Taurus Tremani

SCP Trial Moderator
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Everything posted by Taurus Tremani

  1. A-1 are Clearance level 4 too. Not sure if that is what you meant by that but fyi most amount of time you can arrest someone is 10 minutes
  2. Ofc, who else will they then crash when they get kidnapped??
  3. -1 Rework 90% of your answers and go in depth more any maybe it will be a +1 from me
  4. As much as you are right, I am not staff anymore so I don't care. I've met you a couple times and we talked tho I don't think that you remember me since you don't recognize my name. Tbh, I've never really had any good interactions with you, that is why I said what I said, don't really care either way but still -1
  5. Kabasch Cashew, the gigasimp of the century.... I cannot believe that you would take your own sit instead of calling another staff member to help you deal with it to avoid what happened there. Anyways, -1 get fucked
  6. my guy, i saw you on the server around october time you were a big minge all the time and I never had a single good experience with you -1