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Scarlet Hammer




Origin:     USSR


Active:     Global


Founder:    Unknown 


Scarlet Hammer represents the remnants of the former KGB Division of Special Circumstances (DSC), which was tasked with the handling of anomalies of the Soviet Union.  

The KGB Division of Special Circumstances (DSC) was an offshoot of the GRU Division "P" and organization birthed from Stalin's paranoia about anomalous objects after the assassination of Sergei Kirov. The history books teach you that Kirov was simply shot, but Stalin noticed something and realized

Kirov was assassinated by a pull of a trigger, but by a reality discrepancy similar to that of SCP-███. Because of this discovery inflating Stalin's paranoia. The result was the expansion of the KGB DSC and GRU Division "P".

With the fall of the Soviet Union, several high-ranking officials in the KGB Division of Special Circumstances deserted and took several high-ranking anomalies with them to sell on the black market founding and starting Scarlet Hammer. 

At present, Scarlet Hammer acts as the largest arms dealer for combat orientated anomalies around the world.


Structure: The leadership of Scarlet Hammer's remains anonymous: "Viktor" is allegedly the person behind the organization, they are also seen to be former Director of the Division of Special Circumstances. The organization is also cell-based, with an unknown permanent base of operations. 


Resources: Scarlet Hammer funds itself by selling anomalies to criminal and military organizations around the world. Although their current stockpile is believed to be limited.


Scarlet Hammer towards other GoI: 


Foundation: Will try to avoid. Hostile if necessary.


GOC: Usually hostile, however because of the large interest in Ovis City and its abundance of anomalous activity the SH tend to avoid but will not pull punches in case of hostilities. 


MCnD: On neutral terms with but also seen as a rival. However while MCnD focus on safe SCPs, Scarlet Hammer focus more on combative SCPs. 


Sarkic Cult: Neutral with. The SH are willing to do deals with. They are also willing to engage in combat if the Sarkics damage business. 


UIU: Hostile to because of their objectives.


Chaos: Neutral with unless they affect business


Archon and Plasteel: Unknown. To be formed. 


Scarlet Hammer, will focus on the buying and selling of anomalies with the objective of earning profit. They are willing to make deals with other GOIs in order to improve business and security. 

Doesn't care about harm done to innocents.

Foundation Log: 




*Log Selected*



*Starting Log* 


Excerpt from Scarlet Hammer/DSC orientation meeting, Site-██ 

Speaker, Dr. Jensen 


" So,  you might have figured from the Foundation's documentation on this group that it was a once active, now dead organization.  What they are not going to tell you is how much damage the DSC and Scarlet Hammer's activities have done. I'll make it simple: during the second world war, hundreds of thousands of bombs fell on occupied Europe. Many of them didn't explode.

Taking into account what we know about the KGB Division of Special Circumstances it becomes clear that any number of these could have razor-sharp teeth, the ability to teleport, phase in and out of existence and end the world by a twinkle in its eye.

They were extremely talented at weaponizing anomalies.  As matter of fact, we have no idea how many projects the Russians enacted, and we have no way of knowing where it all went. When the USSR crumbled,  the KGB Division of Special Circumstances vanished and most of its files, personnel and anomalies went with it. Renaming themselves Scarlet Hammer. 

Even though they are no longer supported by the USSR. It doesn't mean the threat is gone. We know that some people who worked in or with the now-dead GRU-P and KGB Division of Special Circumstances continue to work in the shadows, a lot of the time safeguarding and continuing their work from before the fall of the iron curtain. Just like Prometheus Labs, they are not to be considered a relic of the past. 

And that, ladies and gents, is why you should know more and even more importantly BE a lot more concerned about Scarlet Hammer than you were before. "


My Character:


Born in 1970 to the name Marko Kononovs in the then Latvian SSR. Not much is known about "Pavel"'s early days, other than that he was born to a poor family in the outskirts of major cities. His family were workers, spending most of their lives' working in the Soviet factories trying to make a decent living to raise their only child. Marko grew up in a rough, with lots of famine going around. While hearing of the nobles dining on feasts he began to realize the importance of wealth in this world. 

This lead to a lot of his childhood consisting of stealing and swindling to survive. When it was time to get a job he was approached by men in suits. His thefts and swindles had been noticed by the KGB and he was quickly inducted for his skills and cold-blooded nature, being promised a very convincing wage. 

His first service for the KGB was during the Soviet-Afghan war working undercover. While doing this he discovered the enemy force was going to use an anomaly to attack the Soviets. Not fully understanding what it was at the time but knowing it was dangerous, he quickly neutralized it. After making this support back to his superiors he was quickly enlisted into the KGB Division of Special Circumstances, which work specifically with anomalies. Like GRU Division "P" except that instead of suppressing they specialized in arming and implementing. 

During his time at the KGB Division of Special Circumstances he took on many missions which are classified. However, one of his missions involved an attempted analysis of SCP-741. In which, he was sent out with a team of 3 others were sent to see if SCP-741 could be of any use to the USSR. It is noted that "Agent ██████ was the only survivor" AKA Marko.

When the USSR crumbled in 1991 so did the KGB Division of Special Circumstances and GRU Division "P". Seeing everything he worked so hard for fall apart he was reminded of the last time he was at rock bottom. Seeing the rich eat their feasts and drive fast cars. He became reinvigorated to earn more money than ever before. 

With this newfound willpower, "Pavel" escaped along with "Viktor" and a few others, returning to his roots and stealing anomalies as he ran. For the past years, along with the others "Pavel". However, with the hotspot of anomalous activity that is Ovis City he has reemerged to make his fortune.     

OOC Info:


RP Name: "Edward Balls" (My usual RP name)

"Pavel" (Head of the local cell and name of my character)

Discord Name & ID: chef#1471 

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:140056176

Warns: 1 Warn - Failing to comply with staff 

Common Jobs: Site Advisor, DOEA, Sarkic Cult, Senior Researcher, CI. Employed by Plasteel

Why this: Because of the Anomalous focus of this group, I believe that this would be a fun job to interact with as both surface and foundation personnel. Not only this, the idea behind buying, selling and making deals will lead to a good amount of PassiveRP because of deal making and selling. However, there would of course be CombatRP from time to time, because thats the kind of business we run. I would be working on the sidelines protecting my interests while making deals with whoever is willing to pay. (I could also to be able to pay to employ other users as spies, would love to know how possible this is.)

Equipment: An MP5 or something a little stronger like an AK-74, elastic cuffs, lockpick and maybe even an anomaly scanner. 

My Character: Pavel has been sent to Ovis City to set up operation for SH in the future. Making business deals, earning money and building connection are our main objectives. We aim to Buy and Sell anomalies to the highest bidder and protect them from others (Not out of sympathy but because they are profitable.) 

He will be dressed in a suit and trench coat like the Ethics Committee (Maybe male_07_opencoat). Maybe even a hat if possible.

If you have any questions, contact me on Discord. ->  chef#1471

Edited by Edward Balls
Added time played and adding stuff
Link to comment

Upon entering the room, you come across a large open box which contains only three items. A very old poster, a recording that seems to fit into the back of the radio on the table, and a folded up letter.

You decide to pull out the poster and take a closer look.



An order of how each item should be viewed seems to come to light, however you struggle to pinpoint why you have come to this conclusion. Next you decide to take the old recording out of the box and insert it into the back of the old radio on the table, which appears to have been hand crafted for such a recording. Inscribed on the recording's label is "A Call With a "Friend" ".

You press play. . .


A Call With a "Friend"

Finally, you feel its time to open the letter. You see the writing on the top of the folded paper. "Showtime". Hopefully this will clear up the confusion. You unfold the paper and begin to read the neatly written words on the page.


Dear whoever reads this letter, 

     If you are reading this then you have found my keepsake box, and it can be assumed you have indeed browsed through the other items and may be confused. I will try to help you with this by explaining some background to the great L T Pontus’ Fabulous Freak Show, and how we got to the state we are in, and finally where we are now. 

     I was born during a time of the Great Boredom, a disgusting plague that ravaged the British Isles for many years, ruining the lives of many and making every waking day a slog. People would work, come home, eat if they were lucky, and sleep. The same routine, day in, day out. The sight of the people living this way was repulsing and I felt this was something I had to change for this was no way for life to be lived. The area of Britain I lived in was hit this worst with this great boredom, with myself, being born in 1862, happening to be brought into this world at the worst possible time for this era. It pained me to see the people of this magnificent country perish without ever seeing the spirit of happiness, without experiencing the joys of real-life fantasy and wonder. It was around this time I discovered that the states where suffering from the same issues at the time, but they had in fact come up with a perfect way to bring happiness back to the drying eyes of the general public. I came to learn of this through a man I met on my travels to the Americas named Phineas Taylor Barnum. He claimed that he had found the perfect cure for the Great Boredom, and said he would teach me these things if I trained as an apprentice showman under him. Obviously, I took this offer, not wishing to discard a once in a lifetime opportunity, and because I wanted to be able to bring this back to England so that I could end the Boredom there too. 

     Originally there was just me. I trained for him on my own for 3 years from the age of 16, and learned many things. He taught me how to use flare and finesse to wow a crowd, and showed me magical tricks he had learned from ancient beings which could be used to create wonder from the hands. The training was hard and gruelling, but I mastered each of my tricks, and learned to put on a show. However, he felt it was time he acquired a second apprentice after seeing his methods work so well with me, so we went on a trip to the windy city to look. He said the world's fair was coming to town and he knew the man who had worked hard on building it up in preparation. After much deliberation, the man’s nephew arrived to the city. He can’t have been much older than me, but I could tell he was in it to win. When Mr Barnum offered the boy a job as his apprentice, he leaped for joy. His name was Herman Fuller, and he became a very close friend of mine for many years. It may be at this time you are starting to pick up on some timeline discrepancies, but just bare with me. See Herman picked up everything very quickly, but by the time he had hit his three years like I had prior, he still had much to learn. I felt now was my time to set the stage and bring back the passion and happiness to England. It’s now 1884. 

