
Fusion’s Staff Application

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RP Character name(s):Undecided yet


Steam Name: Fusion365


Steam ID: (😞STEAM_0:1:80031275


Age when applying:15


What country do you currently reside in?England 

 What is your time-zone:UTC 0


Can you speak and type English fluently:Yes


Current total game-time on the server (type utime_enable 1 in the console if you can't see your game time): sever not out yet 


IC Rank(s) and OOC Donation Rank(s) on HL-RP: citizen User


Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak:

 Yes and speak

When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since:sever not out yet


How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server and our forums:I use teamspeak 3 lots almost everyday it is my main way of communication and I browse the fourms once every while


State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns.) Upload it to http://imgur.com/ or as a steam community screenshot and include the link). Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. (Type utime_enable 1 if you can not see it on your screen): sever not out yet


State the role of staff on the server:

the role of the staff is to make sure the sever  runs smoothly and efficiently maximising the level of role-play that can be had without the interruptions of minges or fail rpers. they are there to support anyone with any help or support they need whilst making new people feel welcome and there time enjoyable 


Give some context about setting of C24 within the Half Life universe (150 words+)

: The city 24 also referred to as ‘the royal city’ is located in Switzerland more specifically Geneva and is one of all 186 cities to exist on the half life earth.  it is a rather large city filled sky scraper type structures these are used as not only apartments for residents but also military stations home to the inter dimensional force of the combine which hold regular patrols and have large fortifications on their buildings in order to protect them. The abandoned buildings are great home to creatures such as the head crabs and home to resistance members also . The city is controlled by a strong dictatorship, the city is filled with heavy propaganda such as hanging red banners and other propaganda posters reinforcing the tight dictatorship of the city the similar type of dictatorship of that to the one of the nazis of the real earth the city is also strongly linked to C17 via a railway system. 


Have you read the server rules and are you familiar with them?

Although the rules currently are most posted on the forums as of yet as soon as they are I will make sure to have a very brief read of them 


Have you read the punishment list and are familiar with it?:same as sever rules


List of all previous server staff experience:

 JVS Admin 

Death run Mod 

Dark RP Admin

List of all previous RP experience:

 I have role played on many different servers allowing me to get a real experience for all different types of RP these include: Star Wars RP SCP RP JVS RP I also heavily played on fiveM severs aswell



Have you added the Manager on Steam? If not, add him (http://steamcommunity.com/id/RUN_YOU_FOOL)


Have you added the Vice-Manager on Steam? If not, add him (https://steamcommunity.com/id/thatgardentool/)


Have you added the Staff Manager on Steam? If not, add him (https://steamcommunity.com/id/UNJoe/)



Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?:

I understand 




Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:


1 ) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people: 

I would first of all bring both members of the party into a sit from there I would ask for any evidence this person has if he has none I would then check the logs and see if the person has been killing him if he has I would ask if he had a valid Reason for it if not I would then warn him for RDM


2 ) You are asked by a player about how to join a faction:

I would message them the discord link and direct them to the in character application section on the discord and explain this is where they can apply 


3 ) You catch somebody not performing RP and messing around:

I would teleport to Him and explain look if your not here to rp you can just leave and give him a verbal warning if he carries on I would give him another final verbal warning if not I would kick him for NH2RP


4 ) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly:

 Let’s say the person became a member of lambda I would get evidence of it then send it to the higher ups of the faction he is in and tell them that he is messing around and doesn’t want to RP with the rank that he is then I would drag him aside and tell

Him that look you have been trusted with that rank don’t go ahead and waste that opportunity 

5 ) A player is prop spamming: depending on the severity I would kick the person prop spamming then find there steam id then !warn them from prop spam


6 ) Somebody does not agree with the outcome of an RP situation therefore he decides to break RP and act OOC: 


I would bring them aside and ask what’s wrong and tell them next time they have a problem to call a staff member or type in OOC and not to break rp and ruin it for others 


7 ) You bring a player into a sit and punnish him however he does not agree with your decision and keeps arguing: 

I would tell him if he has a problem with the outcome then he can go to the forums and report me there giving him the link to the staff report section on the forums 


