Maurice D Biggs

SCP Developer
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Everything posted by Maurice D Biggs

  1. Denied, you got banned in April, you won't be unbanne that soon for what you did
  2. Denied. Your claimed ban time is not at all when you were banned.
  3. Denied, Template is not followed, we can't track your ban without the Infomation on there.
  4. Denied, So you broke litterally Rule 1.1 Choose to annoy a Super-Admin. And now you report him for Admin Abuse? You obviously broke FailRP Name Rules as its stated that it needs to be realistic first and last name ( I wonder where you find people who are litterally called D class ....... I don't think anywhere, since that isnt a name). There also reports of you insulting Staff and other Players constantly. And Purpusely changing your name to a name of a Staff Member can be seen as Staff Impersonation which can be punished with up to a Perma Ban. And your claim of Bias is also questionable. Even if you wouldn't have broken rules and infact would been wrongly banned, how would that be bias? Or do you just call someone not agreeing with you "Bias" without actually knowing if the person was biased?
  5. Accepted. Our Lead Mentor will contact you soon.
  6. Locked, the SteamID you provided is not banned
  7. Denied, reapply at a later date.
  8. Denied, not following Template
  9. Denied NLR is the 4th Rule in the ruleset ........ what do you mean you couldnt find it?
  10. Denied, can you stop being unreasonable, I thought last time I pretty clearly signaled to you that you should wait abit longert, that doesn't mean making a new request under a month later.
  11. Denied, without Info of your friends Steam Account/why he was banned we can't do anything.
  12. Accepted, Reduced to 6 Months from start date
  13. Accepted. Reduction to 3 days from the begining of the Ban. Normally theses Requests are done Saturdays/Sundays(rarely) - there were some technical difficulties this week. Typically ~19:00 - 21:00 (7pm - 9 pm) CET/CEST (Central European [Summer] Time)