[W-G] ChrisK(Germany)

Possibility for Gundealer-Job?

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I know some will say this isnt dark rp and we dont need a gundealer but aside from diverting stress from club who gets annoyed by civs wanting guns for self defense.( Like if some event hits or someone touches the zombie anomaly etc.) Maybe think about the possibility of adding a low lvl dealer with weaker weaponsets like the loadout for security officer/guard without the cuffs since their weaponset is atleast from my viewpoint ok for use for this, if you think otherwise theres always the ability to change some weapons around. Please atleast think about that, it would atleast even the chances for civs more than they are now and open up better chances for them not dying through being steamrolled cause of no defensive ability.

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1 hour ago, Jonathan Knights said:

So if they're able to purchase weapons from MC&D, why is there a need for a gundealer class spefically for Civs?

doesnt have to be solely for civs could be expanded to allow pd some weapon flavour and or the other surface classes as well. And as mentioned some MC&D Salesmen refuse to sell to civs

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1 hour ago, Fayne™ said:

It's not like you ever need guns as civ

In some cases it would be favourable to have them as civ. One example is if the zombie anomaly was on surface and a bunch of people are 016 and try to kill you. Without weapons you can either run away, die or join them. Other cases are events that have hostile elements ( some demon/ other creature that attacks etc.) PD cant always help if it actually exists.

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26 minutes ago, [W-G] ChrisK(Germany) said:

In some cases it would be favourable to have them as civ. One example is if the zombie anomaly was on surface and a bunch of people are 016 and try to kill you. Without weapons you can either run away, die or join them. Other cases are events that have hostile elements ( some demon/ other creature that attacks etc.) PD cant always help if it actually exists.

Chances of this are pretty low. It's very rare that a breah is able to get on surface because it's in the site itself the majority of the time. Civillains are usually ignored by surface jobs because well; They're civillians. They're not useful in any capacity at all to any major group unless said group goes out of their way to recruit civillians. 

Overall, I just feel like civillians shouldn't be focused on entirely as the major roleplay happens within the site itself. 

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1 hour ago, [W-G] ChrisK(Germany) said:

And as mentioned some MC&D Salesmen refuse to sell to civs

Some MC&D Salesman like me refuse to sell to civs while they try to actually try to fucking RP not just sell guns and coke to everyone.


1 hour ago, [W-G] ChrisK(Germany) said:

doesnt have to be solely for civs could be expanded to allow pd some weapon flavour

So these guns would be as good/better than PD guns? So we would give an infinite slot job, that do uprisings against the government constantly as good/better guns as the PD gets??

Every job doesnt need fucking guns, try to do some actual RP and before you cry that you get shot at and need a gun. Look at people who do RP like Benjamin Stewart who doesnt even need a gun while still doing good RP as a civ.


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if MC&D dont sell to you just wait for a non-retarded salesman

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O5-3 like 3 years ago for 30 mins but i was demoted for erp with the HoEA 😞

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2 hours ago, [W-G] ChrisK(Germany) said:

They can but some refuse to do so to civs.

No shit 


I dont want a bunch of retards who just run around and shoot people when the ci slots are full.


If you wanna just minge about on civi with a gun then this server isnt the right place, go play the new dark rp.

I am here to launder money

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MCND Salesman already exists

Scprp is bad, run while you can!!
Good Night GIFDog Morning GIF
seal GIF 

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