
So i got banned for 3 years recently from the wearwolf teamspeak for micspam please review

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My In-Game name: Salmon


Steam Name: Sushi_Salmon

What is the reason for your ban: Micspamming and being special 

How long were you banned for: 3 years 

Name of the staff member who banned you: i dont know 

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: i think it was unfair to get banned for 3 years for micspam 


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Judging by you telling Aleks to die when he told you to use the template, i imagine you did a lot of micpsam and retarded stuff, so i think its deserved.


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3 minutes ago, Mort said:

Judging by you telling Aleks to die when he told you to use the template, i imagine you did a lot of micpsam and retarded stuff, so i think its deserved.

sorry I don't recall engaging in a conversation with u  

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4 minutes ago, Mort said:

Judging by you telling Aleks to die when he told you to use the template, i imagine you did a lot of micpsam and retarded stuff, so i think its deserved.

Yo is that beerus as your profile picture i love it when he uses his trap card

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Acting very immature in both unban requests

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-1 stop replying to messages on here your not helping your case just immature

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You're being hella toxic on your unban request and being negative to anyone who replies to this, if you think this type of attitude would impact ur unban request positively you better think twice. By seeing your attitude on this i understand why you have been banned for 3 year.

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Edited by Hazel

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