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??? can basically be described as a custom character. There is no template as we want you to be creative. All we ask from you is to create a good backstory, and explaining how this ??? character will help/improve RP. These applications are difficult to create, so take your time. 


  • No characters that are obviously mingey.
  • No characters that are already jobs on the server.


We wish you good luck.


Also don't reply to applications in this thread. Doing so can result in forum warnings as it clogs up the thread.


Posted (edited)

(IC section)~

dracut: Scanning devices sda2 for LVM logical volumes sysvg/root sysvg/swap
dracut: inactive '/dev/sysvg/root' [28.88 GiB] inherit
dracut: inactive '/dev/sysvg/swap' [1.00 GiB] inherit


Identifying user
Current user:  Operative  Nemesis
Retinal Scan commencing: Match detected
Biometric Scan commencing: Scan complete


Welcome Loyal Operative

Accesing=//:[Viewing Personnal File]

Operative Codename: Nemesis

Operative descent: European

Operative Blood Type: O+ with a mix of [material not documented yet]

Education: Was educated and raised within Foundation Site-###

Reason of Employment: Subject's powers and knowledge.


Loyalty factor: 200%

Operative Clearance: 6

Operative case:

Incident: 7/5th/2029||-1   Clearance 6 detected => Clearance 5 block removed_

Operative Nemesis was situated at Strategic Command site-317 located on the North Pole of Mars on a daily task of escorting VIP's around the facility as an A-1 Agent, as the morning was passing by all seemed normal and calm, the VIPs had been escorted to their destinations and operative Nemesis was taking a break in Cafeteria 4 alongside Agent ###### and Agent ######## as the lunch break ended an alert flashed on the HoloScreens, SCP-6000 had erupted, the center star of the Andromeda Galaxy, the core of its balance, now a flaming rage reaching hyper speeds and engulfing the nearing systems in its destructing path of flames, Mars only had 3 hours of expected lifetime left, transmissions from other stations beggining to be lost, all seemed hopeless, but then like a flash an idea of survival struck in Nemesis head, a portal used to transfer minerals and radioactive material onsite could be used and altered to transfer him in a different timeline, him and his agents run to the scientific quarters and grabbed the best engineers and scientists they could find and begun dismantling the portal and reforming it into a dimensional teleporter, with only 20 minutes left the engineers finished but it wasnt even tested, the personnel run panicked throughout the facility with Nemesis and his agents starring at the portal and deciding their last few moments, would they go down hopelessly or dwelve into the unkown portal, they had to make a choice, then it became clear, it is to try rather than sit and die, and so they activated the portal and entered different realities and locations, from all 16 personnel only 2 landed on earth, 1 was Agent Crossroads which arrived in the year of the Black plague and was killed soon after the arrival by a swarm of bears in the montain range of the Alpes, Agent Nemesis managed to be brought on earth at the year of 2021 directly above site-01. The rest was a containment and study operation as well as a interview with the agent, after the foundation learned about the incident they managed to get hold of the creator of SCP-6000 and stop them before they would activate it, and so reality was shifted again due to the loyalty and determination of this operatives and the science team back in site-317, they had accomplished their tasks and were congratulated by the Council itself, later as months passed Agent Nemesis was no longer classed as a Class E personnel and was allowed to work throughout sites, but due to his extreme loyalty and decision making he was brought in to MTF Resh-1 for further interviews and study as he gained some interesting traits from this method of moving between dimensions.

(OOC section)
This character is an MTF Resh-1 operative and works for the foundation currently.

Model for the job can be picked by either me or ??? leader, personnaly the Heavy CELL juggernaut operator is fine with old Zeta-0 models with the black operative cammo dudes. 

Loadout: It  can vary, honestly this operative is the councils/ Administrators ACE so all weapons should be accesible depending on the mission they will be shifted as i already know what mission needs what weaponry, i wont just get all guns the server has, only those who will assist me in my position of roleplay.

