
CWRP Staff Manager
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Everything posted by Pingu

  1. +1 Has been very dedicated to joining Battalion Used to be quite immature but in recent times has changed a lot Had a good chance last time, I think he should be given a chance this time percy pig man im still waiting for my pizza express gift card
  2. This is wrong, I would expect 4 Battalion applications in that you would get this right You only get to pick 1/2 equipment per event, not per life As always you are Typing Like This which always annoys me :< And my final point is that you have just copy and pasted your last application. Although I don't think there is a rule against this, to me it shows that you haven't put much effort into the application. Overall I will put a Neutral/-1. The reason for this is that I still think you may be a little immature but you may have changed. You also got the tasks wrong in the application which isn't that big of a problem but I expect people applying to Battalion to know what they have to do. Weapons isn't that big of a deal. Even though I gave you a low rating I wish you good luck in your application!
  3. Massive +1 I was supervisor of 327th for a long time and also in 327th before that and I have to say while in 327th at SO I hardly used the minigun as it was back then. As supervisor the only time I would actually pick the minigun was for last stand infected events and the only reason for that was because you could sprint backwards away from the infected and shoot. The minigun has needed a buff for a long time. I dont think many people care about sprinting, they just want a minigun that can be used on the frontline which actually kills hostiles
  4. To be fair, if you are in cuffs and being dragged by someone, when you get in a LAAT it does kick you out automatically.
  5. I dont know how long you have been un-permabanned for however these are your arrests in the past 4 days AR | CT 2505 Whitehill | CL 4 + Disrespect | 15 mins STEAM_0:1:513859976 AR | CT PVT Whitehill | CL 5 | 15 mins STEAM_0:1:513859976 AR | CT PVT Whitehill | pts | 5min STEAM_0:1:513859976 R | CT PVT Whitehill | Trespass in JT | 10min STEAM_0:1:513859976 You say that what you did should have been jail time but since you have been perma banned before this means you were given only 1 chance. With this 1 chance you went to get arrested multiple times which basically means you haven't changed which is why you were probably re-permabanned.
  6. +1 He's legit gone for Battalion 5 times should now be given a chance Has also improved from every Battalion application and should finally be accepted
  7. +1 Russ epic guy but wtf you're 18?
  8. +1 Nice guy Extremely Active Is also superstaff
  9. +1 Nice guy High rank Has been immature in the past however has proven himself as of recent times
  10. +1 Has been in the community for a long time Is very active Has past experience
  11. +1 Great Guy Good activity Would be good staff
  12. In Game Name: Battalion Colonel Pingu Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:196575884 Are you currently staff on any other server or WG server: I am not currently staff on any server. In-game rank (VIP and 501st SGT): Battalion Colonel, Plat VIP Have you got experience in staffing RP servers: A few months ago I was Senior Mod on a smaller server, this taught me a lot of the basic commands that are used for staff. Age: 17 Playtime: 5w 1d Predicted time on server per week: I could be on the server at minimum 40 hours a week and probably maximum 70 hours a week. This is because I only have college on Tuesdays(online) and Fridays Warns/bans: I have no warns or bans Do you use a microphone: Yes What do you aim to achieve in our staff team: I aim to make the player-base a better place by trying to stop people who minge around. I also want to try and make the wait time for claims as little as possible. Many times I have waited 5-10 minutes for a claim to be taken for something simple such as a SIM or just giving a weapon. As a Battalion I think I could take more claims as you aren't always doing things as Battalion and as long as there isn't an SOD then I can use some of that time taking claims from people to make them happier that they didn't have to wait. Why do you stand out among other candidates: I stand out among other candidates because I have now been playing the server for almost a year. This is less that other people however I can adapt to new things very easily, this is why I think that I would be good for staff, I can learn things very quickly and I also already know a lot of commands that are used as a staff member. Another reason that I stand out among other candidates is because I have had experience as a staff member before. This means that I know how to act as a staff member and I know when and when not to use my staff powers. If I got accepted this would mean that I would have a good trial period and SMT would not have to worry about me breaking the rules or abusing my staff powers. Adding on to knowing how to act as a staff member, I am also Battalion in-game. This means that I have to always act professionally