Kaneki Fujimoto

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Everything posted by Kaneki Fujimoto

  1. -1 I'm gonna have to minus this one. Reasons will be stated below. - Too less words used to describe and answer to the questions. - Today I had to tell you of while you were SA and I was SD.
  2. Despite it's name and popularity, the French fries are not French. The origins can be found in Belgium, where historians claim potatoes were being fried in the late-1600s. According to Belgian lore, poor villagers living in Meuse Valley would often ate small fried fish they caught in the river. Believe it or not, despite being called French fries, these delicious potato fries are actually a Belgian creation. Throughout history, many nations have laid claim to the hearty fry. The French, the Dutch, the British when served with battered fish. I spent 5 minutes of my life researching this. You're really welcome. I love France!
  3. +1 I will be giving this one simply a +1, reason for it being Joe Conner is a well-known player and a great Roleplayer, I believe you deserve this role not only because you showed maturity throughout times, I'd say this fits well. Small text- but explained very well. I wish you good luck with your app. Love, Kaneki.
  4. I am literally confused what is this.
  5. As Walter stated. Yes, this is the link. https://werwolfgaming.net/forums/forum/47-whitelist-applications/ This is where you apply for Staff (Like Admin or Event Planner) Site Director is a whitelist. :3
  6. I'm blacklisting myself from GRU-P that's how much I hate it now.
  7. I actually believe that you're a good guy, I banned you just because logs proved you killing 4 people, silly me, highly apolagize I forgot to put it in the evidence channel, I have been gone for so long I just need to refresh my mind. I believe that you deserve to be back, I'll post the picture of logs here, I also just remembered Xunt's announcement over bans near CDC, he deserves an unban, I was a bit confused at first, but its MassRDM, but near CDC, like Airlock, so I'm quite unsure. Good luck with your Unban! Would like to see you again actually.
  8. Neutral/+1 - I don’t really see a problem you joining staff. - Heard good things about you. - Pog SD. : ) - I wish you good luck.
  9. Neutral - I’m giving this one a neutral. - Once I’m back from my LOA I’ll see how players behave, - I have no idea how you behave on the server. - I wish you good luck.
  10. You actually got the template right this time.
  11. This whore abuses me and is clearly not here to roleplay smh fucking idiot, he is clearly a great guy yes! If I told him to mute me for years he’d do it!! I’ll give a +1 because mmmmmmh money ol cold cash nigga get a brain and life, also clearly underage for this position African motherfucking holy shit fuck someones mother and take healing crystals (metH!!) as bansheey stated smurf polish twink.
  12. PLEASE, IM GOING INSANE. Use the template. Close this.
  13. This is actually well thought of, I’ll host it and give everyone fire extinguishers. :sillytime3:
  14. +1 - I’d say you’re a good role player, and we’ll known in the community. - I’m +1 this because honestly I’ve mostly seen good things from you, well, from my perspective. - Quite frankly your app comes together quite normally, could’ve used a few more words here and there. - Overall? Solid 7,5/10.
  15. -1 - Way too low playtime. - The above messages. - They are speaking truthfully, get more known within this community. I wish you good luck…
  16. Neutral. - I’d say the application is decent. - Nothing too special or outstanding, I’d say well written. - Site Director is a very high position, so you need to be very careful. - Also who the fuck is this person above me? - Good-luck with your application.
  17. E-11 and B-7 are equipped with fire extinguishers from what I remember? Pretty sloppy event really.. Think of anything you want! ^^