
Cheese's Battalion Application

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Out of Character Section -

Steam Name:


Steam ID:


Current OOC Rank on the server(eg Plat VIP, Mod):


Age (14 - Minimum):


What is your playtime (2 Weeks - Minimum):

 4w 6h 49m

Do you have a microphone, is it good quality:

1) Yes 2) Yes

Have you read and looked through the Battalion Handbook:

 Yes I have.

Do you meet the requirements: Yes

State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns.) Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link

In Character Section -

In-Game name: (Regiment, Rank and then your name)

 501st Executive Officer Cheese

All Previous Ranks Obtained: (Highest Per Regiment)

 DU Captain, 74th Advanced Medical Officer

What should we pick you for Battalion: (200 Words - Minimum)


I started my journey more than 2 years ago, and along the way I believe I have picked up some indispensable skills that would be very suitable for a position such as battalion. At my current position as EXO, I am often responsible for leading my entire regiment during battles, which I have done extensively; furthermore, as regimental hierarchy I manage and supervise all individuals within my regiment, ensuring they all remain disciplined and well trained – not too dissimilar from a battalions’ responsibilities, just on a much smaller scale. These are some of the qualities I have refined while at my rank of EXO, however, going back further I was among the first regimental medics to be appointed to the rank of Senior Medic. This gave me new responsibilities not just within my own regiment, but across all regimental medics at the time. I would have to host regular medical trainings and oversee my regiments medics personally, which I took great care in doing.

In combat scenarios, I have always valued a balance between the condition of my men, and the success of the mission, because I am a strong believer that without soldiers who have been empowered, healed, and adjured, success will be near impossible. This is why I originally joined 74th, and later being a regimental medic within 501st enabled me to accomplish these criteria. There have been countless times when me with a few others have been pinned down, seemingly against all odds, only to pull victory from the jaws of defeat through sheer willpower and bacta. This is something I take pride in doing, leading my troops to victory.

This all relates to why I should be chosen for Battalion because I believe I have acquired many of the skills necessary to thrive in this position, as well as make a substantial contribution to the regiment. My time as EXO has taught me much, and I am aware that there will be more for me to learn, and this is something that I would be candidly ready to undertake – I am always up for a challenge. I am good at remaining calm and collected, even in the heat of battle, and I believe myself to be quite amicable.

Describe the roles and responsibilities of Battalion: (100 Words - Minimum)

 Battalion is a regiment that has a core focus on leading; they must always be ready to command the entire base whenever a situation (such as an attack) occurs. They are responsible for the coordinated efforts of the GAR during times of crisis, and have a duty to formulate the plan of attack, grant and deny over comms, and make the tough calls in mere moments. However Battalion is not just about leading. To my understanding, Battalion is the embodiment of discipline and respect; they uphold the order on base, and ensure that things are operating smoothly. Battalion serve as an inspiration to the other clones, and the discipline they display is a testimony to that. Another invaluable duty for Battalion is regimental supervision, working with regimental hierarchies and reporting the regiments situation to the Admiral weekly. Battalion Supervisors also have the responsibility of hosting trainings for their respective regiments. One last notable duty is that Battalion may hold Open Sims for the entire army to participate; these simulations can be crucial practise for clones and therefore must be held to a high standard.

Have you ever been demoted or striked in any regiment: (If so, explain why)


Do you understand that Battalion is a very respectable and disciplined rank:

 Yes, I understand this.

What do Battalion do during Combat, when they are not leading: (IN DETAIL)

 When not leading during a combat situation, Battalion members are advised to remain with the regiments they supervise, providing aid with their arsenal and their combat skills. They can also position themselves at the mid/frontline depending on their equipment (41st Supervisor should not frontline with sniper). Furthermore, any command given by the leading battalion must be adhered to, such as overseeing a particular regiment. However, they are not permitted to order their regiments however they want during this time; instead they can only give more localised orders such as instructing the regiment where to search in a building (if they are already searching said building).

What are the 3 duties a Battalion Officer Cadet has to complete before getting promoted as part of his mentoring session:

1. Lead a planetary with a voice amp.
2. Complete a debrief to a good enough standard.
3. C
arry out an open SIM.

What rank can the Battalion Brigadier Promote and Demote up to:


What rank and above can use two pieces of Regimental Equipment:

 Battalion Colonel + (Battalion Colonel can only use two supervised equipment).