and I have to be mature. This is because a lot of people look up to Battalion as the leaders of the base and as such have to act like it. Why should we pick you to staff our server(200 words): You should pick me for staff on W-G because as said above I have been playing the server for about a year now. I would like to help the server even more than I currently can and one of the ways I can do that is by becoming a staff member. I have been wanting to become a staff member for quite a while now, and this shows that I have a lot of determination for becoming a staff member on W-G. This means that if I do get accepted, I will not just throw this opportunity away, I will make the most of myself being staff and I will try and make the server a better place. While I am on the server, I would say I act very professionally however I am very approachable and friendly at the same time. I don't think there are many people on the server that can say they have had a bad experience with me. Even though I am friendly most of the time, when people are breaking the rules I know when to get a bit more serious and tell them to stop or punish them for what they have done. An example of this is me being in Battalion as many times I have had a joke with people however I know when to stop and start acting professionally again and make sure nobody is breaking the rules. I have had previous experience as staff. As I have said above, I have been a Senior Mod on another server. This means that I have experience with the basic commands as a staff member and I also know when to use my powers and when not to use my powers. Being staff on another server has also given me insight of how to deal with admin sits and how to also deal with mingy players so instead of someone else having to learn, I should already know most of how to deal with people and situations like that. Being staff on another server and also Battalion on this server has also taught me how to adapt to certain situations. This also takes some of the worry away from my trial period as I have already done things like this before. Do you understand that if you are unsuitable as a staff member your rank may be removed: Yes I understand this. If a trooper didn’t salute to you, what do you do as a staff member: As a staff member I would do nothing as staff is an OOC thing. You haven’t done your duties as a staff member as much as you should one week, how do you handle this: I would tell SMT that I could not do my duties that week for whatever reason and I would try and put even more effort in the next week. You don’t like a staff member, how do you handle this: I would take it to DM's and try and sort it out as if people don't like each other in any sort of team or regiment then it will eventually end in bad things Anything else: WGSWRP Also if some formatting is wrong, it may be because I wrote this on notepad before. I tried to check for any formatting errors once I pasted it here however I may have missed some.
  13. -1/Neutral Sparkie is a good and friendly guy Has good playtime and understanding of the server Quick summary about you is not completed Application overall seems like not much effort has been put into it This is wrong. Also maybe get to a higher rank in 501st Missed a lot of important things out.
  14. +1 Reasons states above However idk whether I’m miss-interpreting this but you said battalion can choose 2 weapons per life which is not true. Battalion Commander+ can pick 2 equipment. but i said this on your last application, Please Stop Typing Like This It Is Annoying Me :<
  15. Sorry but -1 I hardly know who you even are, I have only seen you on a few times Low playtime, 1w 6d is not that much for a Battalion member Also your explanation of a co-leader isn't the best if this is true thats kinda epic, not the trump part but its kinda cool
  16. +1 Used to be quite immature but recently has shown that he can be mature Has been grinding Jedi for quite a while and also has been clone for a long time Percy pigs
  17. +1 Deltawind is a cool guy Would love to see him in Battalion
  18. +1 Epic Guy Used to be RC and other high ranks Don't talk to him much but from what I have seen he is very friendly
  19. +1 Maybe finally a venator that wont make me leave the server once we switch to it
  20. Huge +1 Epic guy and has been talking about wanting to join battalion for a while, just didn't want to leave 327th in a state Shown competence at a high rank as he had to run 327th on his own for a few weeks Extremely active
  21. yeah no thanks GC is a sniping regiment and if they get repeating blaster then every regiment will ask for it. Theres a few reasons why other regiments should have guns added and yes this may be a good reason hpwever it would make it very unbalanced
  22. +1 All has really been said above however for my OCD sake please Stop Typing Like This but yeah archer is a cool guy Good luck!
  23. I think this is a good idea, expanding on Blasters point, maybe there could be a room in the base somewhere which the scav has to get some ingredients from. This would mean the scav has to actually risk something to get the reward