
Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Jenson_

  1. This video shows in clone wars a clone running with a minigun and the minigun we have is pretty small. Here is a photo
  2. +1 .The new minigun was supposed to be a replacement but really it wasn't as the speed is so slow . When I use the minigun I feel like I am not able to push in as I'm walking into the enemies that's why we need to be able to run( you may say that you cant run with a minigun but you can if you watch clone wars). .And you could say just use the old minigun but to be honest its a peashooter
  3. If you need your role requested please do the following in a new thread. Which Rank/tag do you need: Plat VIP What is your RP Name on the server(only use one): Jenson Evidence (A image of your name ingame with the said rank, or a image of yourself on the old forum. Do not post sensitive information such as emails/PayPal payments please:
  4. -1 I have seen this happen multiple times and looking at the clip and what people are saying this is a fair warn
  5. +1 .Good lad .Never had problems in the regiment . good app .Very good with lore
  6. +1 . Active with decent playtime . Nice person overall . You may be young but i believe you would be a exception as you are mature
  7. Neutral/ +1 . Low playtime . Dont really see you on . Decent App
  8. +1 .Mature .Sound lad .High playtime .Active . Have not heard a bad thing about him
  9. +1 .Mature in 327th .Never had a problem with him in the reg .Active . Overall just a sound guy
  10. +1 / Neutral .Great app . Mature .High rank .Sound lad . Just think about it if u leave the person that gets VC will be a CMDR straight away and u dont know if they are ready so i say the app should be put on pending whilst u sort your reg out and possibly see if the new hierarchy are ready to take control without u cause it will most likely take them a bit to learn the ropes.
  11. +1 .Decently active .Sound lad . Good fit for the role
  12. +1 Mature, experience, good app and overall a chill guy
  13. +1 Active, mature, high rank and would fit the job