Nathan Dixon

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Posts posted by Nathan Dixon

  1. On 9/23/2023 at 11:38 AM, Bob The Bo said:


    I think that ISD has generally been more of a hinderance than a positive for the foundation. The idea sounds great to keep an eye on foundation staff to see if they are breaking the codex or are possible spies, but it is usually just people who disguise as a job, don't do their job, get into trouble with their department head for slacking, then the ISD to maintain their cover has to either amnesticate them or force them to sign an NDA, while they go back to "work" and act as if they are independent and don't need to conform to whatever their department head is instructing

    I think that Department heads should just be responsible for their units, which often times they are and don't need these infiltrators causing further head aches for them, or have Omega 1 do their job which is at least a more reputable unit that behave a lot more by the book

    (I accidentally posted on an older ISD suggestion so I am posting this comment here 😒 )

    You raise some good points;

    I understand you probably have PTSD from ISD SGs never attending security meetings.
    If ISD gets accepted, there will be an emphasis on playing as the disguised job. There are probably 2 situations where people deviated from their normal jobs. 1 is where they decide to not go to the meeting because they were ISD or whatever. Hopefully this will be cut down on heavily. If anyone gets arrested due to this, they will be reprimanded within ISD. The other is where the agent has ISD duties to perform, in which case they will be forced to juggle their duties. If they get caught doing this, it will be up to RP to decide their punishment, whether they get out scot-free or not.

    I get what you mean about the "independent" bit. ISD are somewhat independent, but I feel like you are mostly talking about in V6 ISD where agents would just not do any of their disguised duties and ignore their department heads. This will not be recommended if ISD gets accepted, and agents will be encouraged to do their disguised duties as well as ISD duties.

    I get what you are saying about department heads/O1, but no one will commit any crimes in front of uniformed officers. I feel like having unsuspicious agents who are also able to bend the rules slightly will be much more effective in helping to arrest infiltrators and rogue staff.

    I will try to make sure ISD is a lot more serious and doesn't go around NDA'ing and amnesticating for the sake of it. You still probably won't agree with ISD being on the server, but hopefully I can assure it won't be that bad.

  2. 3 hours ago, Mr Denny said:

    my earlier comment was based around previous experience of this job being on the server and always seeing people get bored of it being so dry constantly, from not knowing me at all and commenting about my combat RP you clearly don't know me and don't understand I have always loved Passive RP on SCP. To your comment on all other jobs Roleplaying constantly I agree no job will always have people roleplaying on it and some tom foolery will occur within any job, but ISD has always died out due to people preferring the more well known and more interesting GOI and foundation Roles.

    If you are unhappy with my response, too bad its my opinion.

    I'm guessing you didn't play ISD? Most people who did agree it was pretty fun and want to see a return in any shape or form. I don't think it ever "died out" as such, when it was removed it was due to some drama between SMT and job management. It had always been enjoyable for those who played it and that's why I want to see a return of it in V7 to see how it runs and if it'll work the way I hope.

    If you wanna play other jobs go ahead. ISD isn't everyone's thing, but it is for some people.

  3. 1 hour ago, Xunt said:


    Job shouldn't be it's own job but should be a secondary role people have alongside their actual character job (E.G: Researcher is also a member of ISD and is responsible for that department) This way it actually polices people with WL jobs and doesn't consist of power tripping children tac cuffing new players for making a mistake.Β 

    If it's a separate job it's actually an RP role instead of a combat job. Giving "Passive" disguises but also giving the job a weapon isn't going to lead to people not joining combat, it's going to lead to people disguising as non combat jobs and shooting raiders in the back because raiders won't shoot non com jobs. It's also going to lead to headaches for Security and MTF because these jobs attract the biggest grebs on the server who are going to start reeing about a Level 15 Security Guard (rightfully) arresting the Engineer with a gun, and ISD is meant to be super sekrit but also assumes everyone should immediately go along with arrests despite them not supposed to know what ISD really is IC.Β 

    Will also lead to CI just gunning non com jobs down because they don't want get detained or shot by one mid raid.Β 

    Sorry for the wall of text;

    I think the first idea isn't the best. You can disagree with me, but I feel logistical issues, especially concerning metagame and surrounding rules, aren't the best. This would be cool in theory, but I don't think it could work on the server. Maybe on a small scale it could work. I could go into detail but I don't want to make this too long winded.

