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Everything posted by Atomik

  1. -1 Neutral Lied in ban appeal. should've been stated in appeal, updated my post.
  2. Dear Prospecting Members, You know, it truly is wonderful seeing so many young people wanting to be involved within the movement, reminds me of when it first started to become big. You know, this all started from young men who survived WW2 and saw what the anomalous could do, and what they did to anomalous people. Of course, not many like to think we were born from the same war as the GOC, but it's true, I was there. Not fighting of course, I wasn’t integrated with society at the time. Anywho, let's take a look at these letters now. Dear Mr. Norris, Let me start off by saying you should continue seeing that therapist, as you definitely need that professional help, you seem to either be anti-social or mildly autistic. Anywho, you letter was fun to read, though definitely exaggerated to tell a good story, I also see that you like the book Miyetlapallintlalli. I hate that book, it has an idiotic name and idiotic contents. Anywho, besides your taste in books, you seem to be relatively suitable for L.S.’s standard, whatever those may be. Welcome aboard! Dear Mr. Wright, Reading your letter was truly a doozy, however, not for the correct reasons. First and foremost, you seem like you are talking in the third and first person. Are you possessed by a demon that you summoned, or just bad at writing? Also speaking upon that fact, you should learn how to create a concise letter, as currently, well, its not very good. Don’t blame yourself however, many of you so-called “Zoomers” also have this problem. Sadly, you are not up to par with the standards that L.S. holds. Dear Mr. Alvarez, You seem to have anger issues. Very severe issues. I recommend you see a Therapist like Mr. Norris. You wanting to completely purge the GOC is a noble goal yes, however, that is not the only purpose of the Hand. Please send another letter once you have a Therapist and rethink your homicidal tendencies that you gained in your youth. Dear Mr. Magus, Your letter was very confusing to me. See, you had the spirit that a Hand member usually has, however, your letter did not convey that in the slightest. L.S. and I both agree we cannot let you in on our activities until you write another letter, more thoroughly describing what you wanted to convey. We’d love to hear from you again soon. Dear Mr. Donwood. Today I've received a lot of confusing letters, yet your perplexed me most. You seem to have a stalking issue and may have some sort of antisocial disorder. Other than that, you seem to have the spirit, like Mr. Magus, but you horribly convey it. Please send us another letter that you have proof-read. That seems to be all of the letters for today. I bid you all adieu. Yours Truly, Orthis the Great
  3. you just fed Norra's porn addiction
  4. I dont usually comment on staff apps, however, +1. Hes not retarded (usually) which says a lot. He is competent, and isn't likely to pull a Banshee on us all. weird country tho
  5. I have been imbued with a power beyond my control.
  6. -1 for everything All of them are not needed and add really nothing. But thats not where my problem lies. My issue is these monkies thinking GOC needs more shit. They dont, they are already the strongest GOI, only rivaled by MC&D because they literally can spawn guns. They are literally a match for Nu-7, something that is unheard of. They need nothing to be effective, stop asking.
  7. -1 Besides wanting to remove maxwellism (which honestly has a bit of merit behind it but I dont really care), the CI part of the suggestion really is not needed in the slightest. CI is fine as it is, with a job that raids for VIPs, and a WL job that is terrifying if used correctly. The suggestion itself is attempting to be a fair fight for CI/Nu-7, when it shouldnt. Overall, not needed.
  8. In all honesty, its literally the same suggestion, just written by someone who can write well, plus a Green Arrow screenshot. My points still stand. I will list them below for those who have not seen my last post. - Sarkicism has always died, this one is no different, almost nothing you or I could do to change that. - Mafia RP can be conducted with MC&D and Civies, the sarkic twist adds little to nothing about the job - Better as an ??? Character - Little to no Pros, only "adds" what server has. - Abilities make little to no sense for Black Lodge (and blatantly idiotic, easily abusable for some like nanite), literally just using the name at that point instead of making a Bratva GOI Overall, its either a bad Bratva GOI or a bad Bratva GOI with an sarkic skin. It has less sarkis ties than the Church in this suggestion, and just doesn't fit on the server. For these reasons, -1.
  9. Why does "2nd Lieutenant" sound so familiar? Hmmmmmmmmm
  10. +1 No reason reason why it was removed, and wouldnt change anything by adding it back except for being expressive.
