Atilla Szellem

Atilla Szellem SD App

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In-Game Name: Atilla Szellem/ Aslan Szellem

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:91369379

Age: 18

In-Game Time [Proof Required]n16nhnRaHfQ-zlXbLeaTvO_XaBKn8_0uwBROp3OBjSd6X2QTZ7W57nWWYURlYByXzd2INbmt5--J2VrexfAU4J44TbQx06Yk4VJhzbEbx79ysByfFQ8y1Y_bADUrFjEj-Tlts6Jl

Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions: ECM, Played a fair bit of DoEA when I came back (if that counts). 

Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?I’ve been put in several stressful situations which endangered the site, and Ovis City as a whole. One of those fine examples is the SCP 001 breaching ‘event’, with Spivak in EZ Warehouse. While the O5 was dealing with talking/negotiating with Spivak. I (on ECM) with the HoEA at that time, was dealing with holding the site stable, handling E11 from not fucking up because they kept trying to go in EZ Warehouse even when not told to, handling GOC coming in with UIU trying to make a ceasefire. For second, surprisingly I had to deal with an assassination of the mayor on ECM considering HoEA pussied out at that time, I know that seems easy, but the mayor was Bob Curtis. So, that meant a lot of police officers, SWAT units being on + UIU protecting the man. In short, I’d say I have been put in situations I shouldn’t have been as ECM and that the situations I was put in were mostly for SD/HoEA. I also believe that I as a person don’t act on emotions or friends, I’ve demoted several people from their job, punished them accordingly because they broke the legal codex or something related to that. I believe that I’m a person that has no shame in asking for help in anything, if shit hits the fan I will gladly communicate with other Foundation Administration members, or MTF CO’s/MTF Commanders for the best solution. Personally, I believe I think very rationally when it comes to problems in general and solve them as a team or even alone to make the outcome be the best for me, the people around me and the site in general. I’ve been on the server long enough to know what to do and can’t do as well. Forgot to add this as well, I've been under the wings of Krail Vega, played SA when he was on SD. I have learnt a few things or two on being a 'good' Site Director because of him. 

What role does the Site Director have on the site?: The SD (Site Director) is the highest ranking member on site at any time (Besides the O5.). They make the hardest, most challenging decisions as a whole for the site and send out tasks for the other respected departments. They also face a lot of obstacles while leading the site as well. They are in charge of managing the personnel and operations/projects of everything that regards the site. They oversee what happens on site and try to keep things running smoothly and keep it stable.

What is the O5 Council?: The O5 Council is a group of 12 (13?) people that hold full authority and power over every event, project, plan, etc.. that happens in The SCP Foundation. With some even possessing anomalous powers to keep them safe from any harm. Not much is known about the council considering it is pretty anonymous and kept a secret, information we know might be not 100% true even. They sit back and guide the foundation to a greater future while remaining a secretive council. They protect the world from any sort of anomalous threat. Their members are one of the most logical thinking, competent, brightest strategists and many more words you could describe them.

Edited by Atilla Szellem


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11 hours ago, PapaDriller said:

not burn the site down

it is his first course of action. 


please burn the site down.

Current Ranks: 

MTF A-1 Agent | CI Reserve Manager | MTF E-11 Agent | HoEA | SCP Staff

Past Ranks:

SCP Moderator | MTF E-11 Commander | UIU Agent | CI Delta | HoEA  | MC&D Salesman |  Nu-7 SGT | GM SOF Colonel | Medic  x2  | 501st SOF Colonel


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Zoom, I'm back (Tho I think a few will be sad to know that)


Decision: +1

On 2/25/2022 at 10:44 PM, Atilla Szellem said:

Atilla Szellem/ Aslan Szellem

To start, I haven't been in game often for awhile, so this point actually means nothing. But Normally I'd try and see if I could recognise you from ingame, but since I haven't been on in awhile, I'll just go off the basis, that as long as people know you in a good light, you'll be likely to get people to listen to you. All that boring stuff. 


On 2/25/2022 at 10:44 PM, Atilla Szellem said:

In-Game Time

So, your ingame time is perfect for trying to apply for SD, I believe that 4 weeks and above is the required time before applying for SD, mostly because you'll have experienced most of the jobs, and have a decent understanding on how each part works in tandem with each other. So this is a good start.


On 2/25/2022 at 10:44 PM, Atilla Szellem said:

Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?

Good reasons given.


On 2/25/2022 at 10:44 PM, Atilla Szellem said:

What role does the Site Director have on the site?:

This is somewhat repetitive from other applications, but you can't really deviate that much, so It's alright, Doesn't really matter overall.


Conclusion: So, I was actually going to respond to this a few days ago, but some issues happened. Overall the application is very good overall. I am sure you'll make a perfect fit as SD. Your past experience can be very useful as SD, so make sure you use it when making Decisions. good Job. 😄

Edited by Sam Kelly
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12 hours ago, PuggoReal said:

-1 Constant mingery



100x better candidates (like me for example)

Who are you

Your application for site director has been ACCEPTED

Good application and has experience.

O5-5 "The Survivor"

(Contact Nathan.#6322)

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