Lee Lannister

Platinum VIP
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Everything posted by Lee Lannister

  1. I do like the look of the hit marker on this post but there is nothing wrong with the original one on the server. Neutral.
  2. +1 I would love to see this in the server, they look amazing & the EP's could do an amazing job with these.
  3. -1 I really don't see the need for this due to the fact that people can forget to put it back on and it will just be pointless, this suggestion is only for people who would want to make themselves look cool for Pac3. It wouldn't benefit anyone over anything.
  4. From what I remember you where on Omegal and you did search Traps and then a man came up that was dressed as a female and it was really obvious that he was a male and that they where going to show you something inappropriate. There is a discord rule that states "This is a SAFE FOR WORKPLACE Discord, used by members of all ages so be respectful please!" that clearly means that no inappropriate photos or videos etc. I do believe in second chances but when it's something like that where it was in a channel where young people could've joined, I would say wait a while & try prove yourself mature by either playing in game or just wait a while and then return by making an unban appeal and putting a bit more effort into it. -1
  5. -1 Personally I was online at the time of you being banned and you where minging a lot as ABS and BS, The reason you where constantly cuffing people. You & your friends where put into the Brig due to messing around with your job and just constantly breaking rules.
  6. +1 DU Need PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
  7. Please no, this would be a minge fest for a lot of people.
  8. Sorry but if you have been banned twice and you already had a second chance, you should not be brought back to the community. -1
  9. Personally I think this whole situation is silly, I believe from what I've seen he was told this Pac3 was allowed but it was not from a staff member who can grant this. This situation is a whole miss understanding and the fact that a Security Staff had to deal with it while there was at least Super Admins and below online, they could've dealt with this. I think you should just wait out the 2 more days that are left unless staff decide to unban you earlier.
  10. +1 The map is a good and amazing, I like the base on it and would love to see this on the server. Download is small too which would make it easy for players to install if they haven't played it before. Cannot wait to see the verdict on this map.
  11. I do believe what Sleepy is saying here, a Perm banned is harsh over something that happened in a locked channel for people who are Knight+ I am not saying what he done is acceptable but a perm banned is really harsh, possibly a months ban would be a good time for his to have a break and possibly rethink the problem that he done. I first met Nips today after I came home from getting my tattoo and he was a chill guy following the rules not breaking any of them, I do believe in second chances no matter what the issue was but he should be given a second chance.
  12. Which Rank/tag do you need: Premium V.I.P What is your RP Name on the server(only use one): Jedi Padawan Lannister Evidence:
  13. Thank you for the feedback. The wait has only been around 3-4 times jsust when I’ve been needing assistance but it’s not a regular, I understand the my playtime is low and I am getting that up everyday if I’m not working. I also joined a clone regiment and I am also trying to work my way up in the ranks too.
  14. I understand that but I have played a lot of servers and I know a lot of the SWRP rules etc. Thank you for your feedback and I will try get that up and going.
  15. In Game Name: Jedi Padawan Lannister & 212th Enlisted Trooper Lannister Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:111588889 Are you currently staff on any other server or WG server: None In-game rank (VIP and 501st SGT): Platinum VIP, Jedi Padawan, 212th Enlisted Trooper Have you got experience in staffing RP servers: I have been staff on multiple servers that are mainly DarkRP but I have been staff on other games that are roleplay too. The Garry's Mod servers I have been staff on are Cloud-Gaming, Jungle Servers, ASAPGaming and more that have shut down a long time ago. The games I have been staff on are called Arma 3, DayZ, Garry's Mod & Minecraft. Age: 17 (18 in November) Playtime: 1 Week & 5 Hours as of right now Predicted time on server per week: I have work Tuesday - Friday (09:00 - 16:30) I mainly see my girlfriend on a Tuesday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday but if I am not doing any of that then I am on this server playing. Warns/bans: 0 Warnings & 0 Bans on record Do you use a microphone: Yes What do you aim to achieve in our staff team: I am looking to achieve a lot if I get accepted into being a staff member, I would like to fix the community and stop a lot of people minging around on the server and acting like they get away with it. I have always heard great things about Werwolf Gaming servers and I would like to keep it that way, I would also like to lower the ticket times due to the fact me needing assistance by staff and sometimes the wait is around 10-15 minutes long. Why do you stand out among other candidates: I feel like I stand out more to other candidates applying due to the fact that I have gotten a lot of experience with staffing not only on Dark-RP servers but on other games that are role-playing servers too. I understand that my playtime may not be the best and what you are looking for but experience is better than playtime in my eyes. Why should we pick you to staff our server(200 words): I would love to join your staff team because I have a lot of experience in being in a staff position about 3-4 years and I think my experience would give me an upper edge over other applicants. If I was to become staff here at Werwolf Gaming I would be always busy and always trying to improve my staffing skills and others who I work with. I am very independent and does not need to be told what to do and how to do it. I would say I am a very active member with no warnings and strikes and have never been pulled into a sit. I really like interacting with people. I see this community going far in the near future and a really good staff team with experienced staff would also benefit the community. I know how to follow CoC and I understand that anyone above me has final say over any matter. I would also like to join the staff team because at this time of year younger members of the Garry's Mod community will be getting into roleplay (due to Coronavirus, etc.) and some might not understand how to use the mods etc and I think as a member of the staff team we need to be helping them out by checking the forums and Teamspeak for any problems. Another reason why I would like to join the staff team is because I am a hard working and confident person who wants to help anyone and everyone because it gives me joy and pleasure to do so. I would like to be staff because I have many different likes of Confidence - I think this is an important part of being a staff member because when you are in a sit or speaking to another player who disagrees with certain aspects of the game or mines you or other staff members then you should be able to back yourself and put your point forward confidently and be able to say why you are doing what you are doing and why you did it. You also need to be confident when your talking to other players off and on duty, if you don't think your confident you should not be applying for staff you have to believe in yourself and when I became staff on other servers I was not confident in myself but I could tell you I believed and I had done a great job in the end. Respect - This is the most important thing in being a staff member if you can not respect people you have no point of being a staff member because people may see you as a grumpy old person who doesn't respect players and their job as a staff member. Teamwork - I have very good teamwork skills with people by working with other people on the server such as protecting stuff and more and I think that me having good teamwork skills I can help other staff members if they need help with something I know and they don't. I have more qualities that I could say in an interview but I don't wanna make this super long for you guys reading this. Do you understand that if you are unsuitable as a staff member your rank may be removed: Yes I understand If a trooper didn’t salute to you, what do you do as a staff member: Since Staff isn't a in character job you shouldn't salute/bow to them, you should only be saluting people that are using in character jobs that are the rank 2nd LT+ You haven’t done your duties as a staff member as much as you should one week, how do you handle this: First of all I would apologize for not getting my duties done in the time it should've been, if I had a reason such as real life issues I would let a staff member know. After I have apologized I will reassure them that I will do my duties this week and I could do extra for the ones that I missed. You don’t like a staff member, how do you handle this: If I didn't like a staff member either I would keep it to myself and not show any disrespect towards them or I could ask them to talk in private such as in a discord call or alone in game while on duty etc and talk about the issues we have with each other and hopefully we can fix them and become Anything else: wgswrp