Oswald Bruner

SCP Senior Moderator
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Everything posted by Oswald Bruner

  1. Your SteamID is actually STEAM_0:0:589508876 You MassRDMd during downtime when no staff were present, I got on after you had MRDMd, checked kill logs, confirmed with the people you RDMd, then banned you. Below is your documented ban with reason, evidence and date.
  2. Super Admins and the like turn themselves into birds sometimes to minge around or something. It was a player, just wanted to clear up any confusion.
  3. In-game name: Oswald Bruner Steamid: STEAM_0:1:104840655 Age: 15 In-Game Playtime: Warns: RP Skills: 9/10 if the other person is competent/interested O-5 Designation: O5-10 "The Regulator" Male, American decent. Stays cleanly shaven, seen smoking commonly, wears dark colors. Has a cold gaze and works off of a strict moral code. As the name suggests, I plan to regulate things based on ethics, adhering to a strict legal and moral code. Have you read and understand the rules of SCPRP? Yes, I have read the rules and understand them well, I also enforce them. Why do you believe you should be a part of the O-5 council and what can you bring to the role? I believe I should be a part of the O-5 council because I have lots of experience, and I am very familiar with how the server runs at its best and worst. I have plenty of experience in FA/Leadership jobs, so I know the legal codex well and how the upper administration of the foundation works. I also know which site admin jobs have the jurisdiction to do certain things. Of course professionalism and things of the sort are guaranteed. I have played lots of GOI and foundation jobs, and I am extremely familiar with both. I could apply this experience as O5 and accomplish great things, so long as it isn't sabotaged or blocked by an unwillingness to RP. While it may seem ironic that I want to focus on ethics, I believe I would do great in that field. In my experiences as SD dealing with a particularly cruel Nu-7 who always jumped at the chance to torture someone, I upheld the motto of "Cold, not cruel". I could count on both hands of all the gruesome ways said Nu-7 wished to torture whoever we captured, but I always made sure to keep things humane. Even going so far as to get morphine for whoever we captured. Thankfully that Nu-7 is no longer around. For general site workings, as working with ethics may not be constant, I will always put the foundation first. Ensuring we maintain the general wellbeing of all site personnel. I will be able to make the difficult or split-second decisions when the need arises. You can trust in me that I will stay level headed and always look straight ahead. There is no use in looking back on what happened, and staying paralyzed or afraid that it may happen again. The important thing to do is to learn from it, and grow onwards. I will also be open to second opinions, it is a council, after all. Can you explain what an O5 does for the foundation and the site itself, and why he differs from any other member of site admin? The O5 council member is the highest ranking personnel within the foundation. They have unlimited access to all foundation information, as well as a CL5 keycard. The O5 council doesn't meddle in the everyday occurrences on-site. Instead they leave that to the other site admin. They have the final say-so in any matter within the foundation. However, these decisions are commonly discussed heavily between the entire O5 council, and not an individual O5. Because if it has to be brought to them, then it is pivotal for the foundation. The discussions typically require 2/3 majority vote for them to be passed. The things that differ O5 from other site admin is how secretive and important they are. Not to say that other site admin jobs are unimportant, but Overseers have CL5 for a reason. Only a minute amount is known about O5, as they are the most powerful people in the world. This puts a heavy price on their head, and they must do everything they can, including the use of anomalies to stay alive for the good of the foundation, and beyond. What is the O-5 council? The O-5 council is the name for a group of 12 people who have the highest rank within the foundation. They handle everything important, from finances to relation changes. Everything passes through them, and a large change is seldom made without their input. They are overseers, dedicated to ensuring the continued smooth operation of the foundation. Despite their power they are not commanders, providing input only when necessary. Are you currently a head of a department, general staff in Nu-7, or a site director? I am a site director. What department would you like to focus on? I would like to focus on ethics. Thank you for your consideration.
  4. From the way it seems it wasn't accidental
  5. What's your steamID? If you can't get that a link to your steam profile would work. Also, use the template.
  6. UNBAN ME!11!!!111! I REMOVE UNBAN REQ BECAUSE SOMEONE GAVE CLEAR EVIDENCE THAT INVALIDATED MY CLAIM IM GONNA INSULT ANYONE THAT SAYS ANYTHING THAT DOESNT HELP ME REEEEEE "i get angry fast and that makes me angry that nobody helped me when they had guns , so yea i just whent to him and killed him and they had still not been arrested or anything they just walk at the scp building just killing ppl etc" Clearly Memes and all that aside your behavior in this thread and what you did in-game clearly show that you don't deserve to be unbanned right away. It was only a 3 day ban, not a perm. You'll be unbanned by the time this gets reviewed by Maurice and accepted/denied. Full copied unban request in case he deletes the CWRP one as well
  7. /s Terrorists on forums! Lock and deny thread! Take up arms!
  8. I fucking hate money so mich it honesltu makes me crazy its like "hey dude I have 10 bucks" and I'm like "Damn I wish I had 10 bucks" please I just want to buy stuff without working for it please give me money please please please please even when I do have money it's like "I want crack" then BOOM all my mone gone like tryceratops when BIG FUCKING METEOR but meteor is gambling debt :(((((((
  9. While the application itself may be short Sbeven is one of the only competent SAs (I don't know why it isn't in the "High Ranking Positions" section) I trust in his abilities +1
  10. The application in and of itself is shabby, short, and full of grammar/spelling mistakes. It looks like you typed this while drunk Is this a joke? However, if this isn't a joke, 12W playtime Security Staff Here since V1 Also you're 35?!?!?!!??!?! That's sad. Overall Neutral/+1
  11. No lmao It hasn't even been 2 hours
  12. Wait yeah no nvm lmao Sneed headass After killing Nook you immediately tried to seek out Hanz Alexkrovich Changed to perm ban SMT ordered
  13. Well, you obviously did something to get tased. Even then, someone shooting a taser at you isn't a valid reason to kill them. What you did was RDM, and he banned you for it. It is only a 2 day ban, by the time this gets reviewed you would have been unbanned already. RDM is taken seriously on this server.
  14. Dear god this is an old one Hanz Alexkrovich was still staff
  15. /f All MTF Nu-7 units are entitled to free M203 grenade launchers and 4 HE 40mm grenades. CI will never exist again +1
  16. Not until semi-recently. It used to not do that.
  17. Great idea, wish I had thought of it