8 ) Someone commits FailRP but claims the specific instance of FailRP you warned him for is not explained in detail within the rules

 I would explain the him that even though it is not heavily explained in the rules it is still briefly said and not everything has to be fully explained but because of this doesn’t mean that if it not in the rules doesn’t mean you can’t do it and try and find ways around breaking the rules and getting away with it 


9 ) A player evidently breaks a rule however he makes a good point in his defence by abusing loopholes within the rules:  

I would inform him that exploiting loopholes within the rules isn’t going to make the punishment go away so I would continue you with it however I will inform people in staff chat that people may be able to continue to do this to act upon this




Answer the following questions in detail:


1 ) Explain the difference between Tier I rule-breaking and punishments and Tier II rule-breaking and punishments:

Tier 1 punishments are given out to people  who didn’t fully understand the rules and broke it with no intent to extend upon what they did Tier 2 punishments are given to people  who knew what they were doing when they broke the rules and had those bad intentions behind of them 


2 ) Explain the difference between IC and OOC. Also define Meta Gaming in relation with the two:

IC is where the person is rping and are immersed in the situation acting as if they were inside of the Half life universe as someone. However OOC means out of charter this is where people usually type in OOC chat to ask questions or just generally chat about something not related or anything IC at all. metagaming is using information you have gained OOC and brining it into an IC situation to get an upper hand on the person or situation 


3 ) Explain the difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP:

Serious RP means that everything action you do portrays who you are as in you IC character, you are submerged in the RP as if you were acctual in the half life universe as one of the charters. Semi serious is where you are still acting within the bounds of being in character however will sometimes break this by asking things in OOC by stating OOC in front of what they are about to say


4 ) Explain the difference between PassiveRP and CombatRP, explain your view on their importance in our gamemode:


Passive RP is RP which is done in /me or /advert *RP* these are typically things that are inside of the RP for example fixing something this passive RP can sometimes be a lot more important than combat RP as it adds more realism and experience to everyone involved. Combat RP is where you are in combat situations EG gun fights which is usually preferred by most people as it the most fun but sometimes the less important. Both are equally important as each other and both play a vital part in the experience of RP


5 ) Define the term of Combat Baiting:

 combat building is where you are under fire and are being shot and you build or pave a structure in order to help yourself in cover. It is the placing of these structures whilst being attacked and hurt that is the combat building

6 ) Define Power Gaming / Power RP:

Power gaming is the forcing of RP onto someone that doesn’t want to be under it. For instance the /me pushes when someone is near a cliff or when cuffed /me breaks out of cuffs these are two main examples of power gaming which give you an unfair advantage over someone


7 ) Define the term FailRP:

 Fail RP is doing something that would not happen in the half life universe for instance building something like a Minecraft Steve or acting as something not normal for the Half life RP it is this failure to abide by the lore of half life universe which makes it fail to

8 ) Define the term FearRP: 

Fear RP is where somebody doesn’t care about their life like they would if it was real. For instance if somebody was under a gun point then asked to drop money and they don’t do it and don’t bother to do anything about it this is fear RP as they do not value their life one bit




Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team and your strongest assets as a person/potential staff member (250+ words):

 I feel that i stand out more than others due to my dedication and work ethic. I am someone who will strive to ensure a task is done to the best of my ability  no matter what. Yes i may be young compared to others applying for the same position but i can reassure you that just because i am younger does not mean that i am less mature and less capable for the role. My work ethic is something that i am quite proud of as it defines who i am as a person. Not only in the sever but out of the sever IRL i make sure that everything i do is with 100% devotion and the upmost maturity. Yes at the end of the day we are all human and we all make mistakes but it with those mistakes that we learn. I am someone that learns quickly from my mistakes and can see patterns on where i have gone wrong and work on them and it is with that i believe i stand out from the other candidates.  I have attempted to write an application that fills all of the questions with precise and careful consideration. I am very hard-working and never quit. I am very confident in my leadership skills, so I assure you that I would make a great member of the staff I wish to step up my role to help improve the sever with my hard work and determination. Whilst playing on severs You get the occasional people that scream down mics start rdming and i feel that i want to become part of that.