    With the bit about ISD just shooting people in the back in a raid, I feel like you are mainly attacking what was the previous form of ISD, with a very strong and pretty much unrestricted CSI swep, and decent weaponry to take down anyone with a surprise attack. I hope that ISD won't become something like this. Even if it does, there can always be a rule to not intervene in raids at all if that helps. ISD shouldn't be a frontline combat role, and I agree with you about the non-combat job bit. However, if it was a raid, CI would be able to shoot anyone nearby considering they are witnesses.Β 

    I understand the bit about security and MTF doing arrests, but if an ISD agent commits a crime and gets arrested that's on them. They should be responsible for not getting arrested and maintaining their own security.Β 

    About people going along with ISD arrests... that's understandable, and is something which drove me to make ISD less arrest and combat focused, and more focused on just gathering intel and identifying hostiles so that they can call in other units to assist an arrest.
    One thing in V6 ISD that wasn't the best was a lack of communication between ISD and armed units. They had Foundation comms... and pretty much nothing else. Hopefully, giving ISD CSB comms (or whatever will be on server...) should help communication.

    If CI want to gun down any witnesses during a raid, then they can. I'm not the biggest fan of this, but as someone who regularly played CI, I understand that it was common for CI to gun down everyone in a room (even unarmed personnel) because they are witnesses to whoever they shot first who was armed. MRDM? Maybe. But there was no ISD, yet it still happened. I don't think we can stop this without a rule change to who can be shot.

  4. 2 hours ago, Lando Lovelace said:

    +1 (obviously) this new take on ISD is actually quite goodΒ 


    nerf CSI a bit but dont remove it.Β 


    CSI shot miss = 10 second cooldown so you cant mash it


    5 minute cooldown timer it has is more than enough


    also joe connor management is no no, get someone from old ISD that is competentΒ 

    I like this idea somewhat. I feel that it should have some extra restrictions like job rules, i.e you can't use it on someone with a gun out.Β 

    I think if someone can code it, we can consider it for the job if it gets accepted.

    I think Joe Conner is pretty competent. I think we should still give everyone a chance at management. If he does well, I don't see why we should replace him. We'll see.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Mr Denny said:

    this job has always died within a week but hey ho

    wdym? If people want to play it they will. If it becomes boring, we will make it more interesting. Any job can be stood around for ages doing nothing, that applies to nearly every job, and sometimes they get work to do. Nu7 stand around pretty much most of the time until a breach happens or CI raid. Same applies to E-11. Do you think that the SD is always doing some RP?

    If you only like combat RP, don't play ISD. There will ideally be a mixture of both kinds of RP. E.g. there is nothing stopping ISD from helping with arrests.

    Image result for isd scp

    "ISD is a concealed "foundation within the Foundation", a secret police force responsible for filtering traitors as well as operational and information security risks among the Foundation's ranks...Β The very existence of ISD is usually presented as a myth." - SCP Wiki



    ISD is a department within the foundation dedicated to rooting out hostile infiltration and ensuring loyalty among all staff. They operate in secret, and most of their personnel work jobs which would be considered "normal" within the foundation.

    ISD has been on the server before and has been focused on combat, especially against CI. This should be expected to change if ISD is added to the server.

    ISD focus on 4 goals, among other things:
    - Leading interrogation of hostiles wherever it is deemed necessary, in combination with CSB
    - Espionage and counter espionage within the Foundation to ensure loyalty among all staff, and to root out infiltrators
    - Reporting signs of infiltrators within the Foundation to CSB so they can be arrested
    - Compiling evidence against corrupt staff members, and leading arrests on them by CSB

    Some notes about ISD, CSB and how things would change:

    I have no problem with CSB existing. I think it's better that there is a uniformed wing and an ununiformed wing of internal security, because both offer different benefits. This would mean CSB can focus more on arresting people with better weapons, and ISD can focus on blending in and identifying traitors without being suspected of being armed.Β 
    I don't really care if CSB gets replaced by another similar job like there has been in the past, as long as the concept is still there.

