
Malns Second and better than ever Staff App!

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RP Character name:
John Maln
Financial Inspector of the Civil Financial Union

Steam Name:
WG Jemand Stalingrad 3000

Steam ID:

Age when applying:

What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone:
I am residing in germany and am not planning to move into another country anytime soon.
My current time zone is UTC +1.

Can you speak and type English fluently:
Despite not being my mother tongue I have been taught englisch since Kindergarden and got quite some experience in using english. Especially in Role-Playing Scenarios.

Current total game-time on the server:
Around maybe 4 hours during the Beta run.

IC Rank and OOC Donation Rank on HL-RP:
I am a Financial Inspector for the CFU and possess the All Servers Max Everything Collection.

Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak:
I do own a working microphone and prefer to speak when communicating. Of course I have no problem falling back to grammatically correct written english if someone has problems hearing me or simply no sound.

When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since:
I have first joined the server on the second of September 2020 and had a forceful break ever since.

How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server and our forums:
Since my regiment on SWRP is a Discord Regiment I am not a regular on the Teamspeak Server, however I would not have a problem to come onto it as well, also I am making an appereance on the teamspeak server every now and then. I use the forums from time to time, reading through suggestions.

State all your previous OOC punishments:
I have not gotten any OOC Punishments on the server at this time. Sadly I am not abled to go on to the server to prove that, neither to take a picture of my game time.

State the role of staff on the server:
The role of Staff on the Server is to provide quality roleplay for all players by professionally as well as fair but strictly enforcing the OOC Rules. They are also tasked with guiding all players that have questions about anything related to the server.

Give some context about setting of C24 within the Half Life universe (150 words+):
City 24 is one of the cities that the combine named with generic numbers following the Earth's Government surrender to the Seven Hour War. It is situated in Geneva, Europe, and differentiates from other cities by the massive amount of propaganda. There are a lot of red oversized posters preaching loyalty to the Combine government or displaying the eagle of Geneva's crest harshly. While most of the buildings of the city are very clean and rather noble from the outside many backyards and alleyways are filled with trash, broken cars or even a broken house around 5 corners in the back of the city. The overall appearance of the city is designed to give an appealing look to loyalty towards the Combine. However, rumors have it that the rebellious organization called Lambda who are using the very same greek symbol are using the sewers, which are accessible through various entries throughout the city, to organize their rebellion against their self-declared enemies, the Combine Government.

Have you read the server rules and are you familiar with them?
Yes I have read through the server rules and feel quite confident with them.

Have you read the punishment list and are familiar with it?:
Yes I have also read through the punishment listand feel quite familiar with them.

List of all previous server staff experience:
Sadly enough no previous staffin experience on WG Servers. However I have been in quite high staffing positions on smaller servers even being offered a staffing position on a community with a playerbase of 1000 Members on their discord.

List of all previous RP experience:
I currently possess the rank of CT Commander on the WG SWRP Server and have held multiple High Ranking positions on smaller servers, for example Director of Republic Intelligence.


Have you added the Manager on Steam?
Of course I have added the Manager on Steam.

Have you added the Vice-Manager on Steam?

Have you added the Staff Manager on Steam?


Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?:
Of course, unprofessional behaviour as well as the misuse of the powers that have been trusted upon oneself alongside other misbehaviour of someone in a position of power should be harshly punished, even with a removal of said powers if necessary.


Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:

1 ) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people:
I am silently teleporting to the accused player to see if he is actually killing people. If I do not see him actively killing people I am checking BLogs to see if he has killed other Players just before I arrived. If not I am asking the accuser of what he has seen. If I do find any kind of evidence of the player killing someone I am bringing him into a Staff Location, question him about it and administer appropiate punishment.

2 ) You are asked by a player about how to join a faction:
I am telling the player that he can join most factions by going to their main building. If the player doesnt know the way I am also explaining him the way there.

3 ) You catch somebody not performing RP and messing around:
I warn the player for FailRP if it seems like an accident and he is new. If the offending player is a veteran or obviously breaking RP I am banning him for 1 or 2 days.

4 ) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly:
As Ranks are something In-Character I should not interfere with his rank. The only actions I take would be warning/banning him for OOC Rule Breaking and report him to his factional leader to deal with the situation In-Character.

