
Platinum VIP
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Posts posted by Tay

  1. +1 

    Great fleshed out plan 
    mixes jedi and clone event but not to the point of annoying for everyone 

    Competent Batt will understand whats stupid to do for clones 
    Great friendly guy 
    Doesn't abuse his Batt power so gives hope for his ULX 

    Genosis is a laggy map in my experience and blowing up a droid factory their is very common (made his own dupe tho)

    I made him do something stupid and he shouldn't be punished for this (the VDM warn) 

    Best of luck mark you can do it lad 

    -Battalion Captain Tay - CWRP Event planner 

  2. Ok i want to start off with its nice to see your interested however:
    You dont reach the rank requirements (Major +) 
    haven't provided a time (use !time on the server to find it out if it's true you have been playing since 2019 i think you will have the time)
    Application has a few issues 
    In combat, the leading Battalion should NEVER be in the front lines, you should be somewhere in the mid to backlines giving out orders via voice amp and chat, with either using your binos or status reports to find out the current situation of the battle. You may go around while combat is going on as long as you are with a regiment/squad who is going to protect you, and you do not rush to the frontline alone. -  this is a copy paste of the hand book and i can only assume so is the roles and responsibilities is a copy paste of something due to the change in font and colour 
    If you have been batt on another server perhaps provide the name and give some information on their role on that server

    It's nice to see your interest at a low rank and for this i would like to see your application in the future and i hope this comment doesn't take the passion out of you and make you not want to apply again 

    (then again you could be accepted only time will tell)

    -Battalion Captain Tay

  3. MASSIVE +1
    *Active member 
    *Great guy 
    *Third application shows he hasn't just thought ow it would be cool if but that he really wants it 
    My time as 104th Supervisor i saw mark step up when it was needed hes lead events to an amazing standard + he understands 104th and were they shine and struggle and with even the shortest amount of time i believe he will be able to learn the best ways to use regiments 
    *Honestly i would love to see him get batt and id love to mentor him 

    Copy and pasting his last one (if he has) i dont see as an issue as after a few applications theres not rlly that much else you can say 

    -Battalion Captain Tay 

  4. On 4/17/2022 at 6:58 PM, Tootles said:


    Complete list of side tasks:

    Capture and destroy GR = RC hack halted until the GR is retaken and repaired

    Capture Satellite building = Force republic into last stand until satellite is retaken and repaired

    Capture and hold medbay for 5 mins = Last stand for medics (permanent)

    Capture and "Kill" republic vendor (will be done in percentages) = Vendor at bunks blocked off

    Capture and hold VDC for 3 mins = Bonus tank for ECs and no new tanks for Clones until retaken


    the event sounds good especially with the story line possibility 

    However these side tasks are a little confusing and may cause it to be a unfun for a few people 

    1. the medic last stand if it goes how i think it will and they wont be able to respawn people that are medics will be bored also stops them from doing what they signed up for 

    2. why stop tanks if no VDC they will still have MHB

    3. vendor will be annoying for front line regs that use them for bacta and shields so they can be more effective  

    over all these are my main issues with the event 

    -Battalion 2nd LT Tay



  5. +1

    An amazing guy, active has some great ideas for events in my opinion he is up there with the greatest people i know on the server 

    His event has great promise if executed properly and even if he doesen't get the spot i would like the event to happen it sounds like lots of fun kashyyyk is a map not often used so it isnt one of those maps where everyone knows where the EC's will spawn next

    has experience with the commands so will know what to do giving him the edge when i comes to it 

    his high positions on these servers and his postion as ARC on CWRP shows he can be trusted 

    (he vengeance hope ya get it man and if ya do you better change your name back to vangeance)

    -Battalion Officer Tay 

    (i know i have two accounts on the forums but you will not see both reply on an single applicaton this one is for school when im bored and read through other one is for at home)

  6. Steam Name:


    Steam ID:


    current OOC Rank:
    Plat VIP




    Play time:
    2w 4d 11h 10m in the server 2 months from the first time I logged on 


    Microphone Status:
    Yes and I have had no complaints on its quality 


    I have one Ban for when I had started for leaving when being arrested as a cartel as from my point of view the CG was meta gaming I have since learn he was not my actions at the time where childish but as i began to play the server more this has stopped I understand if this hinders my chances at the position however I hope you give me a chance 


    I have read through the battalion hand book 


    I have reached all requirements 


    Warns-https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2769810683  (i 

    was un awear that killing someone who asks to be killed is RDM)


    In game name : 501st Medic Colonel Tay


    Previous ranks: CT 4 numbers, 212th Trial TRP 

    Why do you believe you would be a good pick for Battalion:

