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Posts posted by Ravolta

  1. I did not really want mention it, but the statement "And I am now the only one left from the german minge squad." obviously was sarcastic. I never got any warns, I only had 3 admin sits in my entire career on the server, and all those 3 have been for a minor reason (like AOS'ing someone who apparently did not do anything). I never really minged (of course some minor things here and there like some stupid /me shit, but everyone did and does them), but I think everyone that knows me can confirm that I am not a minge, that I did not mean those words literal. 


    I thought the germans would be the ones without any sense for humor and sarcasm but obviously I am wrong.

  2. - Out of Character Section -

    Steam Name:


    Steam ID:


    Current rank on the server:

    GM PVT, Platinum VIP



    What is your playtime:

    6 Weeks 4 Days and 17 hours.

    Do you have a microphone, is it good quality:

    It can get a bit loud sometimes, but the rest is good.

    Have you read and looked through the Battalion Handbook:

    Yes, of course.

    Do you meet the requirements:

    Yes, I do.

    Quick summary about you:

    I am from germany, northrhine westphalia, I am 16 years old and I love Ravioli ( as you could've guessed ). I love Star Wars, and I played on many RP servers before. I love playing DarkRP, but I found this server, tried it out and I liked it for 7 months. I am a humorous person and you can talk to me about almost every topic. I try to be organized most of the time, but sometimes things like homework, exams and all that stuff become a bit too much.

    In Character Section -

    In-Game name:

    GM PVT Ravolta

    Highest rank obtained:

    GM Temp EXO

    What current rank do you have:

    What is your current regiment:

    Galactic Marines

    What should we pick you for Battalion:

    As you can tell, I have a lot of experience when it comes to rules and questions. I know a lot about how things work, and I have spend a lot of time at a high rank. For the first 7 months, I have been a proud member of the Galactic Marines, however, after being stuck on Colonel for almost 5 months, I decided to try something new in 212th. I think that already shows that I know how to lead troops at any rank (in GM sometimes even Hierarchy), how to conduct trainings, what quality they should have, how to behave on base and during attacks and how to talk to lower ranks as well as higher ups. 

    My past has not been the best, with that I am referring to my early months as GM 2nd LT until I became COL. I have been very toxic, and I did not show my best behavior at all times. But, I think I improved a lot, I became a nice person who makes jokes and who you can talk to. I think I am a good teacher when it comes to show lower ranks how to lead the regiment, how to host trainings etc. And that is what I think is my biggest strength, the ability to improve myself, my behavior and the way of approaching people.

    Describe the roles and responsibilities of Battalion:

    As Battalion, you always should show yourself from your best side. You should be a prime example for all troops. You are elite, you are the one in charge, and you should behave exactly like that. You should not be too cocky, you should be respectful and  and competent in what you are doing.

    You lead all regiments into battle, you deny or grant requests and you make sure everything runs smoothly and efficiently. You make sure that your troops are well trained and prepared for any situation they may approach.

    Have you ever been demoted, banned or kicked: 

    Nope, nothing of all that.

    Do you understand that Battalion is a very respectable and disciplined rank: 

    Yes, I do. 

    What do Battalion do during Combat, when they are not leading? 

    They either stick with their supervised regiment, that means for example you are the Battalion Supervisor of the Galactic Marines, you stick with them. What you never should do during combat is to lead the regiment. You can make suggestions for regimental command, but you never take regimental hierarchies/regimental commanders job.

    If you're not supervising a regiment, or you decide not to stick with them, you stay in the mid to frontline, depending on your equipment. 

    What are the 3 duties a Battalion Officer Cadet has to complete before getting promoted as part of his mentoring session? 

    The 3 duties a Battalion Officer Cadet has to complete are:

    Host a basic regimental training including verbal and text faces, formations and questions.

    Successfully lead a base attack (event).

    Successfully call and perform a debrief.

    What is the job of the Co-Leader during events?

    The job of the Co-Leader is to grant or deny minor and major requests from the regiments when the Leader is busy. He also helps the leading Battalion member with big decisions. If the leading battalion member (crashed), he will take over and lead the rest of the attack.

