Jason Ray

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Everything posted by Jason Ray

  1. As far as I'm aware this somewhat accurate but there have been exemptions Also -1 what kvisten said
  2. This is true but also why CI is retarded and needs to learn how to rp, it's just rule abuse at this point in my opinion
  3. shush, the PDR is barely used, doesnt it also have increased mags?
  4. First off the stats: Now its a 7.62 rifle with 27 damage, thats the same damage as the M1911 a 45. ACP pistol, its less than any other assault rifle, mainly the rifles that have extended magazine options.(pic below) Now I personally believe it should be buffed, take a look at the M14 its not op and very similar to the scar-H but with higher damage, the only thing that needs changing is the damage which should be buffed to somewhere between 30 to 35, this will depend on the firerate. The last response was and i quote: "It isn't the best gun but not every gun on the server needs to be a God tier weapon that shits on everyone. Don't know why people complain about there being too much combat whilst wanting every gun to be OP." It will not make it a god tier weapon and if you look at almost any fps game you can see that every gun is viable in one way or another, they can all kill(you can even say they are all OP or god tier, thats how gun balancing works every gun is viable but also has a destinct disadvantage and advantage, ie smgs good at close range but bad at range, Snipers very powerful but slow), the scar-H isn't viable right now, it just needs a damage buff. It's simple and relatively easy to do, if SMT decides to accept this and wants to discuss this my DMs are open Lukas Martello#1915 Edit: for reference the damage on the M14, which is a similar weapon, is 36(base damage)
  5. You've got to be kidding me. the Meta+rdm+ltap is over a year old, I was a moron at the time. RDM warn from Rie, also over a year old, I shot someone who I thought was shooting friendlies with the intend to kill. The Ace Barry warns, the RDM was technically self defense, the racism ooc was me kidding around and ace barry taking it serious. 6+ months old The DTS was literally me messing around with /name and joshy taking me serious, I did so with Kushi. If you want the full story use discord, its in the app.
  6. +1/neutral, I like the idea but i also dont expect SMT to rework ci Maybe if it will work like Nu-7 with trainings and such it could work, it would improve the reputation of CI, i hope
  7. Common Roleplay Name: Lukas Martello, Frank moses and Jason Hudson Steam Name: Lukas Martello Discord Name: Lukas Martello#1915 SteamID: STEAM_0:1:162739020 Your Current Warns (15 warn limit, take a screenshot): Your Current Playtime: 5 weeks 4 days 20 hours and 40 minutes Why do you want to join MC&D?: An interesting question, I liked MC&D salesman before it became TCS, I enjoyed playing it and I enjoyed the calmness of the experience, I want to reexperience it and have fun on it again, while simultaneously making money. I don't mind action but sometimes it's good to have some patience and take it slow. How often do you play Bouncer/Agent: Honestly, I never do, I used to play them but they aren't fun without a salesman and with they are still rather bland in my opinion Have you read the job rules (In the Rules thread) and the Code of Conduct/Permissions in this thread?(One word is not a valid answer): Yes, I have read them, they are rather straight forward and clear, if I am to be accepted I will follow them.
  8. +1 OG MC&D(for me that MC&D was OG), fors' competent and nice as well
  9. Wasnt done yet, so I am editing this post into this
  10. If someone changes disguise this makes them suspicious not kos
  11. Wait a minute! thats GOC talk! Treason!
  12. For those that dont know Tatsuhiro Ito is Ash and since Ash is perm banned last time i checked there probably wont be his side of the story
  13. Maybe stop arguing on a thread like a bunch of monkeys and rather take it to DMs.
  14. He played yesterday so unless he got banned yesterday he isnt. Also -1 because I havent really seen you think for yourself all that much, you have never really taken command.
  15. In Game Name: Lukas Martello SteamID: STEAM_0:1:162739020 Crafting Table experience level: 67.5 What job does the Manufacturing Department have on site?: The manufacturing departments job is to provide armed units(mainly MTFs) with whatever they need for the job they do, this can vary from providing explosives to just providing ammo and ammo types. They do this by making, or rather manufaturing, them, MTFs can come to their shop to pick up most things, some things would logically require an ID because of the damage they can do in the wrong hands, I.E. explosives like SLAMS, breaching charges, grenadelaunchers. Why do you think you'll be a good fit for the Head of Manufacturing?: Cause I will just do my job, handing out whatever armed units need/want with some logical restraint on certain weaponry like SLAMs. If you work for the Foundation you do the job you need to do, you do not care about restrictions if they will end up hurting the Foundation, like the geneva convention, there is only the job you need to do.
  16. E-11 scythe int division commander tesla, i remember him, i havent seen him in a while
  17. Situational awareness is your own responsibility, if you don't pay attention it's your own fault
  18. If your app isn't responded to after a week I believe he can dm the manager or whoever decides if it is accepted or denied And bumps are allowed and not necessarily impatience
  19. no that would be someone else i believe @Lorex Krato
  20. Genius this isn't a ban request, so no template needs to be followed Yes I know this is a weird place to put this