     I parted ways with Mr Barnum and Herman, but made sure to keep in contact with them as I went on to set up my show. After a long conversation with a banker in Nottingham, he offered to loan me the funds I needed to start off my show, and so I began hiring companies to create the grounds. The big top, the food court, the wonder hall, everything had to be perfect. But there was something missing from all of it. I needed an assistant. And that’s when I noticed James Miller, a short, pointed man from up northward who had come down looking for work on the Contruction site. I approached him and introduced myself, and explained my need for an assistant. He was more than happy to join me, and so the fate of L T Pontus’ Fabulous Freak Show was sealed. We travelled across Great Britain showing off the amazing acts I had collected on the way. Fleshless men and All-Seeing women, Humans who could morph into the shape of another, Animals that could literally turn themselves inside out and function perfectly normally. I was living the dream, and made sure my acts were doing the same. I cared for them and they cared for me, and they were the closest thing to a family I had for many years. Soon enough there was enough joy and happiness in the Isles to go elsewhere and expand the reach of the show. We went to many countries. China, Germany, the Colony of Australia and the Russian Empire. We were loved by all, and it filled me with pride to see the veil of the Great Boredom being lifted and the colours of worldwide happiness revealing themselves. Things were going well and truly amazing. That was until I returned to the states with my show. 

     Upon the tour dates of my show in the states being released, I received a call from an old friend. This friend was Herman Fuller, and he said he was in need of my help. I felt as though I could not say no to such a request due to him helping me get known and shown in the states, and helping me get my show business going from the East Coast to the West Coast. But one thing I had never learned was what happened after I left the tutelage of Mr Barnum. I later learned that these years got rough. Mr Barnum found out that during Herman’s training he had been torturing his acts and punishing them severely if they did not perform to his standards. These rumours started to arise and spread around my cast during a show in Denver, where one of the acts from Mr Fuller’s Circus came running into the Freaks dressing room bloodied and blunted. At first, I was shocked, after all I couldn’t believe he would do such a thing, as he was on stage at the time in the big top opposite mine putting on a show, so I dismissed it, something I should not have done. I had not known the power he had learnt, and that this was in fact his doing. Fast forward to the call, and I had come to the truth by this point of what sort of man he was and cut all ties with him. I planned to finish my last US show in New Orleans (a favourite location of mine) and get the hell out of there. James was already well underway with getting more show locations together in other countries, and I was talking to him about the acts appearing on the show that evening. That’s when I got the call, the call that you will have listened to. It shook me to the bone that after all ties being cut, he still had the guts to call and make requests, which were in fact more like demands. He explained that he required one of my acts, The Fastest Man on Earth, for his show. Now I knew that this was a façade due to the fact I was aware that he had heard this act speak ill of his show, and so wanted to rough him up and remove his dissidence. I could not agree to this. 

     You see at this point we had basically been left on our own. The cutting ties with the circus had also left us in bad standing with a group I only knew as the lab. The Club was still on favourable terms with us, but I was unable to determine how long that would actually last. The technology the lab had gave us was very useful, and so I was aware of the existence of other timelines that were different to ours, and that they could be travelled to. This, is a task I left with James. After the call, I performed my last show before wishing my freaks a heartfelt and gut-wrenching farewell, something that broke me to my core, and disappeared into the void to await the return of James with a new location that could harbour my show. I waited for many years in the black and the dark. The emptiness only being filled with what I could create myself, and watching the worlds pass by with time while I aged none. James never came back, and it was at this point I felt truly alone. If I was going to find a place to display my show, I would have to find it myself. Again, I sieved through the void for many years, its inky blackness enveloping me like a plague, like a virus. That was until I found it, Until I found you. This new earth was much different from mine. There were no talks of a Great Boredom ever being a thing, Herman Fuller never started his show business until well into the 1890s, and even then, he was recorded to have died not long after to Malaria. I was free. I felt truly alive. I knew this was the best place to restart my show and bring the new acts to life. 

     But first, I needed a start. I needed a city. I needed a place filled with such boredom, hatred and anger, so that I could shine a shimmer of hope and childish euphoria onto it, and bring happiness to the masses. And that is where this letter finds you, Citizen of Ovis. This box was left by me for you to find. For you to spread the word and tell all those who will listen the amazing and wonderful news. The times have changed but I have not. 2021 is still but a year to me, and this is but another city that I intend on bringing happiness to. The acts will be of great wonder to your city. The lights, the magic, the music, the food. The infectious hum of fairground tunes will resonate through the streets. The big top will stand high over the great structures of your town. Your citizens will be cared for, looked after, those who become acts will be treated well and become a part of a new family. There will be no hatred, and no enemies for me to face, as I intend to make none, only friends. Can you hear it? Can you smell it friend? Tell your mum, your dad, your brother and sisters, your friends, your co-workers, your boss, your mayor. Spread the news and spread it fast!  


The L T Pontus’ Fabulous Freak Show is coming to town! 

And you are all invited to join! 


     Thank you for reading this friend, and for taking the time to enjoy the contents of my box left behind. I hope to see you soon, and bring a smile to your face, for it is all I wish to do to everyone in this city. I will bring joy and happiness, and you can be a part of it in the big top! 



Lawrence-Theodor Pontus 

Ringmaster of the L T Pontus’ Fabulous Freakshow 



Out of Character:


Ingame Name: Ewan Miles 

SteamId: STEAM_0:0:79302285 

Discord: MasterFusions#9701 

Warns: 0  


??? Details: 

Character’s Name: Lawrence Theodor Pontus 

??? Job Title: The Ringmaster 


Model and Equipment requested: 

male_09_open_waistcoat (which will be worn without a tie for pac3 bowtie instead) 

M1911 for self-defence (Although due to my character being entirely PassiveRP I could probably get away with using no weapons at all) 


The Ringmaster’s Role on the server: 

This character is going to be entirely PassiveRP based, avoiding all combat if possible or opting to talk my way out of combative situations. The character will be mainly surface based, setting up shows in different areas of the city for the populace to watch and observe. I will be taking in any and all acts who volunteer to join my show, including the anomalous, and will make these shows open for everyone to see inside of the Freak Show Performance areas within the buildings that I choose to occupy and create for my show. I would be using this character to liven up RP and add a variety of situations to the surface, with interactions with me or my acts from other people easily being able to create new roleplay situations that can grow and expand as the story from that interaction develops. 

The Ringmaster is a completely neutral character to all Groups of Interest. This is because I want to keep my character passive, and so avoiding hostilities with any specific group is a key part of how the character has been developed. For in character purposes, the reason he does not have any leanings towards any specific groups is because until discovered during RP interactions, my character will have no idea they exist due to the fact that he has only just arrived to this earth’s timeline. This will help in creating interesting Roleplay as my character goes through the processes of learning about the new world he is in, and what groups and people are here with him. To go about this, either the character will introduce himself to people he wants to interact with, or some groups may try to interact with the character, who will always respond in a polite and friendly matter. 

The way I plan for the Freak Show to work is that I will go around the city in search of curiosities and acts to take part in my shows, which may also be done using the surface comms, and will then go on to set up the showground and get the acts ready. Each act will be given a show name of their choosing and when the show starts, I will introduce the show to the audience, each act as they come on, and then the closing statement. Entry into the show will be free so that anyone can come and enjoy the wonder of the Freak Show. When this is not happening, my character will act as a normal citizen on the surface, interacting with other people and attempting to learn, as stated previously. I like this character a lot due to the variety of possible roleplay situations that can come from it, as my character has been mostly left open for character development. 

I hope you have enjoyed reading my ??? submission. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me over discord (MasterFusions#9701) and I will reply as fast as I can.

Thank you!

Edited by Ewan Miles

Head of External Affairs - Ewan Miles

Unusual Incidents Unit - Special Agent Prophet


Adytum's Gate Sarkic Cultist - Volutaar Ewan Miles


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( I don't know if I'm allowed to submit multiple. But I had a lot of fun writing the other one., so I wrote this) 


SCP-████    -    The Dream Wayfarer



Item #: SCP-███ 


Object Class: Safe 


Special Containment Procedures: SCP-███ is to be placed in a standard humanoid containment chamber. The walls, floor and roof are to be coated with soft foam. The bed is to be queen sized and covers to be changed weekly. 


SCP-███ has been highly cooperative with foundation personnel since its retrieval but has requested several items, which include: 

  • Stuffed animals. (Approved) A lot of the stuffed animals requested by SCP-███ are seen sleeping and hibernating more than normal animals. For example bears, cats, sloths and koalas. The most outlying being a request for stuffed sheep. Still being related to sleeping. Whether this is personal choice, or connected to the SCP-███ anomalous nature in some way is not currently known.

  • A puppy, kitten or lamb. (Denied)

  • A hot drink of its choice to be provided daily, apparently to help with sleep. (Approved) Subject seems to prefer chamomile tea and hot chocolate, both of which are noted to help with achieving sleep.  

  • Paper and painting supplies provided regularly. (Approved)

No sentient or potentially sentient SCP are to be kept within a 200 meter radius of SCP-███’s containment cell. Any personnel found asleep within SCP-███’s area of influence will be met with disciplinary action. 


Description: SCP-███ is a Caucasian male estimated to be nineteen to twenty one years old. It has a slender build. Not only this, but an IQ test has revealed it’s IQ to be roughly 120, slightly above average. Before it was contained, SCP-███ finished secondary education from [REDACTED] and two years of University in Ancient Greek from [REDACTED]. According to birth records, it was born on [REDACTED] in [REDACTED], England. 


The only clue about the origins of it’s anomalous abilities come from its own account. On [REDACTED] SCP-███ was on its way home after a night out with friends. While stumbling through the streets reeking of alcohol and tipsy from the drinks, It claims it suddenly felt like it was falling, spinning and turning. Surrounded by nothing but darkness. Then it was standing in a vast and surreal landscape. A figure standing before contrasted against to land of light he found himself in, wearing a dark trench coat and fedora. This man of indistinguishable features put his hand out and flicked  SCP-███’s forehead causing him to fall back into his bed. Waking up. Soon discovering these abilities.


SCP-███ was found in [REDACTED], England. After a field agent heard some local rumors and saw posts online, about one of the local university students appearing in lots of peoples dreams. SCP-███ was swiftly taken into custody by the Foundation. At first "Ed" was quite resistant wanting to return home. After Agent [REDACTED] gave it an explanation of what the foundation was it asked for time to contemplate. It was given 1 week to decide, it only took around 3 days and 2 hours before SCP-███ decided to cooperate. 