[Past Ranks]
Trial Vice Admiral | Rear Admiral | Jedi Agent | STV Voistender des Gaugerichts | CT Trial Exo | 501st Major | RRD ResearcherGalactic  marines  Captain |  Lambda LARPER  Star wars modDark RP Senior Mod | Deathrun Senior Mod


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As I said on Wook's application, this one has the same point. Grammar is a major issue throughout it, and normally on other W-G servers, this wouldn't be too much of an issue, however, considering HL2RP is seriousRP and that involves quite alot of writing and story telling- immediately that's a pretty big downside so far. Otherwise, I'm going to be honest with you, the application is extremely hard to read, so I'd recommend some color variation, or atleast just don't put everything in black.

Anyway, for the application itself;

8 hours ago, Fusion365 said:

1 ) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people: 

I would first of all bring both members of the party into a sit from there I would ask for any evidence this person has if he has none I would then check the logs and see if the person has been killing him if he has I would ask if he had a valid Reason for it if not I would then warn him for RDM

RDM would more likely than not result in a ban, not a warn. Correct otherwise.

8 hours ago, Fusion365 said:

2 ) You are asked by a player about how to join a faction:

I would message them the discord link and direct them to the in character application section on the discord and explain this is where they can apply 

Mostly correct, but if the player is new, then you should also explain what the faction does to them and give insight on it's workings, to ensure that they do actually want to join it once they fully understand it.

8 hours ago, Fusion365 said:

3 ) You catch somebody not performing RP and messing around:

I would teleport to Him and explain look if your not here to rp you can just leave and give him a verbal warning if he carries on I would give him another final verbal warning if not I would kick him for NH2RP

I've said it plenty of times before by now, but on HL2RP, verbal warnings shouldn't be a thing. I understand that you come from deathrun and that's a much more relaxed gamemode, however, on HL2RP you have to remember that it's seriousRP, and rule breaks have a zero tolerance policy. For this, you should immediately punish him. Alongside that, NH2RP doesn't warrant a kick, it'd either be a lengthy ban or a permaban, and if they wish they want to actually RP, they can appeal it on the forums.

8 hours ago, Fusion365 said:

4 ) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly:

 Let’s say the person became a member of lambda I would get evidence of it then send it to the higher ups of the faction he is in and tell them that he is messing around and doesn’t want to RP with the rank that he is then I would drag him aside and tell

Him that look you have been trusted with that rank don’t go ahead and waste that opportunity 

You should also actually punish him for misuse of his rank, depending on the severity of what he did. Either a warn, ban, or temporary dewhitelist until the factions hierarchy can step in.

8 hours ago, Fusion365 said:

5 ) A player is prop spamming: depending on the severity I would kick the person prop spamming then find there steam id then !warn them from prop spam

Prop spam, more commonly than not, results in a permaban, considering the potential it has to crash the server. If it was accidental, a lesser ban  can be given, or even a warn, depending on your judgment. But most of the time you should permaban.

8 hours ago, Fusion365 said:

6 ) Somebody does not agree with the outcome of an RP situation therefore he decides to break RP and act OOC: 


I would bring them aside and ask what’s wrong and tell them next time they have a problem to call a staff member or type in OOC and not to break rp and ruin it for others 

Kind of correct. Again, as I've said on other applications, you should actually take the players words into consideration, as they may hold merit. The correct answer would be; tell the player to continue with the RP situation and gather as much evidence as he can for his case, then once the situation has concluded, he can contact staff to review it for a possible retcon/void of the whole thing.


