
Cannons Battalion application

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Out of Character Section (OOC) -


Steam Name: Sir Cannon

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:534232256



Current OOC rank on the server and / or in other communities (e.g. Plat VIP, Mod, Event Planner): Plat VIP



Age (Must be 14+): 16



What is your playtime (2+ Weeks Minimum): 1mo 1w 1d 19h 40m



Do you have a microphone, is it good quality: Yes



Have you read through the Battalion Handbook, and extending documents from it: Yes



Do you meet the requirements: I do



State all previous OOC punishment (Kicks, Bans and Warnings | Including Discord / Team Speak) and provide a screenshot of your list of warnings (Go in-game and do !warns) then provide a screenshot: None of any



In Character Section (IC) -


In-Game name (Regiment, Rank then your name): GM LTCOL

Highest rank obtained (Including previous): GM T EXO

Have you ever been demoted or striked in any regiment (If so explain the reason): No


What is the Battalion Motto: “Lead your men to death. Honour is better than surrender”


Describe the roles and responsibilities of Battalion (100 words minimum):  Battalion are responsible for the running of the base both during and out of battle. Out of battle they grant requests such as PFT's and assist their supervised regiment (if they have one) by either hosting regimental trainings or be someone to talk to about a variety of concerns whilst in battle they direct the various regiments as well as give overall cohesive orders. Apart from the more obvious duties they are expected to maintain the highest standard of excellency and be a model of maturity and rationality. This gives the men under your command someone to look up to and see as a leader which will boost both morale and effectiveness.


Why should we pick you for Battalion (200 words minimum): You should pick me for Battalion because of a variety of reasons. One such being my experience in various regiments. This gives me a general insight into the different regiments strengths and weaknesses which will allow me to be a more effective and efficient leader. Another reason is my knowledge over the common battlefields that we encounter which will enable me to be more rapid in calling out flanks or surprise events; I will also be able to have a better insight on potential targets and the sequence in which they will be attacked. Of course it will not be perfect but it will help reduce unnecessary casualties.. Out of battle I believe I would be effective due to my consistent activity and always being available to questions no-matter who is asking. I welcome criticism as it only helps me to improve and I am aware that I would need all the improvement I can get. I always strive to be a person to talk to and as a battalion my efforts would only increase. When the situation calls for it I can be a rational and meticulous person but still keep a level of calm and approachability.


Do you understand that Battalion is a very respectable and disciplined rank? Absolutely


What do Battalion do during combat, when they are not leading (In detail): When they are not leading, Battalion should assist their supervised regiment where possible. However, they should not take a complete command role. They can take a more local command role such as managing where a regiment should push in a particular area but should by no means over-rule the regimental leader in the leading of the troops themselves. In the heat of battle they can push with their regiments or not but should not be leading the assault itself


What are the 3 duties a Battalion Officer Cadet has to complete before getting promoted? 

  1. Hosting an open training

  2. Leading a base attack

  3. Leading a planetary and performing a debrief


What rank can Battalion Brigadier Promote and Demote up to: Captain and below


Anything else?: If I am chosen for this position, I thank anyone who may help me learn and develop my skills as a battalion and I promise it will not be in vein

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Good App

Not much experience
(Like myself)

Nice guy

High playtime

Best of luck! - Recon

Current Ranks:

 Reserve Medic

Past Ranks:

CG Executive Officer | CG Advanced Medic Colonel | CG T Vice Commander  104th PFC | Jedi Knight | Scout SGT

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Current rank: 501st Vice Commander
Past Ranks

CT Captain, CT Snr Medic Colonel, CT Vice Commander,  Jedi Watchman,  Jedi Teacher, Event Planner, GM Medic Captain, GM RS SOF Colonel, 41st RS SOF 2nd LT, 41st AR LT, 41st Colonel, Jedi Mender

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The Application: 
Pros: Pretty good application, Meets requirements, Good Detail in "Why should we pick you for battalion".
Cons:  Could have gone into a little bit more detail in the "What are battalion's responsibilities". 
The Applicant
Pros: Good Activity, High Rank, Approachable and friendly
Cons: Haven't had that many interactions with you myself but the ones I had have been positive.
Good Luck Cannon

Current Ranks
IE Jr Medic SGTM GM Jr Medic CPL IRP Event Planner

     Past Ranks
                CE Medic Major 212th 2nd LT l CWRP Event Planner Battalion LTCOL   

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  • Pros:
  • Decent playtime
  • Decent answers given to questions
  • Friendly


  • Points of Consideration:
  • N/A



  • Cons:
  • Unprofessional most of the time

Good luck!

Current Ranks:

Battalion Brigadier

Previous Ranks:

CT Senior Medic Colonel | Battalion Colonel | GM ARC 2nd LT | CG Colonel | Jedi Blade Warrior | Jedi Temple Guard | Jedi Shadow

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-Very Friendly




Current Ranks: 

MTF A-1 Agent | CI Reserve Manager | MTF E-11 Agent | HoEA | SCP Staff

Past Ranks:

SCP Moderator | MTF E-11 Commander | UIU Agent | CI Delta | HoEA  | MC&D Salesman |  Nu-7 SGT | GM SOF Colonel | Medic  x2  | 501st SOF Colonel


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                                                            Denied                                           Battalion command has decided you are not ready for the ranks of  battalion and you may reapply 2 weeks and when applications are next open

Edited by Tay
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