    One of the most hated aspects of ISD was how OP their gear was (mainly the CSI swep). In V7, I think ISD should be nerfed from a combat aspect but being given more tools for surveillance and monitoring staff. Check equipment below for more details. As the server progresses, we can see about changing abilities and gear.

    One thing ISD should gain is more radios. If you weren't ISD you might not have known this but it was common among ISD players to just randomly steal comms from people and amnesticate them. This was really silly, so I feel it would be better if ISD got a bunch more comms so they know what's going on in the site.

    Back in V6 ISD wasn't very fun to play against and was rather broken. Hopefully, ISD will now be still fun to play but also fun to play against. There is a high reward for capturing an ISD agent (information, comms) but ISD is still able to cuff and gunpoint you, so the risk is still present. But it should be more balanced due to no CSI swep or SMG.

    ISD will try to be the following:
    Small,Β but skilled and mature.
    Not focused on combat,Β but still viable if they need to make an arrest.
    Secret,Β not making arrests alone and interacting with other departments when possible.




    The following changes try to A) Make the job's combat more balanced B) Encourage more passive RP and cooperation with CSB and other security forces.

    There will be only 1 job, ISD Agent, with 3 slots. Colour will be the same as security.

    Buyable equipment:
    - Selection of semi-automatic pistols (only 1 should be bought per life by job rules)
    - Restraints

    Other equipment:
    - Level 4 keycard
    - Weapon checker
    - Face scanner (should be removed from server ideally... but if it still exists, they should have it)
    - Selection of radios: Foundation, CSB, Research, surface (to monitor if, e.g, a reporter gets inside and starts releasing information, or some foundation staff start leaking stuff) (possibly Nu7, E11, Site administration, but those are less useful)
    - Ability to apply class A amnestics with /me.

    Disguises (command in brackets, to provide tools to blend in):
    Basically, every passive role (level 3 and below). If there are more, ISD gets it:
    - Service personnel
    - Engineer (/isdengineer, gives some engineer tools)
    - Senior Researcher
    - IT TechnicianΒ 
    - Cafeteria worker
    - Medical staff (/isdmedic, gives medkit)
    Plus, security officer, this provides some challenge for ISD agents as no security officer would have level 4, as they get level 2. They would have to be careful about showing ID.
    - Security officer (the one with pistols) (/isdsg, gives stunstick)

    You may have noticed there are fewer combat disguises but more passive disguises. This is to promote less of a combat-oriented playstyle, and more of a passive one.

    HOPEFULLY, this will improve ISD and make it more balanced for everyone involved.



    Owner - Myself

    Manager - Joe Conner

    Vice Manager - Unnecessary considering the predicted size of the job.



    The application system is a 2-stage process, in which applicants show their skills in document writing and also decision making in scenarios.

    Like pretty much every other job, applicants will then need to pass a 1-week trial and show they are fit for the job.


    - 1 week of playtime
    - Less than 5 warns (all warns have been reset, so it shouldn't be too hard)
    - Experience in other WL jobs
    - Level 50
    - Has not been blacklisted from ISD or CSB
    Exceptions can be made in someΒ cases.


    Stage 1:
    Choose how you apply. It is up to you what you write. Create a document, email, CV, interview, or anything of the like, or combine some if you want. Feel free to use google docs if you wish, or just use the forums.
    - It must contain some basic information about your character, their background, and their current position within the foundation. Try and apply as someone who would reasonably be interested in joining ISD and has some relevant experience in the field.
    - The more creative you are, and the better you format your work, the higher the chance you will pass. Do not be boring, and only write about things which at least seem somewhat relevant.
    - In an OOC section, provide your common RP name, steamID, playtime, warns, and discord name.

    Stage 2:
    Once you pass stage 1, you will need to fill out a short form providing some scenarios you may find yourself in as an ISD agent. Use common sense, and your understanding of ISD to succeed.
    -Β You have 2 attempts to pass.

