
SCP Developer
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  1. Like
    DeltaWind reacted to Krowly in DeltaWind's 2nd Event Planner Application   
    I agree with the aforementioned points stated by others. You seem to be a nice guy, your event plan is solid, you are active and trusted. Good luck!
  2. Like
    DeltaWind reacted to Nathan in DeltaWind's 2nd Event Planner Application   
    +1 Reasons stated above
  3. Like
    DeltaWind reacted to Aleks in DeltaWind's 2nd Event Planner Application   
    Reasons stated above
  4. Like
    DeltaWind reacted to Scott in DeltaWind's 2nd Event Planner Application   
    Deltas Practically hierarchy, shows he is majorly trusted, not only this but the Event Plan seems solid, Deltas a good guy and deserves a shot, GL (+1)
  5. Like
    DeltaWind reacted to [W-G] JH in DeltaWind's 2nd Event Planner Application   
    From what I have read I like the overall idea of the event. Partway through turning it into a last stand may make things drag out, however it is some what different to most events, as this last stand will begin partway through.
    From what I know, DeltaWind is competent and an active CE member, so I don't see why he wouldn't be able to make good events for the community.
  6. Like
    DeltaWind reacted to Donny in DeltaWind's 2nd Event Planner Application   
    Epic Gamer
    Great with RP
    10/10 event planner app
  7. Like
    DeltaWind reacted to Bongo in DeltaWind's 2nd Event Planner Application   
    Giant +1
    Nice Guy, good app, active
  8. Like
    DeltaWind reacted to Biily in DeltaWind's 2nd Event Planner Application   
    Swag gamer
    Seems like a good event

  9. Like
    DeltaWind reacted to Pixel in DeltaWind's 2nd Event Planner Application   
    FAT +1
    A epic Colonel (basically Hierarchy)
    4 Weeks = Experience 
    A cool event idea
    Deserves a chance 
    Good luck 🙂

  10. Like
    DeltaWind reacted to PyroWasTaken in DeltaWind's Staff Application   
    Nice guy
    (The way you put the background in the application did give me some brain problems, but other than that it was a good application)
  11. Like
    DeltaWind got a reaction from Portal in Portal's Staff application   


    High Rank

    All interactions i have had with you have been positive and you haven't shown any negative attitude
  12. Like
    DeltaWind got a reaction from Bobby Bands in Bobby Bands' Staff App   

    Even though i haven't interacted that much with you, the few times i have you seem like a really cool guy

    Mature and Active

    Great battalion member

    Good luck!
  13. Like
    DeltaWind got a reaction from Pixel in Pixel's Staff Application   
    +1 Reasons stated above

    Dansa med oss, klappa era händer
  14. Like
    DeltaWind got a reaction from Lelouch / Bruh in Lelouch's Staff Application   

    Swedish Man (from southern sweden but it's ok tho)

    Super Friendly

    Mature. I mean come on. He's 20 years old and has an engineering job

    Kind of a weeb tho

    Dansa med oss klappa era händer
  15. Like
    DeltaWind reacted to Harland Kearney in Forum Rules   
    Werwolf Gaming Forum Rules
    General Community Conduct Rules:
    1. General User rules/Account Rules
    A. Account creation on Werwolf Gaming Forum must be relevant to the Community in some way. Unless it is an off topic area. No advertisement of other communities, products/services, unless within context is permitted.
    B. Users must have non-offensive usernames. User must have SFW avatars. Offensive can also be classed as Anti-Community/Drama.
    C. Users may not own Alt accounts actively. Alt accounts to boost, support, disapprove, harass or bypass bans will result in a heavier punishment, usually equal to a permanent or month long ban. VPN/Proxy are allowed on our site, however we can still detect alt account links outside of IP history.
    D. Your interactions in DM’s (within the enjin msg system) when deemed as spam/advertisement or hateful can lead to bans on our website. Please be respectful on the website.
    E. These rules all apply to the chat box system on our site
    F. Impersonation of staff or another user is strictly prohibited. Satire or not, we do not allow this.
    G. Posting on other user accounts walls are subject to the same rules as this listing.
    H. Users must not do any of the following the following actions in any part of the website;
    Racism, Homophobia, Sexism, Extremism is not allowed of any kind (Except in context of RP History). Keep your Religion off my website, it is not to be targeted, or pushed on us equally. Ideological/political discussion is permitted in relevant threads, including extremism in relevant discussion.
    I. Doxing is strictly not allowed, if you post a image/Information of somebody without their permission you are liable for a Community Ban.
    Meme “threads” regarding Community activities are allowed, however they must not breach the rules above.
    Community posting rules:
    2. Forum posting rules
    A. Please post in the appropriate section. Each section is listed with where things should be. Posting in the wrong area we will move your thread or delete it.
    B. Do not repost threads which already exist (alive), that have been locked by staff, that has been deleted by staff, that were denied by staff (until you have passed the cool down period, if one exists.)
    C. When applying for any type of application based request. Fill out the template as required, failing to follow the template, the template guidelines or editing those guidelines will result in immediate denial.
    D. Do not contact Hierarchy directly for unbans, unless you have been told to do so in the replies in the thread by staff. (Generally in issues with Family Sharing, VPN bans, Chargeback Bans, Special Cases)
    E. We do NOT ALLOW leaving threads. This is because the majority of leaving threads are aimed at attention seeking, drama starting, targeting, a ban issued (so not leaving voluntary, your banned), Anti-Community Sentiment. Say goodbye to those you care most personally, not on a website where 100’s will view it with no association to you. Most Garry’s Mod Communities have the spam of leaving threads from denied application users much more wider than other games. If a user has 1 post of a denied application, making a leaving thread is pretty much spam/irrelevant/mis leading at that point. This is why such a repressive rule exists. Thank you.
    F. Necroing threads is not allowed. We have a lockout time on threads, but this rule applies to threads which have been resolved months ago, yet you ask a question about an issue resolved, or post something irrelevant. These actions can lead to account bans.
    G. Complaining, discussing, or requesting views for your application of ANY kind (unless we request you link it to us in the chatbox ect) is not allowed. Doing these will result in possible denial. This is also warned on the templates so it is not a hidden rule.
    H. Breaking any of the rules stated in 1. H,I inside the posting forum will result in equal punishments as listed above. (bans)
    I. Editing your thread to remove it is NOT allowed. If you need a thread deleted please contact staff. We will not delete a thread because you were denied as it is our records. If you edit a thread to be deleted (it can be roll backed by us) you may face punishment.
    We may edit these rules at anytime!
    Harland Kearney
    Werwolf Gaming Founder
  16. Like
    DeltaWind reacted to Bongo in DeltaWind's Staff Application   
    a very mature guy
    well known.
    good authority as a colonel and a great leader
  17. Like
    DeltaWind reacted to [W-G] JH in DeltaWind's Staff Application   
    No negatives, good luck!
  18. Like
    DeltaWind reacted to Pixel in DeltaWind's Staff Application   
    I could 100% see him as staff
  19. Like
    DeltaWind reacted to SomeHowCool / Brandon in Biily's staff app   

