of a uh... proactive administration. *scratches chin*

█████ ███████ : I think that a good Site Director needs to be active.. constantly aware of whats going on.. on the lookout for arising dilemmas.

Interviewer : But we have personnel for that.. You know.. Radios? 

█████ ███████ : Courage is fickle.. it isn't a tap that can be reiled upon. Not everyone is █████-█

█████ ███████ : A leader needs to act like one. People just don't follow you just because your card is a different shade of color. Or that you can make Keter Duty a reality.

Interviewer : So that does that mean you'll be lenient on punishments because you care for wellbeing for others?

█████ ███████ : I never said i cared for others.. I'll definitely nail somebody to the fuckin cross if needs be.

Interviewer : So you'll burn anyone in your way?

█████ ███████ : If i did that.. i wouldn't have a site left. Ya know.. aim for a balance for the two.




What role does the Site Director have on the site?:

Access Granted.. CL4 User... (Reason: Flagging for Redactions, Recordkeeping and Information Security Administration)

Redactions enabled for User.. Identities revealed..

Note: "(( ))" are marked for redaction.

Interview Transcript. File No. 0AS2258

Current Elasped Time: 56 mins

((Avery Winters)) : That's easy.. we're the boots on the grounds. And we gotta establish the link with the men among the clouds. 

Dr Roz Halari : Des..

((Avery Winters)) : The fucking Council. Look i've been here for like a fucking hour.. You asking me describe every fucking detail of my life so it matches up with that pissy little file yous got.

Dr Roz Halari : We're al..

((Avery Winters)) : Shut up. You said that 20 minutes ago.

Dr Roz Halari : Can we go back to the inital question? Elaborate on this link.

((Avery Winters)) : Look if the Council could do everything.. we wouldn't be hired. If they were like the fucking MCU. Heh.. imagine.

((Avery Winters)) : Anyways.. But more importantly, it matters about stability. Order. Enforcing the will of the Council. We're there for when the Council isn't.

Dr Roz Halari : El...

((Avery Winters)) : Elabroate fuckin further.. Stability is the fundimental reason why bureaucracy exists. It is to maintain the Status Quo. So that this thing of ou.. The Foundation can keep going.

((Avery Winters)) : To allocate resources where needed, to tell security to quit pissing about.. Ya know.. The sad part is that Parkinson's law exists.

((Avery Winters)) : Parkinson's Law, to cut it short.. The more admins we hire.. the more work.. hence more admins.. then even more fucking work.. and the loop keeps on fucking going on and on.

((Avery Winters)) : I however.. think that certain cuts could be made.. we could definitely streamline stuff so that a delivery for pizza doesn't take six months!



What is the O5 Council?:

Access Granted.. CL5 User... (Reason: *Playing audio file : fuckoff.mp3* *a loud slurp sound is heard* )

Restrictions lifted.

Note: "(( ))" are marked for redaction.

Interview Transcript. File No. 0AS2258

Current Elasped Time: 1 hour 46 mins

((Avery Winters)) : *sighs* Can i get a smoke.. I'm about to bash my skull into the table.

Dr Roz Halari : We don't have an ashtray.

((Avery Winters)) : You'd refuse a dying man's wish? So thoughtful..

Dr Roz Halari : Why would assume such a bold claim?

((Avery Winters)) : I don't know.. the Council can be volatile at times..

Dr Roz Halari : How would you come to know this? You also did mention Alpha-1 during earlier stages of the interview.

((Avery Winters)) : ((ISD.))

((Avery Winters)) : The Council of twelve or thirteen, whatever the fuck.. ((Black Queen)), ((L.S)), ((Gear's fuckin kid)) that leaked "the common knowledge"  to everyone. Heh.. sounds like a ((daddy's issue)), if you think about it. They are people we bend the fuck over for because they pave whatever road we gotta march on.

((Avery Winters)) : Seriously.. do you just ask this to confirm what is mostly an outdated source. From a ((person who has fucking daddy issues)).

Dr Roz Halari : So that implies you know who is on the Council. 

((Avery Winters)) : I know if i mention anymore i'll get a cailber in my eyes and your brain is gonna be bleached.

((Avery Winters)) : Nothing is forever.. unless they are uh.. some sort of sci-fi bullshit. Like a hive mind or machine intelligence. 

Dr Roz Halari : You're suggesting they are robots?

((Avery Winters)) : No.

((Avery Winters)) : They are a seat of power. Who the fuck cares, whoever is sitting in that seat.

((Avery Winters)) : That's all i'm going to say on the matter. So whens my firing squad due, i wanna spit at one of them.


(OOC: The following app has been written based upon a retcon story for the character "Avery Winters" )

Refer to: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IAKHWeO9RxAj6XQbOAxzPNyO_bJRPkhbHd4Uf1WLEUM/edit?usp=sharing


Edited by Avery Winters
Removed the Code Boxs for the Transcript. For ease of reading.


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- Very unique

- Well known member of the community

Edit: Just realized the work put into this application, something completely new.

