Guest Heavy Dakka Mech

IDK's CotBG whitelist

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After reading a bit, I come to 3 points in my verdict. These points being:

1: I've seen you play DEA but not as much as some would hope, giving you this position would have to mean you play this well and consistently (Neutral)

2: You did read into the lore and understand what the DoEA is about and what they do (Positive)

3: You are active in terms of playtime and have no problem switching to any job, given you play the job consistently if you get the WL for HoEA (Positive)

Overall Verdict: +1

Reason: I trust that you will take advantage of this position and do your job all according to guidelines and follow the given rule set behind the job. I do believe that you can fit in as HoEA. 

Please ensure you play the job a bit more so you can be a bit more known within the DEA.

Edited by [W-G] MOTT

Viktor Svetsken

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Me and Gordon are willing to give you a shot in the role of O5 speak to him on discord soon as  possible to recieve your job

Present SCP Ranks:
SCP Developer

SCP Ranks Past
SCP Manager
SCP Head Admin
SCP-Head Moderator             
SCP-096 Co-Manager
Onerioi Collective
Ethics Committee Manager
Chaos Insurgency Delta Manager
Sarkic Manager
O5 Council Manager


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The story about my character is: his name is Mike Ericen (24 years old), he was raised in a cult area with the personnal goal to achieve apotheosis, that is, becoming a god. He is a neo-sarkic which lives in the modern life in Ovis-City, after he would achieve his goal and get apotheosis, he would have wanted to get eaten from Yaldaboth the God Eater like the rest of the gods.


i watched and informed myself about this cult like the rest, but this one is really special and kind of disturbing which makes it more interesting for me.

i would really love to get this whitelisted job so i can experience the cult in self person


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You can apply for Sarkics. But not whitelist section. You have to go in job suggestion and from there you can see a sarkic job named "The Sarkic Cults-Mors Dues". Once you've clicked on that job suggestion you can apply on the comment section by following the application format.

Or just by clicking on this link:




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RP Name: Roy Brown

SteamID: STEAM_1:1:103440973  ( 76561198167147675 )

Playtime Required [ Must be 4 days or Above] 

6d ~5h

In-Game Warnings [reasons and amount. type !warns in-game to find, must have fewer than 20 warnings. (exceptions can be made)]: 

None ( )

Have you read the rules of SCP-RP, and do you understand them?: 

Yes, at least twice fully, and sometimes skim over them for a specific situation just to be sure.

Have you read the rules of SCP-096, and do you understand what you can and cannot do? Demonstrate your understanding* 

So you can only break out of containment when 096-1 appears (and is out of your containment chamber). Can't kill other SCPs. Can't go on mass RDM or any RDm for that matter. Only kill 096-1. Must always continue RPing even if 096-1 is my friend. Can't use PAC3 to see outside the containment area. In containment must sit facing the wall or corner, never the door. Can't be breached on purpose. Can't walk around or move when 096-1 is killed, have to be at the place exactly where 096-1 was killed. Have to be careful with 096s swep. Also I must be sure that the person I'm chasing the right person and I must kill 096-1 no matter what.

Are you able to play SCP-096 often when the job is not full, and give good RP to other players who encounter you?: 

Yes, and yes.

What is the Containment Procedure for SCP-096?*(Explain in full detail) 

So first 096 is kept in a containment chamber with no windows or openings or cameras.The CC must be check for any cracks weekly.  No photos must be taken of 096 and if any photos of 096 are discoverd they need to be destroyed immediatly. If 096 breaches everyone who is not E-11 or CS needs to leave the room where 096 is located. E-11 and/or CS are then called to cuff and bag 096 to get him back to his containment area. Once he is back at his containment area 096 is to be facing a wall or a corner and the bag and cuffs are removed. 

During research, a Class D looks at your face and manages to escape the Containment Chamber, he runs towards the Entrance Zone. What is your course of action while chasing 096-1, and what do you do once you have killed them?*: 

I chase him down opening any doors that he manages to close while running away from me or that may need to be opened i open with my clearance 5 keycard. After caching up with him I kill him and sit down with out moving from the place directly where i killed him and face the closest wall/corner.

While chasing 096-1, you pass a researcher, Class D and a MTF unit who all look at your face accidentally. Once you kill the current 096-1, you go back and find them, then proceeding to kill them also. Is this good RP and why?*: 

It is good RP because anyone who looks at 096 is doomed to die. 

If SCP-096 bag had come off or if some Escapee Class d ran past and grabbed it, as E-11 or CS would you chase the class d or proceed on to recontain SCP-096?* 

Containing 096 always comes as a priority. No matter what. I would avoid 096 face, and radio to anyone my location and to stay away from me and to to clear the road to 096 CC as 096 has no bag on his face. Then i would try to recontain him.

A GOI has managed to enter the facility, and they open your Containment Chamber to cuff you and take you out of the facility, one of them looks at your face but tells you it was an accident, and you can just ignore it. What should you do? Why?*: 

With 096 there are no accidents. I would kill the GOI and then do what i would do anytime I kill 096-1. Stand at GOIs corpse and look at the nearest wall/corner.

