Clint Westbrook

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Everything posted by Clint Westbrook

  1. No. I banned him after Viktor because I have a different way of punishing which goes by the TMod Punishment Guide (atleast I remember thats where its from, or I think I was told by a Senior Staff or Security-Staff when I was still a Trial Mod), although I am not a TMod, It teaches you how punishments work and explains that even if it's attempted, you still tried to do it therefore it's rdm. You did RDMX3 not RDMX2, attempted RDM also classifies are RDM since there is no such this as "Attempted RDM". You did RDM X3. What you did was you shot at a Class D in crossfire yes, then a guy took out his cuffs and you immediately resulted in shooting him, when you shot him you went on a rampage and killed 1 other person and nearly killed another guy, notice, all of those combats were literally started by you, no one else. You torched everyone, so you are basically lying on your application. Do you see how far away one of them was? And do you see how you torched then all up yourself? In my opinion due to your blatant lying on this app the ban should be extended. But this is for SMT to decide. Now let me explain the sit from my POV : I get told you RDMed, I check logs and surprise surprise! Multiple death people including a cuffed Class-D, I then assume you MassRDMed, then you explained how the Class-D was killed in cross-fire, I acknowledge this and apologise due to the fact that it was crossfire, so It's no longer RDM X4, but instead RDM X3, I then explain to you that you RDMed x3 people I said and I quote "You shot 3 people, 2 of which were killed, and 1 was damaged". You then decided to be ignorant and deny anything I said, Yes I did mistake someone's job cause it turns out they changed right after they were killed. I then double checked the log and they were E-11 before they died and then changed after which I apologised for because it was an honest and small mistake, but it still doesn't justify your RDM X3? Does it? The sit took so long because you were ignorant and decided not to listen, I told you that you shot 3 people and killed 2 but you denied it and only say "I only shot 049 and that guy in cuffs" then when I said, no, you killed 2 people + 1 injured 1 you decided to say "Nonono check logs!" which I did and it clearly still said you shot 3 people 2 of which died. You were clearly lying. I wasn't the one who banned you at first. Another Admin banned you which wasn't mean, I just added a reason. The admin didn't come to check why you killed them. But even if he came to check it was still a lot of invalid shots and kills. I am not at all biased dude, @Viktor Svetsken
  2. 什麼他媽的你他媽的剛才說我,你這小婊子?我會讓你知道我畢業了我班的頂部的海豹突擊隊,我已經參與了許多秘密襲擊的基地組織,和我有超過300證實殺死。我在訓練的大猩猩戰,我在整個美國軍隊的最高狙擊手。你是我什麼都不是,但只是一個目標。我會消滅你他媽的精度喜歡哪一個從未見過在這個地球上,記住我的話他媽的。你以為你可以逃脫說狗屎我在互聯網上?再想想,笨蛋。在我們發言,我聯繫我的秘密橫跨美國間諜網絡和IP被追踪作為現在讓您風暴,蛆更好的準備。這抹了你打電話什麼他媽的你他媽的剛才說我,你這小婊子?我會讓你知道我畢業了我班的頂部的海豹突擊隊,我已經參與了許多秘密襲擊的基地組織,和我有超過300證實殺死。我在訓練的大猩猩戰,我在整個美國軍隊的最高狙擊手。你是我什麼都不是,但只是一個目標。我會消滅你他媽的精度喜歡哪一個從未見過在這個地球上,記住我的話他媽的。你以為你可以逃脫說狗屎我在互聯網上?再想想,笨蛋。在我們發言,我聯繫我的秘密橫跨美國間諜網絡和IP被追踪作為現在讓您風暴,蛆更好的準備。這抹了你打電話

    1. James Whisper

      James Whisper

      你是豬, 你這個粗俗的小蟲子。難道你不知道你是可悲的嗎?你這個毫無價值的污穢袋。正如我們在加利福尼亞說的, 我敢打賭你不能把小便從靴子裡倒出來, 腳跟上有指示。你是個騙子。不會消失的疼痛。一個不合法的一個 zit 。我寧願吻律師也不願看到你。

      你是個惡魔和懦夫,你口臭。你是墮落的,有毒和墮落的。我覺得被貶低只是因為知道你的存在。我鄙視你的一切。你是一個血腥的無納德新手 twit 原始染色體異常漫畫的共噬丁香寄生池塘渣, 我希望你會走開。

      你是一個放血品質, 一個行走的嘔吐物。你是一個無脊椎的小蟲子, 只值得最深刻的蔑視。你是個混蛋,一個球童,一隻黃鼠狼。你的生活是愚蠢的紀念碑。你是一個惡臭, 一個厭惡, 一個大吸吮酸檸檬。


      我永遠不會忘記屬於和你屬於同一物種的尷尬。你是個怪物,一個怪物,一個畸形。一想到你,我就大笑。你有剪紙的所有吸引力。萊珀斯避開你。因為從你臉上, 兔子的數量實際上減少了。你是卑鄙的, 毫無價值的, 比什麼都沒有。你是雜草,真菌,這個地球的渣。我提到過你聞到的氣味嗎?


