
Platinum VIP
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Posts posted by Jendo

  1. +1 Fusions past has already been commented on, however the punishments he received from his actions, namely the removal from GC is the kick up the arse I believe he needed to further himself on the server, something which others have yet to discover, CT isnt an easy job but Fusion rose to the challenge the fact that he has been trusted with a Trial EXO period shows that I'm not the only one who believes this overall he is Competent when he wants to be, I have noticed this from my time spent with him in GC, Jedi and also the few ARC Evals he has attended and in general a decent lad.

    I think it might be hard adjusting but I also believe that Fusion if he sets his mind to it has what it takes to strive in Battalion.

  2. In Game Name: 


    Steam ID:


    Are you currently staff on any other server or WG server:


    In-game rank (VIP and 501st SGT):

    Plat VIP, GC Temp Commander, RC Commando.

    Have you got experience in staffing RP servers:





    7W 5D 13HRS.

    Predicted time on server per week:

    60+ Hours, spread throughout the day.



    Do you use a microphone:

    Yes and I have not experienced issues with it yet.

    What do you aim to achieve in our staff team:

     I aim to make the server a more enjoyable and friendlier place for both new and existing players and give something back to the server a little.

    Why do you stand out among other candidates:

     I believe that I have a good standing in the community, I don’t believe I have any enemies / people who dislike me, as proven with my Hierarchy period for GC and time spent in RC I can be stern when needed but enjoy a good laugh here and there, In real life I am a martial arts instructor and take classes each week (after achieving my black belt aged 12).  Which I believe shows my maturity and drive, I have also dealt with many difficult individuals in the past with a range of scenarios which may help me solve staff sits where other possibly could not, as stated before I don’t believe I have any apparent enemies in the server, however I have also got to know many individuals or atleast groups of people so I am aware of how most regulars act and will react to certain issues.

    Why should we pick you to staff our server(200 words):

    Since the day I joined the server I stuck in Green Company and rose through the ranks and I had worked hard to improve the regiment, I believe this shows my dedication and work ethic as GC albeit has been shakey here and there I believe for a long time we have been one of the most solid regiments (despite recent events) and I’d like to think I have atleast played a small part in this. I play throughout the day and I have noticed early morning and late night, when I am on and the server is at a low population there are little to no staff on and this is when people like to begin bending the rules / minging as you can imagine. I feel as if I can fill that gap in the server daily cycle. Also throughout my time on this server I have served under and worked closely with many staff members who have gone on to reach high ranks in staff and have observed their workings closely, learning from them the different adversities you may come across whilst on the staff team. Seeing as I have never been brigged or warned I’d like to think I have a good understanding of the rules. During my time in GC I have always strived to help others and make it a more friendly environment so as people stay in the regiment and so as it can flourish, this is what I hope to help to do with the server. Recently I was recruited to RC and I believe that the qualities required to be considered for RC are shared to those of staff.

    Do you understand that if you are unsuitable as a staff member your rank may be removed:

    Yes, I understand fully.

    If a trooper didn’t salute to you, what do you do as a staff member:

    If I am SOD then nothing as SOD is an OOC job, however personally I do not care for salutes but I understand why this could trouble others, I would simply mention that they should salute 2nd LT+ and Knight+ also to probably be more careful as others might not take it as lightly as I did and move on with whatever I was doing.

    You haven’t done your duties as a staff member as much as you should one week, how do you handle this:

    After apologising to the other staff and higher ups, Reflect on what I could do to improve, and work double as hard the next week to make up for the mistakes made prior.

    You don’t like a staff member, how do you handle this:

    The way I normally handle situations such as these would to be to try my best to avoid said person when possible so as to not create any unneeded hostility, however I would not let this get in the way of my job as a staff and if required would work together with them to continue my job and in doing so hopefully squash any beef with said person.

    Anything else: WGSWRP

  3. 4 hours ago, [WW2] Auster Schumacher said:

    As being able to snipe someone like a coward is better than charging them head on with a minigun

    that would be bronze rule seeing as you are CG 👀