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Everything posted by Rock

  1. What your suggestion is: Buff the normal infected weapon they spawn with damage increased from around 20 to around 80-100 Scriptfodder/workshop link: N/A Any additional information: The current infected weapon they spawn with only does around 20 damage, so if you were to attack a CT 4 numbers it would take 15 hits just to kill a CT 4 numbers with no shield. I know that infected are not meant to be able to be able to 1v1 clones they are meant to use their numbers but its extremely hard to actually get a kill with it. It is nearly impossible to kill anyone CO+ who has regen shield because it takes 5 hits to remove someone's regen shield and they just have to run get it back. Because of this infected only really get kills when they get given zombie swep as it does like 400 damage . I think that it should be buffed to around 80-100 damage but not too high so it still takes some time kill people.
  2. -1 Haven’t had the best interactions with you Low playtime also only has experience is DU Only just got Major
  3. What your suggestion is: Fix the font for people’s name in game Scriptfodder/workshop link:N/A Any additional information:The font used for people’s name in game has some letters which are then swapped for other letters for example anything with Vice in it becomes Rice. This is annoying in game because I can’t tell if people’s name are weird or it’s just the font.
  4. Huge +1 Extremely mature and nice high rank good app
  5. Basic Information: Steam Name + Profile link: Rock + Steam Community :: Rock Roleplay Name: Battalion 1st LT Rock TeamSpeak Name: Rock Playtime on the Server:9 Weeks 6 Day SteamID ( STEAM_0:1:460009079 Any experience in staffing: None Current Age:14 Warns/Bans: 2 warns in total 1 for failrp sitting on heads and 1 for disrespectful advert Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?:Yes Event Plan: Map: rp_coruscantbelow Enemies, HP, Amount: Clone: Black Sun Heavy Gunner, alien species heavy , 5 / Crimson Dawn Heavy Gunner, alien species heavy , 5 / Black Sun Leader, alien species heavy,1 /Crimson Dawn Leader, alien species heavy, 1 Black Sun Model: models/church/swtor/kage/cpt_kage.mdl Crimson Dawn: models/player/valley/bobafettyoungsuit.mdl Jedi: Black Sun Saber Users, 80000, 2-3 Model: models/church/swtor/kage/cpt_kage.mdl Passive, HP, Amount: Undercover Republic Informant , 2000, 1 Republic's Execution: Clone: Battalion receives information about a huge illegal weapons deal including two of the main crime syndicates the Crimson Dawn syndicate and Black Sun syndicate in an area of crouscant from a undercover republic informant after the message is received the informant says that they the clones must come as soon as possible or they might miss it .The clones are then briefed of the mission. Once the clones arrive at the area on coruscant they told to stay in headquarters to not rise suspicion whilst RC are tasked with finding the area of the deal. They find the area to be in a scrapyard as they follow some armed suspicious people carrying crates from the hangar to the scrapyard. RC then alerts Battalion of the location of the deal and once the they see no more boxes being brought they send the clones to stop it. As soon as the clones arrive at drug deal the crime syndicates will turn hostile and try to protect the boxes for as long as possible. The clones must then bring the boxes back to republic headquarters whilst dealing with syndicates. CE will mostly transport the boxes where frontline regiments like GM, 501st,212th,327th and CT will try to protect the transporters from hostiles coming from every direction .DU and CG can also use there shields to protect the transporters as well if there are large amounts. This will take a large amount of time as there are lots of crates. Once the boxes are secured at the republic headquarters the syndicates decide that it is hopeless and give up. The republic then searches the boxes and finds large amounts of blaster rifles and thermal detonators. Jedi: Once the Jedi arrive they are tasked