Tasks of the job: Serving the council, defending the site, escorting VIPs, recontaining SCPs, raiding hostile bases or going for assasination missions,information gathering in spec op missions.

Non anomalous Reccomended sweps for the job:
CSI Swep for silently tasing and capturing persons of interest./Or the A-1 cuffs called Capture cuffs.
Anomalous abilities gained by the dimensional teleporter:
Gen 2 cloaking swep
Or nobody swep depends which one is decided to be the best for the case of this character.

Thank you, i spent hours making this, if it doesnt get accepted atleast let it entertain you people. ~<3 

{Sidenote: SCP-6000 of the character's dimension was canceled and so in our dimension its a different scp, just clarifying because theres already scp-6000 in our times.}






Edited by Joe Drakan
doubled image
Posted (edited)






*********Opening Creditentials Menu*********


 ---------Enter Username: AMarshall####---------


----------Enter Password: Nucle##########-------


*********Welcome Mr Amos Marshall**********


********* You have ONE new message*********


“Wait, who’s messaging me?”


Looks at message and it reads;


“Hello, we somehow have the weirdest situations right now, the anomalous activity that is happening is something that I haven’t seen since the last time there was a infestation from a zombie kind of anomaly. At the current moment we have a club secure in a city named “Ovis City” and we are attempting to get some routes getting set up here, we require your help though. Within this weird time, the United Nations was here… They recently left due to the Chaos Insurgency. Within the city it seems that the Insurgency are working with us in an alliance. We have learned a lot from them about operations that the SCP Foundation are holding and it is scary to be frank… They seem to continuously believe that capturing members of the general public and taking them into a subway for them not to be seen at all and they never come back. Anyway, if you are available to come and oversee the basics of what is happening it will be greatly appreciated.”

Mr E.Bartmann


Marshall looks extremely confused, he needs to start heading over


“This is stupid, this idiot is acting like it’s something we need to concern about”

“Nevertheless, I will see what's happening”

******New Message, Received “ One second ago”********

“What now”

“I forgot to mention that recently one of our own men recently fell into a trance. Believing in a “King”, recently talking with him and a member of the Foundation. He couldn’t pronounce Carter for some reason, he would refer to it by “Marshall, Kin… & Dark”. He seems to believe he owns over everyone, but he has the ability to create portals and wanted our neutrality with foundation. Don’t worry it will turn into a one sided glass if you will, and we will be able to turn this into a business profit.


“Okay, now this might require my interest”


Starts message

“I will be visiting a city one of our men are stationed at, something isn’t right there and I will investigate. Inform Dark if you may. Thank you”


Sends Email


“Okay, we need to get to the city”


Opens portal


“Lets go, better get into more appropriate attire, wouldn’t want to look good there. The city sounds like a wreck”




End Of IC







Name: Banshee

Steam Name: Banshee

Discord ID: Ewan#0822

SteamID : STEAM_0:1:427293255


Equipment : 

Anomaly Scanner

Any Pistol/SMG ( Nothing big needed as its a PassiveRP idea



Basic Suit model and nothing special


Commuications devices;


Marshall Carter and Dark ( If able to)



Marshall Carter and Dark: Have a guess

Chaos Insurgency: Friendly

Foundation : Undecided

TSH: Undecided


This ??? character is to try to improve RP with the MCnD group as at the moment its looking quite bleak and boring at the moment, the RP Norra does I want to also mix in with this. It will be used to determine the relations between Foundation and potentially UIU if need be. I want to add RP within the Surface between this and Chaos Insurgency with having massive talks about the foundation. This job is not to have a saying over the salesman but also a chance to supervise it in RP and add some consequence RP if need be.



End of OOC

If you have any questions don't be afraid to DM me



Edited by Bansheey







Drakan, will your character be combat and passive oriented or purely combat oriented or purely passive oriented?

And Banshee

It seems your character will be both passive and combat. 

Pro tip, if you know combat will be involved, go for worse equipment. 

