
Cool New map!

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What your suggestion is: Cool new map!

Scriptfodder/workshop link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2542791276

Any additional information: 
Features :
- Surface Base
- Medbay
- Armory
- Radioactive Cave
- Small Camps
- Quarters
- Briefing Room
- Training Room
- Citadel
- Cadet Room
- Republican Navy Quarter
- Shock Quarter
- Engine Room
- Server Room
- Jedi Temple

Current Ranks
[ Community Modeller]

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[SWRP Modeller]
[Discord Staff]


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Yes please

Current Ranks [CWRP]
Admiral | Reserve Medic
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Past Ranks
CE Marshal Commander | 74th ST MD | CT TRP "4625" - CT PVT | CT DCPL
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 Event Planner Staff Mentor
[WW2 1943RP]
 Panzer-Abteilung "Großdeutschland" Gefreiter - Unteroffizere (13/02/21 - 25/03/21)
ST TRP "4625" | JT Corporal | IE BFT PFC501st PFC
 Rebel Alpha Group Major

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This Map looks amazing, Many areas to explore and perfect for the server needs... Spades get this added pronto


Previous OOC rank
Senior Event Planner

Previous IC rank
CT Drill Sergeant-Major
CE Captain
CG Vice-Commander
Battalion  Colonel

Jedi Scout


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-Nice map, good areas etc would be good for a base map possibly.
-The only downside hence why neutral is file size, I know this is a important thing to addons like maps etc this comes in at over 1/2 a GB. Compared to anaxes v2 this is 100mb a bigger file size.


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Map looks great imo and would make a nice change of scenery as a base map. However uses a lot of teleports which could be annoying during events.

== Past Ranks ==
Jump Troopers Sector Commander 
212th Vice Commander
Monkey Dancing GIF

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I've tested the map and i liked the Medbay and that was about it.

The Teleporters will mess with Events alot, The Scenery is Bland making Snipers shoot from the other side of the map.

Alot of the Map will be strict high CL Levels, The JT is a Just alot of Filled rooms.

The Base is very Small compared to many Overs, With the Medbay being the Biggest set of Rooms.

High Skybox

Will Fuck Pirates/Cartel

                                                               Current Ranks                                       

  • IE Captain
  • IRP Junior Dev
  • IRP Event Planner

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  • Imperial Head Medical Officer
  • Pyke Syndicate Elder
  • T-RP Administrator
  • CE Colonel
  • Jedi Guardian/Consular
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49 minutes ago, Archer said:


I've tested the map and i liked the Medbay and that was about it.

The Teleporters will mess with Events alot, The Scenery is Bland making Snipers shoot from the other side of the map.

Alot of the Map will be strict high CL Levels, The JT is a Just alot of Filled rooms.

The Base is very Small compared to many Overs, With the Medbay being the Biggest set of Rooms.

High Skybox

Will Fuck Pirates/Cartel

Shush, No imagination. 

Current Ranks
[ Community Modeller]

Previous Ranks
[SWRP Modeller]
[Discord Staff]


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+1 Looks like a good Addition for the Server.

spacer.pngSeth was here

Current Ranks:
Battalion Warrant Officer | Event Planner | Reserve Medic CG DD Consular
Past Ranks:
CE COL | Jedi Adept Regimental Medic | 104th 2nd LT | 41st SGT | DU SGTM 501st COL | Rancor Instructor 

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Cool map

Current Ranks
-= Jedi Umbra - Spearman =-

Past Ranks
-= Event Planner - Obi-Wan Kenobi - Jedi Force Master104th Executive Officer -  74th T SMO =- 
Senior Medic - 501st Captain DU 2nd LT - CT DCPL =- 

Animated GIF

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seems legit

Past staff ranks: E planner SWRP, Dark RP Mod, Deathrun Mod

Misc ranks: Global Everything package

Past Highest ranks: CG EXO, Batt LT COL, Teacher ,Temple Guard, Fleet Commander


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Neutral 0
It is a good looking map to be sure very cool vent system and caves and hangers 
The Only thing that drags it down is the file Size
rishi is 48.913 MB
This map is 685.585 MB

all in all I do Hope for more maps to add to the content

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Map looks sick, file size is massive

Current Ranks
[RC Vice Commander F67 Ron]
[CWRP Executive Admin]
[Discord Staff]

Previous Ranks
[DS Squad Leader F67]
[501st ARC Colonel]
[Jedi Ace]


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Map is horribly optimised and file size is quite large.

Current Ranks

- General

- SWRP Vice Manager

- Caesar Stabsfeldwebel

- Iniquity Revenant



Past Ranks

- SWRP Event Manager

- Grand Admiral

- 501st EXO

- 212th EXO


- CG Temp Vice Commander


- CG ARC Colonel

- Jedi Watcher

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- Jedi Consular

- Hauptamt Köningsplatz Oberbereitshaftsleiter

Finance Oberbereitschaftsleiter


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