For around 2 months, "Ed" was kept in its containment cell for about 22 hours a day. However, after seeing its level of cooperation Dr [REDACTED] put forwards a proposition saying that SCP-███ would be allowed roam the low level areas of the facility for up to 4 hours a day. This was accepted then implemented by Director of Site █. This went on for about 6 months, over these months its free time was continually increased, now being allowed out for up to 18 hours a day if it so wishes. It is noted that it still spends a fair bit of time in its CC because this is where its films and CDs are stored along with it other belongings. Its also important to note that SCP-███ has created a number of connections with personnel on Site █. The most noteworthy being both Dr [REDACTED] and Dr Marlowe, LT Watson of Site █, as well as Agent [REDACTED] of MTF Alpha-9. It is on a first name basis with these personnel showing an incredible amount of cooperation and affability.


SCP-███ can be seen to have unnatural eye colour. It is currently theorized that whatever it received its anomalous abilities also altered its eye colour. SCP-███ prefers to be called by its birth name, "Ed", but will respond to its designated number.  


Any lifeform capable of REM sleep within 200 meter radius of SCP-███ are able to be affected by “Ed”. When SCP-███ uses its anomalous ability, it will instantly enter a state of REM sleep, often falling onto the ground as a result. Sleep studies conducted on “Ed” show a complete bypass of the first four stages of non-REM sleep when this happens. Any sleeper within SCP-███'s area of influence is at risk of enter REM sleep if "Ed" chooses to bring them. And will stay that way until SCP-███ releases them.  


SCP-███’s most significant and maybe even useful anomalous power is its capability to enter and force other personnel into the dreams of living organisms and capable of REM sleep within its area of influence. SCP-███ does this by entering what it refers to as the “Dreamlands” during REM sleep, which in his word, everyone has. It, in its own words, “falls” into these “Dreamlands”.  


Artistic depictions of the Dreamlands by “Ed” show these “Dreamlands” to vary massively depending on whose dream SCP-███ has entered. These are apparently affected mostly by memories, desires and where they reside. Head researcher Doctor ████ has “purchased” several of “Ed’s paintings for decorative purposes. 


Tests conducted with SCP-███ on D-class and other organisms show that it is capable of influencing the mind of others by shaping their dreams. For example, a highly aggressive French Bulldog that had been abused since puppyhood showed great affection towards “Ed” in reality after “Edward” apparently rescued it from an abuser in one of its nightmares.  


Incident Report-[REDACTED]-B: 

One D-class unaware of “Ed"’s existence reported seeing it in her dreams after SCP-███ went in during an experiment. SCP-███ later told personnel that the D-class was innocent of her crimes. Specifically, first-degree murder and arson. When asked how it knew this, “Ed” replied that it examined her memories via her dreams and exposed information that indicates she was framed. An investigation conducted by the Foundation proved SCP-███’s claims. Resulting in the culprit being caught and made into D-class. The wrongly convicted D-class has since been promoted to a janitorial job. 


Extra Information:

1. SCP-███ is paid for its paintings with films and audio books.

2. SCP-███ has become aware of the existence of MTF A-9 and shows interest in the matter. However, it currently shows no intention of joining.  


Interview Log:


Interviewed: SCP-███ 

Interviewer: Dr Marlowe 

3 weeks after the retrieval of SCP-███ 

<Begin Log, [ █/█/█  15:32]

Dr Marlowe: So, SCP-███, ho...

Dr Marlowe is interrupted. 

SCP-███ Sorry for interrupting, but could you call me "Ed", I'm still not used to the whole designated number thing. 

Dr Marlowe: Of course, no problem. So as I was saying, how are you settling in? 

SCP-███:  Well the guards are nice enough, the foods pretty good and I have enough space so I'm feeling pretty good actually. Oh, but the bed could be comfier.

Dr Marlowe: I see, I see, I'll see if I can talk to someone about the bed. I was actually talking to some guards before I came in and they did mention how affable you are. I must say I'm genuinely surprised. Usually, people aren't as cooperative as you! 

SCP-███:  Oh, really? I guess I'll take it as a compliment then, thank you! 

Dr Marlowe: Anyway back on topic. I hear you've decided to work with us, which is great news. But, just out of curiosity could you tell me why? 

SCP-███:  Umm, sure. It's not too complicated, I just want to make the world a comfier place. For everyone. 

Dr Marlowe: "Comfier"? 

SCP-███:  Yeah. Y'know, more cosy, comfortable, safe! 

Dr Marlowe: Okay, I think I understand!  

SCP-███  and Dr Marlowe begin chatting about mundane things like food and sports. For brevity's sake, the conversation will be left out. 

Dr Marlowe: Just to confirm. the foundation has your cooperation, correct? 

SCP-███: Mhm. 

Dr Marlowe: Great, well, I better get a move on. It was great talking to you though. See you soon "Ed"!  

SCP-███: See ya' Clyde!

<End Log, [ █/█/█  15:51]

Closing Statement: The interview went extremely well, creating a connection between Dr Marlowe and SCP-███. It also confirmed SCP-███'s cooperation.


My Character:


Born in the city to two loving parents, Ed was set up to live a good life. At the start of secondary school never joined a club, preferring to relax in a comfy spot, like in the hammock in their terraced garden. His love for sleeping stemmed from his dreams, for his whole life he had, had spectacular dreams almost every night. Giving him a lands of fantasy to explore. It was in these comfy spots where he felt the safest, the most protected.


Ed lost his mother to cancer during his Secondary school years. This caused him to become a recluse hiding away from society. Spending a lot of time Studying, researching and sleeping his way through secondary school. Near the end of his time at school he began coming out of his shell. However he quickly retracted back in after his father died in a traffic accident. Although throughout his depression his dad was his anchor. Loving him and comforting him during the trauma. This event truly damaged Ed. He became a recluse again going back to his old habits. But not sleeping nearly as much, becoming sleep deprived if anything. It took him about a year but  he started making friends. He had started to become more confident not wanting to disappoint his parents. He decided to strive to make the world a comfier place to live. Just like his dad had done for him. It was during this second year when he gained anomalous abilities.


Before coming to the Foundation “Ed” had studied philosophy and was a big believer in utilitarianism. So when he was told about the Foundation's objectives he could sympathize. “The greatest happiness for the greatest number”, even if sometimes the Foundation's actions are morally questionable. After talking to foundation personnel “Ed” decided to cooperate in order to help as many “normal people” as he can. However, he does not wish to get involved in disputes with groups like CI, because they are not outright evil and he sees them as “too much of a hassle”. It is also important to know that “Edward” does like to sleep and so he can be seen as slothful and idle by some (It is unknown whether this is because of his anomalous status.) But it is equally as important to know that he is definitely willing to work as long as he is provided with a nice comfy bed.


This strange idea of making the world "comfier" is what truly drives "Ed" to help the foundation and their goal to protect humanity.



Foundation: Highly cooperative and friendly.


GOC: Neutral, as both, vie for the protection of humanity.


MCnD: Neutral


Sarkic Cult: Hostile 


Anderson Robotics: Neutral


UIU: Friendly, they wish to protect lives


Chaos: Neutral, more of the Foundations problem


Archon, Plasteel, Alexylva Uni and Zoion: Unknown. To be formed. 

My OOC: 


RP Name: "Ed"

Job Name: The Dream Wayfarer

Discord Name & ID: chef#1471 

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:140056176

Warns: 1 Warn - Failing to comply with staff 

Common Jobs: Site Advisor, DOEA, Sarkic Cult, Senior Researcher, CI. Employed by Plasteel


Why this: I believe that this job will add a new element into Research RP, the existence of “Edward” gives the researchers a new area to look into. One that in my belief is a very underrated part of the SCP Universe. Dreams and what power they really hold. This research gives a chance for more psychological based RP because dreams have a massive effect on someone's reactions and personality. For example, making a D-Class fear a certain entity or someone and then seeing if I’m able to alter these feelings in their dreams. We could also do a ResearchRP on "Edward"'s effect on lucid dreams.

Not only this but the existence of “Edward”, I think would also be of a lot of use to Foundation Administration. For example, access to “Edward”’s dreamworlds would provide Foundation Administration with a perfect place for Interrogations and meetings which need to be kept 100% secret. He may also be able to help with security by trapping people in "Dreamlands".

I also believe that in the future there could be an opportunity to use “Edward” to interact with the Oneiroi Collective and/or Nobody. 

Apart from these things, "Edward" would also just generally help out around the facility


Equipment: Oneiroi Swep, nothing else needed


Outfit: Something like Site Director or Staff Assistant. The shirt with no jacket.

Thank you for reading and sorry if multiple applications aren't allowed. 😄 

If you have any questions, contact me on Discord. ->  chef#1471

Edited by Edward Balls
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                                                                              Aragern Mekknite
                                                          The Broken Church 


Church of Broken God is old religion to one of the two Gods that created humans and gave them there reflexes and intelect.
One of the Gods known as Yaldobaoth that created Mankind and gave them reflexes and the other God known as Mekhan gave intelect to Mankind.As Humans were becoming more and more civilized  ,Yaldabaoth was greatly upset beacuse Mankind was more and more discarding there animal instincts. Yaldabaoth turned on humanity wanting to turn them back to wild animals she first created.But Mekhan wanted to stop Yaldabaoth so he sacrificed his own body to inprison Yaldabaoth.After that Mekhan parts of body scattered across Earth.

That led to Occult wars between Mekhanites and Sarkics in Late Bronze Age 

Church of Broken God has 2 goals.
1. Reform Mekhan
2. Destroy followers of Yaldabaoth also known as sarkics 

Mekhanite and Sarkics
Mekhanites believe they should throw away there human nature to achive perfection through technology and science 
Sarkics believe in opposite ,that humans should return to there basic human nature 

Sarkics wants to summon there God Yaldobaoth back on earth thanks to SCP-610 "The flesh that hates" 

Before SCP Foundation ,Church of Broken God was preventing Sarkics from summoning and eventually killing humanity with SCP-610 

History of occult wars
Church of Broken God was fighting Sarkics from times of Bronze age until now.In regions of Greece 
Sarkics were transforming in to Flesh beasts that were spreading diseases and death and Mekhanites were fighting Sarkics by augmenting there bodys with metal and technology and crafted very powerful weapons capable of widespread destruction.
Mekhanites also build great Titans that were using weapons capable of launching fire or warping reality nearby.

