
Tanner's Event Planner Application

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Basic Information:


Steam Name + Profile link: Tanner https://steamcommunity.com/id/TannerHayden1/


Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan) GC 2nd Lietenant


Teamspeak Name: Tanner


Playtime on the Server: 11w 6d 2hrs


SteamID (http://steamidfinder.com/😞 STEAM_0:0:186324812


Any experience in staffing: 


SWRP Senior-Mod

4x Event Planner and Senior Event Planner

Trusted with Security Staff multiple times

Been Staff Hierarchy on other W-G Servers


Current Age: 15


Warns/Bans: I have 2 warns. no bans


Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes very


Event Plan: 




Event Information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13TQaT89p7e6IS9oi6Kdm_OkNM7rJmlGJt1-70fcbUuM/edit?usp=sharing

I have many more event plans with a similar template. I would do this plan for most of the events I do.


Have you ever Done an Event Before?: Yes Sir! Many times


What was your event and was it successfully executed?: Yes Sir! I have had the bad one or two but that happens to everyone. It was also 2 years ago


Do you understand the responsibilities a event-planner has? If so, what are they?: The responsibilities of an event planner is to above all else make events that are fun for the players (Jedi and Clones) and also balanced so one side doesn't hold too much of an advantage over the other, in addition to that an event planner has the responsibility to keep his or her event under their control and to not let any detrimental developments that may occur during an event weigh down the event as a whole. The ability to salvage an event from a plan gone wrong is a must for being a good event planner. Furthermore, you always need to know that you are an event planner not a member of staff. I am not to deal with staff situations unless necessary.


Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes of course, I fully understand


Anything else?: I just would like to point out that I didn’t have the greatest reputation a couple years back, but hopefully by seeing the Event plan shows how dedicated I am and how much I have changed since a couple years back. I will fully co-operate on being an addition to the team.


W-G E-Planner

Edited by Tanner
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Considering your past actions as an EP. Tie Fighter event as well as an event which I had to lead where you gave everyone a ship (EC's and clones) I feel you are not the best fit for the role.

Current Ranks

Jedi Knight 501st SOF Captain Lord Inquisitor Engineering Corps SFC Medic


Past Ranks

SWRP Senior-Admin

Deathrun Admin

IRP Administrator
IRP Junior Developer

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Battalion Major


501st Captain

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Dark Council
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DU Spec Ops Captain 




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+1  Veteran of the SWRP community who seems dedicated to return

Current Ranks: 212th Member

Former Ranks:                                                   Started Playing WG SCP-RP in 2016                                                 

COTBG Deacon [2017] | Head Researcher  [2017 - ???] [SCP-RP] (Major changes to the job annulled my WL)

212th EXO [2018] | 212th Vice Commander [2020] | 212th SO + 74th Member + CE Member [2021] |

212th SO [2022] | Battalion Officer [2022] | 212th SO [2023] | 41st Captain [2024]

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even if he's done some mistakes about being an EP in the past it was long ago

everyone deserves a new chance, and he's got tons of past experience, we need someone like that in the EP team 

Current ranks:

[SCT Commander]

Previous ranks:

[41st ARC Colonel]

[GC Vice Commander] 18/8/2020 - 21/9/2020 [GC ARC Colonel] 23/6/2020 - 10/8/2020

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From what I have read, the event has a few problems with it. 

My first point being that the event is very simplistic and shows a lack of creativity. I understand most events on WG SWRP are very basic, however for your application it needs to be a little more creative. By all means, this event would be perfectly fine for an EP to do, however for your first it isn't quite, the best - it is average, not much too it.

Another point is the use of Sith. There is very little RP that the Jedi will be able to do in this event, and will probably end up with the Jedi assisting the Clones, which many people dislike. 

Using Chancellor Palpatine is not really the best idea. To swap him in for a Senator is fine, however I doubt that the CIS forces will be able to capture him so easily, without the whole Republic knowing, and for a few injured soldiers to come to our base and tell us.

On the other hand, I do like the preparation to this event, with the use of Passive RP envolving CE, 74th, and maybe CG for an escort.

Tanner, you have had plenty of experience with the past and have clearly been trusted with high amount of power in the WG community, that's why I think you can provide better events. It would be a -1 for the event idea being basic - with also the lack of a Jedi event, however with your past experience I believe you have potential to become a decent Event Planner. Good luck!

