Drake Watcher

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Everything posted by Drake Watcher

  1. +1 good app pretty good staff member as far as I remember turkish
  2. -1 below average app didn't get SteamID or playtime right I have no idea who you are
  3. According to the punishment guidelines, RDM for level 15+ is a ban, and since you RDMd 3 people its 3 days but there is really no point arguing over it considering the ban will run out in a few hours.
  4. You are literally complaining about staff enforcing rules, what did you expect to get after you kill someone for no reason?
  5. Yeah that completely excuses you killing 8 people and your warn history shows you did so good to the server that you got banned 5 times. By MRDMing them? Yeah, you shot up LCZ. You truly are vital to this server. Tell me how shooting 8 people (MRDM) is not worthy of a permaban or how the evidence is biased. Acting like a complete retard on your unban request and flaming other people really won't help you mate. Are you actually braindead? What are you even talking about? If you can't see that you shot 8 people in the evidence and how that is permabannable you should probably stop playing SCP RP and go get help. Great, you can go cry about it somewhere else then. Just stay banned.
  6. What the fuck are you talking about? You killed the HoS, a combat medic, a cuffed D-Class and 2 more innocent D-Class in the airlock. Also you changed your story multiple times and disrespected staff and players several times in the sit. Adding that up to your previous RDM warns, the ban was clearly valid. This has to be a joke.
  7. There is a template you should follow, also we need your SteamID to know your ban reason.
  8. No, it's a week ban just wait it out.
  9. I personally don't think you'd be a good fit for staff for now. Neutral/-1
  10. Neutral Good enough app Still not sure about how to feel about you being in staff I've only seen you about 5 times, all on Nu-7 so I don't really know how you'd act as a staff member
  11. Yes, you wait for SMT to make a decision.
  12. No, just no. Braindead, wouldn't trust him with any WL position at all. -1