  11. He was banned by Ash, the former Owner btw.
  12. still minge!!! +1 changed since last staff situation (but if he do bas I support neutering him)
  13. Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" Dear Alpha-1 Agents, I congratulate you all on qualifying for recruitment into Alpha-1. However, your real job begins now, and serving the O5 Council directly is not a joking matter. This "guide" per say will help you understand your role, what to do, and how to do it right. First, there are three main things you must remember. - Loyalty - Competency - Diligence These 3 main componence will help you survive your time as an Alpha-1 Agent. Let's break these down into more detail. Loyalty: Loyalty is the key to Alpha-1. Remember, you are loyal to the O5 Council First, Foundation Second. This applies no matter what. If you must chose between siding with the Foundation and a Council Member (very unlikely to happen), you side with the Council Member, no matter your feelings or the situation. Competency: You must use your brain as an Alpha-1 to survive. Think rationally. "Will X harm Council Member? If so, how do I stop this?" is a great way to think. Remember, a Council Member's life is beyond your own, if you must die to let them live, do so without question. Diligence: Tying in with point 1 and 2, you must be quick and precise in your actions. if you are ordered to kill a crowd, do it as quickly as possible. If you must kill a group of enemies on your own, find a way to do that with minimizing damage to yourself. Once you master this, the rest should come easy. Now that we are finished with the 3 main concepts, let us move on to your responsibilities. We'll split this up into two main sections, With Council Members on site, and Without. We'll start with them on site. If a Council Member is on site, you must drop everything you are doing and go assist them. Whether that be guarding, getting someone, or even getting a coffee, you must do what they ask. Some Council Members may ask you to guard a Site Director or other High Value Target within the Foundation. You will do so until you get another task, or they are in danger. Now, what if 2 Council Members give you conflicting orders? Well, it depends. If one O5 is betraying the Council and another who is with the Council orders you to capture him, you do so. However, if it is a petty fight between them, do your best to keep them as safe as possible whilst they settle their differences. Without a Council Member is a bit more tricky. See, you still must obey Site Administration's commands, for this example we'll use the SD, and enact them to the fullest possible. Lets say the SD ordered you to guard an SCP, you'd guard an SCP. However, you are not limited to Site Directors, also Ethics Committee Members, Site Advisors, Heads of External Affairs, and External Affairs Agents. You must do whatever you can to protect thee groups of people. Of course, as soon an O5 becomes known to be on site to you, you must revert to them. Besides the duties listed above, what else do you do? Well, you also can assist MTF Nu-7 to secure the site from outside threats, assist E-11 to contain anomalies, and assist Security/O-1 keep the peace within the site. Luckily you wont have to do that much, but there will be times where you might. Your superior equipment allows you to take on engagements that you usually couldn't, use that to your advantage. I wish you good luck Agent, and God Bless the Foundation. Signed, O5-1, "The Colonel"
  14. +1 for a reduced ban, for a couple of reasons 1.) Kevin never encouraged other people to actually do what he was doing, as someone who talked to him during the entire ordeal, it was only a problem he wanted to keep between himself and the manager, and others just jumped on board i guess. 2.) This was about 2 months ago now, having a perm ban now is a bit strange in all honesty as it couldve been handled then (which is what I believed happen, as Kevin is BL from managing any job now). I personally cannot speak on the “no remorse” aspect of it as once he was BLd from management and the entire ordeal ended, he didnt really talk about it afterward. Did Kevin do the retard? Yes of course he did, his actions were on the same level of griefing a minecraft world when you were 7, and he probably does deserve a punishment, but a perm ban for 2 months after the entire ordeal is a bit strange honestly.
  15. I mean, the O5 system would make sense, seeing as only high ranking people are in O5 anyways, wont change much, and medical system would be much better than pressing E on a medkit
  16. its a known fact that everyone from V1 has been killed by Harland and everyone from V2 has been threatened into hiding.
  17. Honestly just seems like a case of confusion, as Jordi really didn't do anything wrong.
  18. I wont say the funny but it still applies -1 imo funny saying here
  19. Hello there, its me, Hoxworth again, answering these letters. This time, I didn't owe L.S., I just kinda like doing this, lets me write to likeminded folk (ignoring different head shapes). Anyways, there has been only, uh, one reply. That one person isn't L.S. Material. However, there is one fucker who keeps sending their IRA shit. I will find and kill you. IRA faggot, read ahead you moron, everyone else can do whatever I don't care.
  20. if this us true, +1, shouldve been counted as MassORDM for the LT, and thus dude shouldn’t have been punished.
  21. Thank you for all your replies, but I'm taking over this batch of letters for L.S., fucker used the fact that I owed them to make me check their mail. Anyways, I'm supposed to give you a personal recommendation from the Library, well mine is the "Archivist's Log", logs many groups within the anomalous world. Interesting read in my opinion, surprisingly informative, even for a man like me. Anyways, if your name is below you've been invited to whatever the fuck L.S. is doing in Oregon, and if you aren't then write another letter or something. "Draco" (gay ass name) "Philip" Also whichever fucking idiot sent in two letters making fun of the others can go summon an eldritch being to vore him, fuck you, I don't want to look at an IRA flag. Never send that shit again or I'll "accidently" lead you to a Way that the Foundation is watching you ass-hat. ~ Mr. Hoxworth (T.V. Head)
  22. the two people who tried to help you are retarded You have to apply on the Church of Maxwellism, United Church doesnt exist anymore