Edited by [W-G] JH



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past ep experience (even if his past experiences have been bad they can still help him in becoming ep now, also his past experience doesnt derive from the fact that he was able to get to senior ep, which would have taken some level of good event ideas and maturity)
clone event looks good
jedi event is a little bit lacking, and I don't think jedi would really want to become an event character in that kind of event. But if you were to become ep you can change it a little bit before doing the event.
gl man

Current Ranks

IRP Super Administrator (03/10/2021 - Current)
IRP Discord Staff Manager (21/02/2022 - Current)

IC System Commander (22/11/2021 - Current)

Previous Ranks

CWRP Executive Administrator (15/02/2020 - 03/10/2021)
CWRP Event Planner (20/04/2020 - 23/06/2020)

Head Medical Officer (12/06/2021 - 03/10/2021)
GC Temp Vice Commander (30/07/2020 - 19/08/2020)
Trial Head of Battalion (29/12/2019 - 20/12/2020)

104th Executive Officer (20/12/2020 - 12/06/2021)
74th Surgeon (18/08/2018 - 02/04/2019)

GC/ST Lieutenant (31/08/2017 - 27/09/2017)


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- Experience - 4x EP & Senior EP

- Mistakes - Many people are mentioning events that tanner did a long time ago. Yes, i agree these may have not been the best, but Tanner is now clearly putting a lot of effort into his "Event Plans." He is even giving them to current EPs which saves them a bit of work.

- Events - Recently he's decided to write many "pre-planned" events. Just by reading them myself i can see a lot of effort has gone into them. (An example is the on which got accepted by Palmer.)

I don't think a couple of bad events means he shouldn't have a chance at getting it. From the conversations we've had, he seems eager and passionate about having the chance to host events again.

best of luck dude



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I have to agree with JH, i also see a problem with Palpatine and for a basic and very repeted event. looking into the planning it looks good say for the lack of creativity basically just repeating an old event yet again, but i won't -1 you as i see some potential

Untitled drawing (7).jpg


Ex-CT Vice Commander

Battalion 1st Lieutenant


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Have to agree with JH on this 1. The applicant is well-known, dedicated from his playtime, and has all the past experience one would need, but the event idea provided doesn't seems flawed in regards to the event characters used, but overall is thought out and detailed allowing for it to be easily followed along. With that in mind, I wish the applicant good luck and all the best.

Current Ranks Within Werewolf Gaming

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Community Co-Founder

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[CWRP] Wookie Chieftain - Chieftain Tom

 [HL-RP] CIU Deputy Director & CAO for the Speaker's Office of the Assembly

Misc. Ranks

[CWRP][ICRP][SCP], [HL-RP] Security Staff, Diamond VIP on All Rust Servers


Past Ranks Within Werewolf Gaming

Staff Ranks


Community Management [Community Manager - Co-Founder - Community Manager [06/05/2021 - 14/08/2021, 14/08/2021 - 05/08/2024, 05/08/2024 -]


SMT [Staff Manager - Server Manager] [21/12/2019 - 27/12/2020, 27/12/2020 - 11/04/2021, 11/04/2021 - 06/05/2021]

Event Manager [07/09/2019 - 21/12/2019]

SMT [Head Mod - Administrator] [May - July 2019]

Event Manager [February - May 2019]

Member of WG Staff Team [05/09/2018 - 

In Character Ranks


Reichsleiter u. Chef der Parteikanzlei,

Gauleiter von Gau Groß Berlin,

Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer [SS-Obergruppenführer],

SS-Oberführer und Oberst der Berliner Polizei, --> SS-Oberführer des Reichssicherheitshauptamt, --> SS-Oberführer und Verwaltungsinpektor,

SS-Obersturmführer des Verwaltungsamt,

SS-Obersturmführer des Sicherheitsdienst,

NSDAP Hauptdienstleiter,

Gauleiter von Gau Groß Berlin,

SS-Gruppenführer des Oberabschnitt 'Spree' und Generalleutnant der Polizei,

SS-Oberführer des Reichssicherheitshauptamt,

SS-Sturmbannfüuhrer des Sicherheitsdienst & [Temporary 7.SS Unter/Ober/Hauptsturmführer during time in SD],

Stellvertretender Direktor der Propaganda,

SS-Hauptscharführer [1.SS],

SS-Oberscharführer [7.SS].


CG Colonel x3

Wookie Chieftain


Civil Industrial Union Deputy Director & CFU Business Co-Owner



Past Ranks & Accomplishments Within Werewolf Gaming

Creator of the TeamSpeak 3 Server [Permissions, Roles, Channels] x3,

Overseer of TeamSpeak 3 Medal Applications & Forum Rank Requests, 

The Guy that Bothers You About TeamSpeak Tags & Channels,

Spreadsheet Guy.


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+1 Past experience Creative idea

[Past Ranks]
Trial Vice Admiral | Rear Admiral | Jedi Agent | STV Voistender des Gaugerichts | CT Trial Exo | 501st Major | RRD ResearcherGalactic  marines  Captain |  Lambda LARPER  Star wars modDark RP Senior Mod | Deathrun Senior Mod


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With the event team being near full, we unfortunately didn't think you would be the best candidate for the last spot. Feel free to reapply once apps reopen again


Past ranks:

Nobody cares

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