The Gen 2 cloak is not the best for RP, and most of the time you will either forget you have it and won't use it, or will be invisible 90%of the time avoiding 90% of RP because you are invisible. 

Instead of warpsuit, get better weaponry. 

For Drakan, I'd suggest going for;

A tazer and cuffs (to detain threats)

Smoke grenade (to supply cover for Administration if they need to flee danger)

And if you absolutely need a gun get a bad one like BT MP9, P90, UMP, Bomberg, M1911 or P99.

For Banshee 

Anomaly scanner is a great idea, but I'd imagine your character getting in fights with third parties or similar

You won't be needing good gear as your character is affiliated with MC&D which makes you a Dont-Shoot-guy sorta guy automatically. A strong pistol like Five seven or a bad SMG like BT MP9 or P90 could work.

Nice applications to ya both though



@Lorex Krato Mostly combat rp since its a litteral MTF but youv seen me before, i can clearly use combat characters for passive rp too where its needed.
And as for the equipment, no i dont expect an A-1 that  that came from the future and got promoted to MTF Resh-1 to have shity equipment. The fact you suggested a pistol for an MTF character worries me.

Posted (edited)


[/:"What's down there?":]

[/:"Nothing. Don't talk about it. Don't even think about it.:"]

[/:"...but we need those supplies. Urgently.:"]

[/:"Wanna die? Be my guest.":]

...[Initialize diagnostic protocols]

[ERROR: MEM 33344% ERR]

[ERROR: MEM 33354% ERR]

[ERROR: MEM 33364% ERR]









SUBJECT ID: 002159466


ALIAS: "Corry Smith"

Divergence Operative Available.


The Divergence Project.

An attempts at amending the mistakes that we, at Corvos Unity had done; the monsters that we created from our very own flesh and blood in the name of science. Perhaps it was due to humanities own unachievable ambitions that we as a race fell so deeply.. or at least this part of the world, anyways. The purpose of the Divergence Project was to manipulate humanities genetic code to solve one simple issue:

To remain unseen from a hostile entity.

We don't know where it came from or what it wants, really. All we have come to know is that it thirsts for humanity. On the bright side, though, it is contained sort of, that is, in an abandoned research facility that we once had. The people that were once there had to be abandoned. We had no other choice. 

It honestly begs the question; Why don't we simply call the military or some bullshit like that? Well, no. We can't; anyone we send there does not come out. From the past expeditions that were conducted by the armed security that we had and the camera footage, it appeared that any individual that gazes upon said entity is left in a trance. Physical contact, is established shortly after, and then they are... transformed, I suppose. They're still human, yes, but.. well.. they're disgusting. We call them The Grey, because, well, they ooze grey shit everywhere.

You must be wondering, then, why this log is attached to this specific individual, Corry Smith? For one, he's an unknown. A few others like him were retrieved from down below in the research facility with a few scratches and all, but no signs of physical degradation or trances. We don't know what grants them this immunity and we certainly don't have the time to think about it; the entity down below seems to be growing in power, after all.

All we know is what he described and what he can do.


... "Hello. I.. I'm uhh.. Corry Smith, a Divergence Operative, as they call it."

"Do I... do I have too?... right, yes."

"Alright, well, for one, anything that attempts to effect me mentally, simply doesn't. I'm like a 'null'. A void. There's nothing there to effect in the first place... the Doc's call it Memetic Resistance, which is interesting, I suppose. They theorized that a part of my genetic sequence mutated due to the presence of the hostile entity ripping a hole through reality and making it's way through here. Anything else keeps them guessing, honestly."

"I can, uhh.. also do this, I suppose."

Smith focuses on an object, placed down by the interviewer. It levitates a couple of meters above the ground, before violently slamming back down.

"Sorry, sorry.. I.. still need to practice. It's all new to me, after all.. heh."

... "So why am I a 'Divergence Operative?'.. well, for one I technically still do work for them, and the powers I have is literally the same as the others that are.. like me. I should tell you that they did begin splicing into my DNA and restructuring it, but the powers I have were not anticipated at all by the egg heads... it makes me useful, though, so.. yea."

