
Inflict's 2nd Event Planner Application

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Basic Information:

Steam Name + Profile link: [W-G] Inflict:)

Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): 501st JR Medic Lieutenant Colonel Inflict

Teamspeak Name: Inflict

Playtime on the Server: 3w 6d 16h 15m

SteamID ( STEAM_0:1:526613755

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: No

Current Age: 14

Warns/Bans: None

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes and Yes

Event Plan

Map: Anaxes

Clone Event Characters

Mandalorian Leader x1 [1500HP] I will pick someone trustworthy and will be in EC Comms during the event.

Mandalorian Heavy x2 [1350HP]

Mandalorian Enforcer x1 [1200HP]

Mandalorian Soldier x3 [1000HP]


Republic Execution[Clone]

The Old RCO silent alarm is triggered which notifies a battalion of unauthorized personnel spotted at the Old RCO. Leading Battalion would then order all available 41st to scout the area. After finding the Mandalorian group, they will report their location to the battalion and then open fire. Battalion would then order CE to set up LAATs to Old RCO then order clones to eliminate all hostiles at Old RCO.


EC Execution[Clone]

Once all ECs are perma modelled and have the health set, they would be dropped off at Old RCO with some already placed barricades and told to defend it. They will stay at Old RCO until overrun with clones, then the spawns would be changed to different areas around anaxes, until eventually they are whipped out for good, which would be the end of the clone side of the event.


Event Info[Clone]

A group of Mandalorians have decided that anaxes would be a great place to set up a base of operations, but in order for the mandalorians to claim the planet, they would have to eliminate all Republic Personnel from the planet. Also, these mandalorians are in league with the seperatist army and will be using the CIS tanks.


Jedi Event Characters

Mandalorian Thieves x2 [150kHP] I will change the amount of HP if more/less jedi are online.


Event Info[Jedi]

2 members of the Mandalorian group have decided to steal the jedi kyber crystals and hilts. Their plan was to simply get the kyber crystals and hilts and leave, however both mandalorians have been possessed by one of the sith kyber crystals that was being stored in the temple. Now the mandalorian duo wants nothing more than to kill as many jedi as possible, these mandalorians have been possessed to the point where they cannot be saved and must be eliminated.


Jedi Execution

Pretty simple but to just eliminate the two possessed mandalorians before they cause too much damage to the jedi.


Have you ever Done an Event Before?: No

What was your event and was it successfully executed?: Haven't done one

Do you understand the responsibilities a event-planner has? If so, what are they?: Yes, to ensure that people have fun events to enjoy and to keep people entertained no matter if they are ECs or not

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes and it is definitely needed

Anything else?: Currently on LOA and will not be able to respond to notifications about this application.

Also, if you don't like my event planner application please leave feedback on how I should improve the EP app. Thank you.

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Inflict is a nice guy and is very active and doing well IC. Firstly 1khp for a normal ec is a bad choice as multiple clones can wipe them out in a matter if seconds id say 1.2k with decent weaponry would be good aswell the plan seems alright but a little basic as you haven't really explained why? They are there or there purpose for the story. The jedi event dosent have much or any story to it.

Best of luck! - Sandy







Current Ranks

DS Commando F91

CWRP Deputy Event Manager

Honour Guard

Past Ranks

CT 2459

CE PFT Medic Colonel

Battalion Colonel

GM LT Colonel

5x Regimental Medic

Jedi Ace

CWRP Senior Event Planner x2

Jedi Watcher

501st Colonel

Jedi Shadow

Jedi Beast Tamer

Jedi Warlock

Jedi Paladin

Jedi Lorekeeper

Jedi Phantom

CWRP Jedi Event Planner

501st Gamma ARC Colonel

Obi wan Kenobi

Plo Koon

Mace Windu

Grandmaster Yoda





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Inflict has been with WG for a long time and is a great member of the community. He's mature and I believe should be given a shot at EP.


Droid HP is a bit low, I agree with what Sandy said.

Event plans could be a bit more detailed.


Current Ranks:

CT ####

Previous Ranks:

CWRP DS Commando F-80 "Scorch"

CWRP 501st ARC Colonel

CWRP 501st Temp EXO

CWRP 41st Temp ARC Major 

CWRP Jedi Operator 

TRP Arturo Huevos "The Huevos Family"

WW2RP Kompanie Caesar Gefreiter and Pionier

CWRP Event Planner

CWRP  Senior Mod



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Basing my opinion purely on the event plan since that's how it should be.

As much as I like you the event plan (imo) could be more detailed and interesting as the typical mandalorian trope has happened many times before as well as the motif of taking over the planet. I'm not saying that it's bad for being unoriginal, I'm just saying this since the potential for something more integrated with passive RP or another motif was there.

 I don't want to +1/-1 or neutral this but I'm just saying that the potential for a more in depth event plan was there.


[Past Ranks]

104th EXO Dark RP T Mod | 327th LCOL | CT T EXO | Lambda Man 

GC Major | DU Major | Jedi Champion Shed CG Colonel | Battalion Warrant Officer DT 2nd LT

pop art 3d GIF by Dax Norman

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You are doing well in 501st and are a great guy overall. Event plan is simple but effective. Allowing 41st to do their job is something many EP's look past.  Event also seems balanced and well rounded.

Whilst its effective, a unique twist would've been great to see, maybe even a dupe. 

Best of luck Inflict - Nox

Current Ranks


Past Ranks


501st Commander | 501st Sergeant | Jedi Operator | Jedi PadawanEvent Planner Clone Guard Private

Jedi Peacekeeper 501st Special Operations Colonel | Clone Force 99 Squad Leader H-07 

Detainment Droid | Reserve Medic | GM Fire Droid GM Sergeant

41st ARC 2nd LT | Administrator | Jedi Guardian Jedi Knight | CT 3166


Jump Trooper Private Scout Trooper Sergeant | Sith Apprentice | ST 3166 | Shock Trooper Private


T-SEC Lance Corporal Fonollio


Jump Trooper Lance Corporal | Hutt Clan Henchman


Jump Trooper Lance Corporal | Pyke Henchman


Jump Trooper Jr Medic 2nd Lieutenant


ISF Sergeant | Game Master


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You've been doing great in 501st so far, you've played prior on the server and did great then from what I've heard. You incorporate specific tasks regiments which I really wish more EPs did.
Your ECs are a tad underpowered, I'd suggest upping their health a little bit more.
Good luck!

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Plan is a bit basic as well i would up the hp of the EC's by a bit
Seem to be doing well in 501st

Current Ranks:
RC Auxiliary Security Staff Honour Guard

 Previous Ranks: 
RC Commander F71 CWRP Staff Manager Plo Koon

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Using 41st for scouting 

501st seem to trust you greatly 



The main 2 things are the HP of the Ecs don't be afraid to give them more hp  they will most often be at a numbers disadvantage  and the other is

Try and add something to the event to separate it from the herd 


(Good Luck Inflict  🙂 )


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Huge +1

I believe he will become a great EP, very trustworthy and reliable person. Also very committed and has wanted EP for a while

(Also gives me answers in maths but that's besides the point)

Current Ranks
CT 8117

Past Ranks
a lot of things


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Congratulations, you have been accepted in your application to become an Event Planner. Contact Stack or Ben on TS when you are ready for an Interview.

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