Mekhanites in Shadows 
Mekhanites and Sarckis suffered many loses through out the war.And that led both groups to fade away from public view.
That eventually led Mekhanites to split in to 3 groups 1.Broken Church 2. The Cogwork Orthodox Church and 3. The Church of Maxwellism

Mekhanites and SCP Foundation and other GOI
SCP Foundation contains anomalies that are to be belieaved by followers of Broken God that are parts of Mekhane. Foundation managed to capture one of the titans known as SCP-2406 
There is one place that connects SCP Foundation,Church of Broken God and other GOI as GOC and others. 
Its SCP-2217 is beach on one island in Greece that works as workshop for followers of Church of Broke God where will be Mekhane reformed to help fight Sarkics and SCP-610.SCP-2217 is considered as Holy Place for Followers of CoBG
Followers of CoBG refer to SCP-2217 as Anvil and its place where Mekhane will be reassembled to fight once again Sarkics in Second War of Flesh


Description of Character: Usualy wearing long suit that hides mechanical parts that replaced oganic material and organs.He dont have urge to eat or drink thanks to his mechanical parts
Name:Aragern Mekknite 
Gender: Male
Height: 192 cm
Age: Visualy looking 30-40 years old.Older then he looks possibly older then some countries or nations.
History:Argern was son of one of the followers of Mekhan in Bronz age when he was little he showed big interest in "science and mechanics".When he was adult he started modificate himself.When a First War of Flesh started he was helping to build one of the titans, his fate took him on battle field where he fought in first War of Flesh. Aragern was just a Soldier in First war of Flash but after he saved groupof high ranking followers he quickly jumped in the ranks.After Church of Broken God slowly faded in to shadows. He then joined one of the groups Broken Church where he became High ranking follower. Big group of followers wanted him as leader of Broken Church thanks to his abilities but he refused. And stayed on his position as diplomat and head researcher.Trusted memeber of Broken Church 
Personality: Seriouse,intelectual also has diplomatic nature. He dont have urge to eat or drink thanks to his mechanical parts.Deeply devoted to Mekhane. Keeps trying to find parts of Mekhane and ways to stop Sarkics.Hates Sarkics in to his core of bones and metal.Is devoted to his job and god.People call him Mech
Goals:Destroy Sarkics. Find lost parts of Mekhane and eventually reassamble him.Keep humanity save from SCP-610 


SCP Foundation:Neutral-Friendly




Anderson robotics:Neutral-Friendly

UIU: probably Neutral

Archon,Plasteel,Alexylva Uni and Zoion: Unknown.Need to be formed 



RP name: Aragern Mekknite
Job name: The Broken Church Owl 
Warn: 3 warns  1st LTARP 2nd SSA and 3rd Breaking fearRP all of them are from like 2 years old 
Common Jobs:Nu-7 Medic,Plasteel employee,Senior Resaercher 

Reason: I think this job will make Reaserch and GOI RP more fun and more seriouse I want to make Foundation know that helping and making good relationship with other GOI can be profitable.I wrote this APP beacuse the GOI RP seemed to me as good way to improve RP on server and it looked like its fun i work at one GOI Plasteel and it was fun for me.So i came with idea to make this Church of Broken God App beacuse if there can be Sarkics on server then why not Church of Broken God.

I think the Existence of Church of Broken God is being overlooked on server and i want to make foundation research more interesting beacuse i want make researchers to activly look on the god and religion side of SCP world and not only on the anomaly side.My work will be around Cogs,orbs and maybe Able cuz of his origin 

Equipment: Cloack gen 2,Phygun,tool gun,keys,anomaly scanner to find Cogs and orbs,elastic cuffs and MR96 for selfdefence

Outfit: ECM outfit that longered suit 


My ??? character a High ranking follower, diplomat and head researcher of Broken Church one of the groups of Church of Broken God. My character would help most likely scientificly to foundation or in combat againts Sarkics and other GOI that works with Sarkics 


Edited by Evan Dark
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Accessing Foundation Database...

Processing Login credentials...

Validating priority connection...

Logged in, welcome O5-██



Processing search entry: "SCP-662"

Initating display of SCP-662 entry...



Object Designation: SCP-622

Object Classification: Safe

Containment procedure:

SCP-662 is to be kept in a high-quality safe-deposit box that is filled out with a red velvet, if the object is not used in any research or other adequate activities. The object itself is safe-for-use and does not emit a threat, though the generated effects are of high value if not powerful, depending on how the SCP itself is used.


SCP-662 is a small silver handbell, which is 4 cm tall  and 2 cm in circumfence. Inside the there is an inscription that is etched into the silver that reads "Forever Mine - S.J.W.". The bell itself is damagable, though its neutralisation has been deemed unnecessary due to it's safe nature. The bell requires a regular polishing to remain it without tarnish.

Upon the bell being shaken, a ringing sound can be heard, which is not emitted by the bell itself. A short but well-dressed Caucasian butler in a british heritage, calling himself Mr. Deeds appears from the nearest area, out of the line of sight, mainly from around the corner. The butler always appears in a polite & cheering manner. Mr. Deeds is always aware of the title and name of any person he is interacting with.

Reasonable requests brought up to Mr. Deeds will result in the satisfaction of the bell's user. There are limits of what he can do, for example he is unable to produce complex items like cars, luxuary homes or any other advanced object. However, if he is able to leave the line of sight, he can bring items of greater quality like caviar or a brick of gold.

Mr. Deeds will also perform household chores ranging from washing vehicles, preparing foods to cleaning bathrooms, however if a request deemed unreasonable or impossible by Mr. Deeds, he proceeds to kindly offer the ringer an alternative if there is one.





RP-Name: Kabasch Cashew

???-Name: SCP-662 Mr Deeds

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:147357128

Playtime: 4 weeks

Warns: Only one warn for RDM.


- Nobody SWEP (Though not allowed to affect any other player with it).

- Bypasser SWEP (Also here only able to use it when I am ordered to open a door for the ringer).

- IMI Desert Eagle.

- (Any) Knife.

Health & Armor: Both the standard amount.


Normal male suit models.


Technically what I am planning to do is creating a silver handbell with Pac³ and placing it somewhere random within the facility or on the surface, and as soon someone picks it up with 'E' or the Gravity Gun I will appear and do as described in the Character section. Personally will deem peoples orders unreasonable/reasonable, and considering that factor decline or pursue them. Regarding Bypasser SWEP, I would be able to open foundation doors, however I cannot bypass any blast doors (GA, Nuke Room, Breach Shelters, GG). And at last, a restriction regarding SCP-662 knowing about the last names and titles of any person, I won't be able to know any names of O5-Council Members or GOI leads (for example CI Delta).

Edited by Kabasch
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The Merchant was born in 1939, England, East Yorkshire. His father and brother enlisted into the British Army to fight against the Axis in World War Two. His father went into the Royal Army Medical Corps and his brother to the Royal Regiment of Artillery. This left his mother to raise him alone. With the stresses and food cuts of the progressing war, his mother was forced to work at the coal-polluted factories. 

The Merchant would sit up late most nights. Staring out the window in his small boxy room with a blank expression, as his breath fogged up the light of the shimmering moon hanging over his town.

He would imagine himself being wealthy. His mother would no longer need to work in the factories, his father and brother could come home and be a family again. Dawdling on the thought, he sighs and lays down in bed, closing his eyes, filtering out the creaking of the prehistoric wooden beams. He falls asleep blissfully.

Ear-splitting and deafening sirens blare without warning, he is thrown into a panicked frenzy, shrieks and screeches clamour from outside his house. The door flings open, almost flying off its old and rusted hinges. His mother rushes in with a face of dread, she snatches his arm sending him soaring out of his bed onto the wooden floor.

She hastily pulls him up dashing to the front door, The Merchant confused and scared cowered behind his mother as she unlocked the door. Over the roaring sirens, he could hear soft soars and then a whistle. 

It was almost as if time paused, he felt the impending destruction. He didn’t understand why or what was happening, he was just a child. Suddenly all he felt was darkness.

He woke up bewildered, where was he? 

He slowly opened his eyes, as dark spots faded in his vision. The walls were pristine white with hospital beds lined up and full of injured people being tended to.

A nurse notices that he is conscious, making her way to the bottom of his bed, pulling up a slightly bent clipboard. Flicking through the pages her expression changes from calm to saddened, she delivered the news to him, his mother was killed in the air raid.

His life took a steep decline, he no longer had a home. He no longer had a family.

A few weeks later he was released from the hospital, most of his injuries had fixed themselves up pretty well. Finding himself on Hamsley Street, he sat down looking around at the devastation surrounding him. "What now?" he asked himself, pondering what to make of his future to come.




Years passed by, full of loneliness. The Merchant was now a street kid, living off what he could scavenge from the bins. He was abandoned by society, a reject just because there was no one to look after him.

There was a small café he would sit outside of, they used to get rid of all the old stock early in the morning. Waste not, want not, right? I mean it's all he could do, he couldn't work and the workhouses wouldn't take him, what could he do?

Well, anyhow, he would sit outside the café, running his fingers along the fading red and white paint, grasping his small tattered rucksack between his knees.

Exhaling a sigh of boredom, he pulled his rucksack up and untightened the string holding it together. Sticking his scrawny arm in and pulling out a small bottle labelled as "The Marvellous Concoction!"  Uncorking the bottle he doused a small bun he took from the bins behind the café early that morning, placing the bun to his side and corking the bottle again then closing the sack.

Glancing up he observes a man approaching, dressed in a dainty two-piece suit with a silver chain leading into his pocket. Standing to his feet he feebly loitered around the man, flicking him unusual and wary glowers.

The Merchant inches closer and closer to the chap, inching his fingers towards the gentleman's pocket, slowly slipping the chain towards himself, taking the pocket watch from the chain and slowly backing away.

That was easy? Why was that so easy? Is this guy stupid, anyone else would have caught me and berated me until I cried.

Taking the man's pocket watch, he rushes away, clearing out of the area in case he was noticed by anyone watching, making his way towards a small park, sitting snugly on the worn-down swings.




Alright, let's have a wee little look at this, could do me a good proper meal tonight.

The watch glistened in the fading light of the sun, looking at the back he could see a small inscription "The Marvellous !eceipemiT" 

Huh, what's this? It's backwards might be a fake, still might get me a pretty penny if I sell it to an idiot.

The Merchant hopped off the swing heading to go find a place to hit the sack.

A few hours later he found a dry spot underneath a bridge, it was pretty homey for what he is used to, sleeping by train tracks and benches the past few weeks.

Slouching down the thick, firm and moist concrete pillar, shifting his rucksack behind his neck, closing his eyes. 

Unknown Voice: "Just down ere', pretty sure it was him, carrying that torn up rucksack of his"

Unknown Voice2: "Thank you, take this as a gesture of my appreciation."

A surprised gasp reverberates down beneath the bridge following a heavy stumble.

