
Platinum VIP
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Everything posted by Solaire

  1. -1 Doesn't have high playtime Idk what Staff you have been seeing but it never takes that long. Applications seems pretty good and aight but only Padawan and very low playime.
  2. +1 Very good and hella active App looks good Has been battalion Experienced across the board
  3. +1 Been Commander for a while and has been in GC for as long as I have on the server. Dedicated af to the regiment shows commitment for a long time
  4. +1 Reasons stated above and can sing a mean thunderstruck
  5. +1 Old GC fella and is now battalion. Trusted. No reason not to. Trust worthy and would be good
  6. +1 EP Trusted AF. Lad and an absolute legend
  7. I have to admit, I have seen Mort improve a hell of a lot in Jedi and it has shown. Has done a very good job.
  8. +1 Long time jedi and competent. Other master guy
  9. +1 Besides. Another late night staff would be nice
  10. I wish but like been said. Very unlikely
  11. More maps are cool but like blaster said. Pretty big file size too. Main concern is lag and people crashing so those would be deciding factors imo
  12. Adverts clog up what people are actually saying and would actually make it a proper rayshield so hugeee +1
  13. +1 Would be cool and useful for quite a few people
  14. Netural Mic is sometimes hard to hear unless I am deaf idk but it can be a little difficult sometimes. Has improved quite a lot. Basically what Bongo said. Nothing bad to really say as you have improved a crazy amount however alot of good candidates exist
  15. +1 Good however just got EXO. No issues otherwise
  16. I have seen you but 1 week playtime is low so it is hard to judge. Nothing bad to say but all I have to say is increase your playtime and apply again imo.
  17. Great Choice Has been active for a long time now and has proved himself as both CG Hierarchy and Jedi. Saw him massively improve from when first joined. No issues with the guy Perfectly active enough to keep up Both Peacekeeper and Clone Also plays Mafia like a champ.
  18. +1 Pretty much everything has been said but great choice
  19. -1 Extremely Cocky and has ALT E abused to see an IC situation. IMO is not trustworthy from that, especially being blacklisted from both ARC and RC.
  20. Neutral/+1 Competent however I did have to ban for AMRDM however it seemed like an accident at the time and it was early in the morning. Has been pretty good when I have seen him. Done nothing wrong since.