with finding the whereabouts of the informant, they search buildings until they find the republic informant strapped to a chair being tortured by 2-3 Black Sun Saber Users. The Saber Users are not force sensitive however have stolen beskar armor which has been known to stop lightsabers. The Jedi must find a way to get the republic informant safe. Event Character Execution: Clone: First the Black Sun will be told that transport some boxes they will be told to follow the red line. They will bring all the boxes there and once done the black sun leader will contact the Crimson Dawn about the location the Crimson Dawn then arrive at the area. They begin the deal but are interrupted by the clones. They will try to protect the boxes as long as possible but are overrun by the clones. The ECs have had there spawn sets all around the path that the republic will take. The EC will keep ambushing them trying to get there crates back but will fail. Throughout the event they will given weapons such as E-22,DLT-19,RTC and thermal detonators. Jedi: The Saber users are put in a room farely close by to the Jedi Temple so they Jedi can find it. The Saber users will have the republic informant on a integration chair there will be lots of torture devices on the walls of this room. They are tasked in finding out how a snitch (the undercover republic informant) go into their Black Sun syndicate without them knowing. Once the Jedi arrive they use the republic informant as a hostage to find out how the informant got into their syndicate without knowing. The Jedi refuse to give that information as they don't know the answers themselves because of that the saber users then decide that the only way to find out is by torturing them so they try to capture some Jedi and eventually end up in a saber fight. They believe they can fight their way out as they stolen beskar armor. Story: There has been a undercover republic informant inside the Black Sun syndicate for years now he has recently contacted the Battalion because he has been told of a huge illegal gun deal. He has tells the Battalion of this but whilst he contacts the Battalion he is found out and his comms are cut. When the republic arrives they find people moving crates from the hangar to a scarp yard they then stop the deal and take the crates to their headquarters. They find out the crates contained a large amounts of blasters and thermal detonators. For help CE who carry the crates will follow the rope to go back to base so that nobody gets lost. For Jedi there are have been some Black Sun Members who have been tasked in finding out how he got into their syndicate without them knowing. They use are most skilled of the black sun therefore they get the best equipment like stolen lightsabers and stolen beskar armor. They try to also find out what he was looking for. Once the Jedi arrive they must try to leave with hostage but the republic will try to stop them as they must get him back. Event Information: Have you ever Done an Event Before?:No What was your event and was it successfully executed?:N/A Do you understand the responsibilities a event-planner has? If so, what are they?:The responsibilities of the an event planner is to set a good example for example produce high quality event with good stories that people enjoy, act mature at all times and don’t abuse EP powers and they must ready to respond to any scenario and make sure everything is running correctly. Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?:Yes Anything else?: W-G E-Planner
  6. +1/neutral Have had only good interaction with him High Rank From Yorkshire Lowish Playtime Didnt do minimum word count
  7. -1 Yeah but this is an ooc scenario as if it was a in RP it would impossible to get stuck and you could just climb out
  8. Name: Rock TS Unique ID [Tools -> Identities -> Go Advanced] : MUwmsUZM1Jp7sYx77RG757TwYjQ=Requested Medal: Community Service Medal Evidence: Look at the photo it shows me (Rock) in a tryout on 07/04/2019.Extra Information: I am currently Battalion 1st Lieutenant I have been ranks as 74th Adv Researcher, 327th Colonel and CE LT.
