Maurice D Biggs

SCP Developer
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Everything posted by Maurice D Biggs

  1. There isnt even any actual evidence here that he was biased. But he should have deffently sticked more to the Punishment List [Also I question if this is even a Tier 1, if isnt actually Tier 2 -> which can only be judged if there is an actual conversation with the Nu7 on why he did it]. But that is like a Temp Tier at max, and maybe just a reduction in performance.
  2. Some staff do that, if they think the person is just to inmature right now, so allowing them to join back when they gotten more mature.
  3. Wouldnt it be eaiser to ... adjust the Scaling of the needed XP......
  4. I fail to see how having to have the Unit to be at the Hacking table, makes it more balanced? , Any SD would be stupid to not order your Unit to just hack the comms 24/7 and tell the list of names on public Comms. So how do you think CI will get inside?, or even go anywhere? , do you expect CI Infil to just stand in 1 zone the entire time? You are litterally breaking the entire concept of FakeIDs, CI Infil will litterally be a useless job, as you have worse equipment, just to have a fakeID, which is now pointless, since the Foundation has a list of names.
  5. Can you elaborate ...... are you really saying Rho-9 Commander should be above HoEA, even tho as of current HoEA is also bassiclly in charge of Tasks Forces. Edit: "Comms Jammer: When Comms are Jammed, a List of the Members owning said comms would be printed in the Chat. This would be useful to see if there are any other listeners. Comms can only be Jammed, when the Unit has said comms. It would work like the Facescanner (It takes a small amount of time to Jam them. " Also this seems like a bad idea, you can now get CI comms, get the name of all CI online ...... and make Infiltrators bassiclly useless. Or people will use the Names to metagame and now just hunt down those people. Or if managment is bad, you get rogue Units just messing with the Foundation. Also why would this job ever need so many diffrent Jobs, I fail to see any point to that. And the Ranks just seems like you pulled out random Ranks from list of Millitary Ranks, without thinking about what they mean.
  6. Reading this entire Thread ................ I somehow didn't spot 1 attempt to explain what they would actually do on the server.
  7. Application is under min of 1000 Words............... I thought you would have checked requirements again and check your app actually furfills them.
  8. I think bassicly saying "people need to be active to not get kicked", when asked how you are going to make sure the Job doesn't die ..... is not anwsering the question. No job ever had active members because of their Activity Requirement ........ you need to make sure people actually have something to do.
  9. There is actually a small Room on the map, which can be used for this ( only needs a few props).
  10. Maybe if you make an Unban request, you should include the fact that your Ban includes Mass FailRP - kinda a big deal you know. From what I can tell you were banned because you multiple Staff Members saw you regularly FailRP/etc. The ERP was just was the final thing which made multiple Staff Member say that you should just be banned. I mean just yesterday you admitted in Chat to giving Comms to D Class ......... "keeping a close eye on your warns" .... yea right. Also you not considering your verbal ERP Warn valid, is just laughable, normally thats instandly a normal warn.
  11. The point that in Position like Staff, many people really want people they can trust, so many people expect apllicants to be well known. I can only gueese this mentally is due to the History of the Server. Obviously its an Issue that depends on which Jobs you play, if you play more Jobs in Positions of Power (O5,SD,HOEA,Commander Jobs.....), you will obviously get well known, if you play other Jobs, you may not get known aswell. And at the end all of "+1 / -1" is just what Players think, we had Staff be accepted who got this negative Feedback, so while being known certainly helps alot, its not nessairly needed.
  12. I think that you can't really blame other Players on the server for not Testing on SCPs - when you still go play an SCP, while allready knowing there are too many SCPs online. What we rather want to happen, is that those people switch to other Jobs, to RP as something else. We don't want SCPs on just because they are SCPs, at the end we want SCPs on to be tested, which also means, if there is no testing going on, we would rather want you to switch to researcher. Also just as a reminder: It is allready disallowed to actively go AFK on a job, you should only really be AFK on a job if its unavoidable, so this proposal can have 2 results: A) People leaving the job, only to join a few mins before the breach timer ends or B) Helping People be AFK on a job, aka assist in actively Breaking Rules. Summary: Go off the Job if there are no interactions, if you keep being on the Job you are litterally making the issue even worse.
  13. Yea that should just be done, I have no clue why the Devs of the SWEPs just didn't add any Description at all [also its like in every template for SWEPs, so no excuse of not being a good enougth dev, just lazyness]
  14. Even if its clearly not working, there still is an attempt to encourage RP, this just encourages being AFK. If there is no testing at all going on, and there are allready 5 other SCPs, maybe you should be switching jobs instead of just staring at a Wall.