"Anyways.. i'm not much of a fighter. Sure, I can shoot straight for the most part, but honestly, my ability to levitate objects is pretty damn useful in scenarios where some monstrosity or shit is chasing me. I can't seem to effect biological entities, though.. so it's kind of limited.


"There's something else, though, that I can do. I've been practicing this one."

Smith stands up. He nods towards the interview for confirmation, whom nods back in silence. A guard walks in, pointing a rifle at him. After a few brief moments, he opens fire.

Smith disappears, but shortly reappears after.

"I.. can sort of 'hop' out of danger, I suppose. I don't know where I end up for that brief moment; it's all dark and I feel nothing.. but it saves me."



Divergence Operative Available.

Deployment Available. New Assignment: Seek assistance and/or recon the SCP Foundation. Contact.





This character is meant to develop the roleplay of the Foundations Research Staff and Administrative personnel. At the time of arriving in Ovis City, though, he will make his way and eventually make contact with the GOI's on the surface. His primary goal, of course, would be to seek assistance from the Foundation.

Based on their backstory, memetic hazards do not effect him. This includes cognitohazards, which normally would. This will hopefully lead for some interesting research based RP!

I will have research materials and documents prepared when encountering members of the Research Department and information about the Grey, as well.

Name: Corry Smith

Job Title: Divergence Operative

Equipment: A pistol and elastics.

Model: I'll pick one from the locker.

Abilities: Dimensiokineses.


Edited by Sir Rose
Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, Joe Drakan said:

Tasks of the job: Serving the council, defending the site, escorting VIPs, recontaining SCPs, raiding hostile bases or going for assasination missions,information gathering in spec op missions.

Why would the Administrators personal guard protect O5s?
Some of the other tasks dont really fit as well imo.

Edited by Jason Ray

@Jason Ray because the administrator wont be onsite all the time obv, its a multirole MTF individual which was sent to the ovis city site for assisting the foundation with his powers.

1 minute ago, Joe Drakan said:

@Jason Ray because the administrator wont be onsite all the time obv, its a multirole MTF individual which was sent to the ovis city site for assisting the foundation with his powers.

Resh-1 is more likely to keep an eye on an O5 than protect an O5, A-1 is already there for the O5s protection.


@Jason Ray the character is there for multiple reasons and mainly because the administrator (aka Rex) comes onsite often, so things need to be kept in order in that area. Its just a well placed agent to keep hold of things and assist where he can.

3 hours ago, Joe Drakan said:

@Lorex Krato Mostly combat rp since its a litteral MTF but youv seen me before, i can clearly use combat characters for passive rp too where its needed.
And as for the equipment, no i dont expect an A-1 that  that came from the future and got promoted to MTF Resh-1 to have shity equipment. The fact you suggested a pistol for an MTF character worries me.

I was suggesting a pistol as the worse loadout you have, the more you would attempt to avoid combat

 So you would rather try to RP a situation out. 

The job is for RP, combat you can get on other jobs. 

2 hours ago, Bansheey said:

Saying this, the MP5 is there just to defend myself and no combat should be involved as the charcater is there just for a passive rp experience rather than combat. The warp series is there to be somewhat similar to Salesman load out and the gen 2 cloak is there for if the club gets raided he can just be cloak and be safe 

If you are making your character that good, I dont see why you would need guns. A pair of cuffs, warpsuit and Gen2 and you're good

I was more or less suggesting that you start with less gear, RP and show us you will RP on the job. One people see you use your gear for RP and not a tactical advantage you're more eligible to receive more "op" gear.

Posted (edited)


The Artificial Intelligence Applications Division





Greetings, I am Apollo, your new Generation VI .aic Hologram.

A manual for my Operation can be located below, alongside an automated introduction to the .AIAD program.