  9. -1 Minge + What Victor said
  10. Rock


    He speaks the truth
  11. Basic Information: Steam Name + Profile link: [W-G] Rock + Roleplay Name: Battalion 1st LT Rock Teamspeak Name: Rock Playtime on the Server:9 Weeks 1 Day SteamID ( Any experience in staffing: None Current Age:14 Warns/Bans: 1 Warn for disrespectful advert over a year and another warn from a couple months ago for FailRP sitting on people’s head. Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?:Yes Event Plan: Map:rp_republicvscis Enemies, HP, Amount: Clone: Commando Droid , 2500 , 2 and B1 Heavy Droids , 1500, 7-9 depending on player count Jedi : Force Senstive Bodyguard,70-90k hp, 2-3 model is models/player/tiki/nm.mdl and Midi-chlorian Researcher, 30k hp, 1 model is models/player/kleiner.mdl Passive, HP, Amount: Head Researcher , 2000 ,1 model is models/player/kleiner.mdl Republic's Execution: A spy has gained access to the CIS database and has found a chemical DNA weapon that could make the CIS win the war. The spy communicates with Battalion on the base as they are the closest to the system where the research base is said to be. The spy informs Battalion that CIS researchers have invented a DNA with could completely demolish the Galactic Republics Clone Army. They are told there mission to destroy all the research they have made of the weapon and are granted to kill all researchers by High Command as if the researchers get free they could recreate the weapon. The spy also informs battalion that they don’t know the exact planet the research base is on and that when they arrive an alarm will go off and the clones only have certain amount of time when they arrive until a CIS fleet arrives to protect the base. Jedi are also tasked with dealing with Researcher who has been using Jedi as test subjects to study midi-cholrians and are also told he has protection from some Force Sensitive Bodyguards. The Mission itself is split into 3 different planets for the clones as they don’t know the exact planet the research base is on and on every planet there is a large amount of droids. Whereas the Jedi will go to Sith temple to stop the researcher using Jedi as test subjects for research. The Clones: The Forest Planet: When the LAATs fly other the forest they will see a heavily armed Droid Base on one side of the planet . CE will land LAATs on the other side of planet and the troops will make there way to other side of the planet dealing with the CIS forces which have been armed with turrets and a tanks. 212th Or 327th will set up tanks or AT-TE on the venator this will be transported with CE from planet to planet using the LAAT. GH regiments such as GC,GM and ARC will be able to use their GH to get on top of the mountains. The mountains will give a good advantage of cover and GM will be able to drop down and be right next to droids so they will be able to use their FT. DU and CG will provide cover with their shields so that frontline regiments like 501st and 327th can be as close as possible to do the most damage. 212th can use their explosives to destroy enemy barricades or turrets. The CIS forces will eventually run out on the plant and they will search planet and will not find the research base. The Ice Planet: The LAATs fly over planet they see a huge satellite there are no sightings of hostiles on the surface of the planet . When they land there is a cave blocked off by some rocks the clones then go to inspect to satellite meanwhile a CIS bomber takes off and has bombing run on the plant. The bombs destroy the satellite and destroy the rocks in front of the cave as a large amount of droids come out of the cave. CE will send up a fighter to deal with bomber (who will be any trusted EC) . Meanwhile all other regiment will deal the droids coming out the caves. CG and DU could from a shield wall followed by frontline regiments as the caves are extremely close quarters.212th can deal with the turrets in the cave with their RPG. The droids forces will deplete by the republic quickly as there is a not lot of them underground and there is no research base. The Desert Planet: When the LAATs go over the desert planet they are instantly fired upon by turrets. CE need to use the LAATs or normal ships weapons to destroy turrets to make an opening for an area to land. CE will try to bring either AT-TE or a tank with LAAT transporter for 212th or 327th. The closer they get to the building the droids have better and better weapons. Eventually they make to research room where there is the Head Researcher who will have a final last stand inside the room with a small amount of droids. The Head Researcher surrenders but is then executed by clones because of high commands orders. After this has happened regiments must complete these tasks : CE/RC will hack into the computer and put all the data onto a hard drive then wipe the computer, GM will then burn everything inside the building so that no research remains and finally 212th will put a large amount of detonators inside and outside the building so it gets destroyed. While they are doing this Commando Droids staring falling into the planet in drop pods the regiments must hold off the droids while the regiments complete the task and then CE when evacuate the troops off planet. Jedi:They are told that their mission on the planet directly below the venator .Once they arrive at