    - Regularly active on the server, has been here for a very long time and is pretty friendly. Only unfortunate aspect of him is that it seems he fucks up everything he touches in-game.
  20. Like
    DeltaWind got a reaction from Kobi in DeltaWind's Staff Application   
    In Game Name: CE PFT Colonel DeltaWind

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:171813757

    Are you currently staff on any other server or WG server: No.

    In-game rank (VIP and 501st SGT): CE PFT Colonel, VIP and Pac3

    Have you got experience in staffing RP servers: Yes, i was a trial moderator on superior servers darkrp server for 3 weeks which gave me some experince with staffing and ULX commands

    Age: 17

    Playtime: 3w5d16h (At the time of writing this)

    Predicted time on server per week: 59

    Warns/bans: N/A

    Do you use a microphone: Yes and it has good quality sound

    What do you aim to achieve in our staff team:
    I aim to grow as a a person and step out of my comfort zone of social anxiety. I have built up the confidence enough to get on a server and socialize with people i've never meet and people that doesn't even speak my language. I also aim to achive the perfect enviorment for me and my friends on the server without toxicity, minges and threats to the community.

    Why do you stand out among other candidates:
    Ever since i was a kid i have had a burning for online videogames where you can play with friends and stranger alike on diffrent gamers you enjoy. Especially Star Wars. You can bond so easily since both parties enjoy the topic you are doing. I have also fantazised about being able to pretend you are a clone or a jedi from star wars and perform tasks and mission. (At the time i didn't know that it was called RP). So when i found starwarsRP on garry's mod through a youtube video i was hooked immedietly. Werwolf gaming was the first server i joined and i have stuck with it since. 

    Why should we pick you to staff our server(200 words): 
    I think you should choose me for the staff team because of my burning passion of the server and its community. Even tough i haven't visited any other werwolf gaming server (except SCP-RP partially), i bet it's just as nice as SWRP. Even if it sounds a bit cringey. This server is like a second family for me because after i moved from my home country i lost all my IRL friends except like 2. So i come on the server to socialize with my online friends in the regiment. So being said being staff on this server is not only protecting the community. But also protecting my family of friends and players alike. 
    I have always had an eye for details/reading between the lines. That being in my peripheral vision, an object is out of place or in a text. I think this can prove useful in situations where delicate observation is needed in a staff situation and makes a great asset to the staff team. That being said. I have gathered the confidence over the years and i feel that i am ready to join the staff team and tackle any challanges the staff position has to offer me. I am also Fluent in Swedish since it being my main language. So if someone is behaving inappropriately in Swedish (that being verbal or written harrasment/abuse) i have the ability to either deal with it myself or translate it to someone else.

    Do you understand that if you are unsuitable as a staff member your rank may be removed:
    Yes, i completely understand that if im and deemed unsuitable for the staff position i may be removed.

    If a trooper didn’t salute to you, what do you do as a staff member:
    If i am currently staff on duty. I wouldn't do anything because SOD is an OOC job and shoudln't interfere with RP. If i was playing my clone job. I would kindly let the trooper know that he should salute clones of the rank 2nd Lieutenant and above.

    You haven’t done your duties as a staff member as much as you should one week, how do you handle this: I would apologize to my hierarchy and if i have a reason for my reduction of duties, tell them. I would then make it up to them by doing double the claims the following week.

    You don’t like a staff member, how do you handle this: I would try in the best of my ability to not get upset of this persons actions, but if it gets too much. I would try to talk to the person privately to work things out. If that doesn't work and for whatever reason the situation escalates. I would go to my hierarchy and see if they can help me work out the situation.

    Anything else: Good luck to all of the staff team canidates. I believe in you!
  21. Like
    DeltaWind reacted to Biily in DeltaWind's Staff Application   
  22. Like
    DeltaWind reacted to LefWin in DeltaWind's Staff Application   
    Good guy
  23. Like
    DeltaWind reacted to Solaire in DeltaWind's Staff Application   
    +1 Great guy, trusted lad
  24. Like
    DeltaWind reacted to Rich in DeltaWind's Staff Application   
    reasons above
  25. Like
    DeltaWind reacted to Navas in DeltaWind's Staff Application   
    - Amazing Colonel
    - Very welcoming when I was new to CE
    - Matuer
    - Active af
    Good Luck!