The Merchant had already woken up, he scuffled further along under the bridge, being as silent as possible. A small shadowy figure discreetly walks down the side of the bridge, holding a hand on the pillar in an attempt to stabilise himself, approaching closer and closer.




James: "Hello there. You do not need to be scared, you can call me James and you have something of mine."

The Merchant: "What? I don't know who you are, mister, I've got nuffin of yours!"

James creeps closer fading into the moonlight.

James: "And how did you happen to get that pocket watch then?"

The Merchant was grasping the silver pocket watch close to his pounding heart

James: "I will say once more, how did you happen to get your grubby hands on that pocket watch?"

The Merchant: "I found it! it was lying on the floor near a café."

James: "You persist... Tell me, why did you swipe it from me?"

The Merchant: "Uh-Uhm, I swear mister, I didn't steal it!"

James: "Very well."

James puts his hand into his pocket, pulling out a replica of the pocket watch, wait no, the very same pocket watch!

The Merchant: "Wait! How did you do that?"

James: "I simply took back what was mine. This watch has the ability to reverse time by five seconds, one of my more brilliant items."

The Merchant: "You're insane mister! You've been reading too many books."

James: "Listen scruff, you impressed me, which is why you are still alive, not a lot of people can steal a pocket watch never the less steal one from me. Tell me, where is your family?"

The Merchant: "My brother and father are presumed dead and my mother died in an air raid a few years back, why do you care?"

James: "Well, you will suit me well, come now scruff."

The Merchant felt forced to follow the command, he found himself crawling forward and grovelling at the man's shoes

James: "Now listen, I need an assistant, with the expansion of my business I could do with someone apt at staying in the dark and selling my more interesting merchandise, what do you say?"

James entertains a humourless laugh to himself

James: "You have no choice, scruff, you now work for me. You shall lead a better life this way, I encourage you to show no disobedience."

The Merchant was forced to serve James, it was that or well, he presumed, death. 

James led The Merchant to a small but quaint lodging on the outside of the city. It was surrounded by tall standing trees, waving in the wind. James brought out a key, slotting it into the worn wooden door hurrying The Merchant to the side as he swipes the door open.

The Merchant approaches closer and inspects the interior. It looked nothing like he thought it would, it looked massively bigger than what it did on the outside. Walking inside there was a large living room to the right, a decent sized kitchen to the left and a staircase leading upwards in front.

James clicked his fingers to get The Merchant's attention. The Merchant snapped to attention, now facing the man.

James: "Your bedroom is upstairs, first room to the right, bathroom is one door over. Meals will be on the table every day at 8am sharp, now get some rest. We will talk more tomorrow”

The Merchant nodded, walking up the stairs he noticed pictures littered the walls, they were all of James and other people dressed in fancy suits and dresses. WAIT! That's Winston Churchill! Who is this guy? He thought to himself.

The door to the bedroom creaked open, peering in he could see a small bed in the corner of the room by the window, a wardrobe, a desk and bedside table with a candle on it. He flopped onto the bed, absolutely knackered, it was comfy, best he has had in years, falling asleep just as quickly as he fell onto the bed.

A bright beam of light shunned onto him, he opened his eyes only to see he left the silky crimson curtains open. Slouching up his eyes go to the closet. I wonder if there's any clothes I can use in there, talking to himself. 

Getting up from the bed, still in his damp, cold and torn clothes, he reaches towards the towering wardrobe sliding the heavy door open. A suit? He questions himself, it looks like it might fit me.

Stripping his old clothes off and picking up the two-piece, he reads the label “The Marvellous Suit.” He slotted the suit on and it began to move! It squeezed to his body shape, as if it had a mind of its own. Panicking he tried taking the suit off but it wouldn’t come off, as if it was a second skin! After a few silent minutes he reaches for the pocket watch he hadn’t noticed, it’s the same as the one James had, though smaller.

James: "You up yet? It’s almost 8am!”

The Merchant: "Yeah, be down in just a jiffy!”

Walking down the stairs he was struck with the smell of bacon, eggs and beans, excitedly he speeds up and walks into the kitchen and finds two plates on the dining table.

James: "Go ahead, sit and eat. I’ll take this time to explain what you will be doing for me.”

James: “First off, this is my house, well I guess ours now, simple rules, don’t go into my room or the loft. You’ll get a key soon once I know your up to the task and are more trusted. You're going to be going around and selling my products. You see I run a business, some of our products are these watches and that vial you had in your rucksack.”

James: “I see you’ve already got into your suit, please do a better job than me when it comes to keeping track of your watch, they are extremely valuable, I’ve already explained what it does, so use it if you get into a sticky situation.”

James: “I want you to go to a place called Ovis City, of course if you run dry there you can venture into other places around America, but Ovis City has a lot of promise, though is dangerous, which is why I enlisted you to do it, you seem pretty nimble on your feet so you should be fine.”












PoI#2338 File

(Use the present option)



??? Name: The Merchant

Steam: Tec

Discord: Tec#9987

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:125687045


Basic Pistol (Self-defence)

No collision SWEP



Suit Models

Warns: 0

Job Purpose:

Passive RP through the sale of items that are irregular in nature, detrimental or beneficial to the customer in the ongoing situation, appearing in locations on the surface, Foundation and near Groups of Interest. This character will be a neutral figure, taking no side.

Creating some interesting situations where primarily the character would set up shop and would try his best to sell at least one of his items to the customer. With this, I want to primarily be able to converse with anyone whether GoI, Foundation, Government or Civilian to create PassiveRP with them.

I believe this could result in some fun PassiveRP situations, thank you for reading!


To clarify this character isn't suppose to be "MC&D with extra steps", the character will not sell weapons, drugs and alcohol like the MC&D do. Differences being the character interacts with groups hostile to MC&D through PassiveRP, not just shooting each other. MC&D is also a more of a surface class job, the character will be able to enter the site therefore extending the capability the character has for roleplay. As well as the character isn't suppose to be aligned with the MC&D.



Edited by Tec
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Subject Description:
SCP-1846 is similar to a white human male around 50 years old; but, SCP-1846's exterior is covered in living maize leaves that grow from its subdermal layer. These leaves do not undergo photosynthesis, consume nutrients, or serve any obvious purpose; it is assumed that they are purely intended as an ornament. The Subject is capable of living on a diet composed entirely of Corn, and will experience symptoms of malnutrition if it is fed a diet composed of any other foods.

Interview logs of SCP-1846 aka "The Maize Angel":

SCP-1846: Really, the gist of it is that I'm an angel. Not for any god that people still worship, though, and obviously not the type where it's just a person with wings.

Dr. █████: Which god, then?

SCP-1846: He calls himself Srqnabotf, that's S-r-q-n-a-b-o-t-f, capital S. I think the last group to worship him died a bit after the Spanish came over. He's a corn god, and, well, he's THE god. I don't think there are any others.

Dr. █████: I see. And may I assume that your properties are a result of working for a corn deity?

SCP-1846: You may. Working for a corn god makes me a corn angel, of course. My job, see, was to lobby for higher subsidies to corn growers. Chose the job myself. It's what sustains him, you know. Corn being grown and used.

Dr. █████: I suppose that makes sense. Are there any more of you?

SCP-1846: Well, there were. See, what happened to me happened to all of them too. They were all out in the fields fucking the corn or whatever it is they do when it happened, and they got sucked into the sky straightaway. Maybe there was something about it in the news.

Dr. █████: When you say "it", I assume you refer to your development of several other properties. Could you explain why that happened?

SCP-1846: How do I explain this to you… it's like the rapture. Srqnabotf decided that he's going to end things as soon as he can get all of his angels off of Earth, so he made us revert to our True Forms — capitalize "True" and "Forms" — and dragged most of us up. Odds are he's just waiting on me and maybe some other lucky soul. Then things are going to happen.

Dr. █████: I get the feeling it would be more suitable to explore that scenario in the next interview. For now, though, could you explain why you were protected?

SCP-1846: Sure. Well, Srqnabotf has all the powers of a god, of course. But he doesn't have the keenest sense of time, and doesn't quite understand how it is that humans can make things.

Dr. █████: I don't quite see the connection.

SCP-1846: When he sees wood or stone or metal getting in the way of trying to drag me upstairs, he knows that he needs to rip it away, since those are strong. But when he sees the concrete or glass, he thinks it's gravel or sand. So he blows on it to get it out of the way, and I don't think he's realized that it's not working yet.

Dr. █████: Seriously?

SCP-1846: Don't get me started. Really, he knows less about the world than any human kid, and somehow he's the one who has dominion… mind if I give you a tip?

Dr. █████: Go ahead.

SCP-1846: Buy lots of corn, eat lots of corn, invest in corn. And I'm not just saying that 'cause it's my job — your lot in the afterlife is really just a function of how much corn you grow or make use of. Which is kind of bullshit, when you think about it, because that means that everyone who lived in Eurasia before the Columbian Exchange is currently having their arteries torn apart by popcorn kernels const—

Dr. █████: Er, I get the picture.

SCP-1846: Sorry.

End of Interview with SCP-1846 aka "The Maize Angel"

OOC Section:

Object Class:
Euclid exsequi

playermodel: The only corn related playermodel i could find was this

Cooperates With the Foundation

Sweps:size changer since the player model is small i think.

purchasable weapons: none.


Abilities: changing size (only because the hight of the model is small i think)

Spawn location: anywhere you think is suitable for it, it wont have dangerous weapons so id like to be able to walk around but if you'd think it'd better in a containment i won't mind

How can this help in RP:
reasearchers will have another subject to test on and question
Class D can have another entity to be tested with
i think people will be interested in this.

I like to be characters that can walk around freely the scp's that can walk around freely are interesting but they're not for me, like with SCP 2295 i like that i can walk around and heal people but it can not talk, same with SCP 999 it cant be damaged but it can not talk and SCP 073 can freely walk around and if people damage him the damage inflicts back to the attacker but He cant have Class D to research on and people dont want to research him.

discord:lightning wazowsk¥#1700

Edited by Lightning Wazowski
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The Mages Academy





A scrunched up piece of paper is seen in the corner of the dimly lit room


Dear newly appointed Arch-Magister,

I see you have chosen your academy to be placed within oviscity, I congratulate you on reaching your rank with in the academy. I do warn you, black magic users are attacking our academies. I advise you to be weary of outsiders and pick those underneath you carefully. One thing that interests me on the location you picked is the amount of reported magic users and groups? Groups such as the foundation and FBI are held there? 