    I personally believe that I would be a good pick for Battalion as I'm an active player usually playing around six hours a day more on weekends I'm on early on weekends usually from on average 9:00 am and on weekdays 3:00PM and as of me writing from what I have heard there is a big issue with active Battalion members. Reason two from being EC I have come to know how battalions should act when talking to the troops and how frequently they talk . I am dedicated to this server and see the importance that battalion poses to how it runs. Personally i believe I'm a friendly guy with no resentments towards anyone so I'm believe i would be very approachable when needed I can get what is needed of me done enjoy RP side of things and it's why i chose to go medic and played cartel and pirate (when they were a thing) along with EC i'm quite familiar with star wars canon especially the clone wars this allows me to stay in character and not break the RP i enjoy so much. In summary, I enjoy the server I'm active on I enjoy the RP and would love to explore this side of it all. i understand a load of people probably say all this so i ask for one and only one chance 

    What is the role for Battalion:

    The role of a battalion while on a planetary/base attack is to lead troops into battle with the leading Battalion giving the orders from the mid to back lines there may be a CO - leading battalion who may grant and discuss with the leading battalion any other battalion are to stay with their reg they have been assigned to not telling the troops in the reg what to do however but allowing the commander/highest rank on to do that they may suggest things however. The role of a battalion while on defcon five is to grant or deny any requests and ensure the base runs smoothly 

    Have you ever been striked or demoted in a regiment?

    I have never been demoted or striked in any regiment 


    When not in combat the role of a battalion is to ensure that all troops are active and doing their duties if a regiment is not you may assign them something to do for example sending 41st on a recon mission or giving a reg gate duty while also granting or denying and request for example permission to leave MB on PGHT 

    The three duties a Battalion Officer Cadet Must do before being promoted to Battalion is :

    1. Lead a planetary with voice amp 

    2. Complete a debrief to an acceptable standard 

    3. Host an open sim 

    What rank may a Battalion Brigadier demote up to?
    Battalion Brigadier may demote up to captain 

    What is the lowest Battalion rank able to use 2 regimental equipment?

    Battalion Brigadier is the lowest battalion rank to be able to use two regimental pieces of equipment 


    Finishing off i hope you give me the chance to prove myself and if this is rejected please tell me where i can improve either in game or on the application if you believe i will never receive the rank of battalion not off your own personal opinions but for reasons such as if im blacklisted please tell me 


    Thank you for your time 🙂



  7. Steam Name:Tayhardy69

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:626799072

    current OOC Rank: Plat VIP


    Play time: 2weeks in the server Reaching 2 months from the first time I logged on 

    Microphone Status: Yes and I have had no complaints on its quality 

    Bans: I have one Ban for when I had started for leaving when being arrested as a cartel as from my point of view the CG was meta gaming I have since learn he was not my actions at the time where childish but as i began to play the server more this has stopped I understand if this hinders my chances at the position however I hope you give me a chance 

    I have read through the battalion hand book 

    I have reached all requirements 

    Warns-https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2769810683  (i was un awear that killing someone who asks to be killed is RDM)

    In game name : Tay 501st Medic Major 

    Previous ranks: CT 4 numbers, 212th Trial TRP 

    I personally believe that I would be a good pick for Battalion as I'm an active player usually playing around six hours a day more on weekends I'm on early on weekends usually from on average 9:00 am and on weekdays 3:00PM and as of me writing from what I have heard there is a big issue with active Battalion members. Reason two from being EC I have come to know how battalions should act when talking to the troops and how frequently they talk . I am dedicated to this server and see the importance that battalion pose to how it runs. Personally i believe I'm a friendly guy with no resentments towards anyone so I'm believe i would be very approachable when needed I can get what is needed of me done enjoy RP side of things and its why i chose to go medic and played cartel and pirate (when they were a thing) along with EC im quite familiar with star wars cannon especially the clone wars this allows me to stay in character and not break the RP i enjoy so much. In summary i enjoy the server im active i enjoy the RP and would love to explore this side of it all. i understand a load of people probably say all this so i ask for one and only one chance 

    The role of a battalion while on a planetary/base attack is to lead troops into battle with the leading Battalion giving the orders from the mid to back lines there may be a CO - leading battalion who may grant and discuss with the leading battalion any other battalion are to stay with their reg they have been assigned to not telling the troops in the reg what to do however but allowing the commander/highest rank on to do that they may suggest things however. The role of a battalion while on defcon five is to grant or deny any requests and ensure the base runs smoothly 

    I have never been demoted or striked in any regiment 

    When not in combat the role of a battalion is to ensure that all troops are active and doing their duties if a regiment is not you may assign them something to do for example sending 41st on a recon mission or giving a reg gate duty while also granting or denying and request for example permission to leave MB on PGHT 

    The three duties a Battalion Officer Cadet Must do before being promoted to Battalion is :

    1. Lead a planetary with voice amp 
    2. Complete a debrief to an acceptable standard 
    3. Host an open sim 

    Battalion Brigadier may demote up to captain 

    Battalion Brigadier is the lowest battalion rank to be able to use two regimental pieces of equipment 

    Finishing off i hope you give me the chance to prove myself and if this is rejected please tell me where i can improve either in game or on the application if you believe i will never receive the rank of battalion not off your own personal opinions but for reasons such as if im blacklisted please tell me 

    Thank you for your time 🙂
