Viktor Svetsken

Platinum VIP
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Everything posted by Viktor Svetsken

  1. Which Rank/tag do you need: SCP-RP Senior Moderator What is your RP Name on the server(only use one): Viktor Svetsken Evidence (A image of your name ingame with the said rank, or a image of yourself on the old forum. Do not post sensitive information such as emails/PayPal payments please:
  2. Hello. Since I'm the one that technically made this ban happen in the first place, I'll give my input on it. A common risk of playing with a family member on the same server is that you are going sharing the same IP address. In turn, this means staff can suspect the possibility of an alternate account. Your brother being from the same IP, the server read it as a possible alternate account. This ultimately of course led to your ban. While under no doubt that I could tell your brother's gameplay apart from your own, this is simply no longer my call to make. You understand that being from the same IP address that this is a possibility that was bound to happen should your brother have continued testing their chances against the rules. Might I also point out that screenshotting Discord DMs of me telling you that I am talking with SMT about your ban is not entirely valid evidence that will lead to your unban. I do think your ban is unnecessary as you were not the one breaking the rules, however I can't do much other than talk with SMT themselves about the situation at hand. I do hope that all is understood. You yourself were a genuine player of the server and I would like to see you return but again, this all lands in the hands of what the higher-ups think the course of action should be. Sorry it had to be this way. Until the verdict is stated, this appeal is +1 from me personally due to the fact that I've seen you play in a much better manner without problems as compared to your brother's playing standard. Best of luck! -Viktor
  3. In Game Name: Viktor Svetsken Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:242419537 Play time, Rank and Level: Playtime: 2w 2d 10h 9m 42s, Platinum-VIP, Level 50 Number of Warns: 0 Why do you want to join Beta-1?: The reason I want to join Beta-1 is because I find myself dealing with personnel that break protocol more than those around me. Being in B-1, I could excel in this field. I could uphold the law of the Facility and keep those in line while being within the unit and bring those who break the laws down swiftly and efficiently. The Unit's activity as of late has been somewhat in a grey area. I wish to become an active member of this unit to ensure that the Foundation's laws are upheld and to thwart the plans of those who wish to test their luck against the Laws of the Foundation. What is Beta-1s purpose on the server?: The absolute purpose of Mobile Task Force Unit Beta-1 "Cauterizers" is to uphold the laws within the Foundation without fail and with extreme efficiency. They are to keep personnel in line with what they are and aren't supposed to do along with when they should and shouldn't do those things. Beta-1 Units also crack down on rouge personnel (i.e guards leaking information to outside sources, other personnel joining hostile groups/cults.) Should a Beta-1 Unit ultimately catch a rouge personnel or a personnel acting out of line, they can immediately cuff, jail and sentence said personnel based on what laws they have broken. As said before, they are all about efficiency and effectiveness in bringing down those who break the laws of the Foundation.
  4. Neutral While having only just started seeing you within the server, this is a decent application. I do wish that you play a little more at the current time to get your name back in the community so people can know who you are/what you're like. Best of luck. -Viktor
  5. -1 Reasons: I have personally not seen you in-game I have personally not seen you play Site Administration I'm not quite with your playtime here yet. I would maybe try and get a week or so in before you attempt to apply again. Best of luck! -Viktor
  6. +1 - Good App -Never had a bad experience with you in-game -Worth a chance. Best of luck! -Viktor
  7. Which Rank/tag do you need: SCP-RP Moderator What is your RP Name on the server(only use one): Viktor Svetsken Evidence attached:
  8. +1 - Great person within the community - Trustworthy and knows what he is doing - All the more worthy of a chance Best of luck. - Viktor
  9. @danielspaniel14 According to staff in which gave you a LTAP count, you left manually (Disconnected by user). Any other scenario would have put the "Timed out" message next to your name. According to staff, you intentionally left as it showed that you left manually meaning you hit the disconnect or quit button. Also, staff don't go throwing random charges. If it was given, it happened. In this case, You killed someone for no reason and you left during a sit. I have no reason to continue with this, -1
  10. Neutral/-1 Sorry, Containment is just wrong. Decent app though.
  11. Neutral/+1 Decent App I've only just seen you hence the playtime but you meet the requirement. You seem willing to abide by the rules of 1048 and would like to see as an acting instance.
  12. 4 days is 096 wl if I'm not mistaken. Before ya go throwing accusations and all, check the real template to see if they modified it in anyway. Even then, doing so would result in denial if it was something like modifying the required playtime. It's 2 days minimum.
  13. @Da.RatYour SteamID should look something like this for example: STEAM_0:1:13492727
  14. SteamID: In-Game Name(s): Server that you were banned from: Person that banned you: Duration of ban: Reason of ban: Evidence(if possible): Additional Note(s):
  15. +1 Actually competent of O5 Would make a good one to see in-game.
  16. Neutral/+1 Containment is mediocre at best, but you haven't sinned by using /me like most recent applications so I can side with you on that. Actually decent app Willing to see you as an acting instance of 096 (We know this is up to Olli, however)
  17. Neutral Could do with some more detail in some spots but mainly lacking in the Containment Procedure. This is due to the lack of a step or two.
  18. @Nathan KennedyOh yeah, shooting for 6 though. Maybe 7.
  19. -1 No, stop doing this. You keep doing it. You keep sinning. Redo your app based on feedback from previously denied apps on what not to do. Best of luck -Viktor Svetsken @Nathan Kennedy Oh you better believe it baby.
  20. -1 Containment is missing 1-2 details. You've committed a cardinal sin. Also That's not a valid playtime me boy. Sure, you may have 4 or more days played but "yes" /=/ time
  21. This would be the one that you are looking for: Best of luck. Forum Admin, please lock thread.
  22. +1 Actually a good app out of the bunch Seems to be willing to follow the rule set of 096 Would like to see as an acting instance of SCP-096
  23. Here's my thing: You broke FearRP while under gunpoint, while blindfolded and in front of staff. The blindfold on the TRO model is actually fairly visible nonetheless, the "headgear" being a ski mask and a hat. You quite literally did something you weren't supposed to in front of staff which lead to your warn. I don't see anyway of you getting unwarned in this situation, sorry. Best of luck -Viktor Svetsken
  24. That's why we always take notes of other people's applications. See the dos and don'ts of these applications. Thankfully you haven't violated anything really.