-Arch-Magister Colloff




Another letter freshly opened sits on the desk 

The Well-Appointed Antique Desk: 11 Essential Items - The Old Timey



Dear Arch-Magister of oviscity

It has come to my attention that black magic users by the name of "Nalka" or "Sarkics" are in oviscity. As black magic users i recommend you steer clear of them and keep your distance. They are known to be disguised as wealthy businessman or normal civilians. They appear to alter their dna and turn themself into abominations in times of dire need as a final resort. If you see them i recommend killing them. Enclosed is a picture of an "Abomination" 




Massive thanks to @Edward Ballsfor help




Edited by Isaac Scott
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MTF Lambda-5 "White Rabbits"

MTF Lambda-5 specializes in traversing unstable, surreal, alien and controlled reality environments. They also specialize in containing potentially dangerous persons and artifacts capable of manipulating space and time.




OOC Section

Steam Name: Monkinator37
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:104840655
In-game name: Oswald Bruner
Discord: Monkinator37#4703

My MTF Lambbda-5 unit is going to specialize in traversing environments on the other side of various portals that appear around the site. As well as occasionally securing reality-benders or on-site POIs. However, because there isn't always going to be a combine portal or on-site POIs, my MTF Lambda 5 unit is also going to protect and guard unarmed/important CL4+ personnel, typically site admin. If there are no CL4+ personnel that want protection, he will assist on-site security in LCZ or patrol the site.


Playermodel: PMC4_14


Equipment on Spawn:

Player detector, medkit, no collide SWEP and Newport Cigarette


Locker Equipment:

Aug A3, basic cuffs, assorted pistols, knife and flashbang

Foundation, Foundation Admin and Surface

Foundation server access


This is a powerful character, so in order to make it not be some super soldier that kills everything, I am going to add a few restrictions that I made myself.


My Lambda-5 Character CANNOT:

Respond to raids, unless it directly obstructs their duties or endangers the CL4+ personnel they are protecting

Respond to hostile SCP breaches, unless it directly obstructs their duties or endangers the CL4+ personnel they are protecting

Use their medkit in active combat situations

Use their No Collide SWEP, unless if it is to traverse obstructed environments on the other side of portals, reach or find the CL4+ personnel they are protecting or go through densely populated hallways. They also may not use it to enter areas they have not been given permission to enter, such as private offices or compounds in warehouse. They cannot use it to avoid cuffs or bullets (unless if it's RDA/RDM). They may also not use it to enter hostile-controlled bases.

Go on surface operations, unless if it is to accompany or rescue the CL4+ personnel they are with. Such as the HoEA.

Use the foundation server outside of resecuring it.

I know it's hard to enforce custom character rules, but you have my word and promise to adhere to these rules the best I can.
Feel free to question me regarding any rules. My DMs are open.
Rules can be added/changed, and removed if they are unnecessary.

How will this character improve RP?


My MTF Lambda-5 character will help improve RP in 5 main ways


My character will protect CL4+ personnel so that they aren't always stricken with a feeling of helplessness due to a lack of means to defend themselves in bad situations. This also opens up more opportunities for RP, as my character could act as a messenger when comms are compromised. Opportunities for RP with this character are plentiful, the only limit is imagination and cooperation.

My character is specially adapted for environments that other MTF aren't. For example, a portal opens up leading to a tropical area that is sealed off by rocks. My character could use their no collide to venture past the rocks, and report information back to site. Thus adding another layer of RP for portal-based exploration missions. This isn't limited only to portals though, as I could move past any player-made obstruction and report what I see.

Although not as often, my character can help keep LCZ and the security team in check. He doesn't hold power over the security team, but can assist them in their duties, and ensure that everything works smoothly.

Lastly, my character could help alleviate units like A-1 and E-11 from having to protect/contain Deimos Abram, or any other POIs. Thus allowing them to engage in their proper on-site duties, keeping the site secure and being able to properly repel raids. Or in the case of A-1, keep the O5 safe.

Due to my Lambda-5 unit's past experience in MTF Rho-9, he will be able to maintain and secure the foundation server during any raids from the combine/GOIs.


This isn't all that my character will be able to do, though. Only time and circumstance will tell.




Jane Forster and Brian Forster


Dylan Forster















200 documented hours of off-job firearms training
Advanced torture resistance training
Cell and hostage extraction certified

High School Diploma

Masters in Computer Science from MIT


Dylan Forster is a Caucasian male of American decent. He was born and raised in Houston, Texas. He grew up with little money in a rough, poor area. Despite his rocky beginnings, he excelled throughout his school years. Making friends and getting high grades throughout his school life. He was known to frequent and be a member of computer clubs at school. In his final years of schooling, he wrote computer programs for money on occasion. Most of this money, of course, went towards building and upgrading his own personal computer, which he had built himself.

After graduating from high school, he enlisted in the Army in order to pay for college. After becoming a rifleman, his superiors noticed that he had a gift for medical care, and Dylan was later certified with TCCC-MP. He was deployed twice, and exhibited great field knowledge and medical expertise. It is reported that he saved 23 fallen squad mates from fatal wounds. In order to earn extra benefits in the military, he was trained and certified for cell and hostage extraction. He was promoted to up to the rank of SGT throughout his military career, and once he had saved up enough money he utilized his guaranteed free college and applied to MIT's computer science courses. He was soon after accepted.

Throughout his time at MIT he excelled in his studies, and acted as a leader for a student-based IT department. In this student-run IT department he and his friends helped school staff and students diagnose and fix their computer issues. Ranging from simple settings to replacing parts. He later graduated with a masters degree in computer science and hefty work experience. After graduating he moved back to Houston and started working for a tech firm, and made a high salary with good benefits. He excelled at his job, quickly getting promoted and assigned a group to manage. He loved his work, cherishing every day and was able to support a good lifestyle.

After reports of his great achievements working with computers and past military experience, he was picked up by the Foundation and was recruited into MTF unit Rho-9 "Technical Support". While working in Rho-9 he showed exemplary performance. He quickly and cheaply solved multiple different foundation server issues and was instrumental in an incident regarding SCP-079. A few years later, he was transferred to MTF unit Lambda-5. He was given extensive torture resistance training, as well as being instructed on how to traverse anomalous environments. He has been in multiple different operations, with high degrees of success across all of them.
The next page entails one of the operations that Special Agent Planeswalker has been on.

Appreciates a good cigar. Loves talking about computers. Operates under a veil of secrecy.



DATE w/ww/2018
Special Agent Mantis
Special Agent Planeswalker


Planeswalker: Command, arrived at point of interest, do you copy?
CMD: Loud and clear, good to proceed.
Mantis: Hey, what the hell is this thing again? I missed the briefing.
Planeswalker: We've gotten reports of a spatial anomaly out in some rural farmhouse. Several missing persons. Unknown if there are hostiles inside, proceed with caution, don't break anything.
Mantis: Rural farmhouse eh? You'd think these anomalies would be less stereotypical.

Aerial drone footage shows the duo moving to the farmhouse from a forest, 1 1/2 KM from LZ.

Mantis: Hey command, we arrived at the house. Nothing out of the ordinary. A little cold, but nothing noticeable. Are we clear to proceed inside?
CMD: Negative, set up observational cameras outside the house, and set off one of your smoke grenades.

Three separate camera feeds flicker to life in the span of 10 minutes, smoke is observed from the second camera near the front door of the house.

Planeswalker: All set up. Are we clear to move in? Nothing noticeable, only entrance is the front door.
CMD: Yes, proceed into the house from the front door.

Body cam footage shows the duo entering the house, arriving in an entry way. Planeswalker gives the all clear signal, and the pair proceed into the living room area.

Mantis: Nothing yet command, seems all clear.

A brief rustling from Mantis is heard, followed by an electronic startup noise.

Mantis: Heart beat sensors detect nothing but our own, clear to proceed?
CMD: Affirmative, continue onwards

Body cam footage shows the pair clearing the first and second floor of the house, nothing abnormal, but it is a little dusty.

Mantis: sneezes This place sucks.
Planeswalker: Agreed, but keep it professional please.

Mantis makes small mocking noises.

Planeswalker: Hey, found some sorta cellar entrance here. Clear to proceed, command?
CMD: Affirmative, move into the cellar, report everything you see.

Body cam footage shows them entering the cellar, before stopping at the bottom.

Mantis: Holy shit. This place is massive! How the hell?!?!
Planeswalker: Command, do you see our footage? It's some sorta warehouse. White fluorescent lights hanging from an abyssal black ceiling, no apparent end to the ceiling. There's a back wall at the stairs, but everything else just goes on and on.

The duo turn left and right, taking in their surroundings. Tall stacks of crates can be seen, as well as various abstract furniture items.

CMD: Body cam footage received, continue to explore the area.

The duo continue forward. Various medieval melee weapons can be seen, as well as antique firearms.

Planeswalker: Hey, we've got a sign here. It reads "Up Next: Modern" The other side of it says "Back To: Antique"
CMD: Copy, report all that you see, continue forward.

The duo continue forward, modern pieces of furniture from various brands are seen. A Lamborghini Aventador is on a wooden pallet, its tires long since deflated. Taxidermies of humans are seen wearing different articles of clothing

Mantis: We found the missing persons, they got taxidermies of them, wearing clothes from different fashion styles.
CMD: Copy, proceed onward.

Various modern firearms are found on racks, from various manufacturers with extravagant attachments.
The group arrive at a wall with a sign reading "The rest is still to be found. The Antique Collectors are awaiting their arrival."

Planeswalker: Found a wall, command. It appears to end here. 
Mantis: Yeah, nothing else he-FUCK!

13 shots are fired from Mantis's rifle, a robed, hooded figured clutching a long knife is seen lying dead on the floor.

Planeswalker: That was too close, you all good?
Mantis: Yeah yeah, he didn't touch me.
Planeswalker: Command, cultists appear to be inside. Permission to exfil and wait for backup?
CMD: Somewhat, exfil immediately. No backup is arriving. The area will be quarantined.
Planeswalker: Understood, heading topside.

The duo successfully make their way out of the building, and are picked up in a helicopter.


Input credentials to proceed

Input.USRID "74984390567"
> Processing....
> Accepted

Input.PWRD "**************"
> Processing....
> Accepted


Welcome: Special Agent Planeswalker

You have 1 new message(s)
Origin: Site 
From: Lambda-5 CMDR wwwwwww recent
> Opening message, please wait.



