Cool Bobby

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Everything posted by Cool Bobby

  1. Neutral/+1 Darksider is a great guy and very nice. DU is in an ok position right now. They have 2 more SOs thats great for hiearachy and they have no trials right now. I dont think DU would go under with darksider joining battalion. There is only 1 thing that kinda drags him down a bit is that he lacks experience. Normally having just above 2 weeks playtime is -1 on the apps because most people that get accepted got more experience. I will say he is very good compared to his playtime, but I personally think he needs a little more experience before joining batt. Overall I am not opposed of him joining, but thinks its better that he maybe waits for the next time.
  2. Big +1 Great guy Very knowledgable Very active Very good leader Nice to talk to
  3. -1 I am sory to say it, but it seems like you dont even have 2 weeks on the server so you dont have a lot of knowledge. You also only reached Major 6 days ago. I feel like its better candidates this time around and thats why I decided to give you a -1.
  4. +1 Definetly deserves a shot at Batt. He is well known and very competent. He also got a huge playtime.
  5. +1 Great guy Seems competent and smart Did my cadet training
  6. Out of Character Section - Steam Name: High Bever Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:148832269 Current rank on the server: DU CPT Bobby Age: 16 What is your playtime: (1 Week - Minimum) 4w and 6 d[At the Time Of Posting] Do you have a microphone, is it good quality: It's ok quality, it rarely happens that people have trouble hearing me. I am looking to buy a new mic soon. Have you read and looked through the Battalion Handbook: Yes I have Do you meet the requirements: I do meet the requirements, but the respect part is hard to tell. People I have been in regiment with know I am capable soldier shows a lot of respect, but because of 1 major accident some people dont look at me as a good soldier. Quick summary about you: (70 Words - Minimum) So I am a student and has a ok amount of school work and are on when I have time. I do really enjoy playing garrys mod and other games on my freetime. I also spend some days with friends, but that is no more than 1 day a week. I am also Norwegian so English is not my first language, so I have a few grammatical errors, but I have no problems communicating or talking with people. In Character Section - In-Game name: DU CPT Bobby Highest rank obtained: 212th ARC LCOL What current rank do you have: CPT What is your current regiment: DU What should we pick you for Battalion: (200 Words - Minimum) The reason I should join the Battalion is that I am active, nice, knowledgeable, a quick learner, a good leader, serious when needed and confident. With almost 5 weeks on the server and being a quick learner I have picked up a lot of different knowledge from being in 212th and DU for a long time and being in 327th, 501st and 74th for shorter times. There are a few rules that are different from regiment to regiment and I will clarify that with the Battalion so things can be cleared up. I am not afraid of asking questions so if I seem incapable that will change quite quickly since I will gladly participate in trainings and read documents to become better. But to be honest I don't think I am incapable since I passed the second or third arc mando and not sim. So I have shown my skills as a soldier before. As a leader in events I have shown my skills multiple skills in 212th and DU. I am confident in my decisions and most of the time they are the correct response to the situations. Still mistakes happen and I think it's really important to learn from them. I also believe if I am leading a whole event as a Battalion member I know what we need in the different situations. For example I know when we need shield walls and when to use explosives. I have also pointed out that I am active and am on the server most of my freetime. Right now that I have school I aim for 25-35 hours online every week. If I have vacation I will try to be online 40-50 hours a week. For example right now I have been 61 hours active the last two weeks. The only time my activity can drop is when I have a lot of assignments and tests, but I will still be online at least 2-3 hours a day then. I also pointed out that I am a nice person. I would rather formulate it as a person that is easily likeable. I have never had a problem with people not liking me since I like to laugh and I am quite agreeable. So I am also rarely in arguments with people. I can also be very serious when needed. For example events. In events if not leading I follow all orders given with few exceptions. If I believe the decision is not just bad but absolutely terrible, I might state my opinion on the matter and come up with a counter idea, but this is a rare occasion. I also believe having quiet comms in events are extremely important and only talks when needed. Describe the roles and responsibilities of Battalion: (100 Words - Minimum) Battalion has multiple roles and responsibilities on base and in events. I am first going to start with explaining the roles of Battalion on defcon 5. On defcon 5 the most important thing for battalion is to grant and deny the adverts. You should also host trainings for your regiment or regiments to further improve their abilities. You should also be checking on the trainings and SIMs to make sure they are executed properly and serve a reason behind them. For example not letting people just run around in the sim room and punch each other to death. If you also feel the level of the clones is lower than it should be you could host a mandatory training or mandatory sim if you have a high enough rank. When you there is an event going on and it is combat the roles of the Battalion changes. If you are leading the event you will be handing out orders to the people on the battlefield and granting and denying adverts. You can also be a CO-leader, but I will go through that later. If you are not leading or CO- leading you will be doing something else, but I will also go through that later. Have you ever been demoted, banned or kicked: (If so, explain why) I have been kicked for being afk, but not something else then that. I don't believe that I have a ban on the server either. If talking about regiments I have never been kicked or blacklisted from regiments, but I have been demoted. The first time I joined a regiment and got NCO was in 212th and under one accident I threw the grenade and accidently hit Battalion Meowers and 212th Commander Kids demoted me. Do you understand that Battalion is a very respectable and disciplined rank: I do understand being a Battalion member is a very respectable and disciplined rank so minging and doing stupid stuff will cause a demotion or even a kick. What do Battalion do during Combat, when they are not leading? When Battalion members are not leading or CO-Leading they will be supporting the regiment they are supervising or assisting another regiment you have been assigned by the leader. When assisting a regiment you will use your combat experience and weapons to assist. The Battalion member is not allowed to give orders or act like a leader, but you can give suggestions to the commanding officer in the regiment. The only times you are allowed to order troops is when you order them to a location. What are the 3 duties a Battalion Officer Cadet has to complete before getting promoted as part of his mentoring session? 1. Doing a training which includes faces, formations and questions 2. Successfully leading an event 3. Host a sucsesful debrief What is the job of the Co-Leader during events? A Co-leaders job is to assist the leader with making decisions and granting and denying adverts. So basically just assisting the leader and on a few occasions take over if the Leader either crashes or has to leave. Anything else: No.