There's a few more issues but I think I've outlined the main ones. You do have potential, and I understand you may view the server as more relaxed due to your experience on deathrun, however, in the applications current state I cant bring myself to give a +1. If you get permission to edit it or want to reapply in the future and fix what I mentioned, then really, I believe you could do great. But for now; -1

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Like the mentions before you do have some grammar errors in your app which makes it look as if it was unprofessional. In my mind the app is important but the content is of greater importance. You did mistake one of the rule breakings (Combat Baiting) as a different rule (Combat Building) which you should probably go and edit to have it correct. Overall you do seem to have a good understanding but could you a refresher on the punishment system which would fix some of your mistakes (RDM warn instead of Ban). Whilst reading your reason for making you staff section, the points you made are very strong but because i have not seen you ingame means i dont have a strong reason to believe it. Although I do believe that you should be given a chance if you edit the document and fix some errors. Maybe even change the text color for poor old banshee so he can read it properly.

Other that that its a +1 in my book


also if you edit add a bit on the bottom saying what you edited 

Edited by Livid Castle
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On 8/2/2020 at 7:57 PM, Fusion365 said:

My work ethic is something that i am quite proud of as it defines who i am as a person. Not only in the sever but out of the sever IRL i make sure that everything i do is with 100% devotion and the upmost maturity.

On 8/2/2020 at 7:57 PM, Fusion365 said:

I have attempted to write an application that fills all of the questions with precise and careful consideration.

Alright, this might come across as rude but I am kind of doubting that good work ethic. Considering you live in England, I think this application has a little too many sloppy language mistakes that could've been fixed by reading through the application once more before posting it. 

Here is an example:

On 8/2/2020 at 7:57 PM, Fusion365 said:

Whilst playing on severs You get the occasional people that scream down mics start rdming and i feel that i want to become part of that.

Not entirely sure what you were trying to say here but this doesn't sound good...

In general, you seem to have a decent knowledge of the rules and punishments, at least considering they haven't been released yet. Ironically, I think your work ethic is the main problem in your application.


Good luck anyway, lad.

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 I agree with Anschib, grammar does matter, because in your explanation why you think you stand out, you talk about dedication and devotment but than you have simple grammar mistakes. Also I really want to believe you that you show great dedication and I think you have good potential but like I said before its hard to believe you if you have mistakes in the situations. You dont have to know every rule by hard you just need to know where it stands, and the most simularity of the rules are with the NRP server Tier list, so if you wouldve just checked your answers for 5 minutes you would´ve seen those small mistakes. But still I think you have the maturity and the potential of being staff its just you need to show more thoroughness. 
I wish you good luck anyway

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On 8/3/2020 at 3:43 AM, anschib said:

1 ) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people: 

I would first of all bring both members of the party into a sit from there I would ask for any evidence this person has if he has none I would then check the logs and see if the person has been killing him if he has I would ask if he had a valid Reason for it if not I would then warn him for RDM

Would result in warn if 1 person


On 8/3/2020 at 3:43 AM, anschib said:

2 ) You are asked by a player about how to join a faction:

I would message them the discord link and direct them to the in character application section on the discord and explain this is where they can apply 

this is fine nobody is cringe enough to explain an entire faction

On 8/3/2020 at 3:43 AM, anschib said:

3 ) You catch somebody not performing RP and messing around:

I would teleport to Him and explain look if your not here to rp you can just leave and give him a verbal warning if he carries on I would give him another final verbal warning if not I would kick him for NH2RP

decent response however as the greatest staff member i say you should not verbal warn


On 8/3/2020 at 3:43 AM, anschib said:

4 ) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly:

 Let’s say the person became a member of lambda I would get evidence of it then send it to the higher ups of the faction he is in and tell them that he is messing around and doesn’t want to RP with the rank that he is then I would drag him aside and tell

Him that look you have been trusted with that rank don’t go ahead and waste that opportunity 

looks good




I did not read this entire application at all, feymous your cringe


The Boys


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Even tho your reputation in swrp isn't the greatest i belive you are suited for staff. Your activity in swrp is great and you're a very nice guy. 

GM LCPL 03.03.24 - 

Previous Ranks

GM Colonel 13.09.19 – 19.03.20 DU Colonel 19.03.20 - 07.05.20 CG LCPL 18.07.20 - 25.07.20

Jedi Blade Warrior 08.03.20 - 26.08.20 Deathrun Senior Admin 24.04.20 - 05.03.21

DarkRP Senior Mod 02.04.21 - 12.04.21

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