    Anything else:

    I know this seems weird, but my resignation was unfortunately timed. When I was 212th SGT, my next goal either was ARC or Battalion, but I thought it would take too long for batt apps to re-open again. Now I resigned, and 10 minutes later batt apps and ep apps opened, and I thought I could give it a try for battalion. 

  3. In Game Name: GM Colonel Ravolta

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:91532453

    Are you currently staff on any other server or WG server: Nope, but I want to.

    In-game rank: GM Colonel, Platinum VIP

    Have you got experience in staffing RP servers: Nope, not in staffing RP.

    Age: 16.

    Playtime: 6 Weeks and some hours.

    Predicted time on server per week: I have been kinda inactive in the past 2 weeks. If I would get staff, I'd put GMOD SWRP as my main game again: 60 - 65 hours.

    Warns/bans: Not a single one ( I did not even get arrested a single time).

    Do you use a microphone: Yes, indeed.

    What do you aim to achieve in our staff team: My goal is first of all to earn experience on staffing RP servers. Additionally, I want to improve the server and to help out on peak times and off peak times.

    Why do you stand out among other candidates: I am experienced with the use of ULX, as I have some experience with staffing servers: I have been a senior mod on a GMOD TTT Server (It was a german crybaby server, but anyway). If I do mistakes, I'll ask others "How could I improve, what could I do better". I developed from being the most toxic prick on the server to a (in my opinion) nice dude who you can talk with. I can learn from others and I am taking the rules seriously. I also am able to reflect my actions, I am mature and I think before I take action.

    Why should we pick you to staff our server(200 words): As I already mentioned in the "Why do you stand out among other candidates:", I am reliable, especially when I have fun doing my stuff. Even tho' I haven't been to active in the past 2 weeks, mostly because I am bored, I would go full focus on SWRP and fix my activity, as I actually got to do stuff again (GM is kinda dead, when I was Temp EXO, there wasn't really stuff to do except for tryouts). I have a lot of experience and knowledge on the server when it comes to IC- and OOC-Rules, as I have been around for half a year now. I am pretty sure that I'd benefit from my Senior-Mod period on that TTT server, especially in the use of ULX.

    When I first joined the server with my friends Sanders and Strupple, we wanted to be the perfect CT minges. Our first map was the Venator Extensive, and we just wanted to press the hyperspace button. Now, we all developed to serious but humorous guys that actually want to achieve something on the server and meet some nice people.

    As I never got arrested on any job, warned or banned for any rule breaking, I think that I could be a good staff member, as I obviously take the rules serious, but I am not toxic and warn/ban everyone because they called someone stupid in OOC. I am confident that I know how to react to the biggest minges as well as on normal people with easy or even complicated problems.

    Do you understand that if you are unsuitable as a staff member your rank may be removed: Yes, I am aware, but I don't hope that if I get staff that this would ever be necessary. 

    If a trooper didn’t salute to you, what do you do as a staff member: If I would've been SOD in that situation, I of course would not care, as I am not an actual RP Character as SOD. If I would've been Colonel or Temp EXO, I would not care either except if he does not salute me after I ordered him to. If he would not salute me then, I would remind him of both rules calling CPL+ sir and saluting to 2nd LT+.

    You haven’t done your duties as a staff member as much as you should one week, how do you handle this: I would apologize to Staff Management/ to Staff Hierarchy, I would give a reason for me not doing my duties and I would try to do twice as much in the next week.

    You don’t like a staff member, how do you handle this: There are two different scenarios:
    If I wouldn't like the person because of his actions or behavior, I would ask someone that knows that person better than me for advise.
    If I wouldn't like the person because of his work, or the way he is staffing the server, I would talk to him directly.
    I would NEVER put anyone I don't like into any disadvantages. I would NOT treat him differently.

    Anything else: wgswrp

  4. Neutral

    Nice dude

    Some experience

    Good amount of playtime


    Many things missing in you application

    Low rank at the moment


    Basically what Aleks said. Even tho' you are a very nice person and you have some experience, you application isn't too good. If Battalion Applications open once again in the future, and your application is as good as others, I can see you as one of the next Battalion Officer Cadets.