5 ) A player is prop spamming:
Prop Spamming is warranted with a Permanent Ban.

6 ) Somebody does not agree with the outcome of an RP situation therefore he decides to break RP and act OOC:
I warn the offender for FailRP and potentially Powergaming. As this is done intentionally out of not agreeing with an RP Situation I will also ban the offender for 1/2 days.

7 ) You bring a player into a sit and punnish him however he does not agree with your decision and keeps arguing:
I will tell him that my decision is standing, however I will give him the link to the forums in order to appeal his punishment.

8 ) Someone commits FailRP but claims the specific instance of FailRP you warned him for is not explained in detail within the rules: 
I tell him that the rules specifically tell everyone to use their brain and that all situations not specifically listed but still deemed FailRP will be punished accordingly by a Staff Member.

9 ) A player evidently breaks a rule however he makes a good point in his defence by abusing loopholes within the rules:
I am telling the offender that abusing loopholes within the rules is not allowed and no excuse at all to break other rules. I will punish him for the rule he has broken and contact a Staff Manager+ to deal with the situation accordingly.


Answer the following questions in detail:


1 ) Explain the difference between Tier I rule-breaking and punishments and Tier II rule-breaking and punishments:

Tier I rule-breaking are rules broken by accident, for example, out of simply not knowing about the existence of the rule or being new to the server in general. The punishment for Tier 1 rule-breaking is less severe than Tier 2 rule-breaking, often, but not only using a (verbal) warning as punishment.
Tier 2 rule-breaking on the other hand are rules broken intentionally or from a more experienced member of the community. They are usually punished harder, being warranted with bans of at least a day of length.

2 ) Explain the difference between IC and OOC. Also define Meta Gaming in relation with the two:
IC, meaning In-Character is everything that your Character is experiencing in-game, the people they get to know, the information they get and generally everything your character does in-game. Excluded from this are staff sits for example.
OOC, meaning Out-Of-Character, is everything that happens outside of the game or during staff sits. Conversations over Discord or Teamspeak are generally OOC and can only be made IC by a Senior Game Master+.
Metagaming now is the usage of information acquired through any OOC means that are being used IC. It doesnt not matter if you use the information to your own advantage or to someone elses, metagaming is always at least a warn.

3 ) Explain the difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP:
Semi-Serious RP is what is most commonly known from DarkRP or DerivedRP. Semi-Serious completely resolves around a job system, while it is possible to be promoted between ranks/jobs it is also possible be a completely different character after simply switching to another job.
Serious RP however completely resolves about building a character and his own story completely by IC means. This means that you are completely relying on what is happening in-game. You will mostly not receive whitelists as in other games but rather get the things you possess through in-game grinding or through e.g. your IC employer.

4 ) Explain the difference between PassiveRP and CombatRP, explain your view on their importance in our gamemode:
PassiveRP most commonly, but not necessarily involves the usage of /me, generally speaking it is everything that involves pure RP. Going to a restaurant and spending some coins to buy a drink, even talking to other characters around you can be considered PassiveRP. CombatRP on the other side is the engaging in combat, most commonly using actual weapons or, if ALL parties of the combat agree using /me or /roll.
Since dieing in this gamemode is supposed to be something fatal even when not being a PK the use of CombatRP is less important in this gamemode while PassiveRP is having a way bigger role, for example for researchers, shop owners or simply citizens that walk around the city using the aforementioned means of PassiveRP.

5 ) Define the term of Combat Baiting:
Combat Baiting describes any action that is done purely in order to start combat or provoke the opposing party to engage in combat, without a proper RP Reason.

6 ) Define Power Gaming / Power RP:
Power Gaming describes any action that would make a character extremely strong, intelligent or also the usage of /me to get out of a situation you are not happy with. For example "/me breaks out of cuffs" or "/me figures out the answer to this puzzle".

7 ) Define the term FailRP:
FailRP describes all actions that are not logical for your character to do. For example, does it make no sense to jump of your balcony on the third floor just because you are too lazy to walk down the stairs.