Anything else: N/A

Current Rank(s):

Rear Admiral

Previous Ranks:

Head of Battalion, 501st Executive Officer, Senior Medic, 74th Advanced Medical Officer, Doom's Unit Captain, Jedi Senior Consular


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- legend

Current Rank
501st Commander 

Past Ranks
501st EXO & Colonel | 327th LT Colonel | Battalion 2nd & 1st LT | CT Medic Captain | 41st Captain 
Jedi Shaman | GM & 501st SpecOps Colonel  |  CWRP Event Planner
ST VC & Storm Commando SL | Sith Spectre | IRP Senior Event Planner

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Dont leave key alone with nox

Current Ranks
  Yoda - DS Commando F-91 CWRP Senior Event planner - CWRP Discord Staff Manager
Past Ranks
CT 2459 - CE PFT MEDIC COLONEL CG Detainment Droid - Battalion Sand - Battalion Colonel - GM LT Colonel 5x Regimental Medic Jedi Ace CWRP Senior Event Planner Jedi Watcher 501st Colonel Jedi Paladin - Jedi Phantom - Jedi Beast Tamer Jedi Lorekeeper CWRP Jedi Event planner - 501st Gamma ARC Colonel Obi Wan Kenobi Plo Koon - Mace Windu




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i know Cheese when he was in 74th, this guy grinded like it was nothing when i was his Commanding officer

also a very funny guy, and can lead like a beast.

he got high past ranks, and has been hierachy for a long time

                                                                                    Current CWRP Rank(s)

                                                                                               CG 2nd LT

                                                                                         Past CWP Ranks

                          | Battalion CPT | CE 2nd LT | 104th LT COL CG EXO | 41st MJR | MCC 2nd LT | 74th ADV R |

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I´ve known this man for months now and I think he would do great in fleet, he is social and is just nice overall whenever he is interacting with anyone. He has had high ranks a lot and does well in each one. Give this man batt rn

Current Ranks


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While it'd suck too lose cheese as 501st EXO, he has had tones of experience on the server obtaining a few high ranks throughout his playtime on the server. He's active and mature also setting a good standard always to lower ranks of the server whether helping them or having to deal with punishments he's more than able too dish them out provided its suitable. Also has great leadership qualities that would be a great fit if he was accepted into battalion.

Current ranks

CWRP Vice Manager

Previous ranks

Jedi Aegis
501st Marshal Commander
DS Commando F69
501st Vice Commander
Temp 501st Commander

Jedi Senior Guardian



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+1 Cheese was a very good 74th co

                                                                               Current ranks

                                                                                 41st ARC COL 

                                                                                 Past ranks 

                                             DU ARC COL 74th ADV R  41st Medic Major RRD AST R 212th SGT Jedi Historian

                                            season 4 episode 6 GIF by Star Wars

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Good Playtime 

Fairly Experienced Leader

Decent EXO form what i have seen


Not that Active Lately form what i have seen



Past Ranks:



Battalion Colonel

Battalion Captain x2


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Its my boy chizzle 

Give him batt

But also let me keep him

Current Ranks


41st ARC 2nd LT | Administrator | Jedi Padawan | Detainment Droid 

Past Ranks


501st Commander | 501st Sergeant | Jedi Operator | Jedi PadawanEvent Planner Clone Guard Private

Jedi Peacekeeper 501st Special Operations Colonel | Clone Force 99 Squad Leader H-07 

Detainment Droid | Reserve Medic | GM Fire Droid

Jedi Guardian Jedi Knight | CT 3166


Jump Trooper Private Scout Trooper Sargent | Sith Apprentice | ST 3166 | Shock Trooper Private


T-SEC Lance Corporal Fonollio


Jump Trooper Lance Corporal | Hutt Clan Henchman


Jump Trooper Lance Corporal | Pyke Henchman


Jump Trooper Jr Medic 2nd Lieutenant


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+1 cheese sandwich my favourite

also its cheese

Past staff ranks: E planner SWRP, Dark RP Mod, Deathrun Mod

Misc ranks: Global Everything package

Past Highest ranks: CG EXO, Batt LT COL, Teacher ,Temple Guard, Fleet Commander


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Phenomenal EXO for me when I was in 501st understanding and doesn't rush to decisions.

More qualified than most of battalion


Good luck!! And enjoy battalion when you get accepted this is as good as a write in!



currently au tistic

Previous Ranks:

501st ARC Colonel/Temp Exo

 DS Squad Leader F73

CWRP Administrator

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I saw you in 74th growing as a great SO And great leader And then 74th got removed and i was surprised you got 501st EXO So quickly this shows that you are Very competent and trust worthy But please dont leave 501st for battalion Im begging

"Current Ranks"
Idk something
"Past Ranks"
Battalion CPT - Tech - Jedi Ace Caesar Leutnant - WW2 Event Planner -  GM SpecOps COL
The Bad Batch Tech GIF by Star Wars

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Contact a Member of Battalion Command for a introduction.


Previous OOC rank
Senior Event Planner

Previous IC rank
CT Drill Sergeant-Major
CE Captain
CG Vice-Commander
Battalion  Colonel

Jedi Scout


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