Edited by Andrey Lockwood


SCP:RP - Platinum VIP


 (05/06/2021 - RESIGNED) Nu-7 Enlisted Unit - Private

(05/06/2021 - RESIGNED) Head of Manufacturing Department

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2 minutes ago, kenopsia said:

It's Avery

and like Kyle said, it's probably the most unique application I've seen too for Site Director, goes above and beyond whats asked for in the template.

Proud owner of the famous Gromit Mug.



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Access Granted.. CL4 User... (Reason: Flagging for Redactions, Recordkeeping and Information Security Administration)

Interview Transcript. File No. 0AS2258 - 08_06_2021.mp4


(OOC: Credits Screen. Thanks for the good times uwu)

Avery Winters, ISD Agent (played by Avery Winters)
The Blackbird, O5 Council Member (played by Cameron Stoker)
Security Guard (played by Nathan Kennedy)
Thule Ural, O5 Council Member (played by Houston Benton)
Dr Natsuki Nell, ISD Agent (played by Adlactor Nell)
Senior Researcher (played by Josh Richardson)
Site Director (played by Luke Ocasio)
Dr Johan Schiller, Ethic Commitee (played by William Blake)
Gently Pulled Strings/Thinly Woven Webs, O5 Council Member (played by Plague Asmodeus)
The Judge, O5 Council Member (played by Walter Webb)
Senior Researcher (played by Edward Reznov)
Colonel Sunrise, MTF-Omega-1 Commander (played by Ludwig Ahgrin)

Edited by Avery Winters
Credit section | mispelling


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Apparently i have not already commented on this. .  Silly me.


Anyway, definetly a big +1 from me. Possibly the biggest +1 ive ever given.

Not just are you an absolute chad and cool guy, you know the key of rp and each encounter with you was pleasant. I am still looking forward to build your 990 storyline once i am the head of thaumaturgy hehe.


The application is stunning. I quite literally didnt even know you could create pages with the tools given as i have never paid that much attention. The format is insane. Not a standartized app. Answering questions in transcript format is genius!

Ill be copping some of that for my future applications and i cant wait to see what youll be bringing us as SD and possibly o5 in the future 🙂


Hope to see you there!

76561198326381524.png                                        Hello

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16 hours ago, Avery Winters said:

Access Granted.. CL4 User... (Reason: Flagging for Redactions, Recordkeeping and Information Security Administration)

Interview Transcript. File No. 0AS2258 - 08_06_2021.mp4


(OOC: Credits Screen. Thanks for the good times uwu)

Avery Winters, ISD Agent (played by Avery Winters)
The Blackbird, O5 Council Member (played by Cameron Stoker)
Security Guard (played by Nathan Kennedy)
Thule Ural, O5 Council Member (played by Houston Benton)
Dr Natsuki Nell, ISD Agent (played by Adlactor Nell)
Senior Researcher (played by Josh Richardson)
Site Director (played by Luke Ocasio)
Dr Johan Schiller, Ethic Commitee (played by William Blake)
Gently Pulled Strings/Thinly Woven Webs, O5 Council Member (played by Plague Asmodeus)
The Judge, O5 Council Member (played by Walter Webb)
Senior Researcher (played by Edward Reznov)
Colonel Sunrise, MTF-Omega-1 Commander (played by Ludwig Ahgrin)

Holy fuck you were so retarded to choose O5s side in that court case 

ECM was literally doing RP and SMT ( Once again, what a surprise ) just said " Fuck it, we own the server 😎 "

Genuinely? -1 Just because of that 

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He is a pretty swell guy if I do say so my self and I do say.

Now I may be newer to the server than everyone else here and that is very true. As well my name may not hold much credit in anything. But If you ask me based on this application and what we have all seen from this man. He is more than fit and ready to become site director.

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Yeah yeah its Avery

was a good O5 so I don't see why not a good SD

Had a bunch of WL but the cool ones are that I currently have.

Marshall, Carter and Dark Salesmen (Current manager)

Alpha-1 Commander

O5-8 "The Gangster"

Director of the Department of External Affairs

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17076*192312*123/21894/2321/320138*1583*0 + 1
Bruh wtf Avery how did u come up with something like this?
100000000000000/10 app

Scprp is bad, run while you can!!
Good Night GIFDog Morning GIF
seal GIF 

  • SCP-RP Current Ranks: PlatVIPSCP-RP Administrator, Junior Developer, MTF Nu-7 NCO, Head Of Manufacturing Department (Owner), Head of External Affairs, Site Director, The Serpents Hand (Vice-Manager)
  • SCP-RP Past Ranks:   Organization for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts, Sarkic Cultist, Marshall Carter N' Dark Salesman, Ethics Committee Member, Epsilon-11 Commander, Unusual Incidents Unit Special Agent in Charge (Vice-Manager), GRU-P, Head Researcher, Internal Security Department, SCP-096
  • HLRP Past Ranks:  Civil Industrial Union Journeyman, Civil Medical Union Nurse
  • CW-RP  Past Ranks: PlatVIP, Combat Engineer COL, Adv Medic

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Your application for site director has been ACCEPTED

I swear to gods if you say UwU while you are on the job I will curb stomp you.

O5-5 "The Survivor"

(Contact me Fixer#5863)

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