the planet they see an abandoned Sith Temple. They then enter see a Jedi ( this is known due to him wearing Jedi robes) badly injured with a researcher inspecting it. When the Jedi go to try stop him from doing it the body guards step and tell him to stop moving and not to come any closer. The Jedi can try to negotiate by giving them money but the researcher will keep saying that he will give them double of what they other to them if they remain loyal to him. The injured Jedi is begging for help as he says that he is about to die. The Jedi can either continue negotiating or try to rescue the injured Jedi . By the time the Jedi get to the injured Jedi he dies from blood lost. Whilst the Jedi are distracted by the Bodyguards the researcher will try to get to a hidden ship behind the temple to escape. If he escapes or gets caught the bodyguards can then try to negotiate for their life. Event Character Execution: Clone: Before the map is switched the ECs can a briefing on what they are doing they are told that will be first be on a forest planet and to defend for as long as possible they are also told when on this planet they will not have the best weapons but they will have tank. They are then told they will then go to a snow planet where be next to the cave exit and when the rocks are destroyed by a bomber they are to push out and then told hold the caves for as long as possible. Then they are told they will then go to a dessert planet where they need to protect the research lab they are told to try shoot down the LAATs that try to land with turrets. Forest Planet: There spawn will be inside a base on the !!! side of the forest planet. There will be a lot of barricades with turrets but they won’t have the best weapons and only have 1 tank. Snow Planet: There spawn will be in the cave at the top but will moved downwards as the republic enter the cave. They will all be at the cave entrance and told to wait for the Bomber to destroy the rocks in their way then push. The two commando droids for their first life on the snow planet will have flame throwers. And all droids will get better weapons like repeating blaster they will also have some turrets spread across the cave. Desert Planet: They will spawn inside the building they will given GH , repeating blasters, cis shotgun, dlt-19 and e-22. They will have some turrets on top of hills and they will have some tanks. They will try to shoot do any LAATs that try to land near them and will try to stop anyone from entering the building. When the clones make it outside the building the spawn will be moved into the research room. The droids will try to stop the clones for as long as possible and will get a final life inside the room. Once they taken out they will wait for 1 minute they will all be turned into commando droids. Drop Pods will be deployed on the other side of planet to the building they will then be tasked in stopping the clones destroying the research. They will then drive the clones of planet and it ends. Jedi: It’s the same as the republic execution for the Jedi as it’s just both Story: Clone: A Group of CIS Weapon Researchers have built a weapon that can target certain DNA. A spy within the CIS alerts the republic of this breakthrough and our troops have been focused with not letting the research or weapon fall into CIS hands or else there will be large consequences.The CIS Spy reports that are two problems: problem 1 is that they only the star system so they might have to search multiple planets and they will have around 30minutes by the time they arrive before a large CIS Fleet arrives. They search every planet in system and find the research lab and find on a desert planet the Head Researcher. Jedi: In the same system as the DNA researchers the Spy alerts the Jedi that there is a researcher working on living Jedi to study midi-chlorains. When the Jedi arrive at the planet they see an abandoned Sith Temple they also witness the researcher inspecting a Jedi body. They try to got intervene with researcher but are stopped by his body guards. The Jedi try to negotiate but anything they offer the researcher says he will give double for their loyalty.The injured Jedi calls for help so the Jedi then engage in combat with bodyguards. The researcher tries to escape whilst the Jedi are distracted (he will have a ship behind the temple) when he either escapes or gets caught . The bodyguards realise that won’t get anything from him as he is in jail they try to negotiate and finally get captured. By the time they get the injured Jedi he died from blood loss or if there is a sage online they can try to save him. Event Information: Have you ever Done an Event Before?:No What was your event and was it successfully executed?:N/A Do you understand the responsibilities a event-planner has? If so, what are they?: The responsibilities of the an event planner is to set a good example for example produce high quality event with good stories that people enjoy, act mature at all times and don’t abuse EP powers and they must ready to respond to any scenario and make sure everything is running correctly. Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes Anything else?: W-G E-Planner
  12. +1 Look a very helpful tool for EPs and makes so you can actually destroy the droppods
  13. +1 amazing idea it would seem extremely helpful when no CE are online