Hey kid, got some usual work for ya at a new site. Out in Ovis City. The place is a hotspot for POIs and reality benders. I'm transferring you over there for the foreseeable future. You'll be briefed on arrival. Oh yeah, you're also gonna be protecting various CL4+ members of that site. You've always had a knack for secret and protective work, I trust you know how to operate best. If you've got nothing else to do help out the security team in their LCZ. Heard the place is uhh... unruly.
We're also sending a experimental piece of technology with ya, let's you walk through solid matter at the push of a button. Should help ya traverse hostile environments or whatever. Don't know the specifics, that's for the egg heads. The suits want me to tell you to use it sparingly, don't wanna wig out anybody or cause some freak accident.
You'll be sent over via helicopter in 2 days time. Pack your bags, say your goodbyes and get ready.
Give em' hell, kiddo. See ya on the flip.


Edited by Oswald Bruner
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The Envoy


This ??? App is based on a man who used to be part of the Church of the Broken God who branched off making his own path of learning and found his own way of becoming a better man spreading the word on how a war has been going on for years under peoples noses between the sarkics and the Church.



This mans name is Mr Denny, his first name is forgotten in time as he has robotic parts helping him to stay alive, making him centuries old, requiring new parts for his own body so he may keep living to spread the words of the unseen war. He was once a peaceful man who lived alone without any family left enjoying the simplicity of life itself but during the night he was walking home after shopping for grocies he got approached by a man in a trenchcoat calling himself a member of the church in a recruitment attempt of gaining more bodies to fuel their war on the sarkics, they attempted to turn more people to their faith, reluctently he joined and began learning all about the uncountable amount of bodies and bloodshed caused by this war. After being with the church for many years he yearned to learn more from a different point of view and was considering joining up with the sarkics to learn their ways but could not as the men of the church would have him killed as soon as learning of these rumors, so instead one evening during a raid on a sarkic's known meat farm he faked his death making it seem he was destroyed by an explosion caused by his robotic parts and ran for his life never to be seen by the churches organisation ever again and begun his learning of the world around him again and helping others in need of knowledge.


The purpose of this ??? character is to have a more passive and mutual understanding with a lot of the current GOI's on the server. Whilst I understand church's GOI isn't really getting accepted anymore because it is a vicious cycle constantly going on with sarkics and church and doesn't ever end I wish for this ??? character to not wish death upon the sarkics only to understand there reasoning for their voilence and ways of dealing with interuptions with their plans, this character will be neutral with all GOI's even Sarkics even though he speaks highly of the church he wishes no harm to them and only seeks to advice and help others in knowledge of the war going on around the world whilst people are unaware of it. stopping people from being selected to join and help prolong the war is his main purpose. I understand that the foundation would most likely try to abuse this ??? and forcing him to talk with the sarkics to stop them raiding the foundation but that is not the purpose of this character, his purpose is to learn more about the world around him and to advice others into helping stop the never ending war between sarkics and church of the broken god, p.s. I intend to add more to the character as he evolves from learning e.g. learning more about foundation, chaos insurgency, sarkics etc.


-The classic trenchcoat look for his playermodel



-Tactical Restaints


Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

P.S. Passive RP main character

Current Ranks: ICRP Senior Administrator

Previous Ranks: 201st Sergeant, Heavy Weapons Leader, 41st 2nd LT, Senior Assassin, Sith Sub-Path Leader, Battalion Lieutenant Colonel, 501st Vice-Commander/Lieutenant Commander, DarkRP Admin, Deathrun Admin, CG Colonel, SCP RP Super Admin. SCP-096, The Serpants Hand, CI Delta, IJAMEA, O5-3. Site Director, GOC, Echo-14, MC&D Salesman, Anderdon Robotics Robot, Sarkic Karcist/Vice-Manager, SCP-1048 (When WL), Head Researcher, MTF E-11 Commander, Ethics Committee, Church of the broken God Maxwellism/Orthodox, Harrow-23 Manager And NU-7


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Steam name - Seto Zen Masamune
Steam id -STEAM_0:1:426886824 
In- game name - Seto Zen
Age - 27 
Total play time at time of posting this - image.png.84cc32b9b0841f181cc3039fc2c9bcc9.png
Warns -  0 / proofimage.thumb.png.9bdf7684e7b65b200bf0af9c8b1286fc.png

Character idea -

Closing words - this is my first time creating a full on character for the server and i do have learning problems mainly writing so if the grammar isn't the best there i hope that explains it.

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                                                                                                                           (IC SECTION)

Connecting to MTF database_
Identifying user
User: Captain Phoenix
Performing face scan: match
Performing fingerprint scan: match
Performing DNA scan: match



Name: Nick Waltson
Codename: Phoenix
Task Force: Alpha-9 ''Last Hope''
Rank: Captain
Clearence: Level-4
Race: European
Gender: Male

Accessing document ''The Failure''

Performing user check: 


Captain Phoenix was sent with his squad of 6 people to                        to capture a humanoid creature. They were scanning the area with their anomaly scanners. Everything was going well until operative                    heard scratching from one of the alleys between the buildings. The operative quckly proceed to inform the rest of the units. Captain Phoenix sent 3 of his men to search the area with their scanners and identify what was the source of the sound. As the 3 operatives went to the alley the remaining units continued their checks. After 5 minutes loud screams were heard and the 3 units rushed to the area. Operative               went peeked the corner and shot in the darkness until a giant claw like hand grabbed his head and pulled him into the darkness and soon after river of blood came out of the alley. Right after that Captain Phoenix and Operative                             jumped at the allet's entrance and shot their brand new electric rope guns but nothing was there. At the end of the alley there was a left turn and a trail of blood leading to it so the Operative and Captain Phoenix deicded to investigate. Captain Phoenix was watching the back while Operative                             turned the corner. Shortly after another scream was heard and a part of a puddle of blood could be seen around the corner. After that Captain Phoenix rushed to the truck and drove off. Due to him being terrified and panicked, Captain Phoenix didn't keep attention to where he is going. After a 2 hour trip he ended up in Ovis City. Captain Phoenix Parked the truck behind some bushes so it wont be seen. After that Captain Phoenix initiated a connection search so he could find any field agents around the surface. After 30 minutes his radio cought a signal. Captain Phoenix introduced themeslves to the Field Agent and shortly after he was taken by Nu-7 scout units and Field Agents to the facility in the city. The Foundation has decided to keep Captain Phoenix at that facility and chanded his duties to be able to help in combat and capture humanoid anomalies on the surface.

                                                                                                                           (OOC SECTION)

Character gear: M4A1, tactical elastic police handcuffs, anomaly detector, nanite explosive sweep, level 4 clearence, flash granade, any pistol, and recontainment cuffs (only if you see it fit for the character). (You can add gear that you see fit for the character.)

Player model: Any model that has everything black or a forest camo. Both can be combined.

Tasks: Assist in raids and any other gun requiring situations, as well as surface missions. (I know its very brief but i dont have much time left to write.)

RP Name: Nick Waltson
Steam ID: 76561198837937910
Playtime 1w 4h 35 minutes
Current whitelists: NU-7, HoMD


Current Whitelists

Head of Manufacturing
Unusual Incidents Unit


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Date: 05/04/2021
Location: Apartment 2B, Ovis City
Subject: William Morgan
Sex: M
Age: 29
Species: Homo Sapien
Test number: 26
Country of Origin: United States of America

Estimated time until death: 10 minutes 30 seconds

Why why why why why why WHY!?!?!?!!?

Why must it always happen to me?
Did I do something wrong? W-was I too quiet? Too pushy?  I-I don't even know what to try or if I can anymore...I..I think I'm just going to end it. Yeah..t-time for this life to reach it's end...

d0 U W15h T0 pH1nD t3H 4n5w3r t0 ur QU35T10n5?

Wha-wh-what.. who are you? Where are you!? How did you get into my home!?!?!

d0 U w15H T0 ph1nD tEH 4n5WER t0 uR kwE5T10N2 W1lLL4M?

Estimated time until death: 7 minutes 10 seconds


1F joO W15h 7o f1Nd 73H 4n5W3Rz 7o JOOr kW3571oNZ uR Mu57 3nD JOor L1f3 8Y jOOr oWN h4NDz.

After a minute of searching his apartment for the source of the voice, William calms down and responds to it.

Estimated time of death: 6 minutes 5 seconds

Heh..If that's what I must do to find the answers, I guess I'll do it. I don't have anything to live for anymore.

Sounds of choking can be heard followed by dead silence a few minutes later

Estimated time until death: 0 minutes 0 seconds

W3Ll DOn3, jOo 5h4LL NOW r3C31V3 73h 4n5w3R2 7he joO 533K. W3lC0M3 t0 t3H 1N1T14t1v3 W1lll4m..

A rope snap is heard followed by a thud onto a concrete floor

Estimated time until death: -2 minutes 15 seconds

AHH MY FUCKING NECK! WHY DOES IT HURT LIKE HELL?! What is this fucking mark on my arm? What happened to me?

W3lC0M3 70 73h 1n171a71V3 W1ll1aM. J00 hAv3 b33n s3L3c73d 70 b3 ApaR7 0f 0Ur t3s7. W3 W1ll H3Lp j00 maK3 sUr3 J00 kaN FulF1ll j00R PURp023 1n L1f3. Wh@t w3 s33K 1N R37urn 12 f0r J00R FULl K00P3rA710N 1N 0UR 73s7. a2 J00 MAY hAv3 N071c3D, J00 hAV3 a mark 0n j00r arM, 7hi2 1s wh@t j00 w1Ll b3 73st1ng. J00 w1Ll Kn0w wh@ 1t d032 AnD H0w 70 u23 17 1N Du3 71M3. A2 f0R N0W, K0n71NU3 w17 J00r DA1LY lif3. 1t's a pl3asUr3 HAV1n9 j00 1n 0ur 1n171A71V3...W1lL1Am.

Wait who are you? What happened to me? ANSWER ME!