Anything else you may need to tell people reading this application: 


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3 hours ago, Roy03 said:

While chasing 096-1, you pass a researcher, Class D and a MTF unit who all look at your face accidentally. Once you kill the current 096-1, you go back and find them, then proceeding to kill them also. Is this good RP and why?*: 

It is good RP because anyone who looks at 096 is doomed to die. 

does this follow lore? mention if it follows lore. +1/-1


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RP Name: 

Nathan Dixon



Playtime Required [ Must be 4 days or Above] 

1w 6d 1h

In-Game Warnings [reasons and amount. type !warns in-game to find, must have fewer than 20 warnings. (exceptions can be made)]: 


Have you read the rules of SCP-RP, and do you understand them?: 

Yes, I have read them a few times. I understand and play by them everyday, and hardly break any rules.

Have you read the rules of SCP-096, and do you understand what you can and cannot do? Demonstrate your understanding* 

Yes, I've read the rules of SCP-096. For example, he cannot get up and look at people near him to make them look at him. He also cannot face his chamber's door, so that people entering instantly see him. He may also not use his L-5 clearance keycard unless chasing 096-1. 

Are you able to play SCP-096 often when the job is not full, and give good RP to other players who encounter you?: 

Yes, I will be able to play SCP-096 quite often. I will give good RP, passive and 'combat' to people who encounter me, making it seem as legitimate as it would be as if it were real life.

What is the Containment Procedure for SCP-096?*(Explain in full detail) 

If 096 has breached, firstly the containment units must find him. A containment unit should use his containment cuffs on SCP-096 and get an object which obscures his face onto his face, such as a bag or bucket, all the while so keeping any D-class or non-containment staff away from 096. When 096 is cuffed and you are sure there are no 096-1 left, take him back to his containment, release him out of the cuffs while behind him and then get out of the CC. Shut the door, and then 096 is successfully contained.

During research, a Class D looks at your face and manages to escape the Containment Chamber, he runs towards the Entrance Zone. What is your course of action while chasing 096-1, and what do you do once you have killed them?*: 

Chase him down all the way to the entrance zone, ignoring anybody in your path. If anybody in your path does look at you, do not kill them, and just wait until you kill the D-class first. Go towards where the D-class is and kill him. If anybody looked at your face along the way, go and find them in the order you think they looked at you in. If nobody looked at you, you should sit down in the direction you were in while killing him, no matter what way it faces. Don't turn to look at a corridor or something susceptible to people looking head on down it.

While chasing 096-1, you pass a researcher, Class D and a MTF unit who all look at your face accidentally. Once you kill the current 096-1, you go back and find them, then proceeding to kill them also. Is this good RP and why?*: 

It is good RP. They looked at your face and should know that 096 is coming for them. Anybody who looks at 096 will eventually die, no matter what, as 096 cannot be stopped by any known forces, and he will always kill 096-1. And when you have killed all 3, go back and kill anybody who has looked at your face along the way, otherwise sit down in the direction you killed them in.

If SCP-096 bag had come off or if some Escapee Class d ran past and grabbed it, as E-11 or CS would you chase the class d or proceed on to recontain SCP-096?* 

I would proceed to contain 096. A class D is only likely to kill 1 or 2 people with a pistol, 096 is a mass-killing machine when positioned correctly. 096 is also a major threat to life and when you look at him, you are DEFINTELY going to die, a class D might shoot you, but a combative unit can still shoot back, so they stand a chance. 096 is your biggest priority as a containment unit, as he is one of the more dangerous SCPs when not contained properly.

A GOI has managed to enter the facility, and they open your Containment Chamber to cuff you and take you out of the facility, one of them looks at your face but tells you it was an accident, and you can just ignore it. What should you do? Why?*: 


Kill the GOI agent, as he looked at your face and all people who looked at your face must die. The GOI probably doesn't know 096's rules, but you do, and you know better than to break them. Kill the GOI and sit down, facing in the direction that of when you killed him.

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scp-096 rules is under detailed

containment procedure is under detailed

5 hours ago, LemonArmaggedon said:

ignoring anybody in your path. If anybody in your path does look at you, do not kill them, and just wait until you kill the D-class first.

scp-096 doesnt do that kinca thing tho

THE john stance


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You cannot just ask to be an SCP, you need to fill out a template and provide sufficient information that proves your worthy of the whitelist. 

The template can be found here:


Signature Restrictions

Please ensure your signature complies with the following restrictions:

  • Maximum of 1 image
  • Images up to 440 x 240 pixels
  • Maximum of 5 lines


  • View signatures? fuck me


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SCP-096 Application Template  

RP Name: jake bluk 

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:156932066 

Playtime Required [ Must be 4 days or Above] 6d 21h 04m 

In-Game Warnings [reasons and amount. type! warns in-game to find, must have fewer than 20 warnings. (exceptions can be made)]: 1 

Have you read the rules of SCP-RP, and do you understand them? Yes, and I understand them very well. 