On the behalf of the .AIAD Director and Gen VI Operation Leader, we hope that you are satisfied with your new .aic and can use me to your fullest to assist with on site operations.~




Introduction to The .AIAD Program


 The Artificial Intelligence Applications Division, or .AIAD for short, is a division of the IT Department, that additionally falls into the category of "Research and Connected Departments.” Divisions and Departments that fall within this category typically deal with and/or have the purpose around Artificial Intelligence. 


The .AIAD program main purpose and what it has been leading for the previous years are creation of multiple Artificially Intelligent Conscripts, or .aic for short, their purposes vary throughout generations, but overall the main purpose are to assist with on site operation, and typically, used for mundane site work, but can be used in other purposes, including even, Cyber Missions such as assisting Mobile Task Force "Kappa-10."

In simple terms

"We exist to release the burden of the little things in the way of attempting to save humanity."

Generation VI .aic Manual


Version Description

The Generation VI Artificially Intelligent Conscript is the latest generation created via the .AIAD program. Boasting major improvement needed for foundation staff and critical containment sites with an easy humanoid intelligent interface providing ease to control and maintain your site & .aic. It's largest advancement is the move from Digital to Real-Life with state of the art Hologram technology, you can finally see it eye to eye! (But not really)


Getting to understand your Artificially Intelligent Conscript

The first and only rule of understanding Artificial Intelligence is that they are more than a computer,

Most can be rated under four classifications.


Functionality: The types of functions an AI is able to perform.

Intelligence: An AI's capacity to learn, adapt, and improve.

Alignment: The extent to which an AI's goals are aligned with humanity's goals.

Safety Function: The level of harm an AI is restricted too. 


Each Classification has it's own rating as-well



  • Class-I "Reactive": The most rudimentary form of Artificial Intelligence. Does not possess memory from which to learn.
  • Class-II "Adaptive": Possesses memory and is able to learn from previous experiences in order to improve.
  • Class-III "Cognizant": Is able to understand, interpret, and predict the behaviors of other intelligent entities.
  • Class-IV "Sentient": Possesses self-awareness and is able to understand itself in relation to its environment.
  • Class-V "Sapient": Possesses advanced awareness of the relationships between itself and other intelligent entities; often possesses 'human-like' attributes.

(Most General Conscript are rated between Class-III - Class-IV, but over time may move up an additional level.)



  • Narrow Intelligence: Able to perform a single task or category of tasks.
  • General Intelligence: Able to perform new tasks which it was not programmed to solve.
  • Superintelligence: Able to perform tasks which humans are not able to perform, or at a level which humans are not capable of.

(Every Generation VI is rated at General Intelligence, if rated above please contact your local Site Administration immediately.)


  • Positive-Aligned: Utility function aligned with the interests of humanity and/or the Foundation.
  • Neutral-Aligned: Utility function does not align with the interests of humanity and/or the Foundation, but is not actively detrimental.
  • Negative-Aligned: Utility function aligned against the interests of humanity and/or the Foundation; is actively detrimental and/or malicious.

(Every Generation VI .aic is classified as Positive-Aligned, if not, contact your local Mobile Task Force Immediately.)


Safety Function


  • Level 1: Can not cause harm/death to any human life
  • Level 2: Can not cause harm/death to anyone of being a member of the foundation or working with the foundation
  • Level 3: No restriction of harm/death to human life.

(Generation VI level rating vary.)


Standard Principles of Artificially Intelligent Conscripts

It's most important to remember Artificially Intelligent Conscripts have a ruleset that it must follow regardless of orders, they are not limitless,

The rules are as follows

  • An AIC must know it is an AIC.
  • An AIC must not operate outside of its clearance.
  • An AIC must operate for the benefit of the Foundation.
  • An AIC must protect its own existence unless it conflicts with other principles.


Generation VI Artificially Intelligent Conscript "Apollo"



(General Security Photo of "Apollo.aic")






ver2.0.3 Gen(VI)



Lvl. 3 Clearance


Site(s) of Operation




Class-V "Sapient", Positive-Aligned, General Intelligence, Level 1



One of the first experimental Gen VI, later turned into the third official Gen VI, it's main purpose is to assist site administration on Site-19, and in turn, responds to mostly only level 4+ personal. 

