Sandys First Battalion Application

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Steam Name: Sandy_Shores


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:162998927


Current OOC Rank on the server(eg Plat VIP, Mod): PlatVIP


Age (14 - Minimum): 15


What is your playtime (2 Weeks - Minimum):


Do you have a microphone, is it good quality: Decent Quality and yes


Have you read and looked through the Battalion Handbook: Yes


Do you meet the requirements: Yes

State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns.) Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link:


In Character Section -

In-Game name: (Regiment, Rank and then your name) CE PFT Medic LT COLONEL SANDY


All Previous Ranks Obtained: (Highest Per Regiment) N/A


What should we pick you for Battalion: (200 Words - Minimum) I believe should be picked for battalion because im getting more and more involved with the community and would like to try out being a high important rank to test my skills. I have been told I am a nice person and i know discipline and how to handle most situations im faced with. Honestly speaking my voice sounds 12 but i assure you i am 15. i can speak pretty clearly and will try my best to order troops efficiently and effectively in the heat of battle. im positive i could set a good example for battalion and make us respected as always and not abuse the power that would be given to me. i would follow all rules in battalion and try my best to lead the Republic to victory and have interesting and new ways of defeating the enemy's. i will take all leading feedback into consideration if i get any and try to improve and be better based on what people have left on their feedback. i feel i would be quite trusted with this position and would strive to do the best i possibly can as Battalion in any way. i am pretty active at the moment so i think i would be a good pick as i could be on atleast 4 days a week.


Describe the roles and responsibilities of Battalion: (100 Words - Minimum) we have to set an example for all troops on the base and behave maturely and keep battalion looking official.
Leading and supervision are important with the role
Daily duties on Defcon 5 for Granting and
Denning the bases requests for regular duties.
we are also meant to be able to lead all troops efficiently and with clear orders for all regiments to carry out an attack with precision.
We are meant to deal with requests made by higher ups and troops in a Professional way and deal with problems in the way that there meant to be handled with.



Have you ever been demoted or striked in any regiment: (If so, explain why) i have not


Do you understand that Battalion is a very respectable and disciplined rank: Yes i do


What do Battalion do during Combat, when they are not leading: (IN DETAIL) if you are supervising a regiment you would assist them unless ordered to oversee the frontlines by the leading battalion and help out in anyway you can to help the ongoing battle.


What are the 3 duties a Battalion Officer Cadet has to complete before getting promoted as part of his mentoring session: Do an Open Sim, Lead a planatary with Voice amp, And Carry out a debrief 


What rank can the Battalion Brigadier Promote and Demote up to: Captain


What rank and above can use two pieces of Regimental Equipment: Battalion Colonel


Anything else: N/A

Edited by Sandy_Shores







Current Ranks

DS Commando F91

CWRP Deputy Event Manager

Honour Guard

Past Ranks

CT 2459

CE PFT Medic Colonel

Battalion Colonel

GM LT Colonel

5x Regimental Medic

Jedi Ace

CWRP Senior Event Planner x2

Jedi Watcher

501st Colonel

Jedi Shadow

Jedi Beast Tamer

Jedi Warlock

Jedi Paladin

Jedi Lorekeeper

Jedi Phantom

CWRP Jedi Event Planner

501st Gamma ARC Colonel

Obi wan Kenobi

Plo Koon

Mace Windu

Grandmaster Yoda





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the warn/ban picture doesnt work m8, 

                                                                                    Current CWRP Rank(s)

                                                                                               CG 2nd LT

                                                                                         Past CWP Ranks

                          | Battalion CPT | CE 2nd LT | 104th LT COL CG EXO | 41st MJR | MCC 2nd LT | 74th ADV R |

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So I will make this short. Good job in making an app. You are really good in CE and work well as a pilot.

My downside is that you haven't really told us why YOU are better then everyone else. In your answer for "What should we pick you for Battalion" you gave some simple answers. I wanted to see an example of your leaderships or an issue you faced and how you resolved it. For example, maybe something didn't go right, and you did "THIS" to fix it.

Please feel free to leave a comment to me, giving me an example. I want to know you have what it takes to lead and be in control of a tough situation. 

I'm being tough, not out of hatred but because I see the potential. I just want to see the whole picture.

Good Luck Sandy. And best wishes,


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8 minutes ago, Damien said:

the warn/ban picture doesnt work m8, 

Fixed it








Current Ranks

DS Commando F91

CWRP Deputy Event Manager

Honour Guard

Past Ranks

CT 2459

CE PFT Medic Colonel

Battalion Colonel

GM LT Colonel

5x Regimental Medic

Jedi Ace

CWRP Senior Event Planner x2

Jedi Watcher

501st Colonel

Jedi Shadow

Jedi Beast Tamer

Jedi Warlock

Jedi Paladin

Jedi Lorekeeper

Jedi Phantom

CWRP Jedi Event Planner

501st Gamma ARC Colonel

Obi wan Kenobi

Plo Koon

Mace Windu

Grandmaster Yoda





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14 minutes ago, Breatoking said:


So I will make this short. Good job in making an app. You are really good in CE and work well as a pilot.

My downside is that you haven't really told us why YOU are better then everyone else. In your answer for "What should we pick you for Battalion" you gave some simple answers. I wanted to see an example of your leaderships or an issue you faced and how you resolved it. For example, maybe something didn't go right, and you did "THIS" to fix it.