  15. Okay so first, anyone who just says "use common sense" clearly has no idea what they are talking about, if its not a listed reason, it would be RDM, even if Staff normally ignore it due to the ruleset being kinda stupid. And if you read 1.14, you will notice that infact there is nothing allowing you to kill CI, armed or unarmed, unless they harm foundation personnel or are trepassing (aka if they raided bassiclly). These Combat rules are from a long time ago, and they do not fit at all. With these rules, you can in no situation ever, attack CI, unless they attacked you/foundation. [Stop just claiming stuff like "common sense" just so you do not need to admit that the ruleset is just completely stupid] There should be a entry added which allows you to kill players which are part of a group which is hostile to you if they are armed.
  16. It claims that you have tried to bypass your ban, has someone tried to join the server from the same network? [and under a diffrent steam Account]?
  17. ->Pushing could easily get people stuck in some corner of a room, unable to go outside of their NLR Zone and Autoslay will probably cause issues aswell [also considering that slaying,etc does not give NLR, it would just get rid of their NLR]
  18. Your ban was permitted by Server Managment, so good luck with that. [Also how did you get unbanned in the first place, as I see no accepted unban appeal .........]
  19. You were banned for MassRDM, I fail to see how that fits in with "the one time I did it back". Clearly just Lying.
  20. So I see more then a few issues with your app. ------------------------------------------------------------- "as if your told to fight against GOC but you aren’t following the orders and get detained and demoted as you break out of cuffs (no guns pointed) and you got recuffed and got strapped on a crazy board and got strapped tight and you still go out of it or break out of cuffs is showing a lookse look of FailRP" Firstly this is probably the most complicated example I have ever seen to try to explain FailRP, and depending if I understood everything right in there ....... FailRP may not even be applicable here. ------------------------------------------------------------- "it will be punishable and will be giving a verbal warning as in further the player has done it more times it may result to heavily punishment or even permanent ban " Firstly I do not understand why everyone wants to include punishments in the section about the rules, as I am going to gueese that 95% of the people who apply never saw the Punishment List. Adding to that, saying that FailRP is generally punished by a verbal warn on first offense, is also just wrong. Adding to that listing that it can go upto a perm ban is not helpful, since that applies to all rules essentially. ------------------------------------------------------------- I will not go into the other 2 rules you listed, because they not much better. Generally due to your writing, I would not trust you to be able to actually explain rules like, for example: Consquence RP, to a new player. Nor can I confidently say you actually understood the rules. -1 I do not think you are fit for Staff.
  21. "no i wont list every single rule for no reason" maybe you should ...... since you currently are under word limit [bruh why did you not check that before posting ............] But like otherwise, aslong as you are active [ can't rly judge since I ain't that active myself], sure why not +1
  22. A few things about the Rules section: "This can result in a ban or even a perma-ban if they kill over 9 people within a small window of time." ~ where did the number 9 come from, it isnt how we officall define it, and neither is the rough guideline we sometimes give tmods when to consider MRDM. "Combat Baiting. This is when a player is trying to start a conflict for no RP reason." - Where did this even come from?. its not in our ruleset, [most cases which this would apply to, are covered by other rules like trolling] Also you specificly pointed out Building rules .... but the 2 rules you listed .... are not directly related to building, but props. Also why did you try to include Punishments on every rule, from reading them I can tell you clearly don't actually know the punishments, which is ofc fine since you aren't staff yet, but I fail to see your reasoning. I would still give you a +1 as the app is fine, aslong as you respond to this in any way [so I know ya actually paying attention to what happens on your apps]
  23. There is certain stuff, you can certainally call "having fun", but I fail how spamming ear rape radius, or in the first clip having / allowing other people to have FailRP Names .... is fun. If a staff member breaks certains rules which are specificly made to stop other players from being annoying (Radio) rules, I fail seeing how that is "having fun", someone even calling out "who played the horrible noises" means they are allready annoyed by it, and that would be a very good sign for a normal staff member to stop. And in the first clip, how can having a failRP name be seen as having "fun"? The only way I see stuff like this being fun, is if you have fun by being a "rebell" and breaking the rules. And while its not "abuse" in a tradtional sense, it is Breaking the Staff rules, and it is tierable. Worst case Scenraio: Bango gets a Single Perm Tier [Which is the same as 2 Temp Tiers] , which at his rank means automatic removal from the Staff Team. For the 3rd Part of your post, by technicallity it doesn't matter, being a hypocrite isn't disallowed, even if its not good behvaiour.
  24. Just as Info, Its not like the Punishment Guidelines are hidden, they are on the staff sheet, which can be found on forum.