    Once you pass you will be on a 1-week trial. If you break any job rules, or excessively misbehave on job, you will fail the trial.

    Applicants may reapply after 2 weeks if they fail.

    Any questions, post below or dm me on discord (zonger55)

  7. RP Name You Will use on CI: Nathan Dixon

    Playtime: No idea but something around 14w+

    Warnings: literally no idea but something around 10, pretty much all of them old back when I had 1w

    SteamID:Β STEAM_1:0:35881919

    Age: 16

    Do you have any prior experience in CI?: CI was the first GOI I joined, back as infil, started off by getting off trial quickly because of great performance. Stayed in CI for a long time, but when it became unwl, I joined delta again. When management changed I reapplied and stayed as delta. When CI eventually became a pretty much full WL job, I returned to being an infiltrator. Stayed at that rank until server closed. So pretty much my entire time of sever after reaching about level 40 I have been in CI.

    I have plenty of experience in assassinations, kidnappings and everything CI. I've participated in many, many raids and like many other CI I have pulled off my fair share of stunts. I understand CI well and hope to be a valuable asset in V7 when the server comes out.

    Describe what the CI's Goals Are: CI's overarching goal is to use anomalies to humanity's benefit. The CI started with the idea that anomalies should be controlled by humanity and harnessed for their power to make humanity stronger, as opposed to the foundation which only wants to hide them away and store them. Their biggest enemy is the SCPF as they control the most anomalies and are the largest threat to the insurgency, and their goals starkly contrast with that of the insurgency.

    Why do you want to join CI?: I find CI really fun and want to enjoy it with the new changes in V7. I think I could be a good and active member of CI and help them grow and fight the SCPF and other GOIs on the server. I think CI is one of the whitelist jobs I will focus on, mainly because I enjoy it so much. I enjoy fighting a much bigger enemy because it means you have to be tactical about the fights you pick and any edge you can gain in combat is a huge boost.Β 

  8. Before you read: yes, I have been in this job before. Yes, I was probably terrible at it. Can't really remember. But hey, it's been a long time and I've changed since then.
    My previous job, UIU, was a job at a time when everyone had a really cool SWEP made by Joshy. My character didn't have a super cool SWEP to do anything with and was built on doing RP, which I had seen quite a lot of though the job management saw otherwise.Β 
    ??? job has changed since then and hopefully I can earn a second chance in it. I know I've changed since then: many people can vouch for me. Though some still live on the idea I'm a complete minge who doesn't understand what A-1 is. With that out of the way I can actually do the app.



    Interview Log 1-A:Β 
    Interviewing officer:Β Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Inverviewee: Dr. Vladimir Zukov

    Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Doctor. I hope you know what you are applying for?

    Zukov: Yes. I do, and have been briefed fully.Β 

    Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Good. We'll begin then. You have your CV, correct? I hope you've been updating it, because we're going to need it now.

    Zukov: Right here.

    [ZUKOV proceeds to hand Document-A [attached below] toΒ Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ]

    Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Bare with me then while I read through this.

    [Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ begins to read Document-A]

    Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: You have quite a long history, I see.

    Zukov: Yes. My parents worked here for several years. It was the family tradition that brought me here, I suppose.

    Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: What brought you into your first job in the Foundation?

    Zukov: As stated before, my parents worked here. And so it happened that I was interested in their shared line of work. I liked experimenting, finding things out. And suddenly I found it all became possible very soon.

    Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: How'd you get into becoming a field agent?

    Zukov: Field research. So yes, a field agent. The front line of discovery, finding objects before anyone else in the Foundation does. I recieved full training from it, as seen.

    Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Experience wise, very good. A lot more minor details I won't go over here and there. We'll meet again shortly.Β 

    Zukov: Thank you, doctor.

    Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: You too.

    [LOG END]


    Document-A is the CV of Dr. Vladimir Zukov. It is restricted on a need-to-know basis as it contains personal details about an active agent. Some parts have been redacted.

