Maurice D Biggs

SCP Developer
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Everything posted by Maurice D Biggs

  1. Denied have you even read the template itself/requirements?!
  2. Denied, only negative feedback from the community
  3. Accepted, The rule about detainment requieres a Player IC to actually know the other person is Foundation. if CSBs acts in a way which makes their behaviour suspecious ([like sneaking up on someone] a player cannot assume IC that they are Foundation anymore, making CSB not be protected by the Ruleset.
  4. Denied, A: Unreasonable reaction time. B: You litterally rotated at a constant speed, and then stopped when facing him, this is not how humans work. So this proofes beyond and reasoable doubt that you cheatetd in some way (aim asist/aim bot)
  5. Denied, under min Wordcount, and both the Rules section aswell as the "Do you know what SCP is about" sections are underwhelming.
  6. Graph: Full Document:
  7. Accepted. This was your original ban: "NH2RP, continiously spawning ducks after a warn"
  8. Locked. User made another request in the correct section.
  9. Locked. User made another request in the correct section.
  10. Denied, Not thinking does not protect you from warnings, you should consider what the consquences of your actions may be.
  11. Denied, you've been banned on the 28th Oct, wait longer before appealing your ban.
  12. Okay so. This seems to depend on your System, for me its like this:
  13. Denied, Did you expect to be unbanned if you respond like that to feedback?!?
  14. Denied, Even if the stated reason is a bit question, it is still Propspam, which would have the same Punishment with the amount of Props you spawned within a short timestamp. If you want to report staff please do it in the Admin Abuse Section, with actual evidence/name.