Maurice D Biggs

SCP Developer
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Everything posted by Maurice D Biggs

  1. Denied You not only were propminging ( apprently 3rd Offence even ) , but you also been warned for RDM , adding to that a very imrpessive warn history even including Mass FailRP ( a permbannable offence ).
  2. Accepted You will be unbanned. Denied You would have been unbanned if you wouldn't have tried to bypass the ban.
  3. Denied No Template or context or anything.
  4. Denied There is no way you can not notice that you are in a sit, and if you are in a sit you wouldnt about the job you are playing in that moment.
  5. Denied You were banned recently with a reasonable time.
  6. Accepted You were *somehow* banned for repeated FailRP Names ........ Your ban will be removed.
  7. Denied No Template provided and being untruthful.
  8. Accepted You have improved your behvaiour quiet alot and therfo we feel like you can be trusted with staff.
  9. Denied We have denied your application,other staff members have told your understanding of the rules is not good enought for a member in the staff team.
  10. Denied You were banned for MRDM , a really serious offence.
  11. Denied I do not feel like you actually knew the Pac3 rules before doing your pac3, It can't be asked too much to get some permissions for your pac, which you would have easily gotten.
  12. Accepted With the last part that original ban makes alot more sense, and also shows you are dedicated to get unbanned.
  13. Denied You originally were banned for 1 day due to 2x RDM. This ban has been automaticlly changed to perm for attempting to bypass the ban.
  14. Accepted I can not see how as Staff you would be able to resonable conclude any RDM , as other snr staff seem to share this to be invalid you will be unwarned.
  15. Denied You were banned for "Constant Mingery/FailRP/LTAP", this does not seem to match up with the story with the femur breacker, from my view there is something you are not telling us. ( No Staff would have banned you for only what you said )
  16. Locked User seems to be unbanned and did not use template.
  17. Locked/Denied Propkill is a bannable offence , and your ban should been expiered by now
  18. Denied Your story does not match up with the ban reason at all and therfo is simply not beliveable.
  19. Denied Your thread was denied on the old Forum like willrick said.
  20. Locked User created new thread with template.