8 ) Define the term FearRP: 
FearRP is describing the valuing of oneselfs life. It is telling every human and other self-aware creature not to act in situations that would bring their own life to risk. An example for this would be not to run while under gunpoint and not having a weapon out yourself.


Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team and your strongest assets as a person/potential staff member (250+ words):
As the current CT Commander, the first regiment that every new player is joining, and therefore also a lot of people that do not intend to follow the rules, I have developed a very fair and professional way of dealing with those aforementioned people as well as guiding new players to the point of joining another regiment or advancing through the ranks of my very own regiment which are traits that have been mentioned as necessary for Staff Members previously in this application. Aside from these skills, both IC and OOC, that I have developed through solely the WG SWRP Server, I have also gathered experience in using administrative tools such as ULX, SAM, Billy's Whitelist, Billy's Logs, as well as WUMA, a permission, restriction and loadout managing addon. While I am relatively new to RP Gamemodes and GMod in general, I have started playing GMod in March of last year, I have ever since gathered a lot of experience and am very happy to learn a lot more about things I didn't learn yet, be it RP wise or Staffing wise I am a fast learner and am already greatly looking forward to all the new experiences I will be gathering on this server, be it as a member of the staffing team or simply as the Member of the Civil Financial Union I already am. To top all of the aforementioned, I have been helping to create documents about how certain mechanics in the game mode will work or look and have already started laying the foundation for many of those as well as developing on some of them since around December 2020.

yo what tis

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He is a competent guy, knows how to lead and most of his answers are correct, he would be a great fit for the staff team!

Although your answers are too advanced and not into the point but you still managed to cover up the meanings of it and also showed examples.

Edited by rhino
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(Reasoning below)

On 2/14/2021 at 8:59 PM, malnjayz said:

I am silently teleporting to the accused player to see if he is actually killing people. If I do not see him actively killing people I am checking BLogs to see if he has killed other Players just before I arrived. If not I am asking the accuser of what he has seen. If I do find any kind of evidence of the player killing someone I am bringing him into a Staff Location, question him about it and administer appropiate punishment.

ok, I would get accusor and accused both into a sit and ask them what happend and ask for proof, your way is fine but try to always get both sides of a story. 

On 2/14/2021 at 8:59 PM, malnjayz said:

I am telling the player that he can join most factions by going to their main building. If the player doesnt know the way I am also explaining him the way there.

Maybe you could also tell them what every faction is really about and stuff like that, but its fine I guess

On 2/14/2021 at 8:59 PM, malnjayz said:

I warn the player for FailRP if it seems like an accident and he is new. If the offending player is a veteran or obviously breaking RP I am banning him for 1 or 2 days.

Yeah like already said, try to get his side of the story, but the warn is fine 

On 2/14/2021 at 8:59 PM, malnjayz said:

I tell him that the rules specifically tell everyone to use their brain and that all situations not specifically listed but still deemed FailRP will be punished accordingly by a Staff Member.

Yup, but you would still warn him for failRP aswell.

On 2/14/2021 at 8:59 PM, malnjayz said:

I am telling the offender that abusing loopholes within the rules is not allowed and no excuse at all to break other rules. I will punish him for the rule he has broken and contact a Staff Manager+ to deal with the situation accordingly.

You could also tell SMT about this loophole so it can be prevented in the future. ( If thats what you mean with contacting Staff Manager to deal with that )

On 2/14/2021 at 8:59 PM, malnjayz said:

Power Gaming describes any action that would make a character extremely strong, intelligent or also the usage of /me to get out of a situation you are not happy with. For example "/me breaks out of cuffs" or "/me figures out the answer to this puzzle".

(All the answers before that question seems fine so I wont react to them )
Yep also correct, so simply an action you have no power over IC:

Ok so the following questions were correctly answered aswell. 
I dont know where to start tbh, 
your application improved alot than your first. 
In my opinion your first part of the application is a bit short, but not wrong so I just wished more detailed answers but the second part of your application is very well written, your answers could stand on some spreadsheet if I am honest. 
Very well done on your application, but I will also +1 it as I got to meet you IC and in CFU and you were always very mature and reliable, you are clearly staff material and deserve your place within the staff team. 

Good luck and hopefully I can welcome you soon

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