OOC Information:
??? Name: William Morgan

SteamID: Steam_0:1:61146039

Discord Name+Tag: PleaseDontEatMe#8165

- Body Link Magic
- Shackles
- MP9
- Ability to be resurrected at location of death 

- Neutral but will change in future

Born in Ovis City, William Morgan's early life as a child was riddled with abuse from his alcoholic mother that was forced to raise him up alone. He would usually spend most of his time alone at school, rather than with a group of people. He eventually dropped out of school with only a 11th grade education and began working at the local pizzeria. As he grew older, he became more love deprived and began seeking relationships, both friendly and romantic. Unfortunately, one after another he kept getting rejected or cheated on or left behind/stood up. As the years went by, he'd always notice some strange occurrences take place within Ovis City, however, he would always end up forgetting about them due to the intervention of the Foundation.
Many years later, he decided he had nothing more to live for since no one wants to be with him. However, an unknown organization had decided to see if he fit the criteria for their test. After making initial contact with him, he became agitated but eventually became somewhat less alarmed and decided to listen to the voice and take his life. Minutes later, he was brought back to life, with a strange mark on his right arm and told that he was successfully accepted into their initiative. He'd go onto learn the basic of how to use the new ability granted to him through random flashes of images he'd experience throughout the ensuing months.

What is this ???:
It's a ??? that devotes itself to one person when it forms a special bond with them which must meet a certain requirement. He can be used however the devotee sees fit, such as acting as a scout or guard and any number of things. However, when the ??? dies, it also results in death of the one it has devoted itself to. This is to ensure the devotee doesn't send the devoted on very risky assignments that could result in the death of him. Whenever the ??? has died, a few minutes later, he is able to get up with bruise marks left in place of where the life threatening damage was sustained, yet unable to remember anything that ensued in the last hour, alongside his death. While this ??? is able to partake in combat if necessary, he is reluctant to act hostile due to the trauma he suffered as a child. 

U better not be like (OMG A SIMP ???)  >;c It's not, it's a ??? that forms devotes himself to someone after a certain requirement is made. Simps, on the other hand, instantly devote themselves to someone after 1 second of looking at them.
P.S. If you don't understand leet, that's on you 😜

Edited by Joe Conner

Scprp is bad, run while you can!!
Good Night GIFDog Morning GIF
seal GIF 

  • SCP-RP Current Ranks: PlatVIPSCP-RP Administrator, Junior Developer, MTF Nu-7 NCO, Head Of Manufacturing Department (Owner), Head of External Affairs, Site Director, The Serpents Hand (Vice-Manager)
  • SCP-RP Past Ranks:   Organization for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts, Sarkic Cultist, Marshall Carter N' Dark Salesman, Ethics Committee Member, Epsilon-11 Commander, Unusual Incidents Unit Special Agent in Charge (Vice-Manager), GRU-P, Head Researcher, Internal Security Department, SCP-096
  • HLRP Past Ranks:  Civil Industrial Union Journeyman, Civil Medical Union Nurse
  • CW-RP  Past Ranks: PlatVIP, Combat Engineer COL, Adv Medic
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Welcome User. Please Identify to Proceed.

Verifying Log-In 

Verifying Eye-Scan..

Verifying Fingerprints..

User, Does the black moon howl?

''The Hound of Hell has Three Heads.''

User Identify Confirmed, Welcome, Administrator. Accessing File.

Mobile Task Force 
Rēsh-1 ''Seat Of Consciousness''


Accessing Agent List..

Identifying Following Agents in MTF.

> Agent ████████

Agent ████

Agent ███

Agent ███████████████

Agent ████

Agent ████

Page 1/5

Accessing File of Agent 

Agent ████████

Date Of Birth: 24th Of February, 1982

Gender: Male

Height And Weight: 192 Centimetres. 152 Kilograms

Race: Caucasian

Blood Type: A+

Nationality: American

Medical Issues: None



Description: Ex Delta-Force Operator and Veteran of campaigns in Afghanistan, Iraq. Yemen. Somalia. and Southern America. Agent ████████ Of MTF Rēsh-1 ''Seat Of Consciousness''  Was recruited by the SCP Foundation in the Year of 2000, The 5th of August. And since then, has been a member of Mobile Task Force NU-7, ''Hammer Down'' Before transferring over to Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 ''Nine-Tailed-Fox'', And then getting Handpicked Into Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 ''Red Right Hand''. In the year of 2010, He was offered a chance to join a highly secretive ''Non-Existent'' Task Force. which in turn was Rēsh-1. 

Accessing Interview #001..

[Interviewee is sitting alone in an empty interview room, there is a light shining above him illuminating him and the table only, The door opens, and a man with three guards enters. The man takes a seat as the other three stand with him]

???: Hello Agent. Sorry about the sudden interview. I'm working on a tight schedule, i know you'll understand.

Agent ████████: Yeah, that's fine. Whatever it is that i did, i didnt do. i was in my barracks all day. if this is about that incident with Agent Tommy, he had it coming.

???: No no. Do not worry about agent tommy and his shenanigans. He'll be dealt with. Anyway, How are you feeling?

Agent ████████: I Am feeling pretty good. just got back from a uh. Weapons Training. went pretty well.

???: I Am glad to hear that. Tell me, for how long have you been working for us?

[Interviewee takes a brief moment to remember]

Agent ████████: I Believe i was approached by you in the year 2000. cant remember the month or day though.

???: 20 Years of service to the foundation?, That is quite the milestone, very impressive.

[The Man begins to applaud briefly, before stopping and leaning forward]

???: So, Tell me, how are the red hands treating you?

Agent ████████: Quite well. I Love it being in this MTF. Why ask?

???: No reason in particular, i just want to make sure that the MTF Has been doing well, ever since the incident of last year. Quite the tragedy.. Anyway, Please tell me about your time in Delta Force.


Agent ████████: Well, where do i start?. I Enlisted into the US Army at the age of 18 and briefly joined an Infantry Division, My skills were noted by my superiors and i was approached by the commander of the 75th, and i was offered a chance in the rangers. so i accepted and into the rangers i went. Harsh training, but nothing i couldnt handle, after a year or two maybe, i cant remember, i earned my first Medal of Honor. i still remember how i earned it to this day.

So, sometime ago, i was with the rangers in, god knows where. i cant remember off the top of my head. But uh. we were the sole unit in this region. and we approached this empty town in the night, we stopped at the top of the hill where we stumbled upon said village. my captain radio'ed in to command that. We approached a target and it looked like a ghost town. We got the clearance to go in and take the town, so we did, Down the hill we went

As we got into an Arrow Formation with a few meters inbetween us and a couple hundred yards between my squad and the target town. we came under surprise MG Fire from the building that oversaw the entiiiiiiiiire field we were approaching. we found little cover in the scattered boulders and cars that were nearby. and we were pinned. My commander immediately radio'ed in that we came under fire and were pinned, and requested support, but no support could be afforded.

So, under the hail of gunfire, i commanded everyone to keep their heads down, and then, i got out of my cover and ran straight to the building as fast as i could, As fast as i could, despite my heavy gear and exhaustion, i ran and ran. i was hit two times, tops, but nothing that really threatened me. eventually i reached the bottom of the building safely, and tossed a few frags into the window. Taking out the MG For my team.

Then the entire town was on my ass. insurgents from every building, poured out. i was on my own as my team rushed to join me, i held my ground in whatever cover i had, i sustained more wounds and tossed grenades like there was no tomorrow. groups and entire insurgents were cut down or blown up. My team was still trying to catch up. at this point, i killed atleast a hundred, extremely fanatical rushing insurgents on my own, i was stabbed, shot, they threw my grenades back at me, and yet, i was still there. I'd say thanks to adrenaline, one last insurgent rushed me, disarmed me and it came down to hand to hand. Eventually, after abit of a struggle. training beats tenacity of being fanatical to a religion. my knife entered his brain, and that was that, i fell down and couldnt stand, the town was cleared and with the town captured by us, the region was pretty much ours. i was heavily injured

But my squadmates reached me and applied first aid until i could be taken back to base for emergency surgery and whatevs. after i recovered. The president gave me the medal of honor and inducted me into Delta force in private. since y'know, their existence was ''Fictional'' I Entered the deltas, years passed and you met me. rest is history.

[The man sitting opposing of him applauds once more this time, for abit more before re-settling]

???: Well now agent, i think my theories and the rumors i heard about you, are true. I Should now introduce myself to you. I Am the Administrator. I Am the very person that created the foundation, for humanity. And here i am standing opposing a man who put everything on the line for what he believed in. Freedom for mankind. and i respect that. Agent Universum. i am Giving you the chance to join my own Task Force Now. What do you say?

Agent Universum: Well shit, i'll be damned, the rumors i heard are true, you really do exist. And uh. about that offer. i accept. although we should talk about it, somewhere more discreetly.

[24th of July, 2021. United States, Wisconsin.]

The Administrator: Agent Universum, I'll be transfering you and stationing you over in Michigan Ovis-City. Site-35. Your reason of transfer and stationing i will hold to myself, but you should know that, You will encounter Administration, Elements of NU-7. E-11. Beta-7 and So on, but most importantly, The O5. Make sure to serve them all well and stay composed. stay professional. Move out.

Agent Universum: Understood.



Name for Character: Agent Universum

Character Job Name: MTF Resh-1

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:164211367

Discord Name and Tag: Sethy#9755

In-game Time: 4w 3d


Purpose of ???: Administration Guard. Foundation Frontline Combatant, Surface Operator, Legal Codex Enforcer

Loadout and Model of ???:

Gray-Camo Battlegear


Tactical & Elastic Cuffs

P99 Pistol

Clearance 4 Keycard

Foundation and Administration Communications

Relations: Friendly to Foundation, Hostile to every other GOI except UIU.

Willing to listen to feedback and questions, Thank you!

Edited by Krueger
Fixed Text Position

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The Square Sponge


*loud giggling could be heard throughout the cell of the albanian high security prison*

???: Hey Mr Krabs, let's make krabby patties

Interviewer: This is the fourth time, I am not Mr Krabs - you are yet to explain who and what the fuck that is!

???: Mr Krabs, why are you screaming at me! I am going to go work for Plankton if you cant treat me properly!

Interviewer: Plankton? Who is that? 

*The Sponge would remove its "Squarepants" and crawl up the wall*

Interviewer: WHAT THE FUCK! 

*A loud bang would be met with screams from the interviewer for several minutes *


OOC: This is my application for the Square Sponge, he will be heavily focused upon PassiveRP throughout his time on the surface and the facility if he successfully gets in, he has recently escaped an albanian prison after being caught by soviet forces in a submarine heading to the east coast of Kazahkstan. The activities I would aim to do as this job would be the following: creating burgers, acting schizophrenic, screaming at people loudly and crawling up walls potentially to kill foundation personnel. 


end of application 

thank you



- MP40 recoil slightly increased. - StG44 recoil decreased and damage increased.


- Bren Firerate increased to 570 from 540.
- StG44 firerate increased from 560RPM to 630RPM.
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