Please feel free to leave a comment to me, giving me an example. I want to know you have what it takes to lead and be in control of a tough situation. 

I'm being tough, not out of hatred but because I see the potential. I just want to see the whole picture.

Good Luck Sandy. And best wishes,


i completely understand i couldve added that type of detail in the application thank you for your feedback!







Current Ranks

DS Commando F91

CWRP Deputy Event Manager

Honour Guard

Past Ranks

CT 2459

CE PFT Medic Colonel

Battalion Colonel

GM LT Colonel

5x Regimental Medic

Jedi Ace

CWRP Senior Event Planner x2

Jedi Watcher

501st Colonel

Jedi Shadow

Jedi Beast Tamer

Jedi Warlock

Jedi Paladin

Jedi Lorekeeper

Jedi Phantom

CWRP Jedi Event Planner

501st Gamma ARC Colonel

Obi wan Kenobi

Plo Koon

Mace Windu

Grandmaster Yoda





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but for real +1 if archer and triple could get into batt anyone can and sandy is cool dude


Current Ranks:

41st something - SWRP Event Planner

Previous Ranks:

CE PFT Colonel - Battalion 2nd LT - Battalion 1st LT

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the picture doesnt show ur warns


                                                                                    Current CWRP Rank(s)

                                                                                               CG 2nd LT

                                                                                         Past CWP Ranks

                          | Battalion CPT | CE 2nd LT | 104th LT COL CG EXO | 41st MJR | MCC 2nd LT | 74th ADV R |

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This applicant looks good, Active with a quite a high performance from CE. The only part i see bad is the application with it being abit hard to follow with some words coloured different to the questions.  As scott shouted out , if i can get battalion so can sandy.

Good Luck. 


Previous OOC rank
Senior Event Planner

Previous IC rank
CT Drill Sergeant-Major
CE Captain
CG Vice-Commander
Battalion  Colonel

Jedi Scout


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7 hours ago, Triple said:


This applicant looks good, Active with a quite a high performance from CE. The only part i see bad is the application with it being abit hard to follow with some words coloured different to the questions.  As scott shouted out , if i can get battalion so can sandy.

Good Luck. 

i tried to recolur the words insted of writing it again but it wouldnt let me so it looks a little sloppy







Current Ranks

DS Commando F91

CWRP Deputy Event Manager

Honour Guard

Past Ranks

CT 2459

CE PFT Medic Colonel

Battalion Colonel

GM LT Colonel

5x Regimental Medic

Jedi Ace

CWRP Senior Event Planner x2

Jedi Watcher

501st Colonel

Jedi Shadow

Jedi Beast Tamer

Jedi Warlock

Jedi Paladin

Jedi Lorekeeper

Jedi Phantom

CWRP Jedi Event Planner

501st Gamma ARC Colonel

Obi wan Kenobi

Plo Koon

Mace Windu

Grandmaster Yoda





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Good lad, seems mature enough.

Playtime seems to be good enough

spacer.pngSeth was here

Current Ranks:
Battalion Warrant Officer | Event Planner | Reserve Medic CG DD Consular
Past Ranks:
CE COL | Jedi Adept Regimental Medic | 104th 2nd LT | 41st SGT | DU SGTM 501st COL | Rancor Instructor 

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Neutral | +1
forgot to even do this, because of the not-working Picture of your warns, but i gotta say, i really like you as person.
but i dont know you enough, and looking to your playtime and previous regiments, you got no previous regiments, but only stayed in CE. 

but i really want to know why you need to be picked for battalion, is it because ur a good gunman? or just good at flying ships?

anyway, i really hope you will reach it, im not so sure about the people who accept or deny the applications. but if you get denied... this would be a good tip/reminder for (maybe) your next application.

oh, and by the way, the good thing is that ur a very serious person, and knows what to do and how.


Edited by Damien

                                                                                    Current CWRP Rank(s)

                                                                                               CG 2nd LT

                                                                                         Past CWP Ranks

                          | Battalion CPT | CE 2nd LT | 104th LT COL CG EXO | 41st MJR | MCC 2nd LT | 74th ADV R |

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-Good guy, is doing very well in CE.
-Hence my neutral I think that you have slightly Low playtime.
-Furthermore, you have only been in CE, and not really had much of a wide variety of experience leading in the server.
Anyhow, you have been doing great in CE keep it up, Good luck!


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As much as it would pain me to see him go, Sandy is a solid member of CE and I think he would fit nicely into Batt.
His playtime might be on the low side, however Sandy is very active and that playtime will quickly rise to something people will like to see.

Current Ranks [CWRP]
Admiral | Reserve Medic
CWRP Super Administrator | Lead Mentor
Past Ranks
CE Marshal Commander | 74th ST MD | CT TRP "4625" - CT PVT | CT DCPL
Jedi Sage | Jedi Warlock | Jedi Sentinel | Jedi Shadow Jedi Peacekeeper
 Event Planner Staff Mentor
[WW2 1943RP]
 Panzer-Abteilung "Großdeutschland" Gefreiter - Unteroffizere (13/02/21 - 25/03/21)
ST TRP "4625" | JT Corporal | IE BFT PFC501st PFC
 Rebel Alpha Group Major

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You have been accepted into Battalion, contact a member of Admiralty for an interview


Past Ranks



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