
Dyno's EP App

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Personal Information:
Steam Name + Profile link:
Dyno | 

Roleplay Name:
DU Commander Dyno | Jedi Watcher Dyno

Teamspeak Name:

Playtime on the Server:
7W 3D 16H


Any experience in staffing:

Current Age:

0 Warns 1 Comm Ban from 2017

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?:
Yes indeed.

Event Plan:

Map: Coruscant Below

Enemies, HP, Amount:

Clone Side:
6-8 Commando Droids (Can be tweaked along with other sections of the event plan to accommodate another faction)

Standard HP
Depending on player count and force of resistance, extra weapons will be given out.

Jedi Side:
Youngling - 75k HP - will be a marauder modelled as a youngling.
Sith Lord - HP & Amount dependent on Jedi Activity. Choice of lightsaber/job will be given to the EC (If I consider them trusted)


Passive, HP, Amount:

Clone Side:
Republic Intelligence Officer (Will not be in combat.)
Renowned Outer Rim Hitman (Will not be in ranged combat.)
CIS High Command (The EP)

Jedi Side:
Confused Father/Mother (Will not be in combat but is an acting role so EC will be closely watched and not picked at random.)


Republic's Execution:
The clones will be stationed on Coruscant as high command have ordered them to. There have been recent threats and mumblings of an insurgency.


Event Character Execution & Story:

Clone Side:


The RIO will call a member of battalion into a meeting. However just before that meeting, the Hitman will locate and kidnap the RIO. The battalion member will then notice that the RIO is missing and will attempt to contact him. He will not respond and then the battalion member will send out CG & RC to locate him. Once he is caught, RC will attempt to interrogate him, to no avail. Two paths can be taken then.

Path 1: A member of Admiralty will then call a 74th researcher to perform their trickery to get him to speak. Then they can kill him or jail him.
Path 2: RC torture and interrogate him till he speaks… or kill him.

Shortly after, CIS high command will notice that the hitman has not completed. They will then send out the commando droids and combat will ensue. They will try to locate the hitman. Once they find him, if he is dead they will fight their way out. If he is alive, they will attempt to extract him. It is up to the battalion member to deal with that then.


 Jedi Side:

The confused parent will stumble into the Jedi Temple claiming his youngling possesses force powers. The Jedi will take in the youngling and test him to see if he has force powers. A sith lord hears of this and decides its his time to shine. He will find the Youngling and attempt to corrupt him. After a bit of passive RP, the youngling will have the choice of getting corrupted or staying with the jedi. If the youngling decides to be corrupted, the Sith will give him lightsabers and he will defend himself if necessary. If he chooses the light side, he will stay with the jedi and the sith will attempt to forcefully retrieve him. If he does not succeed, he will attempt to murder the parent. It is then up to the Jedi to protect the parent.


Event Information: 


Have you ever Done an Event Before?:


What was your event and was it successfully executed?:


Do you understand the responsibilities an event-planner has? If so, what are they?:
An event planner’s responsibilities are, to conduct events to entertain the player base, jedi or clone. 


Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?:
I understand.


Anything else?:
WG E-Planner

𝙍𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨 𝘼𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙙
104th ET - 04/05/21 - ??/??/??
𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘗𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘳 06/02/21 - ??/??/??



Previous Ranks:
35𝘵𝘩 𝘌𝘹𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘖𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘳
212𝘵𝘩/𝘚𝘛 𝘊𝘗𝘛
𝘑𝘦𝘥𝘪 𝘗𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘦𝘳 - 05/09/20 - 23/04/21

𝘋𝘜 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 - 26/07/20 - 03/05/21


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Good App
Good Lad 
Good Candidate 

Current Ranks
[ Community Modeller]

Previous Ranks
[SWRP Modeller]
[Discord Staff]


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A trusted member of the community, proving maturity by doing great work and commanding a big regiment with ease.

I think your app is basic but it is a nice idea which I don’t see too often.

A bigger explaining of the Jedi side would be great, however it is understandable as you don’t play too much Jedi and would be a more clone sided EP which isn’t a bad thing.

+1 for dyno, one of the better applicants.

good luck boss

former ct 2245 bong

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sound lad
good app
good event 

Good luck

                                        Current Ranks                                     Past Ranks
                                           DT SGT                                         327th Commander                501st Temp Major        

                                     Jedi Blade Warrior                            RRD Researcher                           CG SGT   
                                                                                                        41st SGT 


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- I really like that he has different path and scenerios that will happen, its very orignal

- A trusted guy in the server and hes a high rank

- The app was also really good so good luck with your app :))

Current Ranks


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Reasons stated above

Current Ranks


Past Ranks

Deputy Director Of COMPNOR

IRP Super Administrator

Tatooine Security Commissioner 

IC Commander

Death Trooper Vice Commander

CWRP Admin

501st Senior Commander

ARC Vice Commander

ARC Colonelx2



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- Good detailed app

- Mature & friendly

- hight rank and responsible

- Good Luck - 

- IC Ranks -

|- Grogu | 17/05/21 - FOREVER | | - Grand Master Yoda | 07/04/21 - 17/05/21 | | - Mace Windu | 27/03/21 - 07/04/21 |

|- Anakin Skywalker | 24/08/20 - 27/03/21 | |- Jedi Force Master | 11/04/20 - 24/08/20 | |- Jedi Warden | 29/02/2020 - 11/04/20 |

- OOC Ranks - |- Event Planner | 04/07/20 - 26/02/2020 |


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+1 Everything has already been said.

Current Ranks [CWRP]
Admiral | Reserve Medic
CWRP Super Administrator | Lead Mentor
Past Ranks
CE Marshal Commander | 74th ST MD | CT TRP "4625" - CT PVT | CT DCPL
Jedi Sage | Jedi Warlock | Jedi Sentinel | Jedi Shadow Jedi Peacekeeper
 Event Planner Staff Mentor
[WW2 1943RP]
 Panzer-Abteilung "Großdeutschland" Gefreiter - Unteroffizere (13/02/21 - 25/03/21)
ST TRP "4625" | JT Corporal | IE BFT PFC501st PFC
 Rebel Alpha Group Major

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Good Event Plan
Good Guy
Has been on the server ages ago already
Lot of experience

I don't see you on a lot

Current Ranks:
Battalion Warrant Officer Event Planner


Past Ranks:
Battalion 2nd LT | GM SOF LCOL | Event Planner | GM LT CMDR | 212th SGTM


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Seeing as a Senior Event Planner spot has opened up once the spot has been filled you will be given an interview for EP. You will be contacted once it is available.

Current Ranks

- General

- SWRP Vice Manager

- Caesar Stabsfeldwebel

- Iniquity Revenant



Past Ranks

- SWRP Event Manager

- Grand Admiral

- 501st EXO

- 212th EXO


- CG Temp Vice Commander


- CG ARC Colonel

- Jedi Watcher

- Jedi Agent

- Jedi Consular

- Hauptamt Köningsplatz Oberbereitshaftsleiter

Finance Oberbereitschaftsleiter


- HLRP Senior Discord Staff



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Spot opened up and you passed interview

Current Ranks

- General

- SWRP Vice Manager

- Caesar Stabsfeldwebel

- Iniquity Revenant



Past Ranks

- SWRP Event Manager

- Grand Admiral

- 501st EXO

- 212th EXO


- CG Temp Vice Commander


- CG ARC Colonel

- Jedi Watcher

- Jedi Agent

- Jedi Consular

- Hauptamt Köningsplatz Oberbereitshaftsleiter

Finance Oberbereitschaftsleiter


- HLRP Senior Discord Staff



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