Have you read the rules of SCP-096, and do you understand what you can and cannot do? Demonstrate your understanding*  

When playing SCP 096 I must not forcefully use my Level 5 clearance card to open my cc and to only use it when I am chasing 096-1 

I must not use the PAC3 camera to see outside my cc and must not use it to customize my character 

When inside my cc I must not be staring at the chamber doors of my cc as that can be seen as a failbreach as I am purposely staring there so I will have to always look at a wall or corner of my cc 

If I am 096 and I am roleplaying with my friend and he looks at my face that gives him no special treatment to live and I must kill him because if I don’t that would be failrp 

When I have killed my 096-1, I MUST sit down exactly where I have killed him and must face the nearest wall or corner and I must not purposely move myself around to catch people looking at my face  

If someone is purposely trying to breach me, I must contact a staff member ASAP as it is  breaking the rules  

I must make sure when a player has looked at me directly and that they are actually looking at me as sometimes it may be accidental and I might have thought he looked at me 

I must make sure when I'm chasing 096-1 that I don’t accidentally kill someone else while im clicking the swep weapon  

I must not spam the scream 

And I must only use my super-fast run to go after 096-1 

Are you able to play SCP-096 often when the job is not full, and give good RP to other players who encounter you?:  Yes I am able to play the job when it is not full and I will give Good rp to other players who encounter me. 

What is the Containment Procedure for SCP-096?*(Explain in full detail) SCP 096 is to be contained in its cell a 5m x 5m x 5m airtight steel cube at all times, weekly checks for any cracks or holes are mandatory, they must be absolutely no video surveillance or optical tools of any kind inside SCP 096’s cell. If SCP 096 has breached his containment chamber because of the door  malfunctioning or a test went wrong everyone who isn't E-11 or CS must leave the room without looking at SCP 096’s face, when everyone has evacuated the room safely without incident, E-11 or CS must be called to deal with the situation when they arrive they will open the door with their backs turned and begin to walk backwards in till they  walk into a object . When they are near to SCP 096 or beside him they must carefully begin the procedure slowly to make sure they don’t make a mistake, they will began to slowly taking out a bag or something that covers SCP 096 face, when they have put a bag on him and tied to make sure it can't come of, they then use the red elastic cuffs to be able to drag SCP 096 back to his cc, as they are dragging SCP 096 back they must also be careful if cases Where SCP 096 isn't near his containment chamber when he has breached depending on where he had killed his 096-1, that people around them may try to take back off in RP situations depending if they are  CI also. When SCP 096 has been dragged back into his cell you must firstly remove his cuffs, and after that has been done you must face backwards and take of his bag then you must walk out of the containment chamber with your back to the cc doors till its doors are shut completely. 

During research, a Class D looks at your face and manages to escape the Containment Chamber, he runs towards the Entrance Zone. What is your course of action while chasing 096-1, and what do you do once you have killed them?*: when I am chasing 096-1 if the cc doors are closed I will open them with my CL5 and use it on any other checkpoint and once I have killed the D class I will crouch on his place of death and then face the nearest wall or corner and wait there until E-11/CU show up or until someone else looks at me. 

While chasing 096-1, you pass a researcher, Class D and a MTF unit who all look at your face accidentally. Once you kill the current 096-1, you go back and find them, then proceeding to kill them also. Is this good RP and why? *: that scenario proves why 096’s interaction is great, and it is good roleplay because it shows the documented lore behaviour of how he kills everything that looks at his face. 

If SCP-096 bag had come off or if some Escapee Class d ran past and grabbed it, as E-11 or CS would you chase the class d or proceed on to recontain SCP-096?*either of the jobs I would go to recontain the SCP by looking  away from the SCP and call in through the foundation radio for backup for a scp who is not contained and would say not to go near the area where 096  is aswell and  then when I get the bag back from the D class, I would then go onto recontaining SCP 096 and take him back to his cc. 

A GOI has managed to enter the facility, and they open your Containment Chamber to cuff you and take you out of the facility, one of them looks at your face but tells you it was an accident, and you can just ignore it. What should you do? Why?*: as the rules of SCP 096, anyone who looks at my face will become 096-1 and I must kill them and crouch were the person had died and face a wall and if the person doesn’t agree with that, I would contact an admin. 

Anything else you may need to tell people reading this application: No 


Edited by Darwin
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Applied within a week of last denial, though near the end of waiting period. (Neutral)

Containment procedure is mediocre but passes for me nonetheless (Positive) 

You seem to understand the given rule set of SCP-096 (Positive)

Though you have applied once again on yet another SCP within a week of the last denial on the same SCP and not after said week, I am willing to see you have a chance at playing SCP-096 if Olli is willing to do so aswell, however he is the boss here. 

Best of luck - Viktor Svetsken


Viktor Svetsken

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If you could please edit this thread to be correct with the Template posted above within 24 hours of it's creation, that would be nice. If not, thread will be locked and you will have to create a new thread for your SCP-096 Application. 

Best of luck - Viktor Svetsken

Viktor Svetsken

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