
i wanne bie staff

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Name: Xander

What country are you from?:Belgie

How well do you speak and understand English?:good


In-Game name(s):Xander


Play Time. Must be atleast 3 days. No exceptions(SCP-RP):yes

Are you a VIP/GoldVIP?:no

Do you have a microphone?:yes

Do you have TeamSpeak ( Required )?:yes

Why should we pick you? (250 word minimum):i am a good leader and i want to help everyone in the server

How long will you be able to play per day?:5hour or more

Any past experience as staff?:no

Any previous warns/bans? If so why? (maximum of 15 warns, exceptions can be made.):2days i het not e good rp name

Do you know the basic ULX commands Yes/No:no

Do you know what SCP-RP is about? (not just job descriptions):yes

Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP(1 word is not an answer).:yes i understen de rules

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I don't need to be staff anymore to tell you no on this one.

•Severely under word count


•Invalid RP name

•Failure to explain/understand both the rules and what SCP-RP is about

•Banned for a FailRP name? That's a first to me, surely there's something else.

•Ah yes, my favorite play time "yes".

Sorry not happening

Viktor Svetsken

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-1 just Nah, doesn't even meet the 1000 word require meant, you haven't said how many days or weeks you've played on server for and WHO

Current Ranks
Past Ranks

EX-IRP Ranks -  Sith temple guard - Fleet SNR LT - DT commander - EX-SCP ranksSenior-Moderator - nu-7 SGT with med and support spec - Alpha- 1 agent - MC&D salesmen 💰


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Why u post 2


- Idk who u are

4 hours ago, Xander.. said:

Play Time. Must be atleast 3 days. No exceptions(SCP-RP):yes


4 hours ago, Xander.. said:

Why should we pick you? (250 word minimum):i am a good leader and i want to help everyone in the server


4 hours ago, Xander.. said:

Any previous warns/bans? If so why? (maximum of 15 warns, exceptions can be made.):2days i het not e good rp name


4 hours ago, Xander.. said:

Do you know the basic ULX commands Yes/No:no


4 hours ago, Xander.. said:

Do you know what SCP-RP is about? (not just job descriptions):yes

Ok cool

4 hours ago, Xander.. said:

Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP(1 word is not an answer).:yes i understen de rules

I understen de rules also

- Not 1000 word

Edited by Joe Conner

Scprp is bad, run while you can!!
Good Night GIFDog Morning GIF
seal GIF 

  • SCP-RP Current Ranks: PlatVIPSCP-RP Administrator, Junior Developer, MTF Nu-7 NCO, Head Of Manufacturing Department (Owner), Head of External Affairs, Site Director, The Serpents Hand (Vice-Manager)
  • SCP-RP Past Ranks:   Organization for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts, Sarkic Cultist, Marshall Carter N' Dark Salesman, Ethics Committee Member, Epsilon-11 Commander, Unusual Incidents Unit Special Agent in Charge (Vice-Manager), GRU-P, Head Researcher, Internal Security Department, SCP-096
  • HLRP Past Ranks:  Civil Industrial Union Journeyman, Civil Medical Union Nurse
  • CW-RP  Past Ranks: PlatVIP, Combat Engineer COL, Adv Medic
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7 hours ago, Viktor Svetsken said:

I don't need to be staff anymore to tell you no on this one.

•Severely under word count


•Invalid RP name

•Failure to explain/understand both the rules and what SCP-RP is about

•Banned for a FailRP name? That's a first to me, surely there's something else.

•Ah yes, my favorite play time "yes".

Sorry not happening


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