    Vladimir Zukov
    PhD in theoretical physics
    17+ years at the Foundation
    Experience in research, espionage, disguises, amnestics, documentation etc.
    Currently working in Field Research as a scientist.

    Secondary School:Β β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆΒ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ
    College:Β β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ - A* across maths, physics and chemistry
    University:Β β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆΒ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ - Master degree in theoretical physics
    PhD in theoretical physicsΒ 

    Volunteered in a laboratory as a lab assistant - able to work in teams and safely
    Charity work withΒ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ - dedicated and used to working with others

    Recruited into the Foundation in 19β–ˆβ–ˆ as a junior researcher - 2 years in position - learnt about the Foundation and its operations
    Promoted to Researcher - 4 years in position - Learnt about Foundation's structure, ultimate goals, several dangerous objects and enemy GOIs
    Promoted to Senior Researcher - 5 years in position - Conducted more tests and had more experience in the Foundation, learning more about its activities
    Transferred to field research department - 6 months training - Training includes amnestics, disguises, espionage, weapons, medical and other basic skills needed in the field
    Field agent -Β Β 2 years in position - Working in the field and in espionage. Basic skills used a lot of the time, experience in many fields.
    Senior Researcher - Current, 4 years so far -Β Researching on new anomalies after an injury in the field. Now fully healed, but remaining in current position.

    Trained in basic fields such as guns, amnestics, disguises, espionage etc.Β 
    Loyalty to the Foundation and knowledge of its operations and goals
    Established position within the Foundation as a researcher. Well known among colleaguesΒ 
    Field operation training


    Interview Log 1-B:Β 
    Interviewing officer:Β Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Inverviewee: Dr. Vladimir Zukov

    Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: Take a seat, please.

    Zukov: Well?

    Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: We've read through your CV, and all audits have been completed.

    Zukov: Meaning?

    Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: We're willing to give you a position. You'll undergo basic training and then be back in your original position as a full time operative. Understood?

    Zukov: Yes, doctor.

    Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ: We'll get someone on you soon enough. Just wait here. And... Welcome. Welcome to the internal security department. It'll be a pleasure working with you. You can call meΒ β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ.Β 

    [LOG END]


    Internal security department
    "ISD is a concealed "foundation within the Foundation", a secret police force responsible for filtering traitors as well as operational and information security risks among the Foundation's ranks."

    Goal on site?: Ensure there are no traitors in the Foundation's ranks. This being general traitors, or disguised CI. Ensure loyalty
    among staff within the facility and report traitors or hostiles on comms. Or, handle it yourself without a disguise. It's up to you, really. Work alongside CSB or alone. Both work in the end.Β 

    See below for job and player info.


    this is the last bit don't worry
    my common RP name: Nathan Dixon
    steamid:Β STEAM_0:0:35881919
    i know i have 12 warns but most are old and I haven't had one in a long timeΒ 
    11w 4d playtime
    my discord is zonger55#0351, DM me any issues/questions

    Character Name: Dr Vladimir Zukov
    Job title: Internal Security Department
    Ability: Disguises (researcher only probably)
    Weapons: MK23 (pistol), elastic restraint, tactical restraint
    Playermodel: male_07 trenchcoat (whenever not disguised, not very likely to use it)

    Goal etc. is above. I'm trying to show restraint within using weaponry, so I'll only use a pistol. No CSI swepΒ because I don't actually need it to produce some sort of RP.


  9. ok this is a really simple change:

    change rule 7.11.1:Β SCP-1048 has to follow the orders of containment units under gunpoint.

    to:Β 7.11.1:Β SCP-1048 has to follow the orders ofΒ armedΒ units under gunpoint.

    ok but why?

    today we had a little schism in cafe where 1048 was cornered up and under gunpoint from around 3 Nu-7 and a B-7. when said B-7 put his gun away to cuff, so 1048 was technically not under gunpoint anymoreΒ and didn't have to comply to fearrp. while some would argue he still is and this is just common sense, the rules never state this isn't allowed/do a bad job at itΒ so technically it still is, and nobody could be warned for it

    please change rules to make this a lot clearer and make this sort of stuff not happen anymore, tiny change couldn't hurt