
SCP Senior Moderator
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Everything posted by Bread

  1. Document was updated - Layout was changed - Text font was changed - Added info and recontainment procedure for SCP-966 & SCP-913 Message me if anything else is needed to be said thank
  2. MTF E-11 apps are open! I'll be accepting only one person, the person with the best application gets in. I'll be looking at how correct your answer is and how you play the job in-game (other E-11 slots than commander).
  3. -1 I dont see this job providing any rp or benefits to the server
  4. Where did you get the screenshot from? The uniform looks cool
  5. Blacklisted Walter Alvarez - You cannot attempt for an unblacklist
  6. join the server and show message
  7. He's supposed to have no internet access
  8. Your in-Game Name: Hanz Alexkrovich Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:141559090 Your Age: Will give if needed. Your In-Game Playtime: 13w 3d Your Warns: 2 warns Rate Your RP Skills: Solid 8, more if the person I'm talking to is willing to co-operate and such. What O5 Designation would you prefer (1-12) and what character?: O5-2. I'll be making a custom character, if needed I'll send a short document describing them. However, I'll take any available slot. Have you read and understand the rules of SCP-RP?: Of course I have. Why do you believe you should be part of the O5 Council and what can you bring to the role e.g (Pressure in extreme situations, making the tough decisions): My previous record as an O5 both in mine and others' eyes was poor, usually showing me making unwise decisions in RP and acting like an idiot whilst on the job. However, I wish to improve myself and play the role of an important individual on this server. My reasoning for wanting to be part of the council is to make decisions, make action against issues and resolve any conflicts that could exist. I have been in situations before where my decision making would make an impact on a situation which I needed to benefit myself or my side. This would include me playing the role of an A-1, Nu-7 or E-11, sometimes even ECM and in the past, HoEA. Besides that, I can bring the necessary skills that a leader would need, such as being able to think straight in a hazardous situation or making a decision which would bring positive benefits. Can you explain what an O5 does for the foundation and the site itself and why he himself differs from any other site Adminstration?: The O5 council member, as the name suggests, acts as an overseer for the foundation and partakes in important decisions making that will leave a mark on the Foundation as a whole, including how the site operates, GOI relations, etc. Additionaly, he doesn't go in head first into a situation, but watches and intervenes when necessary to aid either the site director or department head, or whoever he deems that needs his assistance. - This question was copied from my last app since my answer to this question hasn't changed. - What is the O5 Council?: The O5 council is the highest ranking member of the administrative department made out of twelve council members, and sometimes a thirteenth council member who acts as a tie-breaker, who holds the ultimate power in one of the scariest organizations in world history. They are clearance five which means that they are at the top of the food chain and anything said by them will be completed, failure to do so would result in severe punishment. They are protected by their "Red Right Hands" which are the most loyal to them and will follow any order they are given. I can't go into much detail since the O5 council is easily described, but what they do exactly isn't. - This question was copied from my last app since my answer to this question hasn't changed. - Are you currently head of a department (Job Manager), general staff in Nu-7 or a Site Director?: I currently own MTF E-11, and I am also a CO in MTF Nu-7. What Departement would you like to focus on? (Research, Mobile Task Forces, Ethics,...): I would like to focus on the non-existant finance department, however I will implement a few RP rules and whatnot to other jobs such as a budget to a selected department.
  9. Not me but I still witnessed the tragic act
  10. bro I saw you sucking someone's fucking meat with no hesitation
  11. DoEA agents don't need guns