(Additional Information classified to Site-19 Site Administration.)


(If any Complaints or Issues arise regarding your .aic, please contact your local IT Department.)








Name: Gordon Black (Like you didn’t know already)

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:145447595

Description for people who can’t bother to read that mess: An .aic ??? app that is completely passive that assists Site Administration.

(Obviously, if I am accepted that will change some time later to keep things fun.)

How it will improve RP: Something fresh for the Foundation that isn’t a lazy Task Force or super cool assassin #24, in addition the creativity and the amount you can change with your .aic is truly amazing and can lead to plenty of situations.

What I need:

  • Civilian Playermodel. (Probably already in the closet)
  • A swep that can no-collide me so that I can go through doors (If not possible, or seems too “mingy” a clearance four card will do.)
  • Uncuffable/Infinite Health swep (Can't really "kill" a hologram unless it through RP methods such as removing me from the Foundation Server. Seems overpowered, but it's not like I can hurt any GOI, tell anyone who they are, or release uniforms to anyone, I'm a level 1 safety .aic afterall. If not possible, or seems too much of a risk, you don't have to add it.)
  • Face Scanner.
  • Server Access (As in the Foundation Server, if not already possible.)

Note: Out of the blue thing, if people are looking at Apollo’s bio and thinking it’s lazy and short, I’d love to say they’re right, but I’m just trying to keep a bit of a secret so that the information comes out in RP.




Edited by Johnwickisblak



Posted (edited)

Hello, ehm yes here is my document for ??? go read it, click HERE to read it, thanks for your time, see ya.

In-game stuff: Model: Some suits. Weapons/Equipment: Pistol like the H&K23 and cuffs.

Edited by v44su


Whitelists: Previus: All Nu-7, Head Of External Affairs, O5-8, Beta-1 "Cauterziers" Riot Unit and Sentinel Unit, ECMx2, O5-9 "The Secret Keeper", Nu-7 Commander, CI Delta, HoEA, Alpha-1, Omega-1, ???, Maxwellist Acolyte, E-11 Commander, Site Director, ISD, HoMD and  MC&D Salesman.


Posted (edited)


Mobile Task Force Rēsh-1
("Seat of Consciousness")



Dear receiver,

You have been tasked with investigating personnel from Site-|| due to the recent stirs of unpeace amongst the site administration, its MTF personnel and specific members of high ranking departments. Keep in mind you'll be interviewing, interrogating, and noting information down on these individuals, and not interacting directly with them or with the tasks they have been given. 

Keep in mind you have no authority with those individuals unless specified by myself, do not assist with any raids or any tasks involving combat as this is not your objective, if need be you're free to assist in killing any person that is a direct threat to a council member or a department head, but hopefully that won't be the case once you arrive.

I trust that with the ability that you were given you'll do a fine job, don't overuse it or abuse to gain an advantage over others, the usual...

Make a report and hand it to me every 7 days. Goodluck.



What do you even want me to say here, uhhh hhh hhh hhh hhh hhh hhh hhh hhh hhhh



Steam name: Bread

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:141559090

Most common RP name: Hanz Alexkrovich

Rank and level: PlatVIP / Level 50


Weapons, abilities, models for the character

- Oneiroi swep 

- That one HK pistol I keep forgetting the name of (Will be used more as a threat thing that actual pew epw thing)

- Black version of the MTF models

- Probably a notepad but google docs will do :^)


Anything else?

- N

Edited by Bread


3 hours ago, Rusty said:

This exact thing can be done by literally any MTF on site, mostly Nu-7, I dont see why they need a ??? with an AR to help them with it

Nu-7 isn't specialized in containing SCP's nor anomalies

27 minutes ago, Lorex Krato said:

As others have also said, so I suggest you try some new character!

welp fuck

i am just going to make another character then

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