      你那隻蝸牛的小兔子。鷹會不會接你,把它的嘴開進你的大腦,一發現它臭氣沖天,讓你鬆動,在飛洋岩石之前,用你可恥的血液的泡沫粉紅色恥辱飛。願你窒息自己的老生常談, 愚蠢的信仰的噁心, 抽搐噁心。

      你疲倦,陳舊,平和無利可圖。你是肮髒的,骯髒的,討厭的和褻瀆。你真討厭,很噁心。你是個傻瓜, 無知的人。猴子看不起你。連羊都別和你做愛了。你是毫無保留的可憐,渴望得到關注,迷失在現實所忘記的土地上。

      你是浪費肉體。你沒有節奏。你太荒謬了, 很討厭。你在道德上相當於水痘。你是一個活生生的空虛,一個毫無意義的空虛。你是酸和衰老。你是一個疾病, 你幼稚的單手鬆弛的口水肉餅。

      在好日子里, 你是一個半機智的人。你讓我想起了流口水。你缺乏所有借給性格的人。你有壁紙的個性。你又臟又臟。你是阿辛和被蒙蔽。你是所有不愉快的源泉。無論你走到哪裡,你都會傳播痛苦和悲傷。

      我不敢相信你有多愚蠢。我是說搖滾硬的愚蠢。脫水岩石硬愚蠢。愚蠢如此愚蠢, 它遠遠超出了我們知道的愚蠢, 變成了愚蠢的完全不同的維度。你太愚蠢了。元愚蠢。愚蠢的崩潰自己到目前為止,甚至中子已經崩潰。愚蠢變得如此密集, 沒有智力可以逃脫。奇點愚蠢。水星上熾熱的中午太陽愚蠢。你在一秒鐘內發出的比我們整個星系在一年裡發出的更愚蠢。誇星人愚蠢。你的寫作一定是個怪人。我們宇宙中沒有什麼可以真正如此愚蠢。也許這是一些原始的碎片, 從原來的愚蠢的大爆炸。一個愚蠢的東西的純粹本質, 所以不受任何其他的污染, 以超越物理定律, 我們知道。對不起。我不能繼續。對我來說, 這是愚蠢的頓悟。在此之後,你可能有一段時間不再聽到我的消息了。我沒有足夠的力量來嘲笑你無知的問題, 對不重要的瑣事, 或任何這個驅動器的其餘部分半烤的評論。杜。

      也許以後的生活,你學會了閱讀,寫作,拼寫和計數后,你會有更多的成功。誠然,這些是我們許多人"正常"認為每個人都很容易掌握的初級技能。但是,我們有時會忘記,世界上有"有挑戰"的人覺得這些事情比較困難。祝你在感情和社會鬥爭中好運, 這些鬥爭似乎對你要求如此。

      P.S.: 你是虛偽的, 貪婪的, 暴力的, 惡意的, 復仇的, 懦弱的, 致命的, 虛偽的, 單純的, 討厭的, 卑鄙的, 好戰的, 機會主義的, 可鄙的, 犯罪的, 法西斯的, 偏執的, 種族主義的, 性別歧視的, 貪婪的, 無味的, 白癡, 腦損傷, 愚蠢, 瘋狂, 傲慢, 欺騙, 精神錯亂, 跛腳, 自以為是, 拜占庭, 陰謀, 撒旦, 欺詐, 誹謗, 膽小, 輝煌, 痙攣, 無知, 無知, 非法, 有害, 破壞性, 啞巴, 迴避, 雙重談話, 狡猾, 修正主義, 狹隘, 操縱, 家長式, 原教旨主義, 教條, 偶像, 邪教。, 疾病, 抑制, 控制, 限制, 惡性, 欺騙, 昏暗, 瘋狂, 怪異, 反烏托邦, 令人窒息, 漠不關心, 植物, 嚴峻, 不同情, 行話噴出, 審查, 祕密, 咄咄逼人, 頭腦麻木, 厭惡, 有毒, 公然, 自我毀滅, 虐待, 社會遲鈍, 幼稚, 無知, 和一般不好。

  3. 你好。我来自中国国防部,警告您有关即将对美利坚合众国发动的攻击。我们已经看到了您的令人作呕的行为,并希望通过摧毁整个人口然后接管您的土地来恢复它们。谢谢,我很荣幸能将您的土地夺走


  4. because you were afk for 7/8 of the day and nathan kennedy is inactive fat slob!11!111!!111
  5. ah ok its fine i thought u were british as first but now i know you are not. sorry for my rudeness brthaer
  6. istg do are you not fucking british nonce fucking means pedophile szwrfw3et2345qwafseg4
  7. security is allowed in ez, if they deny them from entering call a staff sit because they can go anywhere in the foundation.
  8. nvm changed my opinion after I realised what Xunt said is true
  9. Me when CI Infiltrator is not CI Raider but CI Infiltrator which means they have to go inside quietly. As CI Infiltrator you shouldn't hack if you hate being alerted by the foundation. You just wait for a retard with -10 braincells to open the door and let you in no questions asked or kidnap a monkey leaving the foundation and use them to open the doors, It's FearRP if they don't do this. Yeah sure stripping keycards makes it more realistic but it's such a pain in the ass for foundation now because now they can just easily escape and change disguise after being spotted or some shit. Like imagine this >ci keycard >ci spotted >ci in hcz >ci run to ez oonga boonga changing room >ezpz but without keycard its >ci no keycard >ci spotted because he was retarded combat-rp 24/7 for no reason >ci fucking crying in the corner of his room >dies
  10. +1 Everything about you is great. You are determined. You try your best to play site admin even if it means staying up late. You make pretty good decisions. You are a competent SD. Never had bad experiences with you. You deserve this slot.
  11. -1, Привет ты ебаный дебил . Надеюсь ты это понимаешь гребаный шимпанзе.
  12. make sure its mc 1.8.9 so i can fucking jitter click the fuck out of these cunts
  13. +1 the salesmen anomaly drug has a chance of giving you lighting manipulation and its cheap and easy to get, why not add it to the orb
  14. when satire is non existent in eyes of swrp funny member @Mort