Gutz or Sleepy

Sleepy's First EP Application

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Event Planner Application Template:

Event Planner applications are only needed for people that are currently not staff on SWRP.



- Being a staff member isn't a requirement

- Please specify which event planner you want to apply for; Trooper Event Planner or Sith Event Planner

- Must have at least 1 week playtime.

- You must have TS and be active on it.

- You must be able to speak and understand English.

- Must be at least 14 years old

- You must have good lore knowledge. (Canon)


Basic Information:


Steam Name + Profile link: 3vilgutz 


Roleplay Name: Sleepy


Teamspeak Name: Sleepy/Evilgutz


Playtime on the Server:


SteamID (😞 STEAM_0:1:47333523


Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: N/A


Current Age: 16


Warns/Bans: N/A6lapJ3UK74Q2Bijfe9dwIuUfVXUyuzVnUtCJtEtg9wPM83D1UsUVYbUksois0p3zG5tib-HXRBXNZDGSiTlCMNpKfkmvJI7DabshAdh0MgICZMd-87wlX872pY653ba69vbOFTyf


Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?:



Event Plan: Imperial Chef comes to Base ( They are rebels in disguise)


Create an event plan, this is what we will use for your first training event. Make it easy to understand and original(Use the Template):


Map: Balarikan


Enemies, HP, Amount: models/player/odessa.mdl (models) All EC's will look like this 


Name: Cook Beginner  _____
Alien Soldier: (Depending on player count and EC amount) 3-4
HP 2k
Relby V-10

Name: Cook Apprentice ______
Alien Heavy: 1-2

Name: Cook Support ______
Alien Sniper: (If needed) 1
Base HP
Base Weapons


Passive, HP, Amount: Cook Master _______ - Played by EP

HP: 1k - Needs to die fast
GILLE - 44 (Is Chad Pistol)




Imperial Execution:

Let the Fleet know that Professional Imperial Cooks are coming into MB. Please get troops to line up and collect food.
Get a spare Admiral/Fleet to eat food first (if no spare fleet on get DT to eat first)

Imperial personal Dies then they are allowed to open fire after they reveal they are rebels 



Event Character Execution:

Enter MB with a Dropship/Ship
Follow Lead Cook orders and after (Fleet/Admiral/DT) Die. Start to open fire - Since they are rebels

Will run as a Normal Base attack
Final Hold will be in Cantina where they call a ceasefire 




Event Information:

“Imperial Cooks” Are on a tour and have decided to come to this base to share their amazing food to give the troopers some amazing food for once.

Any landing codes needed to land are provided as they stole them before

Fleet will bring them to the Cantina where they will make an amazing Stew made with loads of amazing meats. 

Poison will be added to the mixture that will kill anyone who eats it after 10 seconds

They will hold different part of the base to attempt to dwindle the troopers numbers

Will have a final hold at Cantina where no prisons will be taken

Have you ever Done an Event Before?:


What was your event and was it successfully executed?:


Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?:

My responsibilities as an EP lay into 2 main categories
Event: Making sure to create a fun enjoyable event that the servers players want to get onto the server and play. It's as much about the EC’s having fun as much as the Troopers involved. Must be creative to come up with new and unique events. Able to assist other people in events. Taking over/Being EC if needed
Staff: Assisting Staff when limited/No staff is online. We are there to help staff not take their role. We are to help if they request it.


Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?:
Yes And I look forward to learning 😄


Anything else?: Ongus Bungus
Have a good day 


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- Lovely guy, both to talk to and to have as EC
- Competent and dedicated, shown by his rank
- Interesting Event Plan

Current Rank
501st Commander 

Past Ranks
501st EXO & Colonel | 327th LT Colonel | Battalion 2nd & 1st LT | CT Medic Captain | 41st Captain 
Jedi Shaman | GM & 501st SpecOps Colonel  |  CWRP Event Planner
ST VC & Storm Commando SL | Sith Spectre | IRP Senior Event Planner

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 With limited slots in the event team, we unfortunately have made the conclusion that you wouldn't be the best candidate for a spot in the EP team.


You may reapply in 2 weeks

Current Ranks
[ Community Modeller]

Previous Ranks
[SWRP Modeller]
[Discord Staff]


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